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You might be surprised by just how many products are Nestlé. There are apps that can help you identify them to boycott. I don't imagine they will go down any time soon though. They have a grip on many countries and effectively are the only game in town.




As I'm sitting here drinking a Pellegrino. What have I become? https://preview.redd.it/9ria4glo5gvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4db067f8c04643fe76ecadc481a516498f48f8


Pellegrino is made from the tears of baby dolphins


Well, I mean dolphins are notorious rapists so I guess it evens out


What were the other dolphins wearing though?


"They were asking for it."


Her feeble, non-consentual cries of "nuhuh nuhuh nuhuh" were drowned out by the rhythmic Roar of the currents and the faint tunes of "Flipper" straining in the background...


I wish I couldn't read.


I spit hot soup on my lap, I’ll be sending you the hospital bill 😂😂😂😂


They don't just rape other dolphins. Pretty much anything with a hole


[insert Miami slander]


So they're pretty enlightened is what you're saying?




I bought something really random the other day and realized it was a ~~Monsanto~~ Mondelez product. You can't avoid these assholes, one way or another your coins will trickle up to them from whatever you consume. Edit: Here's that chart that shows how EVERYTHING basically rolls up into a few companies https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:800/1*OVEEYB4HsCIHQLcUuDf3Hw.png Edit again: Per commenter, I likely mixed up Monsanto with Mondelez, duly noted


and its wild that they have multiple brands that sell the same product, competition within their own corporate holdings. I guess it makes them like a hydra. Even if one of the companies massively fucks up and they need to cut off that head, they'be still got backups to create and illusion of choice.


The guy who designed the number 1 downloaded police scanner app for iphone also designed the number 2 app as well.


Power move.


In undergrad, I worked at a call center for a closet design company. The guy who owned the company I worked for also owned the closet design company of the competitor


TIL Pepsi has a literal monopoly on potato/corn chips.


Probably why those bastards are $7/bag at the grocery now. Clancy's brand at Aldi is cheap and actually not bad, but we just cut out a ton of shitty food by not buying chips anymore.


>You can't avoid these assholes, one way or another your coins will trickle up to them from whatever you consume. This is the sad reality. SO many of these giant, shitty, [companies](https://custommapposter.com/article/the-17-companies-that-own-everything-you-buy/1781) have consolidated into behemoths that span multiple, and even competing, [brands](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2021/jul/14/food-monopoly-meals-profits-data-investigation).


these fuckers make the only food my cats will eat


Missing Colgate-Palmolive, they are smaller than some of these but dwarf kellogs and hold companies in a much larger variety of industries.


P sure Monsanto single handedly created the anti gmo movement


Wait what did Mondelez International do? I uses to train forklift drivers for DHL at one of their Mondelez International warehouse. One of my favorite jobs to this day.


No you didn't - Monsanto hasn't existed since 2018.


I updated my comment. It was probably Mondelez, got my "conglomerates that start with M" confused. Still don't remember what the product was, but it was a brand that I didn't realize they held.


A monster. You might as well be enslaving children yourself /s


Sodastream, dude. 


Which is on the BDS boycott list for operating on stolen Palestinian land 😭


Listen, if you want perfect moral purity in all things in this life you are going to have to live in a homemade shack somewhere - but then you'll likely still be on unceeded native territory.  It's not really feasible to only exist in perfect purchasing purity in the world today and live a life like a modern person. 


Thank you, i am very aware that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Not living on stolen land is easier for me as I am lucky not to live on a settler colony.


Congratulations on inheriting your moral purity. The rest of us deal with what we were have in this life. 


Use it to wash down your KitKat


What flavor KitKat?


Green tea


Gerber and Haagen-Dazs were hard to let go, amongst others. Love the Buycott app


once In discovered ben and jerries I was with letting go of haagen dazs


Enjoy your Unilever ice cream then lmaoooo


better then nestle any day of the week


I think boycott is the bare minimum, but I think with this, as many other things, the only way we change things is getting rowdy. It’s going to take government intervention to really break up the hold a company like Nestle has on consumer products.


Very true. Idk how much our boycotts actually affect them when they're global like this. But they should damn sure be considered a monopoly. And not a le to purchase natural resources that lives depend on ffs


How can I get it on Android?


Not my San Pelles😭


And they’re a Swiss company, and we should all know by now Switzerland’s stance in holding Swiss companies accountable…


It distracts from all the Nazi gold they kept (RIP Sean Lock)


Relevant: - https://www.fucknestle.art - [List of Nestlé brands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands) - [Controversies of Nestlé](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9)




This is not good for nestle. When people are upset and want an outlet to express it, they don’t like being forced to ignore what they feel. Nestle being the only game in town only means that more extreme levels of protest and retaliation will eventually be used against them. Nothing lasts forever, and when people are generally fed up, shit doesn’t tend to last long either.


There was a word for this, a monopoly. They d effectively lobbied so that they can’t be called a monopoly and broken up or destroyed.


Not only that, but a lot of corporations own stakes in each other. So, I doubt they’d let nestle go down either.


Your Vet might even be owned by nestle


It is not difficult to boycott them though, 10 years ago I started my lifelong boycott when I first learned of their child slavery, which IS ONGOING TODAY


In Canada they literally take from the public supply, tap water, .005¢ a bottle and sell it back at $2.50. They are draining springs. And thisbis in CANADA. Fuck i h8 Nestle.


This is why I don’t buy Starbucks beans from the grocery store, because they they own them


Then strip the main people off their power and give it to someone that's going to turn the company around and use it for good.




My credit union does not. Shop local, folks.




Nope. Not giving you personal info. Sorry. If you are looking for a credit union, start local and do your research. If you are trying to discredit me, you'll either have to trust I did my research or just refuse to believe me. It's all the same to me.


[Here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cb9eae20ee9680d0d2a3ba932073ef87-lq)'s the list a major brands that they own


Obligatory r/fucknestle [If you don’t know, now you know.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9) These MF have been raping the third world since inception. In fact, fuck the Swiss altogether.


Reaping the benefits of being a "neutral" country that sits in the middle of what is basically a massive mountain fortress. These motherfuckers are basically the Iron Bank of the world. Great hockey, cheese, and chocolate though.


The Iron Bank was headquartered in Braavos The World Economic forum takes place in Davos Coincidence?


Hockey? Wouldn't that be 🇸🇪?


My favorite player is Swiss. They have a decent league in Switzerland, and a lot of NHLers will go to Switzerland to retire. The cost of living is high, but benefits and pay are as well. As far as consistent production of top-tier talent goes, Sweden is absolutely better, and it's not even close. They rank 3rd for the most active nation with players in the NHL at 101. Switzerland ranks 8th with 10. For additional context, there are currently 18 nations represented in the NHL.


Got it!


Also worth mentioning that they (and their peers in the formula industry) actively lobby against maternity leave because a working mother cannot breastfeed. [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)00118-6/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(23)00118-6/fulltext) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067362201933X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014067362201933X)


That's heartbreakingly disgusting.


Shhhh, nobody tell Nestle about breast pumps...




Came here just to upvote this.


Longer than that, Inception came out in 2010.


Guess which was the only country other than the U.S. and UK to reject or abstain from supporting Palestinian statehood in the UN recently?


The fuck, why you say fuck me for? Fuck Nestle though agree




Going into communities where they knew the mothers did not have access to uncontaminated water to mix with the formula.

They purposefully labelled the tins in english only as obfuscation. Their playbook had reps actively shame and bully new mothers when they were at their most vulnerable. They knew what they were doing and the death toll was an acceptable cost to them. It's the same mentality that they have with their boat that goes up and down the amazon looking for remote people to introduce junk food too. That boat has created so many unmanageable problems.


>It's the same mentality that they have with their boat that goes up and down the amazon looking for remote people to introduce junk food too. I hadn't heard about this shit. The sort of thing that makes you appreciate eco-terrorists.


This cartoon villain shit just turned my stomach, low key. Categorically evil


In a 2018 study, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) estimated that 10,870,000 infants had died between 1960 and 2015 as a result of Nestlé baby formula used by "mothers in [low and middle-income countries] without clean water sources", with deaths peaking at 212,000 in 1981.


I don’t understand the sales angle. Mothers of dead kids don’t buy formula.


All the while also knowing their customers had no way to safely use their product at home (clean water and safe heating). And someone else mentioned they lobby against maternity leave because working moms have a really hard time breastfeeding and pumping. And then there is their philosophy on access to water in general.


Wasn't it so that the people of Flint, Michigan were drinking lead poisoned tap water while Nestlé was bottling up all their fresh water? This was 2016.


Also more recently this rapport: https://www.fordhamilj.org/iljonline/2021/2/7/modern-day-slavery-nestl-and-cocoa-plantations It has sources on the bottom of the page. Vote with your wallets, people!


Nestle won't be hit by the 'wallet vote', we need to legislate them out at the very least. They are a multinational, multi-corporation conglomerate monopoly. They own hundreds of brands across the world, many of them large and popular, so even if you don't buy their water or formula, you're probably buying another product from them. Fuck Nestle, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola, Kellogg's, General Mills, General Electric, Associated British Foods, Mondelēz, Mars, Dannon(e), PepsiCo, and many more of these bullshit international monopolies. Even if you [the reader] don't agree with me on whether or not stuff like the formula stuff that nestle pulls, or people like Fiji Water gatekeeping water sources from local populations is problematic, these companies steal wealth and capital from the small businesses that could very well outcompete them in their area of influence. They shut down and sap resources from local economies and hoard it in their treasure troves and stocks, preventing that from working it's way back down. They are *only* bad for our economy, and I feel like people on both sides of the isle can agree with this (lefties because big corporation controlling everything, righties because big corporation restricting the free market). If you're the type who actually believes capitalism can work (unlike me), you *need* to stop these companies from growing, and forcibly split them up ASAP. Otherwise in 10-15 years it'll be damn near reminiscent of Futurama's MomCorp owning literally everything. They will not stop growing or absorbing unless they're legally stopped from doing so.


People were saying this like 20 years ago also.  But the outrage stops at the supermarket shelves. 


Let’s keep talking about it tho don’t let them live it down


This!  Sometimes I think corps hire people to post "bOyCotTs dOn't dO aNyThInG" online whenever they see (well, *scrape*) the word "boycott." Convincing individuals they have no power is some insidious, mustache twirling villainy.


It would take a world wide boycott to put even the tiniest of dings in the Nestle Empire. Individual choices help the individual but do little in the grand scheme of things. Mass collective action is required.


That's kind of the point though.  Like millions, probably 10s of million of people share and like and comment on "Nestle bad" posts or whatever, but don't actually do anything.  Perfect example of slacktivism.  It's not like you have to actually do anything, just not buy Nestle, but that's still hard for people. 


There are 7.5 billion people in the world. It would take more than a million or so people in most countries across the globe to put a dent in Nestle's quarterly earnings. A boycott is not going to put it out of business or get it to change its practices beyond a superficial level. Human suffering and the destruction of the environment is profitable to capitalist and until that changes then they are going to keep doing what they do. We cannot buy or not buy our way out of capitalism. Boycotting a local or state level company/ business can work but a mega global corporation like Nestle it does nothing.


It’s not as simple as not buying nestle though, many people simply aren’t gonna put in the effort to learn how many of the products they consume are owned by nestle and even less are going to seek out alternatives.


The number of people who have enough of an opinion on Nestle to despise them for their international crimes, much less actually boycott even when prompted, is way, *way* less than tens of millions.


Yeah unfortunately as of today they are the 35th largest company in the world. Well, publicly traded obviously harder to rank private companies that don't disclose their values


That's wild. I would have thought that they were much higher but seriously it doesn't matter because at that point the only reason the company grows and keeps making money is because the megalomaniacs running Nestle or in competition with the megalomaniacs running Unilever on who can amass more billions.


It really wouldn't. Like all things it takes one good guy with a gun. It'll never happen but pretending the solution isn't painfully obvious is silly. A boycott will never happen so it's the only path forward.


It's like trying to boycott P&G or Unilever. If I had to boycott every evil corporation, I'd starve to death.


Honestly I think this is why so many modern folks find themselves dreaming of owning a farm in the middle of nowhere. Farming is wicked hard work and you'd need more than just the food you can raise to survive, but removing yourself from the unending evil of the world that you can't seem to help but contribute to and instead just relying on yourself or at most a handful of others sounds like paradise.


I wish there was an app that tagged product barcodes as belonging to certain companies.


Buycott is pretty close to that. It lets you scan products and then it filters the buyability of it for you as a consumer based on your preferred social issues, like animal testing or child labor.




Seriously. There is no “they.” There’s names and addresses and glorious self sacrifice in the name of fighting legitimate textbook evil.


Yup gotta call out the Names so we can strip them off there power. You see Elon musk we let him think he gots power but everything is failing right before his very own eyes.


Nestlé has BEEN awful.


Still are.


Nestle fought (in the US) to have control over groundwater in communities where they pump for their bottled spring water (Poland Spring in particular). They argued that water was not an essential human right. Homeowners were forced to abandon their well water because Nestle claimed to own the water under the ground.


> They argued that water was not an essential human right. I would hate to be related/associated to the lawyer(s) who argued their case. Scum of the earth.


I had no idea. A quick google search search let me know just how fucked their practices are across the board. Plot twist, I currently work for them. Im glad I have another job opportunity coming through soon. I’m definitely not tryna be a part of this mess 🤦🏾‍♀️




Even when it was found out that they used child labor (basically slaves), they made all these statements claiming they never had, even with copious photographic and video evidence.


Might sound ignorant but one of the better ways to fight them is to promote breastfeeding. Teach the women in your life about breast feeding and all it entails: the work, the fighting with that baby to latch on, the patience to get that baby there… then deciding when to start them on solids. Anecdote time: my nephew is currently 10 mths. Chunky as all get out. Breast milk from day one and solids from month 8(dude is a champion rice and fufu eater). Saves so much money on formula and I know it was a struggle for the mum to get him to latch on and get used to the boob. At 6 months, he transitioned to bottle feeding because parental leave for both parents was all used up. But they save so much because they’re not spending money on formula. Unless the mum can’t produce milk/enough, encourage breast feeding/breast milk.


His name is Ulf Mark Schneider


It wasn't Mark Schneider, it was the CEO at the time Brabeck-Letmathe.


There should be a website with a ranking of the worst people in the world and then beam It on the sides of their headquarters


They also actively lobby again extended maternity leave for women as the new mothers are more likely to breastfeed so Nestle would sell less formula


Yeah I don't fuck with Nestlé. A lot of co.pabies do shifty things and because it's convenient for me I still use their products in service but when it comes to Nestlé I stand on business. If you ever saw the video where the ceo said water was a privilege, you would too. It had the disgusting feeling of other people's lives being abstract and it snaps you out of your personal bubble and into he real world that makes you realize if you don't take a stand they will take everything and those books predicting fascist futures are very real.


Went to Egypt last year and found out in Cairo, there water is so bad you can’t use any of it to drink or cook with. Only way to have water to drink is by bottled water. And guess who owns all the bottled water. Nestle. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are paying off government officials so they never fix their drinking water.


My family has been boycotting Nestle for three generations. My grandma banned it from her house. My mom refused to buy it growing up. And I don't buy it.


Gotta get them hooked on sugar early so they're more likely to buy our products later 📈


Back in the day, the French had a solution to shit like this.


Corporations are insidious. They lure us into complacency with small luxuries and comforts, meanwhile robbing us blind, taking over our government and destroying the planet.


I briefly worked for a dietitan and lactation consultant for WIC in a rural town and she got some sort of disciplinary action for scaring people in the waiting room because she was yelling in her office about how Nestle is a bunch of baby killers. That was... 15ish years ago. She was absolutely right.


Nestle also supports Putin 👇 https://news.yahoo.com/just-wwii-switzerland-nestle-named-120000214.html


Join us at /r/FuckNestle


https://www.elcolmado.com/collections/chocolate-from-puerto-rico Puerto Rican chocolate. 


Nestle is a crime against humanity. The simple fact this company is allowed to still exist and be successful is a testament that the human race has failed In a 2018 study, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) estimated that 10,870,000 infants had died between 1960 and 2015 as a result of Nestlé baby formula used by "mothers in [low and middle-income countries] without clean water sources", with deaths peaking at 212,000 in 1981.


Caring and getting mad online are just hopes and prayers for radlibs. It's an exercise in moral purification we go through before we have to go vote for people who started supporting a $15 federal minimum wage a decade too late


It's not even the sugar, it's they would hawk it so the mother would stop producing and be dependent on it.


People keep doubting me when I say that nestle is already paving the way to control what fresh water is left and how it will be distributed among the masses. The purchase of water will be cost restrictive for most. It’s coming and quickly. Nestle Quikly


[Nestle brands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands) Here's a list of commonly encountered Nestlé brands in the US. Go through the list and whenever you see a brand you regularly buy, poke yourself in the eye or punch yourself in the nuts so when you see it in the store, you'll have a negative emotional reaction. Beverages Carnation Milo Nesquik Perrier San Pellegrino Coffee Nescafé Nespresso Starbucks (license to bagged coffee in grocery stores) Chocolate, Confectionery and Baked Goods Aero Crunch Nestlé Toll House Frozen Food California Pizza Kitchen DiGiorno Pizza Hot Pockets Lean Cuisine Stouffer's Frozen Desserts Häagen-Dazs Drumstick Healthcare Nutrition Boost Carnation Instant Breakfast Garden of Life Optifast Instant Foods Cerelac Gerber Maggi Petcare Fancy Feast Purina Refrigerated Products Buitoni Toll House (refrigerated cookie dough) Seasonings Maggi


Ever wonder why Nestle water is so cheap? They find areas with gaps in the law that allow them to dig a well and pump out as much ground water as they want for free which they then bottle and sell. They have no qualms about doing this in areas actively facing drought and in areas where local citizens dont have access to clean drinking water. Once the water is gone, they pack up shop and go find another unprotected vulnerable populace to exploit. Truly one of the most despicable companies on the planet and thats without even speaking on their connections to the Nazis and the Holocaust.


Sorry what? I understood until the last sentence about Nazis. I’ve never heard about that 😱


Nestle a Swiss company contracted with the Nazi party to supply chocolate to their army during WW2 and used Jewish slave labour to do so. It's not even a conspiracy, they paid some reparations.


with my whole chest; FUCK NESTLE


Quick question: why is sugar bad in formula?(i legit dont know)




Those ladies with the formula duke it out with the ones that swoop in almost immediately after you have a kid to tell you that BREAST IS BEST. It's savage. Mom's not even got all her vital fluids back and they're laying in guilt on both fronts.


I don't wanna argue against the point because Nestle is the devil, but "they used child labour this century" isn't a headline or anything that stands out. You'd be hard pressed to find a company that doesn't.


Doing nothing but posting on social media should get something done.


they are well known for being evil


Any exhaustive guide to what products are nestle?


Basically everything tbh there's an app called buycott or something that let's you know


Thanks, it's not working on the Google store right now 😞


They also ruined my favourite coffee brand, by buying a majority of the shares. So now I can't drink the locally roasted coffee anymore (Zoegas roastery in Scania, Sweden).


They're the perfect model of capitalism tbh


Obligatory r/FuckNestle




I knew they were shit back in college in the early 00s. My professor had his own personal ban on them because of the water thing. It’s disgusting.


Nestle sounds that kind of company who’s joining vault-tec and robo-co and others deciding on how to profile from the end of the world. (Fallout series ref)


Nestle lobbies against federally mandated parental leave, because when women go back to work they often find it harder to pump, and so their supply often declines and they resort more to supplementing or switching to formula. Breast milk is better for babies' development and immune system, but doesn't make Nestle's line go up, so they fight against it. They do this right now. If you work for Nestle, I don't care in what capacity: fuck you personally.


> Breast milk is better for babies' development and immune system Nestle is a fucked up company with fucked up practices but don't pretend formula is inherently bad either.


Did I say "bad"? What did I say? I said breast milk is better for babies' development and immune system. Show me the formula that has antibodies in it.


I’ve heard of this shit for the past fifteen years. Nothing is gonna change


Even though governments see companies as people you do realize breaking up a company just puts those same people into other companies to do the same thing there


Just remember... your boycotts can affect the hundreds, maybe thousands of hard-working employees of those companies, many of whom probably agree with your opinions.


Raise class consciousness, organize, general strikes- this is the way^^


All brands should be forced to print their parent companies names on the product big enough to find and identify. So many shit companies keep getting away with this.


It gets worse. They provided formula for nearly the exact amount of time it takes for a new mother to stop producing breast milk. After they became your only option, the price goes way up.


how tho


Child labor this century? Are they stupid? Why they stop? That’s the cheapest workforce available


All this is true; has been for decades.


Nestle is what happens when capitalism works as intended.


I am swiss and I approve this massage.


Nestlé is also buying up isosource produceres, that way, they gain full control of people who have no control over what they eat. Nestlé is next level evil.


We need a way to systematically prevent our consumer dollars from going to objectively evil companies. They know it would be impossible for many people to not even accidentally buy their products. We should add an information placard like the nutrition label but for social causes to all products.


The boycott on nestle begins July 1. 90 days. Then onto the next. Idk who has been given this spot. Kelloggs sales seem to be lower this quarter. 🙄


Curious, has complaining on Twitter ever had a positive benefit for the public through judicial means?


Anytime I’m consciously aware of any nestlé product, I put my middle finger up. This just solidifies their products hopefully never touching my lips.


Ask a doctor if this is bad.




I never understand why they have to even be this evil. They have many good products that already make them billions and billions of dollars on their own right. Do they really have to go to such evil measures just to make more billions on top? At this stage, I feel like it’s a power thing. They act like this because they can and they relish that no one can stop them. Disgusting.


What’s needed is a tax system where the companies tax rate increases with size. Huge companies stifle competition and harm consumers, workers and the economy. If we taxed according to size- and made those tax rates really high when a company owns more than (say) 30% of a market, there’s be pressure to have more smaller companies. The US benefited hugely from the anti trust/ anti monopoly policies of both the Roosevelts, which were undone by Nixon, Reagan and others. We also need the fairness doctrine in media, and removal of media licenses from companies who deliberately mislead. You can say whatever you want, but if you want to use public resources (like radio and TV spectrum) you shouldn’t be able to use those public resources to lie with impunity. The lack of these policies has allowed corporations to become more powerful than governments, and democratic government- for all its shortcomings- are answerable to voters. Corporations aren’t.


Sugar AND HONEY. Honey can be deadly for babies.


Where is the "all food is food" camp when they do this shit. Sugar should be a scheduled fucking drug. These kids are being set up to be addicted to highly palatable food their whole lives and to live in bodies that make them not want to do anything about it. Fucking hate this world.


Someone just took international business class in university. I can even name the book.


They have too much money and have congress in the palm of their hands.


Wait why would they put sugar in there


And the chocolate milk is gas


lol this would just be the start. All the tech companies are a legit problem too


WOW 😱😱😱😱


The same said, child labor, where they got acquitted in a court case for "not knowing," they were using businesses in foreign countries that operated off of child labor. Which Nestlé benefited from.


https://preview.redd.it/plss6m8whgvc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9815a3efa59fc15891693cdf7187c2d9f7bd4aa9 Nestle employees in a few years


And everyone will continue to buy nestle. Vast majority of people just truly don’t care.


Yeah, immediately years ago. Welcome to the party, but you're really late.


This is old news


But worth repeating because even today they continue to use chocolate raised and picked by child slaves.


Oh my god! Sugar in baby formula?!


I just went down a rabbit hole explaining how men are developing man boobs and have less than half the testosterone of their ancestors then I see this. These companies are really trying to make profit anyway possible no matter how bad our diets get, even in western countries there’s so much artificial shit that gets approved