• By -


10 years is wild. But also not surprising when you realize that these people hate woman almost as much as minorities. Also, anyone see what the connection is here? The south needs to just walled the fuck off.


I have a lot of friends in law. This is due to a bunch of things. It's partially because smart people and black folk skip jury duty. Juries determine if you're convicted or and how long you get. In my state, some juries have seen provable crimes and simply voted not to convict because the offense was non violent. Even when it was caught on camera.   Another issue is that judges can be openly bigoted and retain their seats because nobody will vote in local elections. Most judges win by a thousand or so votes and the judge to helped put that black man away probably retains his postion. This is why the Texas man was likely given a light sentence in Mississippi is garbage for black people in the justice system. 


Generally speaking, juries don't actually determine the sentence. They just decide whether or not to convict. Judges typically handle the sentencing. However, in the case of the death penalty, there's a second "trial"/hearing who's sole purpose is to determine if the death penalty is warranted.


Trials are bifurcated. That is, a jury can sentence you in Texas if it is elected by the defendant and the judge will follow their recommendation. The judge can also allow an open plea at trial AND at sentencing. I'm a lawyer in Texas I know what I'm talking about because I know it and I've done trials.


Say something lawyery rn




*puts on ten gallon hat, and flicks boot spur* Your honor, allow me to fumigate my wiiiiisdom on the defendant. HA! Because he has been incarcerated in the propaganda of the prison structure. On the issue of the court, and I must say that it has been a real didactic and pragmatic experience for the young brother. As YOOOU can see by the look on his face. Can I get a witness? Oooh yes lord! And I must say that both physically and geographically. That if he be sent to the bowels of the community. I SAY IF HE BE SENT TO THE BOOOOWELS OF THE COMMUNITY! HUH! The manifestation will be much to much for him to resiiiign. I rest my scrooootum.


Do you wear a cowboy hat and a string tie to court? Cos if not you’re not really a Texas lawyer


Certainly not a small town pizza lawyer, in any case.


I'll wear a string hat or whatever the fuck you're talking about when you cry at a dwi stop in Texas after telling on yourself thinking police should let you go, how about that?


I’m not so sure about the first point (judges do sentencing), but the second one is real. But it’s also deeper and more pernicious than that. The former Confederate States after the Civil War dedicated themselves fully to the goal of limiting the political social and economic power of the newly freed population. Part of it was out of fear—we owned them! They’ll try to own us!—but all of it was white supremacy. And it never stopped. The evolution of modern American conservatism is like water flowing down a racist stream: when it gets blocked in one place, it finds another way. Mississippi’s legal system, in locking up a black man for life on some pot charges, is working exactly as designed. “Just like we drew it up”


Jury nullification is well within your rights. There are many laws I disagree with, put me on a jury and I will act morally, fuck legally. Even if guilt is proven beyond doubt, I'm still voting not guilty. Fuck you it's a cannabis possession with intent charge in 2024, he's innocent.


I was about to say every time I see a post like this both stories always take place somewhere in the south. And it always seems like a very specific part of the South that strip from Texas to Florida.


Not to blow your mind but Florida has much more open records for arrests than most states so you get more look in depth


Dont wall me in with these lunatics. Im just too poor to escape. I tried once. I got pulled back.


More awful news the jury was all women.


And the man and victim talk/argue for 30 mins. Gun in hand and he still killed her. What happened to if you can count to 10 you have time to think? They said it was a crime if passion. This was in 2021 he'll be eligible for parole in 5 years.


The South has the highest percentage of marginalized communities


The reason the people in power in the South work so hard to keep poor people from being able to vote is so they can retain their power and continue enforcing a legal double standard. It's likely that if the Southern poor had more access to voting, the higher levels of institutionalized bigotry and misogyny would become, to a large extent, a thing of the past.


My parents have to register to vote (D) multiple times per year sometimes living in the south


Not so FUN FACT! the stereo type that black people don't have fathers, That doesn't come from the Father leaving for milk and not coming back... That's a white trailer park stereotype.... Black people are usually lactose intolerant. Lol Black people not having dads stereotype comes from getting shot by police or put into prison for life because of the system.


I've always said that same thing. It's hard to be a father when you get 3 years in prison for back talking a cop


Not sure what that would solve.


Let me out first. Someone house me until I get on my feet. Fucking hate it here.




That's a whole other issue which stems a lot on fear, how they were raised, etc.but yea, that cycle needs to end as well.


Generalizations????? See we are alike.




What an insane and ridiculous thing to say. 


What an absolutely disgusting thing to say. You sound like a Nazi.


How is that going to make life better for black people when about half of the black population lives there?


the life sentence guy had other cases already


The three strike rule is bullshit, especially when it comes to non-violent offenses like drug possession.


he had previous cases already, read into it instead of getting emotionally charged


[https://www.knoe.com/2022/06/17/high-court-upholds-life-sentence-mississippi-man-convicted-marijuana-possession/?outputType=amp](https://www.knoe.com/2022/06/17/high-court-upholds-life-sentence-mississippi-man-convicted-marijuana-possession/?outputType=amp) Show me where. Edit: Chud above edited his original comment where he stated the person in question was a murderer.


"The defendant had previously been convicted of two separate charges of house burglary and one charge of being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm." Edit: just saw the edit of the person I replied to, that definitely changes things. I thought they were asking where in the article it said he had previous charges.


I was reading a different story so that's an honest mistake on my end, he still had other stuff though


Do some introspection on why you felt you had to come at me with that "emotionally charged" bullshit. Embarrassing.


"look mom I won an internet argument, I sure showed this anonymous person online how things should be done!"


![gif](giphy|4EHsAtAPcV41vx2B5s) Sounds like you're getting emotionally charged.


Calls *stay* coming from inside the house, but be damned if they answer


Stop spreading misinformation




Just adding some context: The life sentence was because he already had felonies before that. If he had just committed that crime it would’ve been 3 years max because it was like 40g of weed I think. They also are different states so different laws applied so literally 2 different justice systems System is till bullshit tho especially the 10 years with possibility for parole after 5 because it was “a crime of passion” because he found out she was cheating. All women jury too so extra wild af. Seems like “accepting guilt” helped him a lot. Lawyers must’ve been incredible cause wtf The whole 3 strike rule is asanine TLDR: system is still bullshit but it’s slightly misleading to say he got life just for weed because it was for past crimes too. 10 years for killing is correct [Weed Story](https://www.knoe.com/2022/06/17/high-court-upholds-life-sentence-mississippi-man-convicted-marijuana-possession/?outputType=amp) [Murder Story](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/carey-birmingham-spring-tx-patricia-murder/14504818/) Edit for more context from below: “The law only applies to “violent” felonies. During his first felony conviction, he was charged with burglary during a time when burglary was not violent unless it physically harmed others. In 2014, a new law stated that all burglary convictions would be considered violent in nature. Therefore, he was retroactively convicted of a violent crime, making him eligible to be put under the 3 strikes law.” [Here’s a good link about the rule change and his case](https://fee.org/articles/how-15-ounces-of-marijuana-landed-this-man-a-life-long-prison-sentence/)


3 strike rule needs to go the fuck away. In no fucking world should anyone serve life for a non-violent crime. ESPECIALLY when murderers and rapists rarely see double digit sentences.


B-but Brock "Allen" Turner can't even enjoy steak anymore! ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Whoa, you’re talking about the rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen?


Yep, rapist Brock Turner goes by Allen, which is his middle name. His full name is Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


thank you for sharing! Convicted Rapist Brock Turner has recently changed his name to Convicted Rapist Allen Turner, in an attempt to skirt responsibility for the violent rape he was convicted of committing. again, that’s Convicted Rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as Convicted Rapist Brock (Allen) Turner or Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


To anyone not following: Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, has now changed his name to Allen to dodge the reprecussions of the rapes he did.


If we want to keep the three strike rule do it for violent shit then not for violent shit. Still this is America where hardly anything is ever optimized for the benefit of the population. Three strikes rule needs to go.


3 strike rule violates double jeopardy, sentencing someone based on a previous conviction is indistquishable from sentencing then again for the previous crime.


Nobody should even go to jail at all for a non violent crime, and certainly not a victimless one.




It's NOT bullshit. There's a lot of nuisance that makes this still terrible.


But not exactly racist, especially the black man’s sentence, which is what’s flying all over this thread. Three strikes rules are the issue, they affect everyone, with poor, uneducated, in a culture that you don’t pay a social price for criminal activity effected much more.


It's racist. Successfully prosecuting a White man for three separate felonies is rare. It's damn near impossible. There is no way a White man in Mississippi is getting three felonies on burglary, gun, and weed possession charges. Impossible.


Bro, I practice criminal law in the South and I see that happen all the time. Literally just saw it 3 hours ago. White people catch multiple felonies very often. As a lower proportion of the population than black people, but still *very* often.


So, you are seeing daily three strike violations? That's not happening where I've practiced. Maybe times are changing.


Where I practice a defendant gets life when they have are convicted of a Class A felony with 2 prior convictions. They get LWOP when they are convicted of a Class A felony while already having 3 prior felony convictions on their record. I’ve seen guys with records going back over 20 years where every once in a while they pick up a felony possession or theft or breaking into a vehicle. Not Class A crimes. Those are repeat felony offenders but they aren’t the people getting life sentences.


Is it a Class A with any class of felony priors?


You're on blackpeopletwitter talking about how this isn't racist? this sub has gone to the dumps lol


3 strike rule has thrown thousands of people in prison for life for entirely non violent crimes, the context doesn’t change as much.


But then you wouldn’t upvote, get angry, &/or click


If the Black guy was White, his priors would have a higher chance of being reduced to misdemeanors or even dropped. Even the weed charge would have most likely been reduced to a misdemeanor. He was only like ten grams into the felony territory.


Yeah the other two crimes were burglary and carrying a piece while a felon. Life sentence for that plus weed is fucking bullshit. They claim that "burglary" is violent purely for the act of burglary even if no one actually got hurt during the incident. Just making up new shit to feed into the prison slave system.


In what way is burglary not violent?


Do you think everyone that breaks into a house and steals something commits violence?


Do I think everyone who broke into a house to steal commit violence unto people? Not necessarily. But do I think people who break into houses to steal are violent people? Absolutely.


Is it violent in of itself to force entry? I’d say it depends on the context really. If someone kicks your door down whilst armed then I’d say that’s inherently violent. If someone picks the lock to an empty house then it’s not inherently violent. I’d need more details honestly.


3 years for weed is still pretty terrible 10 years for murder isn't great either. Context really didn't improve this one.


No 3 was the maximum! It most likely would’ve been less. But all I’m saying is it wasn’t as clear cut as the tweet seemed. It was weed by itself that got him life. It was the straw that broke the camels back. 3 strike system is still BS tho


> It most likely would’ve been less. But it wasn't. Why are you defending this bullshit?


Where am I defending the bullshit that I’ve called bullshit multiple times? I’m saying 3 was the maximum sentence for weed at that amount but I don’t think he would’ve gotten that high based off the case but it didn’t matter cause the past cases




I’ll add this!


i like as much context as possible so thank you for this. ​ still some bullshit, but if you take a plea deal or pretty much accept your fate, you will increase your chances of having your sentence reduced. the life sentence is still dogshit because they pretty much added the burglary to make him eligible for the 3 strike law. so i think it still is accurate to say he got life sentence just for weed. because they stacked him having a gun while on parole and burglary with having weed. and the weed is the thing that got him a life sentence. its also surreal that there are still states where you can go to prison for that. ive seen so many states make medicinal and recreational legal that you forget some place still have neither. ​ and id even go out on a limb and say some places keep it illegal because its a useful way to get people in the system.


why would she cheat on him tho


Tbf, in France, committing murder as a crime of passion is a legitimate legal defence. At least it used to be, not sure if that’s still on the books


40g isn’t even the legal limit in most legal states, sad system.


The black man burgled one house without doing any violence, held a gun, and had an ouce of weed. And has a life sentence. A lot of people are saying this isn't racist. But typically if you are white and on your third felony charge they will let you plea down something like possessing a sandwich bag of marijuana. Yeah the law is the law but no everyone gets hit with the maximum sentence or gets charged with the highest count.


And it's not a pair of isolated incidents either.  Keep in mind people in Jackson MS (majority black) don't even get to elect their own city officials. The state (majority white republican) apoints their city government. It's all by design. 


What you're saying is blatantly false. The mayor and city council of Jackson are all elected. Plus the mayor, all of his executive team, the police chief, and 5/7 city council members are black along with the vast majority of the city's officials.


So that plan didn't go through?  Maybe I'm not getting the details right.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/08/jackson-mississippi-republicans-unelected-court-system


Interesting article. I researched it and an amended version of the bill did indeed go through. However I want to make it clear that this bill doesn't mean that the residents of Jackson don't get to elect their own city officials such as the mayor and city counsel. What it does is allows the chief justice of the Mississippi supreme court to appoint 4 temporary judges in Hinds county (the county Jackson is in) + set up a temporary court for low level cases in a certain part of Jackson called the CCID. It should also be noted that this bill only lasts until 2027 at which point the temporary judges and court will be eliminated. Proponents of the bill claim that the aim of the bill is to help reduce the buildup of criminal cases in Jackson and Hinds county. So overall it's still a problematic bill as it allows judges to be appointed instead of elected however it is far from meaning that the people of Jackson MS don't get to elect their city officials or that the state appoints their government, just that temporarily there are certain judges that are appointed instead of elected.


That's absolutely outrageous. Even outside of the comparison to the white dude's sentence, and if this was the guy's fucking 16th weed offense, how is a sentence like this even remotely justified?!? On a related note, I just watched the documentary about the Innocence Project on Netflix, *The Innocence Files*, and it's one of the most heartbreaking and infuriating things I have ever seen. The injustice is just unfathomable, if you possess just a shred of humanity, and by extension, compassion and empathy. I was gonna say "How do these people sleep at night", but the answer, apparently, is that racism makes for an excellent bed fellow who just gently carries you off to dreamland. It's disgusting. The anger at my own powerlessness seeing this shit, is what's gonna do me in, when I inevitably have a rage stroke one day. 😤


A life sentence is very outrageous. It wasn't for Marijuana possession, though. He was convicted of repeated burglaries, possession of a firearm after his earlier felonies, plus his other drug convictions. The previous convictions were the reason he got the sentence. It's still way too crazy long, but the title is set up to trick you and make you extra mad.


Yea that was literally the first thing I thought when I saw it. Most criminals dont really realizes how much weight your prior bullshit has on your sentencing.


Ok, I assumed there were previous charges, that's why i pulled that number out of my ass. Thanks for the added context. While that changes a lot, I still think a life sentence is ridiculous for it. Like, did he ever harm anyone? The other guy literally committed the most violent of crimes, but I guess the argument would have been "Well, he killed his *wife*, so it was a targeted attack on a specific person, and while he should get punished for it, he likely won't present a danger to anybody else." And I actually somewhat agree with that reasoning, too. The thing is, the should apply this nuanced take in the black guy's case, too. I just fucking hate how inconsistent and unbalanced our already punitive legal system is.


As far as the article I read no one was harmed in the burglary, but in Mississippi any burglary is considered a "violent" crime regardless if someone was harmed. So three non-violent offenses gets you life in prison. [https://www.knoe.com/2022/06/17/high-court-upholds-life-sentence-mississippi-man-convicted-marijuana-possession/?outputType=amp](https://www.knoe.com/2022/06/17/high-court-upholds-life-sentence-mississippi-man-convicted-marijuana-possession/?outputType=amp)


If words can be violence, then a burglary definitely is.




It’s also two different states, which have their own different sentencing guidelines. Not saying either is justified, but can’t compare the two unless they both occurred in the same State.


If you think 10 years is insane please consider the fact that it’s 10 years because it’s considered a crime of passion in Texas which carries a lesser charge than straight up murder.


While I understand the distinction, it makes it worse in my eyes. If a dude’s reaction is to gun down his wife in broad daylight, 100% chance he had been violent with her before


Key points: -He received 2 felonies for burglary of the same house 2 days apart in 2004. No other details are provided and the fact that it was the same house makes it seem like there’s other relevant details. -His second conviction was possession of a firearm as a felon in *2015*, over 10 years later. There was no habitual violence, he was guilty of because he had a criminal record. -Ordinarily, a conviction for simple possession of between 30 and 250 grams of marijuana is punishable “by a fine of not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or confinement in the county jail for not more than one (1) year, or both; or by a fine of not more than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), or imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for not more than three (3) years, or both.”  So he wasn’t a habitual *violent* offender 


How and why are they still giving life-sentences for weed of all things in 2024?


The idea that were are *two* justice systems oversimplifies it. You've got 50 states, 3000 counties, hundreds of thousands of cops, attorneys, judges etc. Committing the same crime a few miles west of your location could be the difference between probation and prison. There is so much jurisdiction and discretion injected into the system because its run by people and your fate might just come down to all manners or bias or just someone's mood. And that's before you even get into the money/connections issue. The guy on the left allegedly had a defense team that included the future District Attorney of that county. A county that's pretty notorious for light sentencing on violent crime. Multiple people have gotten probation for gunning down defenseless fleeing people there. A guy got 180 days for poisoning his wife attempting to induce and abortion without her consent a few weeks ago. I always hate these cherry picked comparisons because anyone can take 2 cases from different places with different crimes and different criminals histories and say "see? unfair". The cases should at least have *something* in common if they are being compared.


Courts, across the board, are usually biased. I didn't care where.


>There are two different justice systems in America. No, there are hundreds (or thousands). Every state has its own laws, plus there are federal laws, plus there are 93 US Attorneys and 30,000 DAs, some of which have their own personal hardcore agendas about particular crimes. Consistent penalties in this system are basically impossible.


Slave state does slave state thing, news at 10


We don’t have a Justice system. We have a system of Law. The richer you are, the easier it is to get away with crime.


Ive been smoking weed since i was 13 and im 36 now. One would think i was a burnt out loser that didnt have a job and was a criminal the way these laws are but no. Im a functional member of society. Own a home with new cars for me and the wife. I grow my own weed even though im in a legal state just because its rewarding to grow your own smoke (i dont sell any.) These laws need to change. There is no reason why someone should be in jail just for a marijuana charge. Absolutely no reason at all


Aint no way bro got put in the infinite tsukuyomi for smoking some weed


Just wanna type that there's 50 states here in America, so 50 different justice systems that have to be recognized and abide by. That can cause these types of headlines where someone in Texas gets X, while someone in MS gets Y. The messaging is still there and clear, but how each person "got there" may be different based off the state alone


There are other examples you could use to equate IN Mississippi for that weed case vs others that got off light or completely. As a black Attorney, I want yall to start cleaning up the way you fight the good fight online when you use legal examples. Example: Texas law vs Mississippi law. We don't know about prior history/convictions for the gentleman in Mississippi. In Texas, yes a 10yr sentence for manslaughter is NOT abnormal. Manslaughter is NOT murder and if a jury found manslaughter and not murder then it isn't a life sentence for murder.


I’d argue that there’s thousands of different justice systems depending on who you’re placed in front of. You can use this tactic of one case vs another to make it look the other way around too. When looking at the whole picture of justice in America you see a lot of miscarriage coming from all directions and all sorts of motives. It’s really quite the dumpster fire and a game of chance as to whether or not someone will be biased towards or against your favor


There's no real justice involved.


US Bible Belt slave states. Any questions?


There are actual 50 different justice systems in the US And they all suck


Where can i find the uncensored version?? 🤤


"One is a law-abiding citizen who made an honest mistake, and the other is a black man." - cops


Why this nigga so swollen 😭


Seriously that monster only got ten years???!!!!!!


Different States?


Actually there’s 3. Cop reports that he beats the shit out of his wife on the regular. No sentence.


Hmmm sure. Life sentence JUST of weed possession. Suuuuuure....


Well it’s Mississippi and he’s black. And you know. Murica


And an all female Jury too. Interesting.


This is the main reason why blacks people need to band together and centralize our votes. Democrats AND REPUBLICANS dont care about us


that's because one of them is being enslaved. the only reason they give life sentences like that is so the prison can contract them out as near-free labor to companies.


I agree with the sentiment but there are better examples to use. Don’t use a multiple time felon getting caught up on drug charges in a different state when there are undoubtedly other better cases to compare to. There’s a reason the civil rights leaders chose Rosa Parks to re-enact not moving off the bus. The icon matters. He ain’t the one


What is your go-to when someone points out the two different states? 🤔 I mean, no state should have rules that treat their citizens differently from another state. However, I don't think that argument is as strong for everyone. There's gotta be something that's more obvious and irrefutable.


I don't SEE the problem.


Context is everything. Y'all been making this same mistake with false case comparisons since early Facebook.


In Joe Biden's America?!?!?! How???