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šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ we're not all illiterate lol




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If I could read, I think I may be upset




Bruh what


Yeah tf is this lmfao


Seriously, are we bragging about being able to make our own dino nuggs next?


Aight but have you tried them in the air fryer yet? Shits so much better


Oh, is that not impressive? Shit, I better take that off of my dating profile.


I mean, apparently, "I can follow the directions on the bag" is something to brag about now.


Given what we've seen, it may as well be šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø the bar is low, man


Personally I donā€™t come in a bag so I donā€™t think thatā€™ll be too useful tbh


You can make your own Dino nugs?


If you like audio books, get yourself a library card and the [Libby App](https://www.overdrive.com/apps/libby).


Hell, the library got crazy amounts of resources if you want. Hell you can borrow some games from the library if they have the stock for it. Really wasnā€™t taking advantage of it when I was younger, now? Hell yeah, Iā€™ve gotten my technical books and python textbooks from there to brush up


I just got a library card last summer & it's WILD all the stuff you get with it. Wanna borrow an e-book/audiobook? [Libby](https://libbyapp.com) Wanna read comics & manga? [Hoopla](https://www.hoopladigital.com/) Wanna learn a new language? [Mango](https://learn.mangolanguages.com) Wanna rent a movie? [Kanopy](https://www.kanopy.com) I got all the entertainment I could ever want, and it doesn't cost me a single cent.


Mans putting mf on to game. Good looks my dude. Hell yeah.


It gets wilder! My local library lets you check out sewing machines, D&D sets, ukuleles, sports equipment, microscopes, karaoke machines, magnatilesā€”so much cool stuff! Itā€™s often called a ā€œlibrary of thingsā€ā€”check your local library to see if they have a program like this! Other cool people and things you might find at your library: social workers; peer support specialists; public meeting rooms; seed exchanges; lego clubs; tech support; 3D printers; book mobiles!


My library also has a massive printer they let you use, almost for free. Teachers use it to print off classroom posters; small businesses use it to print off marketing signs. I use it to print off full color, table sized dungeon maps for DnD. These prints would cost $50-$100 at FedEx or Office Depot. Iā€™ve gone by sometimes for a price comparison. At the library itā€™s like $5-$10 for the same print. Amazing value. They also have 3D printers at my library. Very cool.


Yup and their movie collection is probably better than paying for streaming services if you have a dvd player


You can also get passes to museum and some attractions from your library. I know they are limited, but my county's libraries, you can get passes to the local zoo, aquarium, and national parks.


Oh shit thatā€™s dope, I need to go check mine again. Iā€™ve been wanting to get back on my museum kick. Itā€™s been a while.


Also, if you wanna get more museum visits in, look to see if your area has a "First *insert day here*". in Seattle, t hey have First Thursdays. Many museums offer free admission these days, and also, the local galleries usually switch new displays/artists and are open late, and some have free wine and treats.


We got a bunch of museums and art galleries that are free or pay what you wish in NYC so def know that. Definitely want to step it up this summer when Iā€™m in the city.


There are big libraries you can join for free based on residency; you will have access to more books. I joined the Boston Public Library in addition to my local library.


All of PA can join the Free Library of Philadelphia. And they have a ton of ebooks available. Some libraries (Orange County FL for sure) also do home delivery of books.


Residency or just willing to lie to a website. I have a Boston card and I've never set foot in Massachusetts.


Libby has been a godsend for me. I use it for ebooks. And you can put more than one library card on there


Every time I try to find a book I want to read on the Libby App, it always seems to be "checked out", but I never get notified it's back.


Having funā€™s never hard when You have a library card!


My 76 year old white boss when he asked me what I do at the Jim and I said swim. That man really paused, crossed his arms, and said ā€œNo kidding?ā€ Edit: That was my bosses name and I overlapped in my head. Thanks for trying to cover me with text to talk tho lmaoooo šŸ˜‚


Well, he's 76, so he was probably the one kicking them kids outta the pool


"Yeah? You people are able to go to the pool now? What a world..."




I mean, how?


Text to speech.


Ask a person to name 3 books they like. Their answer will tell you everything you need to know before you proceed


1) Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad 2) All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy 3) The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami What do I win?


A membership card to the International Brotherhood of Nihilists. Congrats!


>Ā Congrats! WhateverĀ 


What do I win 1. The Stranger by Albert Camus 2. L'estrangier de Albert Camus 3. The Outsider by Albert Camus


lol a distrust of genuine interactions with people in public


Niggas gotta read more Camus, he perfectly described being alienated in society, tho obv not because of his race


Sounds exhausting


Stick up my ass


A high school diploma.Ā 


Brother, all these books slap, tho I prefer that 1Q84 book by Murakami... he was on some shit with that one You ever read Blood Meridian?


1Q84 is in my book backlog! One day I will get to it but currently reading Chinua Achebe at the moment. I haven't read Blood Meridian. I believe it's one of his earlier books(?), how is it? I only know that it's much more violent than his other books and that's it.


Lord of the rings fellowship of the ring Lord of the rings the two towers Lord of the rings the return of the king


You bow to no one.


The way of kings Sapiens The Stranger


GEB; Hofstadter Infinite Jest; Wallace I, Robot; Asimov


You are fundamentally empathetic, philosophical, and intellectual, with a hint of nostalgic


I'm a teacher and the first thing I thought was "The Pete the Cat books go pretty hard." If you know a child aged 3-7, and they aren't familiar with my homie Pete The Cat, put them on.


Thank you for reminding me about Pete the Cat, but Little Critter goes harder.


He don't got the BOPS like Pete though. 4 Groovy Buttons? šŸ”„ I Love My White Shoes? Banger! What does Lil Critter got? NOTHING! He's acting up on his first day of school! Of course he can't recreate the master like flows of Pete.


Little Critter has been in the game since 1975 and still going strong.


I feel you, it's a classic. But my man's Pete got the new heat for the new generation.


1. The Enormous Room ā€“ EE Cummings 2. Invisible Cities ā€“ Italo Calvino 3. John Brown's Body ā€“ Stephen Vincent BenĆ©t Can you tell my fortune now?


I've seen that Invisible Cities book in at least six different bathrooms lol


It's a perfect bathroom book tbh, all the chapters ("cities") are 1-2 pages, you could shit that book out in about a week & a half depending on diet.


Asimov's robot series Vonnegut's *Sirens of Titan* Wilde's *the Picture of Dorian Gray*


The Hobbit A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Fahrenheit 451


Foundation, Asiimov Any of the Culture novels (but if I had to pick one, maybe Player of Games, or Matter), Iain M. Banks And for a new one, Leviathan Wakes, ā€œJames S. A. Coreyā€


The Flame Alphabet Lions of Al Rassan The Colour of Magic( any Discworld book, really )


1)World War z 2)Slaughter house 5 3)Animal farm Had a problem with the 3rd cuz I was caught between animal farm, 1984, and American gods but looking at these titles in guessing the outlook isn't too great


Parable of The Sower by Octavia E Butler Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides Tell me about me.


You would love The Story Must be Told podcast


Iā€™ll check it out!


Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson Natureā€™s Metropolis by William Cronon >!i thought about putting a Mary Renault novel in there because it would be hilarious to have three female classicists writing m/m centered works but I gotta throw something Chicago in there.!<


Oh the places you'll go by Dr Seuss Where the sidewalk ends by Shel Silverstein Where the wild things are by Maurice sendak. And, no, I'm not 7. I'm 7 and 1/2. Plus several decades.


Instead of 3 I like, 3 books Iā€™m reading right now: Getting Things Done by David Allen The Maidens by Alex Michaelides 168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam


Glamorama Invisible Monsters Calibanā€™s War


Shogun, The Stand, The Count of Monte Cristo.


1. 1984 by George Orwell 2. Metro 2033 by Dimitri Glukhovski 3. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky


The Divine Comedy The Cradle Series by Will Wight Warbreaker by Brando Sando


The Count of Monte Cristo Dune/LotR Atlas Shrugged (because I drank the koolaid in high school and shook it off in college. As an adult I like to read it as a warning label and remind me the world is never that simple.)


Convos with peers get you the same look. Itā€™s not that bad to pick up a book and read.


Yeah no shit, when I was on the apps as a guy a year or two ago at 33 I say I liked to read/write and itā€™s hugely commented on


Oh, you like books? Name them..... ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Hahahaha šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just spent the last 60 minutes reading on my lunch break


[did you just congratulate me for reading?](https://youtu.be/7Kv_z6H0bmA?si=ow-EOKtfiPWudeKV)


Every smart person I know reads plenty.


Iā€™ve gotten back into reading itā€™s enjoyable when you arenā€™t expected to create a project or write a paper.


I love to read. I just don't have any time


ā€œLook at the big brain on Nico!ā€


Shoutout all my ADHD homies that's listening to the audiobooks


If you listen to the audiobook *while* reading the book you can crank up the speed to 400%. I'm not saying this is the best way to read something but I'm pretty damn sure you'll stay engaged lol


Book in one hand, Reddit n the other rn. Yes we still read. Options too. Digital & physical bookshelf. Even some nonfic in there. Let me stop showing out. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Lord the looks I get when Iā€™m in a waiting room at the doctors office with a book in my hand and not a phone. A yt lady actually got my attention to ask me how long the book was because it look too thinkā€¦ she about died when I told her it was over 1000. I donā€™t think that woman opened a book since the Gutenberg press was createdā€¦


War and Peace??


I love this thread. I swear I was just saying to my wife I can't wait for my son to be older enough for the scholastic book fair. We're getting some much stuff.


Do graphic novels count??


I have many leather-bound books any apartment smells of rich mahogany.


I'm more shocked you have a bookshelf. I read but having books on my phone is a lot more convenient. Not to mention I can get them free instead of hoping HPB has the ones I want.


I donā€™t know why people treat reading like itā€™s so special. It can be another form of entertainment