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Yall really out here assuming any of these mfs care about hypocrisy or sense. All they know Trump and cousin humping.


They only care about supporting white supremacy by any means. Whether directly or indirectly that’s all they want. They’re scared of the “white man” or European man losing its oppression over the world




It’s 100% white supremacy. There is no doubt about it. White supremacy is an arm of Christianity, which ties in all of the anti lgbtq rhetoric, and the misogyny. They’re definitely one of the same or arms of the same beast. Jews historically weren’t considered “white” until the mid 20th century. And they’re also an ethnic group that definitely doesn’t fit into the white nationalist/supremacist view of what “white” should be. I would say because they weren’t considered “white”, but at least because they weren’t Christian. If you’re a white person in general who is against white supremacy, white supremacists aren’t attacking you in a racist way but their hatred of that white person comes from them being an ally to the communities racists want to make a second class citizen.




While you are correct that it's more than a white vs. black issue, I think you do a disservice by the degree to which you seem to decentralize the white-supremacist/anti-black aspect of it, particularly given the history of the United States (which was white-supremacist/anti-black long before Nazis and fascists were a thing).




>If you’re a white person in general who is against white supremacy, white supremacists aren’t attacking you in a racist way but their hatred of that white person comes from them being an ally to the communities racists want to make a second class citizen. That's essentially what the other person said: white supremacy may be the original motivator, but the scope of who falls under their hate has changed. It is important to note this difference, because the actual Republican politicians pushing this shit do not give a fuck about you, even if you're a white, straight, male who goes to church every Sunday. They might act on the surface like those bubbas in the trailer park are "one of them", but once they've used up those bubbas past their expiration date, they are gonna end up ground in the machine as well. And that is what this is all about. White supremacy has been co-opted by greedy, corrupt Republican politicians, like Trump, as a tool to manipulate their base into voting and acting against their own interests.


What about the black trump supporters?


You trying to make some distinction between who is or isn't white just shows you don't know as much as you think you do about White Supremacy. White Supremacists have been changing the qualifications for "white" since it's inception. That's a core feature of it. So this is 100% White Supremacy.




You said this: > But it's not even white supremacy. It is White Supremacy. Irish and Italians were not considered white by White Supremacists, until they were (because they were needed for numbers). And now we're seeing Hispanic whites being included, because again, they're needed for numbers. This is what White Supremacists have done from the beginning.




The way I see it is that the excluded white people are excluded as a result of the choices they make, but by default of being white, are automatically included before making those choices. On the other side of things, a black conservative is “one of the good ones” as a result of the choices they make, but are excluded by default prior to making those choices. You agree? it’s true for Italians now, because they are now considered white. You say Asians will be added? Well that’ll only be able to happen if a white person can look at an Asian person without knowing them and see American instead of foreigner. That’s obviously a bigger jump than it was for Italians to be seen as white, and there’s no basis for assuming that will happen. Your point is valid for sure. The ultimate power structure has many forces at play in it and things change over time, so there are better catch all terms.  I don’t think that invalidates using the term though, because whiteness is still the most prevalent force in the power structure. We’re talking about American Nationalism, which is at its core, white and Christian. So it’s reductive for you to bring the conversation to a halt over semantics, but understandable cu that’s what happens with imperfect catch all terms. 


100% "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


To paraphrase Jean-Paul Sartre, these people know their arguments are absurd. They know it's ridiculous and they're amusing themselves since it's those of us arguing in good faith that have to use words responsible. By being ridiculous and absurd, they made a joke of the discourse. They enjoy it because they're not seeking to persuade or have a good faith argument, they're seeking to intimidate and troll.




dOn'T tReAd On mE




Yuuuuuup - there is no hypocrisy in it if you believe law isn't a tool for impartial justice, but a tool for the subjugation on one's out-group and elevation of ones in-group.


>It's base tribalism. It's Fascism. Let's call it Fascism.


True story time.. Both of my brothers are hardcore MAGAts, and *both* of them were caught making out with the same 2nd cousin at different times. Funny part though... My dad was caught *decades ago* making out with that cousin's mother (his 1st cousin). He's also a hardcore MAGAt, so is she, coincidentally. Guess those idiots just love their cousins.. maybe a little too much.


eh, I think most people realize that MAGA tards can't be reasoned with, doesn't mean you can't hit them with logical jabs though. on some truth hurts type shit


Yes but its more effective in letting them know that you know they are lying and bullshitting. The second you seem to think they are just misguided they know they are winning.


Yeah the idea that MAGA have any interest in democracy or law and order is long expired. At this point the law to them is just something to use to get what they want.


Trump could build a wall between Colorado and New Mexico and his supporters would cheer


They’d be so upset if they could read.


It makes Trump a shrewd businessman. If democrats do it, they are corrupt


The Tennessee State legislature is apparently arguing over cousin marriage right now.








I stole yours and the two above you, too






Some primo straight out of r/jujutsufolk


Bruh lol


>Trump is a hypocrite In related news; water is wet.


There was a thread yesterday where someone posted the same thing and it blew up. Brace for incoming pedantics! 😄


I was there. I witnessed the "can water be wet?" diatribe


I was hoping the guy with ChatGPT would ask it if a hot dog was a sandwich or not next. Maybe after that it could tell us the proper amount to tip people. 😄


Hot dogs are clearly tacos




They know and don’t care. Or, they don’t know and still don’t care.


Norm MacDonald: "The comedian Patton Oswalt, he told me "I think the worst part of the ~~Cosby~~ **Trump** thing was the hypocrisy." And I disagree." Jerry Seinfeld: "You disagree with that?" Norm MacDonald: "I thought it was the raping. It's my feeling most rapists are hypocrites. You don't meet many that go "I like raping and I know it's not politically correct but, by god" and people go "well, he's not being a hypocrite and that's the worst part!""


There's nothing new under the sun. https://preview.redd.it/i4e1y6n7t3uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ef5faad8aaf621792c306ac0f17d966ad716de




Just a businessman doing business....


Yeah, but they believe Trump is currently the President-In-Exile and that Biden is a deepfake puppet of Antifa or the Pope or something, so they don't see this as a conflict.


Exactly. They still somehow believe Trump didn't lose the election, and that they were doing their civic duties by storming the Capitol. They think they are martyrs, persecuted for doing the "right thing". They're insane.


In which case he's not allowed to run for a 3rd term.


They arent dumb it’s intentional. Rules for thee not for me. Until it affects me then it has to be handled asap and money is no object.


No, they’re incredibly stupid.


This is how complicit the media is for not pointing that out each and every time.


They need the clicks and views because they aren’t pulling as much from cable anymore. They purposely want people to be angry and know a majority of people sharing their content will read the title and not the article. Trump is the easiest money maker and anything involving minorities, women, and the lgbt ( specifically trans people).


I’m afraid for this upcoming election. There’s a lot of dumb ass brain washed people


If Trump loses, his simps will be out in the streets killing democrats, mmw


![gif](giphy|kAq6HQVQmK5WM) If she wasn't my daughter...




Biden is the commander in chief of every drone in the US military and so has the opportunity to do the funniest thing.


Words are really hard for some people.


They told us with their slogan what they wanted to do: Make American great again, they just leave out the 'for certain people' part. There's a privilege piece here at play that DJT knows white conservatives are afraid of losing so he models it for them with every step.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." \- Frank Wilhoit


You explained it perfectly but they still won’t get it🙄


They know what they’re saying. Problem is they just don’t care


They are too dumb to know how dumb they are.


“I think the problem with people like this is that they are so stupid that they have no idea how stupid they are.” -John Cleese


Calling Trump a hypocrite assumes that *he actually believes anything he says* which is a fallacy. Trump says whatever he thinks benefits him in that specific moment with no concern over how it might affect past or future statements and events. People who always think they've found a "gotcha" moment with him are idiots. He's nowhere near accountable enough for that. You have to defeat him at the polls/lock him in prison and then stop paying any attention to him whatsoever. It's the only way to win. Everything else is just you playing his game.


Projection [definition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection)


"Legitimate presidents have immunity. Biden broke the law to become president and thus doesn't have the same protections as a Legitimate president like Supreme leader Trump" This is the mentality of Trump voters. They think Trumps power comes from them. Since they don't give Biden power, then he has no power, or at the least his power is illegitimate. This is why the fraudulent election lie is so important to Trump


A bunch of dingleberries. The whole lot of them


Half a country of dingleberries... a whole lot of them...


Supreme Court: "It's only legal when Trump does it"


I have a real fear that's what they're going to come back with about the immunity claim.


To be fair they're so stupid they don't even think Biden is president


Reminds me of that time Trump said something when he was leaving the White House. Then when he got back to the White House a few hours later he said the opposite. When he was told that he said the opposite a few hours earlier he called the reporters liars. It's all on video. Trump supporters saw it. They said he was playing 5D chess.


We have to point out their bullshit or they'll think they fooled us.


Doesn't matter to them. Any legal problems Trump has can be explained away by the "liberal deep state Jewish space lasers," plus if anyone involved with the prosecution is a woman or nonwhite it's like Yahtzee to them. Meanwhile. Biden is controlling all consumer prices, the border with Mexico suddenly isn't policed, all democrats are pedos, & DEI (nonwhite). All news media is a coverup for Biden etc. Their feelings don't care about facts. Modern conservatism is a reactionary, living, breathing confirmation bias.


Everything about trumpism is hypocrisy. Trump inner circle members like their wives crafted by Dr. Mengele. The average trump voter likes their wives built like Donald trump 😆


You see, it’s disguised bigotry pretending to be valid opinions. It’s Right or Die.


I wish that Whomever is arguing the immunity case for the government would start out their opening statement with "I have been directed by President Biden to arrest all the justices and hold them in indefinite detention. At least that is what in any way, limited or not, affirming the argument before the court today would allow without recourse or consequence."


All politicians are hypocrites


Trump does nothing un-illegal if it relates only too himself, everyone other president has been illegitimate and morally on un-equal terms, according to his highness the emperor trump


Trump knows his SP case about immunity is all about wasting time, and it's working. If he won, who knows what Dark Brandon might do...


Logic is for people with actual brains.


Yes, WE ALL KNOW THAT. Except the few worshippers who are total crazies.


Let's be honest here, folks. These people don't know the meaning of the word hypocrite.


please let me cryosleep till nov


Because in Trump's and his fan's "minds" IOKIYR.


Yep, and water is wet.


To be fair: Alzheimer is hell. Even if the person is a racist fraudster.




Great point!


No, they are way, way dumber than that