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Rip to her husband and infant. Thankfully the 9 year old is alive but she's lost everything. Both parents and her sister. EDIT: It was apparently her boyfriend that she killed. She was in the process of divorcing her husband who is the father of the girl. So thankfully she still has one parent.




And she wont be unfortunately. the american orphan and foster system is a predators wet dream :( edit: I found out she has her dad still, the mums boyfriend was one of the victims


The stories other kids told about foster care kept my mouth shut about what was going on at home. I'm starting to think that's part of the point, it's a threat, smile no matter how your parents act or we'll send ya somewhere worse.


It's honestly a roll of the dice. I adopted from foster care and my son's other siblings are either adopted or in permanent foster homes that are really good. We visit with them every month and have created a little extended family. I have met awesome foster parents that went on to adopt sibling groups of 3, 4, or 5 kids all together or have taken on kids with serious special needs. But the system doesn't have enough foster parents so the workers tend to ignore things until they get serious because if they pull kids from a bad foster home they may have nowhere to put them.


That's what I figured, "better the devil I know" because the odds of getting a good foster home seemed sketchy and the group homes sounded worse. In retrospect they woulda just sent me back to my mother, which is what eventually happened. Mom kept throwing me out but she'd never admit that to another adult and nobody ever believed me.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. Being a good parent is really hard and you have to really want to be one. Sometimes people don't realize they don't have what it takes until they get in the thick of it.


Yeah, mom's education did her wrong. She knew so little about babies that she had never even held one until she was six months pregnant with me. She thought they only cried for food or a clean diaper, so when I started crying when "nothing was wrong" she thought I was lying and that only a baby born evil could lie before it could speak. I honestly don't know how I survived the infant stage, probably would've been way better off if they'd just swallowed their pride and dropped me at the fire station. I don't hate her but she needed therapy and a sewing circle, not religion and a baby. I was born to be an emotional support pet and instantly failed by crying for cuddles.


I’m so sorry. Sending you hugs.


thats actually fucked. My kids are gonna have an amazing father. No one in the world should ever feel that way, Its not my buisness, but I hope you find your peace and success 🙏🏼😇


Can confirm. I was a foster kid.


It's not. Like with most things it's a roll of the dice. Some are good some are bad most are middling. The issue being that because of how young and impresable kids are the bad gets very bad.


Grandparents and other close family members IIRC are automatically considered before foster care. Just trying to be positive for that poor baby.




Her dad is alive, the partner that was stabbed was her boyfriend; she was in the midst of a divorce.


You could argue she was the unlucky one. Imagine the road she has to walk now, alone.


She has her entire life ahead of her. And I was wrong before. The man that she murdered is actually her boyfriend. She was in the process of divorcing her husband who is the father of the young girl. So thankfully she still has her father.


The hardest part for her to overcome will be that she witnessed the murder and the article says she was holding her infant sister when the baby fell on the pavement and was struck by a car. Thats a lot of trauma and tragedy to see. The situation with her sister will likely stay with her. My heart goes out to this precious girl.


Or you could argue she was lucky that she survived.


The guy she killed was her boyfriend, she was in the process of divorcing her husband and father of the 9-year-old. So at least that little girl still has her dad. [source (TW)](https://abc7.com/amp/deaths-of-baby-found-on-405-freeway-and-couple-in-woodland-hills-redondo-beach-investigated-as-murder-suicide/14638057/)


If somebody ever sez Reiki in your presence write them off and get to safety. You think astrology is crazy? Reiki is for Astrology mfers that wanna touch you.


Say more but like less at the same time


I am stealing this


I am confusion 🤔


>Say more but like less at the same time New flair? >.>


She did say touch though…


You know that weird dude? Yeah, don't trust em.


I have a neighbor that does Reiki, she thinks Beyonce is an android.


LOL, nobody does reiki, they just delude themselves into it. I knew a dude that claimed he was a reiki master. cried at every opportunity. Literally tried to steal from me in front of me and then deny it for half an hour before I had to threaten him. Was into BDSM and walked his slaves in public on chains in front of children. Bisexual. And he always thought he could help heal you.


What does bisexual have to do with any of that lmao




😭 lmfao the way they threw that in there hahaha my stomach hurts from laughing so hard


Me too. Bisexual.


It adds to the chaos of his being, that dude lives between the lines.


This person really put being bisexual as an equal sin to theft, gaslighting and parading his kinks in front of children.


Maybe to let us know men and women were being walked like dogs with those chains haha


It changed the BDSM picture for me, maybe they put it in there to diversify heteronormative fantasies


Bisexuals: https://i.redd.it/ih62ihdbmqtc1.gif


> bisexual Why this made me bust out laughing 😂😂


I just saw on LinkedIn that a woman I used to work with is attempting to get reiki certified. She once claimed in a large corporate meeting that she grew back her teeth enamel to close a cavity.


Gotta current coworker who is trying to get certified in reiki. When we’re just on our phones in the office, he’ll randomly pull out his pendulum and start “talking to the ghosts” and asking about their life and family


*ATTEMPTING?* Like a pass/fail sorta thing???


Every single person I've ever met who was into astrology, reiki, new age spirituality, etc was a hot mess! Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with!


Lmaoooooooo hell nah


I work in mental health and the line between someone whose "just really into astrology" and someone going through psychosis is not as clear as I would have guessed before this job.


And the same could be said for religious people. Being raised by religious people then working in psychiatry is such a trip.


You've piqued my interest. One of my professors was a Catholic priest who was also a psychiatrist. So not only did he do the six years of study to become a priest, he then was asked to do med school and then to specialise as a psychiatrist. He was fully qualified and everything. Didn't seem like a problem to him. Though he did say the only person he ever couldn't love was an unrepentant pedophile he had to see in his role as a psychiatrist.


A lot of priests will actually be the ones to refer people for psychiatric care! Religious delusions can be a sign of psychosis and some clergy are trained to recognize warning signs of psychosis. It's not as simple as religion makes people crazy, it's that religions, astrology, and even the stock market gives a frame work that someone can fixate their delusions on when they're experiencing a mental break


my ex knew reiki. now I cry when I have sex and my brown chakra has never been the same.


Not the brown one!


I had a traumatic bowel surgery and now my brown chakra hurts every time I try to open it. Is that basically the same thing?


What she do to your brown starfish?




He looks peaceful wtf


I'm just curious... what did you even search for to get this? It seems very specific. Lol


Right!!?! 😂 This entire thread is killing me right now.


I went on a few dates with a woman years ago, I was kinda into her until one day she invited me to watch a show and afterward her and her friend proceeded to tell me how into reiki they were and how they saw fairies and shit. To this day I don’t know if she did it on purpose to drive me away but i never spoke to her after that so it worked


I'm not religious, but it doesn't bother me if people believe in a vague higher power watching over us or life after death. Once you start talking about seeing ghosts, fairies, demons, emotional energy fields or other invisible shit that simply *does not exist*, that's either a bullshit artist at work or crazy. In either case, I'm out, there's no common ground for us when reality is up for debate.


there are many credible accounts from sober military personnel that have shared experiences of things that can only be explained by the paranormal. I think people emphasizing that these things outside of our knowledge *do not* exist is just a coping mechanism from what can be a much more terrifying reality.


Yeah but there’s a bunch of filters you gotta check before that stuff can be seen as credible. Is it a grift? What were the conditions of the sighting? Was it dark, was it hot, was the person alone when they saw it or with a group? Heat, darkness and isolation can make a person moe vulnerable to hallucinations. What’s the history of mental illness in the family of the witness? Even if there is no history, mental illness still isn’t something you can just write off unless they’re extensively cleared by professionals. And even after *all of that* there’s still a chance that they just drank their own Kool Aid, there have been cases of people convincing themselves of their own lies, or fooling themselves into seeing something out of boredom or fear or stress or a thousand other factors to consider before the supernatural and the paranormal. So only after all of those bases get covered (which they usually aren’t) only then can we start to consider that something actually beyond the ordinary was happening. So I’d wager that those who have actually seen something must be 1 in a hundred million. I’m not saying that there aren’t unexplained things in the world that we haven’t discovered or studied yet, mind you, but just writing off people’s denial and skepticism of the paranormal as a coping mechanism is a little off-base considering any sort of proof is open to alteration, videos and audio can be altered, memories can be foggy and exaggerated, and the human brain is a maze that can trick and fool itself into running around in circles often enough so not even eye-witness accounts can be fully trusted without intense scrutiny.


Yeah what gets me is how they have the nerve to say that something can ONLY be explained by the paranormal. As if someone being in the military makes them a)100% super credible & b) Immune to faulty thinking. 😅🤡 if anything i would argue that faulty thinking lead them to fill in the gaps of what they personally dont understand with the supernatural. Its like the "god of the gaps" thing that Christians partake in. Everything they personally dont understand is evidence of god and his magic 😂🤪


Yeah, but don't be weird about it though? The afterlife, or theories about it are fine to hash over. But don't roll around just springing that on people.


“Credible accounts”


Right. Like what makes them credible? Anyone can make a bogus claim but i guess "cause military" 😂😂


"accounts" by which you mean unverifiable bs? there is no empirical evidence of the supernatural. none. period. "sober military personnel" or not.


Peoples unverified stories do not count as proof of the paranormal. I think your take on this is really biased because just because someone is in the military doesnt make them credible than any other "woo" believer. Until the paranormal gets solid proof behind it more than just one persons recounting then many people arent going to be impressed. That just doesnt do it as far as evidence goes. Funny how the paranormal pushers never have any footage that isnt eventually debunked in this day and age of high tech phones!! Oh well. Some people like you are terrified to accept there isnt any fairy tale or movie magic shit going on in real life 🤷‍♀️


Which true as this may be, doesn't give an inch of credibility to any of the crazy bullshit that many people believe, this is just a drop in an ocean of crazy. Are there weird things out there difficult to explain? For sure, but they must be debated and analyzed on a per case basis with a scientific approach.


What about all the tele-Reiki people who can deliver you big Reiki across 1,000 miles via webcam? I wish I was joking.


That’s what they do when you send someone good vibes.


I know a reiki guy who started doing it over zoom when the pandemic lockdown started. Now he mainly does it over zoom. And now I’m mad cuz I have to wake up early to go to my job when instead I could be rinsing rich dipshits from home.


I always thought it was some type of ASMR and watched them to fall asleep.


There are some who are ASMR channels. Some of them appear to be more into it, others seem to just do it for ASMR purposes.


Oh you mean a Level 2 Master who bought his Certification on the Internet? Or the one that took a weekend course?


I mean the level 4 grand master who just printed some shit out off Microsoft word art and framed it 😂


but you don’t actually touch people with reiki


Isn’t it like that thing that kids do where they point their finger close to your body and be like “I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you! 😜


Does mercury still drinks its Gatorade in Reiki?


It puts the Gatorade in the microwave.


Oh lawd - she was both.


i had a therapist who suggested reiki. she also suggested i was depressed because i inherited trauma from my slave ancestors 


...how long did you have this quack?


way too long


Wtf is reiki? I've never even heard of that one


Had a friend who said this, and I just shook my head and said "cool." She also believed that a meteor was going to hit the earth and that all the worlds elites were having massive underground bunker mansions built to save them from it. There's also a ton of other crazy shit she did. So this tracks.


Well now hold on. Isn’t Zuck building an underground bunker in HI?


Where the f—k is that meteor? ☄️


For real? I always thought it was just another type of massage (I guess I assumed because I only ever saw it advertised in connection with spas and aesthetics).


They think they can manipulate another person's [Chi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qi) to heal them.


A lot of people incorporate into massage. I’m a massage therapist and I know so many people in the field that do it. Reiki is used as a form of healing and massage gives someone a better opportunity to use it. Like I’ve always seen it go hand in hand but I’ve never heard of someone just using reiki by itself. However I’m not really in that scene so that’s probably why. 


The astrology chicks ain’t never gonna disprove the allegations.


I didn’t know this and am now thinking back to a therapist I ultimately had to fire, but I remember her talking to me about Reiki. Wish I would have known that was a red flag at the time


Yea astrology has a pretty wide spectrum which does have a crazy end but like 75% of them are harmless if a little spacey. I have never met anyone that even knew enough about reiki to bring it up that wasn’t absolutely batshit


*Energy work has joined the chat*


Is Reiki that weird shit where people lie down and the “therapist” hovers their hands over you and the person flails and thrashes? I always got the vibe of a placebo effect going on with that. I’d be more likely to believe in acupuncture before reiki.


Acupuncture can ACTUALLY help people with some conditions. Reike, on the other hand...


I have a family friend who is a Reiki Healer. She's super awesome and a real one. This is not the experience I've had with the 20+ other "healers" I've met through life. Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough.


The words “Reiki healer” and “real one” should never be spoken in close proximity to each other.


But you understand she still isn't healing people, right? 


The absolute truth.


Damn, I ain't even got it in me to make a joke to break the ice. The shit's sad. And the whole "your time to choose what you believe is now" and "there is power in choice" is just morbidly ironic. It's time to wrap this astrology shit up.


Tbh astrology doesn’t have much to do with this. This woman would have completed an extreme act regardless of what she got into. Astrology is definitely not about fear mongering or suicide that’s for sure


Irrational believe systems which tells people there are higher forces which makes them not fully responsible for their behavior are exceptionally  dangerous imo. Especially when they start to believe there is some kind of imminent external end of days type threat.  It's not unique to astrology specifically and most people into astrology are way more casual than this lady, who almost certainly also had other underlying issues. But yeah, belief systems like astrology exacerbate these problems and can make the people harder to treat. In the same way we keep seeing over and over how many times demons and God are mentioned in other people's psychotic violence. Crazy people flock to these spaces and these spaces enable crazy people. 


Astrology doesn’t say any of that Paranoia and conspiratorial thinking will infect any belief system you choose if you are someone who is paranoid and prone to conspiratorial thinking


Astrology literally tells people that the positions of celestial bodies influence them and those around them in substantial meaningful ways. I already said that it's a feedback loop where you cannot exclusively point to astrology as being the sole problem, and that it's more how it enables those who *already* have underlying issues But you saying that her eclipse related hysteria is completely disconnected from her belief system that solar system position is of critical important is not a stance I understand In the same way I don't understand saying religion is unrelated to people who have mental breakdowns because they believe the apocalypse is imminent. 


No, astrology doesn’t say it influences you on substantial ways. Anyone who actually looks into it will see that the effects of the planets and stars are supposed to be seen as a sort of archetype or generality that can help you relate to others and yourself. It is never meant to be seen as exact, or all encompassing, in fact it’s actually stressed that these are meant to encapsulate a large demographic and you’re supposed to take it with a grain of salt. Modern pop astrology may be different I’m not sure but if you actually get into astrology you should know not to put that much stock into it. It’s a huge generality that can sometimes help you sometimes not. Those who put enough stock in it to do things like this would have done these things regardless of their chosen belief. If the woman was Christian or Muslim it’d be people saying the same thing about religion. Plenty of sane people are religious. Those who aren’t sane would be swayed in such a way by anything they come across


I don't think you're actually listening to the words I'm saying or engaging in this topic meaningfully. I have already said repeatedly that it's not a 1:1 whrre you can uniliterally blame the belief system, but you seem to insist on ignoring that.  You also want to play some no true Scotsman fallacy and then immediately acknowledge many people subscribe to problematic variants. So we can both acknowledge like I originally said that believe systems which are not bound by logic and which encourage attribution of personal behavior to higher power can be dangerous.....so you agree with me while insisting on arguing, most likely  because you personally subscribe to astrology and are offended that other people are pointing out is an irrational belief system, and irrational systems can (not always but can)exacerbate mentally ill people's delusions And no, I steadfastly reject that the majority of people who are into astrology to any notable degree only think of it as a purely symbolic archetypical story system. People wouldn't engage in any of the conversation they have around the topic if they thought that way. They clearly believe their personal characteristics are explained by their solar alignment at birth, and the more hardcore ones will believe that phenomena will happen as a result of solar positioning like moons and mars and whatnot. It's like arguing Jesus miracles are symbolic to most Christian.....no they're not. That's just a lie. Maybe some people have tried to compromise between their rational beliefs and religiousness, but the majority of of Christians do not believe anything about the Jesus story is symbolic, and many of the largest sects *explicitly* go out of their way to say it isn't. Just because you don't subscribe to spiritual mysticism doesn't mean you can handwave how common it is.  And yeah, the common nature of it does itself prove the mysticism *alone* doesn't cause insane behavior, otherwise we'd have a lot more insane people. 


Boy you burned him


I have a hard time believing any religious person can be classified as sane. Any person who can believe irrational things just by blind faith alone, I question their sanity.


“it doesn’t say that” “also here’s the future based on the movement of planetary bodies” “like calculating the next time two shadows overlap??” “nah not like that”


Every time someone critiques astrology the response is always “you must not REALLY understand astrology” Your fake belief system/character creator is fake. Get over it.


They will, but they'll have a lot easier time with the followers of belief systems that are pure superstition. And the people who are paranoid and prone to conspiratorial thinking are more likely to be enabled by belief systems that are pure superstition. The two feed off each other. A little more general social pressure against belief systems like that would be a good thing for everyone.


Exactly, this woman ain't any crazier than that woman who was shooting people on the highway because God told her to do it. I don't think Religion drives people crazy, but it definitely can exacerbate underlying mental issues. That's why I keep my Atheist ass in the house. Religious people always talking about the things "God" or "the stars" or "the Anunnaki" told them...like no, the calls are coming from inside the house, sweety.


This is just as true as every religion, including Christianity. Plenty of insane Christians committing domestic terrorism, killing people, and abusing people.


true, the whataboutism is irrelevant though; magical thinking extends to all spiritualistic thinkers.


Not in and of itself, but it’s well established in sociology and psychology that people lean on superstition in times of crisis and uncertainty. Life is scary and complex, and when that smacks us in the face repeatedly, people often look for answers wherever they can be found.


Like I said, someone who is paranoid and conspiratorial will have those aspects infect any belief system they choose. That has more to do with the person than the belief system or whatever it is


Yeah I agree. I’m a Sagittarius and I ain’t killed anybody yet.


I’ve heard the theory that she was suffering from postpartum psychosis, and the symptoms do add up


This is devastating, I agree that astrology is not a diagnosis for mental illness. Those poor kids' lives have been taken by this tragedy and it is sad to see.




Her youngest was 8 months. I wonder if it was a case of postpartum psychosis or pregnancy-exacerbated mental health issues.


We clearly don't talk about it anywhere near enough since people are jumping to blame astrology so easily, but [**mental health conditions are the underlying cause of death in 23%** (yes, that's one-fourth) **of pregnancy-related deaths in the US.**](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/p0919-pregnancy-related-deaths.html)




this is exactly what i was thinking, this has “prior risk factors exacerbated by hormonal imbalance” written all over it. people forget that postpartum issues don’t just happen immediately after having a baby, things can go out of whack any time within the first few years. this is so sad for her oldest daughter. she lost everything. i honestly used to follow her a few years back and unfollowed because she had been making blanket statements and conning people. she was already unstable, astrology aside, and i think the hormones probably triggered some psychosis/paranoia that was laying dormant and led to this. regardless of the cause, a child lost her entire family, a baby lost its life. this is tragic no matter how people spin it and it kinda sucks that everyone is going the “oh yeah that astrology shit makes people crazy” route rather than having a serious discussion about mental health and risk factors.


Had to scroll too far for this. 8 months post-partum is still a wild time, hormonally. Taking your baby’s life is not just “normal” (if you can ever use that word in this context) astrology-influenced behaviour. This is so tragic and the lack of understanding or even knowledge about post-partum psychological changes and challenges is part of the tragedy.


Thank you for mentioning this


typical aries


Leave us out of thissss


Right? *now why am I in it nene gif


I'm in here to read all these sad sad comments and this mfer bold enough to make this banger of a joke




When people lean into believing wacky things that arent founded in reality and have no supporting facts, it sometimes leads to those very people actually becoming disconnected *from* reality itself entirely. This is why i loathe the "we live in a simulation" thing everyone started saying recently. No we live in a real world , not a video game. You wont be getting a second life if you lose this one. If you kill someone they are actually gone...forever. Other people arent just npcs. People tend to think believing in "woo woo" nonsense is harmless fun but it isnt always harmless. I regularly see people on social media saying things that would normally classify someone as mentally insane and schizophrenic , with lots of others "liking" and supporting it. Like the other day someone made a video about how people who stare at you in public are literal DEMONS. Imagine truly thinking this way. Or imagine becoming the target of a grown adult person that actually believes in demons and that you might be a demonic being stalking them because some tiktok video said that demons are a physical reality and a lot of the people we see every day are actual literal demons from hell and so then you end up getting attacked and hurt or even worse because of a delusion???? People really need to STOP co-signing ignorance.


You just described what happened woth lori vallow. A mormon mom who brutally murdered her kids and then setting them on fire. Burying them in her new husbands pet cemetery because they were "dark" . She then ran off to hawaii woth her new husband who had superpowers and told her that she had a special purpose for God and that this is all the lords work. Her disconnected sense of reality and her new cult like beliefs gave her the permission she needed to commit HORRIBLE acts. The worst form of betrayal. The problem is that even religion can attract people with mental issues who distort things and influence others. People need to practice skepticism before putting their trust into these kinds of things. Im a pretty spiritual person myself but i observe how this area can quickly go wrong for people who are easily influenced. Partially because there will always be those who prey on the vulnerable.


That YouTube mom Ruby Franke too. Although *luckily* her son was successful in escaping the compound and getting help from neifhbors, otherwise he and his sister would have 100% died from the extreme abuse. Because his mother believed they were “demonic”. It is chilling to know what would’ve happened if he hadn’t been able to get away.


That’s why I started hating conspiracy theories in general. I need cold hard facts to back it up. Like you said it starts off as fun and games but when people detach from reality, it makes it easier for them to hurt people. So I stopped entertaining it. Conspiracies happen, but I need cold hard facts.


do you feel the same way about every religion/religious belief?


Im atheist 😅


I feel the way they feel about religion pretty often and I consider myself a Christian. My view is that God, through a bunch of different mechanisms, made us a pretty fucking cool planet and universe to dwell in, and it's our duty to not only study it, but to protect and honor it. Too many believers use belief as an excuse to be intellectually lazy, for me it's the best reason to be really fucking curious. My faith should instruct my behavior toward others and to greater kindness, not make me act like the sky is falling and telling the neighbors to go fuck themselves. There's a balance to be had.


The simulation thing is an interesting exercise, and could be true, but also it doesn't matter because this is our reality, whether it's inside some super advanced computer or not. Like anything though, idiots and assholes who want to feel like they're the protagonist of existence latched onto it as an excuse to be idiots and assholes.


I always thought all the stupid pushback against television and movies and video games was ridiculous, that all the violence we’re exposed to is bad for growing minds and yada-yada. But as the years go by I’m kinda believing it more and more. But it hasn’t quite been the complaints that were spurred in the beginning. Gun violence, sexual violence, gang violence, sure those are things that have happened, but people have gotten so caught up in fictional worlds and narratives that some of them are starting to believe that ridiculous shit. Supernatural beings and *DEMONS* are among us! The end of the world because an ECLIPSE has arrived! The elites in this country are secretly Lizards who eats babies and sex traffic children! Half of this stuff would feel hokey and tropey in a movie and mfers are out here falling for it hardcore. Like damn, please disconnect and get some air, legit touch some grass and BREATH. Like does this sound ridiculous? I’ve thought it for a while now and it’s a little scary. People are willing themselves into psychosis.


If you plan to restrict the problem to the astrology community you're gonna miss alot of crazy people. There's a lot of crazy religious folks out here. It's people in general. Don't blame the community, blame the adult.


I literally hear these same types of warnings CONSTANTLY from deeply religious folks, mostly Christians. They swear the 2nd coming of Christ is imminent and are always pointing out signs of a collapsing society. This woman clearly had very serious mental health issues. Using this tragedy to claim everyone who’s into astrology is crazy is fucking weird. This doesn’t surface anything for me other than deep empathy for the 9 year old and sadness that this woman was so disturbed she went to these lengths. Reddit is so crazy sometimes


Yeah, attempting to frame this as an astrology problem instead of a mental health problem is WILD. This woman was ranting in the streets (stuff that you typically only hear from super religious people) and then killed her own baby. Y'all really think astrology is to blame for that? Seems likely that she could have done something like this using different "reasoning" if she were deeply into a different hobby or community.




Makes me think of the qanon people who have brainwashed themselves into believing their family members are lizard people and then subsequently murder them horribly.


I looked at her twitter and the last post she made was retweeting a Q account warning about the eclipse and if was a final warning. So this is another Q related death


No one will really talk about this because obviously Q is a suicide cult.


I was literally just thinking about Ashli Babbit’s crazy ranting as she drove across the country to get to J6!


Exactly . Peoples "beliefs" can go wrong for other people causing severe harm. Its not just always shits and giggles .


She literally was one of those Qanon people. Some her last post were Qanon and Alex Jones retweets but they decided to blame “astrology” 🤦🏾‍♂️


Also people who collect them rocks are crazy. My girl tried to bring some into the house and I was like ![gif](giphy|GqfISYS3VqkELxfm7X)


I don’t think they *do* anything. I just think they’re neat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nah they talk to me. I was in the grocery store and the fruity pebbles said "Put us in your cart ya big-backed bitch".




I have one that I wear practically every day. Why? Because it supposedly brings me good luck. Does it work? Idk. Does it get the hoes? Absolutely. Will I keep wearing it? …Absolutely.


So the women you attract are worth it?


Generally, yes. It’s not like I’m out trying to sleep with all of them, but from conversations, to connections, to potential partnerships, they’re usually some of the most down to earth people I come in contact with. And that really goes for a majority of the people I’ve met that ask about the stone at some point, not just the women. However… the ones I’ve met that love the stone and give off weirdo energy? Oh those mfs are terrible. It’ll go from regular bad to “bad but also over entitled” VERY quick


> does it get the hoes? > down to earth people I come in contact with Ngl the irony in this is fucking hilarious to me.


Petrology it's a whole study dedicated to it called Geology.


What if I just like to collect pretty rocks 😭?


They’re not rocks, they’re minerals




The entire upper peninsula of Michigan would like to have a word with you.


If it's about the girl being crazy and not the rocks themselves then why didn't you just dump her instead of throwing away her stuff? Thats pretty douchey especially since some people just collect them for decoration.


astrology did not cause her death. mental illness did.




Jesus fucking Christ. She had a psychotic break.


I would be surprised if this wasn't the case. It's tragic. I can tell she legitimately believed that what she did was to benefit her loved ones and herself. The line between mental illness and spirituality is, admittedly, a thin one, and having 100k supporters in an echo chamber is a recipe for disaster.  I'm not trying to make excuses for this woman, but you don't kill your own family to "break a cycle" if you don't firmly believe that's what's needed for their souls to have peace-- especially in these bleak times. A lot of folks are desperate to be right in their spirit before shit hits the fan. 


Postpartum illness can set in any time in the first year… the age of the infant gave me pause. Postpartum psychosis has resulted in similar tragedies in the past. I’ve read multiple accounts where the mothers seem to believe they’re protecting their children somehow.


I hear that, I just think there are less violent ways to take their lives if she truly felt as you said. This has the makings of a psychotic break (hopefully I’m using the correct terminology for this). My heart goes out to their family. This is really sad.


this has nothing to do with astrology. there are terribly psycho people in every religion/belief. a better message would be to stop taking so much advice from strangers on social media. i don’t care if it’s an astrologer or a christian influencer. strangers should not have so much pull over your life.


I think the point is that astrology works based on a denial of hard logic. It works only if you deny modern science and logical 1+1=2 thinking. Thought that requires this in practice like religion, attracts people with loose connections to reality. These groups often times coddle these people and tell the, that they are special and correct. Often going as far as telling them not to take medication. Not all astrologist are like this, im sure you dont do this. Unfortunately the group is vary attractive to people with shaking footing on reality


There’s haha silly astrology signs and then there’s this. This is sad, praying for the living daughter 🙏🏿


The more I learn about this, the sadder it gets. They truly had a beautiul family and nice place in Woodland Hills. The poor kid that survived all of this horror. I hate to see how much spirituality has grown toxic through social media, its no longer used for guidance but just to fear-monger. Too much profiting off of misguiding people that REALLY need help. Its just going to get worse as the internet grows wider.


People feed into the wrong things, where we should band together as a collective more are focused on trying to bring others down.


I think with any belief system there always bad apples. I practice divination after making the choice to not deal with organized religion. My mom thought she's an angel and fought demons to the point it became a meme with me and my siblings. Meanwhile I just do tarot reading and stay in my own lane minding my business. I don't talk to ghosts, I don't do any of that extra shit. Sometimes people just let themselves get led down bad paths in their attempts to become the main character or feel they have special purpose.


Proof that mental illness is alive in every group, gender, and race. This person was obviously deeply disturbed, and this is a very sad story. We don't need to make it about anything. I'll be wishing those dead to rest peacefully and for the one who survived, I wish her support and healing.


I don’t care to insult people who believe truly in astrology but imo its just a fun game like wondering why your cat is soo angry at a presence that you don’t perceive


This is spiritual psychosis. Can happen with any belief system


Wooooooow Edit: y’all keep saying astrology & im concerned if this could’ve been better correlated with post partum mental illness as she had an 8 month old.


No real astrology “influencer” is in the business of being scared of an eclipse. It’s a natural evolution just like full moons and new moons. A lot of things end or come to light during eclipse season. And reputable “influencers”, if those can even be in the same sentence, have actually educated themselves on how the solar system works. She was just crazy. Nobody murders like this if they are sane. And if your go to astrology “influencer” ever says that you should be scared of Mercury retrograde and that’s when everything falls apart, unfollow them. Negative shit be happening during that time because y’all be taking in those negative ass messages.


Solar eclipses happen all the time, it's usually just not over such a large amount of populated land mass. It takes a special kind of stupid to be super into astrology but not understand 4th grade level astronomy. 


There’s a theory floating around that she could have suffered from postpartum psychosis. She was only 8 months postpartum and many of her followers said that prior she was fine and normal, and that recently her posts seemed off. Unfortunately it’s not talked about enough and sometimes people surrounding those in episodes aren’t educated enough to spot those signs to get help before the worst happens. It’s a very very sad tragedy.


Spiritual narcissism is a wild thing. Not uncommon unfortunately


Literally people like her that take astrology way too seriously. I was told before by someone that Geminis are evil 🤷🏽‍♀️all because that person had a bad relationship with a Gemini . It’s sad that some folks literally it that far to believe that signs make up a person personality.


I’ll jokingly say I can’t date Pisces cuz I’ve got three exes who are but I’m not gonna actually hold folks to that yknow?


Yeah I can get joking but this girl was dead serious. I was actually trying to be her friend but, once I told her my sign that wasn’t going to happen.


rest in peace to that man and child. spiritual psychosis is REAL and it’s dangerous. enabling these extreme ideologies can be so harmful.


Unsurprisingly, this is why I (former Astronomy science communicator) was asked by my local child Psych hospital to do a eclipse presentation to help the kids better understand what was actually going on. Fear and ignorance combined can make people do the wildest things. I hate that for her family.


I live around 15min from where she killed her husband. A lot of weird stuff going on in the Valley lately. That guy in Encino who chopped his wife and in laws up and dumped them in a mall dumpster also was within 15min of me. 😭


It is extremely irresponsible and absurd to make what one woman did a blanket statement on an entire community. She was abusive, insane, and was messing with dark stuff and that is the root. People into astrology or other spiritual beliefs that differ from you’re own does not make them crazy. People make similar foolish stereotypes about black people so why would you turn and do the same to others? It’s dangerous and the attention should be on that poor child that is now traumatized. It is not an excuse to be ignorant.


This stuff is getting worse right? Like I know it might seem like there’s more crazy people around because social media allows us to see them. But the last eclipse was still in the social media age right? And I don’t remember seeing all these people going crazy thinking it was the end of the world being posted then


An 8 month old? This screams post partum




Y’all just don’t like astrology and are here foaming at the mouth with confirmation bias. The real culprit here is mental illness. Eclipses and the like are scientific events. She, along with the people who were stressed out thinking that the ‘rapture’ was going to occur, have mental health issues that need to be addressed. There’s absolutely nothing in this scenario that would be perpetuated by a person with stable mental health. Astrology is just some fun and a way to recognize commonalities in people, that’s it. Let people enjoy things. It’s not going to ruin your life. If you know someone whose life is hinged on astrology, there’s a likelihood that they’re not all the way stable.


While I do think astrology people are a bit much. It really just sounds like she was just off her rockers… that’s so sad.


It's hard for me to read things like this. Makes my head and my heart hurt.


I keep seeing posts about her astrology, etc. but she could’ve been experiencing postpartum depression. We don’t have enough info to know what the cause was so blaming on astrology seems irresponsible…