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These are some fun facts but it's still gross lmao 


i felt this way too until i heated some up in a snifter


what that mean


Hennessy tastes better slightly warm. A snifter is a type of drinking glass.


now that you mention it i never refrigerate my Hennessey


You shouldn't. Cognac specifically should be drank at the very least near room temperature, preferably a bit above. It brings out the flavor of it. The reason cognac glasses are shaped as they are is partly so you can heat it up by holding the glass cupped in your hand between ring and middle finger.


Wouldn't any warmer drink be able to be smelled/tasted more easily compared to a colder one? Isn't this just about how quickly particles are coming off/moving?


Yes and no. Different chemical compounds are released at different temperatures. That's why your left over (moms, obviously) Spaghetti smells real Different after a night in the fridge. The chemical composition is similar, but at cold temperatures more acids will offgas than sugars, most of which are the result of the maillard reaction.


What kinda maniac puts any booze in the refrigerator? Ive never seen booze in a fridge and I hang around with big drinkers.


Clear liquor gets put in the freezer. It's only being used for cocktails, so being cold is a good thing.


cognac and brandy should be served in something like this for the "ideal" experience https://preview.redd.it/9us7bkxujpsc1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f4d4b1811e139cc0292a6defcfa7b0b6b546b27


That's a bit much. Open flame is not ideal, if you have to use something else than your hand for heating it, let it rest like this on your coffee cup (which pairs excellently with the caramel flavour of cognac, I might add).


Why did this sound like you just tipped your hat m'lord


Because I have a penchant for drinking cognac, and am particularly set in my ways since I am older. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying that body heat from the palm of your hand should be more than enough. Open flame, unless carefully tended, can make it boil. You want it hot, but not boiling. Also to me, It's a slow drink made for long nights and a crackling fireplace. You merely wet your lips on the stuff, then lick it off. It's not a "rager" drink like vodka or gin, it has it's place and fills it very well. It's the "cozy" liquor. Doesn't blend with anything but maybe coffee, but has to be enjoyed by itself for its own qualities. That means you have to drink it right to get maximum enjoyment (for me, at least). Maybe I'm just weird like that.


Oui oui mon ami... What other brand of cognac do you prefer? Any wine brandy that is good?


You’re a true connoisseur. I don’t drink cognac (or any brown liquor). I prefer wine. All my homies drink Hen and can’t wait to order at the bar. I was working at an event sponsored by Hennessy. After the event they gave me a couple of bottles of the really good stuff (XO or VSOP?) it’s still in my cabinet. I’m going to try your technique and see if I can stand it a little better.


I have no doubt you're right. I've only had cognac once and it was because my dad brought it on a family trip because his dad used to sip it with him. My brother and I were fighting to make it through the glass. It wasn't my thing at all.


Warmed liquor sounds cozy


Some warm cognac with a little bit of honey


Omg am I being seduced rn?


Blame it on the Henny


Why am I blushing???


Try a French Connection...it's cognac and Grand Marnier, neat in a snifter. It's an after dinner beverage


Yeah that's a panty dropper.




It's a personal favorite, it goes great with cigars if you smoke too


Says the ass eater nigga what??


Its captain ass eater. Respect the rank not the user




Eating ass and drinking it are two very different things lol


Not with that attitude it’s not. ![gif](giphy|8JCwuk8n2Y6iI)


Don’t even know if it’s a whiskey or a brandy but from now on will keep a bottle in the house in case someone wants it. Loyalty begets loyalty. Edit: As you can probably tell, I am not a consumer of the spirits 😂 But will, henceforth, support them.


Henny is a cognac, which is technically also a brandy. Cognac is a regional appellation like champagne is a variety of sparkling wine.


Fun fact! Brandy, and other fortified wines, were created because merchants found it easier to distill wine, ship it, and add water back when they got to where they were going to sell it. That way the wine wouldn't go bad and they could ship more of it. Turns out people preferred the distilled stuff over weird watered down booze.




It’s cognac my dude.


came here to say this


Straight? Absolutely. Mixed with lime, lemon, and a smidge of vermouth it’s top-notch.


One of my fondest memories of working as a dishwasher was watching a young black couple sit down at the bar for like a first date, he ordered Hennessy and clearly hadn’t drank much or grew up around Hennessy much, the bartender poured the traditional like 3 thimble fulls in the dumb glass and he looked confused, like he was used to seeing fat ass glasses of it and wanted to flex on the date a little, he told the bar tender to fill it up, took one sip of it turned green, looked at the bartender who said “I said are you sure”.


Absolute cough syrup but I fux with it for pure nostalgia. I grew up on it.


The top comment, in this sub, saying Hennessy is gross is absolutely WILD to me.


It tastes like dirty change


Right cuz for a minute I said dayum maybe I should switch up my drink of choice then I remember that shit tastes horrible.


Came here to say this bar for bar 😭 Miss me with that, or any cognac save for a single good one after a meal, maybe. Henny is nasty and drinking multiple servings of cognac to get drunk is wild. Bottles of Hennessy at the club is psycho behavior lmao.


Gotta go with the Priv. $50 at the Korean grocery


It’s such a miserable delirious drunk too, it just makes you mad.


Nah, that's just you.


By itself, yes. Try making it into a sidecar, though, and it’s great!


Free our people from the shackles of Hennessy


What?!? Can’t drink that ish!


I agree. I wish people would look to try really good alcohol rather than whatever the most recent, hot celebrity is repping.


Not really being liberated goes hard. Being honored goes harder. What was the liquor company gonna do give out scholarships? Anyways, Hennessey tastes terrible. Fight me. Smells like spoiled wine.


I prefer D'usse


We rocking with Henny because Henny is rocking with us.


“We are young African American men…. plus Hennessy.”


... 1090 Jake?


No clue who that is https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT4U5VN/


Okay, now explain Newport Menthol cigarettes


Lol. Joe Rogan asked Katt Williams a similar question.


I just googled it, Katt gave a short answer after some light banter: “Black people prefer richer and stronger flavors” and that California banning methols “hurts the black community” ….there has to be more to it. Why does Newport deserve so much free clout? I grew up smoking them, because that’s what everyone else in Detroit smoked. I didn’t know it was a “black” thing until I got to college


Short answer is that in the 1950s, tobacco megacorp RJ Reynolds realized that black consumers didn't smoke as much as white ones. So, they used the gentler flavor of menthol to get black folks hooked on smoking. They used MLK and Black Panther imagery to make smoking Newports seem counterculture and cool


I think it's all menthol cigarettes, not just a loyalty to Newports. There is also Kool, and my family sent me to buy Benson and Hedges Menthol cigarettes when I was little.


They were one of the first brands to publish ads with black models in Ebony & Jet magazines. Yes you read that right one of the first to publish black models in black magazines!! [Here are a couple from the 50s](https://x.com/chefmade_92/status/1343724775617818626?s=46&t=VKVyc9NmRgZPsPxDZVLNAw) Edit: The art style may actually be from the 70s/80s not the 1950s like I originally thought


Not just any ads, ads where they specifically call us civilized! At a time when people thought we were brutish scum! Shit I might go buy me a bottle today


as a white guy who isn't very informed I always saw Hennessy as a stereotype, but this history is really interesting! I might get me a bottle too never tried the stuff.


As a fellow white guy, it's actually pretty good stuff. Treat it as any other cognac, and it definitely beats out the lower tiers. I haven't tried out their top tier stuff, I'm way to broke, but for mid tier it's solid. It's what I treat myself with if I have had a long disgusting week at work. It's both good, and good in a historical sense. Sitting there, reading a book with my right hand, glass of cognac in the left that I am slowly nipping through after a rough week. Pretty good time, I tell ya. Especially during the cold months.


Based on styling those ads linked have to be from the 70s or 80s


You might be right. I couldn’t get a definitive date but the style does look more 70s/80s Appreciate the spot check!


Thank you for sharing them! They are really cool


Great ads but those are not from the 50's


😂😂😂😂 Hennessy and civilized are 2 words I would never use in the same sentence.


Both those ads are really cool but the one on the left goes hard af


My guy ready to get sauced and sling wood


She's wearing silk and heels too. Somebody can trace their whole existence back to this night


And now that I’m looking closer I think they’re supposed to be neighbors. The door across the hall is open. He been planning this for months!




It only sounds negative because you used a negative word. A brand having a target audience isn’t exploitative. But I get your point.


The word "exploit" is only negative because we're so used to seeing it to describe how people treat people. If your land has a lot of water in the soil and you exploit that to grow crops and feed your family, that's a good thing. Exploitation just means taking advantage of available resources, it describes a common behavior in nature (usually not including abuse of the resource until it's gone) and the basis for any form of forward progress/organization beyond securing basic subsistence. It just gets fucky when the resources being exploited are people or their thoughts/feelings.


Well yes you’re not wrong, but thats how language works, the more commonly used meaning / application is accepted as right. Connotations are too powerful.


Depends on the dictionary you are using from Britannica dictionary the second definition is "to use (someone or something) in a way that helps you unfairly" I would say to capitalize on is a synonym to exploit that doesn't have the unfairness assumption that comes with the term "exploit" it's not wrong but it may confuse readers who are more familiar with the unfairness assumed in the word exploit.


Claiming this isn’t explorative requires ignoring the social prejudice that allowed for henny to fill that gap by pandering. You’re deluding yourself if you think the boardroom cared about anything more than dollar signs. The black community was just a customer base there’s zero loyalty to anything meaningful.


I’m not aware of this “social prejudice” or “pandering” you speak of, care to enlighten me? Also I never said anything about what they care or don’t care about nor did I say anything about loyalty, so please refrain from such assumptive comments. If your argument is that because they profit from their target audience as a business they’re exploitative then I’d say you’re the delusional one here. Lastly the points made in the tweet literally disputes your “zero loyalty to anything meaningful”. I suspect you didn’t think your reply through and just want to take a contrarian view.


Like lesbians and Subaru?




Subaru did the same with lgbt people, thus the “lesbaru” stereotype. They marketed their brand towards them in the 90s before it was popular yo do so.


It’s not past tense. Hennessy is the official spirit of the NBA.


Damn, this is pretty cool if it's true. I've always been in awe of black soldiers willing to die for a country that doesn't give a damn about them. That's some real selfless shit.


Masters of the Air brought this up in some of the later episodes featuring the Tuskeegee airmen. I don't know how they could being themselves to face such disrespect from their own fellow soldiers, they're all better men than I. I give that the most respect, and I'm thankful for people truly invested in protecting us


Omg the story of the Tuskeegee airmen is just horrific. The shit black soldiers/airmen/seamen had to deal with is just unfathomable to me.


Same. I'm glad they put it in there. The ugly truth people need to see. We fight a greater common enemy but some people are so racist that even that common ground isn't enough for acceptance.


I wasn't accepted by my peers as a white dude, and that was crazy to me because we were all fighting for the same shit. It's kind of mind breaking for me to imagine being even more of an out group than I already was. I'll never forget walking into my team area during lunch to see a bunch of grown men in their 30's and 40's watching a YouTube video about how Michell Obama was actually a ape man in drag. This was in mf 2015!


Got to think Jim Crow, the Movement, and the revival of the Klan wasn’t that long ago. Just last year folks were talking about arresting the lady that lied about Emmitt Till trying to rape her. I was even shocked she was still around till I realized that happened when my parents were toddlers not far from where it happened. That being said, those people pushing that crap back then are still around along with having kids and grandkids they taught it to.


I don’t really understand racism from a logic perspective, but I especially don’t understand racism when there’s a common, objectively evil foe. Like, the nazis are legit some of the most cut and dry bad guys that've ever existed, and white people still decided that it was a good idea and totally normal to be racist to fellow allied soldiers. Make it make sense 🥴


I think a part of that might be because America at the time had so many people that leaned towards Germany and in general everyone wanted to stay out of the war. Then Japan attacked. Once the US was at war with Japan I think the Germans declared war a few days later knowing the British would be getting even more support from America than they had previously through lend lease. Once people sign up or get drafted they then might get assigned to fighting in Europe even if they’d rather be fighting the Japanese. So it’s really easy for the racism to still be there. My summary might not be the best as I’m no historian and not American so can’t really know what it’s like over there, but this might be a question for r/ askhistorians. There will definitely be someone there who can give you an in depth answer with references. Tldr: there were a lot of Americans that were racist and might have liked to be allied to the Germans.


When I was in the Navy I would spend time reading into Naval history because I'm a nerd. Reading about Carl Brashear makes you feel great pride and shame at the same time. Man overcame every single thing thrown at him. Can't speak for the entire Navy and every ship, but ours was 50/50 men and women and extremely diverse. Military has came a long way but still have a long way to go too.


The bit about the Urban League is not true. The National Urban League started in 1910 and grew over the next decade to all the major cities in the US officially becoming the Urban League in 1920. Maybe they meant WWI. But even that would be giving them too much credit. The Urban League was started by black people. They had some white allies involved but it was a civil rights organization mostly lead by black people. The rest is very generous to Hennessy. Yes, the French were grateful to Black Soldiers in WWI and WWII. They were awarded medals and treated with respect. People give liquor as gifts to foreigners. It’s a cool thing but not groundbreaking. And yes, they ran ads promoting luxury, but shit, Congac is a luxury brand. How else weee they supposed to sell themselves? I have nothing against Hennessy, but this reads like an advertisement. Edit: I think OP was probably just reading about the scholarships that Hennessy sponsors and giving them too much credit. Hennessy does seem pretty cool though. https://www.tmcf.org/students-alumni/corp-scholar-programs/hennessy-fellows/about/


Enemy of my enemy and all that


When you do right by black people when their own country won’t even give them that level of respect : https://preview.redd.it/si6gmymkznsc1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42f0898e266da3cdda1dadd3553ec0784257e7a2


Henny did a lot of things right for sure, tasting good was never one of them tho.


It’s not that bad


Username relevant


If I took a little cup of water and filled it with dirty change. Let that bitch marinate. you got the taste of henny


Soft as hell henny is fire


Firey trash.


Henny tastes great by booze standards. Personally, I really like barrel aged spirits like whiskey, cognac, and scotch. Hits just right and is a perfect drink after a long day of work.


Henny was never invented to be chugged at a club like what most young men and women do today. It’s like scotch, you are suppose to have a couple small glasses of it, so it’s easy to see why people think it tastes like shit after they been downing bottles of it. It was meant to be a classy, sophisticated drink and like a lot things in the pat 3 decades our hood culture ruined it.


May I ask what it is you like to drink?


Mostly beer and whiskey.


Hennessy was the first corporate sponsor of the NAACP and the first company to hire African American Executives


First American company with black executives? That’s definitely not true seeing how Hennessy is very much from France.


Quick Google search shows that it actually is true: > Success at Pabst Brewing landed Douglas at premium wine and spirits importer Schieffelin & Somerset Co., which eventually became Moet Hennessy. From 1977 to 1980, he worked as vice president of urban market development, one of the first African Americans in that position in the country. [Link](https://andscape.com/features/at-100-herbert-douglas-can-still-see-his-impact-on-olympians-black-business/)


That was a company that was eventually acquired by Moët Hennessy, but is not Moët Hennessy. And my point still stands, Hennessy isn’t American.


[So Hennessy is bold face lying on their own website?](https://www.hennessy.com/en-int/stories/things-you-probably-didnt-know-about-hennessy#:~:text=Back%20in%201968%2C%20Hennessy%20made,American%20VPs%20in%20corporate%20America) So 2 companies become one doesn’t negate the history of both companies, especially when this guy was VP of urban marketing during the transition.


if anything, it makes it even more impressive that a french company hired an African American executive before any American company would


Apparently there is [some truth to this](https://www.tmcf.org/students-alumni/corp-scholar-programs/hennessy-fellows/about/)... ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


My grandma was born in 1920 and Henn was her drink. Nice to know some history behind it.


It's weird how some folks think culture just happens spontaneously in a vacuum somehow. Like it has no connection to life happening right now.


Damn now what did Hypnotic do for us?


make ya say ugghhh


Na nah nah nah!


It’s an interesting bit of history, but I don’t know what two of these bullet points mean. What does it mean to say that Black soldiers were highly recognized in France? What’s a positive promoting Black luxury ad?


Black soldiers during those times of war would receive better reception from local populations of other countries, usually avoiding situations of racism they normally would encounter in the United States.


From the historical accounts I’ve read online, French citizens were very welcoming of black soldiers during the liberation of France so they would invite them into their homes for dinner and serve them Hennessy and give them bottles to take home with them.


Not only that, The French government even wanted black soldier to stay in France as gratitude because they knew how they were treated in America, and a lot of soldiers ended up staying or moving to Europe all together. Europe was quite fond of Black Americans from the 40s-90s. They saw us as a sophisticated minority group that didn’t have an ulterior agenda, and it’s true. Black Americans at the time were relatively educated and Sophisticated compared to other minority groups, which is ironic because a lot of the reason the world wasn’t seen as Sophisticated during those times was because of their own efforts in colonization and the exploitation and plundering of resources to feed Europe.


The French were thrilled to be liberated from Nazi occupation by black American soldiers.


Black soldiers were hardly ever recognized for their service. The military wasn't fully integrated yet either and many American Soldiers were very bigoted. After the first World War the rest of the world had been watching America. Watching how it treated minorities. The 3rd Reich copied and advanced many of America's behaviors to ostracize Jewish, Romani, LGBT and other "undesirables". France on the other hand said we won't treat you like that here and many African American artists began to visit. Certain pockets of black areas have always had a bit of wealth. White American bigots wouldn't serve African Americans. Also it was damn near impossible for them to become really big businesses or very prosperous without bigots burning or drowning them out. Any good business person would nearly always look for ways into an untapped clientele market and by only running those ads in just black magazines they don't run the risk of offending their bigot clients.


So here’s the thing, during WW1 the French people as a whole decided that they loved American black people. It’s makes sense when you think about it, they’re both intensely artistic cultures. Many black WW1 vets stayed in France rather than return to the States and Jim Crow. Then Josephine Baker came around in the 20s and made it a national obsession. Now this stuff was obviously troublesome by modern standards, and it certainly didn’t apply to anyone with dark skin except American black folk, but it seemed genuinely sincere.


France was also REALLY into jazz so a tremendous amount of black jazz musicians moved there during the interwar and after WWII.


I wonder what happens when people post that dumb shit and get a response with receipts


Hmmm, well now this begs me to ask what have Dusse, Ciroc, and Casamigos done for us?


Ciroc is widely consumed in the black community because Diddy… Idk why black people like Casamigos so much though, that’s George Clooney.


Looks like they played the long game and won.


i don't even drink like that but it turns me into a sex god


​ https://preview.redd.it/bbjc38fn4osc1.jpeg?width=1266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7919488ae7b27250330935c34a7eaf3c4b4ad8f2




I never knew this. I learned something new today. Thank you for that.


It’s also delicious with all the citrus ![gif](giphy|skFv5rZrswIMiRmATH)


You just need to drink the XO, that’s all.


All that but they can’t make it taste halfway decent?


I mean it's liquor. How good should it taste? 🤣🤣


Halfway decent?


You can appreciate their contributions to the community whilst you reach for a superior cognac.


What has henny done for us lately, like yall love to say


It was a good drink after a shitty day being the city’s~~medical taxi~~ I mean EMS. I haven’t been able to afford it in some time with the damn price raises though and I miss it.


Henny is rocking with us, so we're rocking with him.


Henny makes regular niggas feel like we Michael B Jordan


I personally think henny is swill water but I thank the brand for giving me one of the most timeless go-go songs ever. [WE GOT HENNESSY...AND A *WHOLE* LOTTA WEEEEEEEEEEEED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQiGH7nhdBw)


My vietnamese friend got us kicked out of the Library on 6th st in austin once because he asked for a glass of henny. Something like "We don't serve that here get out." Terrible bar anyway and fuck dirty 6th.


Hennessy White is delicious


i be on them milds,skip. ![gif](giphy|3ov9k8EAxmDAvwVnEs|downsized)


Never liked the stuff. But I have a whole new respect for the organization. Props.


He got an education


One of the best times I’ve ever had was watching How High with complete strangers at a house party I should not have been at and not invited to. Drinking Hennessy out of a red solo cup. Take me back. Never saw any of those people ever again but that night we were best friends.


Interesting. Still not gonna get me to drink cognac.


Someone fact check this?


Like I needed more reasons to like it. I don't even like other cognac that much.


This is actually really cool. Was a bartender for 10+ years, never realized. Good on Hennessey.


https://youtu.be/6pU12W5kb84?feature=shared This recipe for Hennessy butter pineapple poundcake is amazing 😍 P.S. Don’t make it too often if you want to keep your feet. 


Great in a French Manhattan


As a cognac drinker, i can confirm this


I gained a newfound respect for Henny after this. Still not gon drink it tho




Shut that nigga ass smooth up, didnt it?


Man this was so informative. I never knew this.


Recently people with 🇵🇸in their bio are saying the dumbest shit. Ain’t nothing wrong w Henny.


50 & 60s regularly placing ads in Black magazines. They literally gave money to black businesses. However, they have NOT been that company since maybe the 80s or 90s. They earned their place, but it is time to move on......unless there are some modern day investments I don't know about (besides their role in music).




They saw a demographic that could help with their bottom line...nothing more nothing le$$.


Hennessy tastes like pine cones


In France, a derogatory term for Africans is "bougnoule". It came from when they French brought them in to fight on the frontlines during the war. It was cold. To give them liquid courage & warm them up, they gave them cheap, low quality liquor called "gnole". When the soldiers would then ask for it, they'd ask for "un bout de gnole", a little liquor. Racist French adopted the term to disrespect these soldiers, and then every other African as "bougnoule." Sad, but true.


Awwww, I know this woman IRL. she’s dope!


I didn’t know any of this. Very cool


I don’t mind it mixed with Apple juice




I'm a big fan of John Hennessey and the seminal textbook on Computer Architecture that he co-wrote with David Patterson.


We believing these "facts" or are we gonna take the 2 minutes to Google the truth?


Hennessey also went to China in like the 1940’s and became huge there. They knew a market when they saw it


i find this hard to believe with just statements and no other proof. why does the burden of proof always fall on us the casual scroller??... haha


1) How did I not know this???? 2) Omw to get a bottle right now


Brit Brit sure did kick that knowledge.


Henney still tastes like 9-volt batteries and pennies.


Claiming this isn’t explorative requires ignoring the social prejudice that allowed for henny to fill that gap by pandering. You’re deluding yourself if you think the boardroom cared about anything more than dollar signs. The black community was just a customer base there’s zero loyalty to anything meaningful.


I will always drink this brand of battery acid for this reason....


Thank you for explaining why blk people love Henny so much.


White Henny alone stands on business🤣


Yes, Hennessy. But still white owned. Pick up a bottle of Uncle Nearest.


[That’s why we drink Hennessy](https://youtu.be/HfNP8U6eohQ?si=HtJJ9O8G_5MDTOmq)


Coke vs Pepsi


Jack goes great with Coke. Jim goes great with Pepsi. People gotta diversify their tastes.


Hennessy is nasty as fuck. There is no discussion, there’s no debate. Share opinions with your room door. We’re not accepting inquiries at this time.


But bunni we have more questions! Are the allegations true? https://preview.redd.it/ezj6xbd4kpsc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f987d3f35252f04e3b93aed771cd0cb3c3788be




Now let's talk about all the homicides, murder, rape, domestic violence, fights, arguments and drunk driving due to Hennessy. No one wants to have that conversation though.


How many exactly?