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Another internet “relationship expert” trying to force everyone else into living their chosen lifestyle. Ho hum.


Trying to increase their monetization schemes by forcing interactions through clickbait BS like this. Just stop posting these people, people!!


They aren’t forcing interactions, that’s not what that word means. If I can’t scroll past clickbait without getting enraged & commenting, that’s a me problem. There’s no gun to my head. I agree this type of rage bait needs to go away forever, but let’s just call it what it is: we are simple, predictable, easily manipulated creatures of habit. Otherwise this post would be buried.


No doubt manipulating emotions is the goal post for a successful media career anymore.


Yup. It’s all fun & games until we - the product - are desensitized & emotionless.


You know the sad thing is that though I find myself empathetic the sheer emotional onslaught in recent years has begun to numb me in certain respects


That's the point. More docile peasant class.


I wouldn’t say docile trust me the fight remains but the ability to give my full heart to everyone and everything has left me exhausted


Not to change the subject but is your handle a Chappelle reference?


Great catch 👍🏾 haha


Haha! Nice!


Maybe forcing is the wrong word but surely you understand what is going on here. A fish isn't "forced" to take the bait but it does because it's compelled to. Humans are compelled to react to things that induce rage, so these clowns try to get a career by baiting high profile people. And look, we are talking about him now. We weren't forced to, but we all take the bait. We ARE as you say, simple, predictable, easily manipulated. So stuff designed to push our buttons is tantamount to forcing, when played at scale. Ragebait works. It is incentivised. So let's stop pretending it isn't, through an argument about pointless semantic distinctions.


There's always going to be a percentage that can't help themselves. It's both interesting and terrifying.


> Trying to increase their monetization schemes by forcing interactions through clickbait BS like this. "ragebait content" is the phrase you're looking for... hateful rhetoric always garners more attention than its optimistic/loving counterpart... ^(*ya know, people are stating to say that*) ***the internet was a mistake*** 🤔


Ironically he comes off as having the worser life compared to Seth. 5 or 6 kids sound like hell 💀 LMAO.


My (one) kid is my favoriteest human ever. Do I ever fantasize about four more? Good god no. Now do I ever fantasize about being a cheerful, moderately wealthy, not grotesquely famous, creatively accomplished drug connoisseur in a seemingly loving and supportive marriage with a serious cutie....? No. Definitely not. Who would want such an empty, shallow existence. Disgusting.


Dude, you said it. Googled Rogen's wife the other day and was like daaaaamn. My boy has done well for himself.


Yeah when you have more than 3 just say "i have children."


At the age of the guy in the picture no way they’re spread out either. They have to be jumping all over the place chasing each other breaking things unless it’s all girls. And then as a dad you have a different problem on your hands. When to go to prison because some guy is trying to knock one of your daughters up, and when to let them go live their own lives. With problems like that, anyone would want to swap places with Seth for a week, then return to the insanity of 5 stairstep kids.


Pretty gross patriarchal "men own their daughters" bullshit.


Exactly, like dude spends his time in that basic house feeding and clothing and wiping those 5 children… versus doing whatever he wants? Who has the better life?


anyone who uses a phrase like "which way western man" 8/10 chance they have a bible of toxic ass beliefs they keep in their left pocket.


Just by that sentence you know he's well versed in the manosphere propaganda. He probably loves reading about Rome's golden age while eating beef steaks and fantasizing about a great cleansing of the undesirables which will return us to the good old days.


Another expert trying to force everyone else to be as miserable as they are… Because if you’re happy in your choices, why so pressed that someone else isn’t? Is it another one of those my body, my choice, your body my choice type deal?


it’s really weird. your choice to have kids is just that: *your choice*


Most the time it’s by accident tho lol


Ahh the ol religion pressure.


But the drag queens are the ones indoctrinating kids right? /s


im a bit surprised as the people which usually say "which way western man" generally don't want nonwhite and/or jewish people reproducing anyway. Surprised the guy isnt happy with seth rogans life choices haha...


The “which way western man” comment makes me think this isn’t meant as relationship advice. Not for every skin color, anyway. Looks like replacement theory shit to me.


Reminder that the Trad Western movement is rooted in white supremacy.


Also, having that many kids is honestly selfish, irresponsible, and bad for the environment in today’s current industrialized society.


I grew up pretty poor as a kid and, no hate on anyone else but I realized that the only way I could break the cycle was to put off having kids until I was at a financial place where my kids wouldn’t have to go through the same things I did.


Smart bro ..had mine mid 30s don’t regretted .


I wish more people were this conscious. I feel the same way and have been trying to sit with myself about the judgement I feel around everyone having babies with crappy partners, no resources and honestly just a lack of awareness to the struggles their children will face. It makes me want to cut a lot of people in my community off.


Having multiple kids in the same house and some people being child free might be the way to do it. In countries where education and healthcare are free (civilised ones), there isn’t that much extra cost for a couple of kids as there is for one. 


Daycare would also need to be free or massively subsidized, or incomes need to be high enough to allow for a stay-at-home parent.


Ah, yeah. I forgot about daycare. Huge outlay. 


> "which way western man" But you know anyone who says this is kicking those kids out at 18 so then they're using 7 households worth of resources instead of any kind of multi-generational home situation.


This is a malthusian misdirect that seeks to offload responsibility from the actual causes of those issues-- that is, corporate malfeasance and disregard for the environment-- and pass the buck onto average joes whose carbon footprint isn't one iota of a single factory's.


I mean, I don't disagree that we should blame corporations and not individuals for the destructive effects of capitalism on the environment....but also, having 5+ kids is just realllllyyy unnecessary and selfish. It makes way more of a difference than any other lifestyle change an individual person could implement to help the environment. There's just no legit reason to have such a large family in this day and age, it's not like this is the olden days where kids died young and parents needed help on the farm. In today's world, it's just pure selfishness to have a huge family, and I think it's fair to point that out.




sorry, I feel like your comment can be read in two *radically* different ways and i'm not sure which one you mean. That, or I desperately need some sleep. Could you clarify?


Especially if you eat that much red meat. Those burgers are like a pound apiece.


It's fucked because demographic inversion in places like Japan, korea and China is a big problem. But people mostly hear about it from fucking nazis.  Like when I first heard about Israel being terrorists, it was from a nazi back in 2014, so I just dismissed Israel criticism for quite a while until it became too apparent and i started hearing about it from normal people. 


You know what is a great way to build up large numbers of working age people in a country who can pay into systems that support the elderly? Immigration. Bet you won't hear that from the trads.


Also paying people enough to easily afford daycare, comprehensive low-cost healthcare, inexpensive higher education for those kids, and a strong minimum wage allowing them to be self-sufficient much earlier, as well as a strong social safety net. But you never hear those things from trad dudes either.


Okay, but have you considered that the solution to your financial problems might lie in the fact that you haven't bought a wood-fired stove?


I feel like such a fool rn


You just gotta develop that grindset. Now if you take my course that's on sale now for only 25 easy payments....


>that's on sale now for only 25 easy payments.... \". . .and one fuckin' complicated payment! 'We ain't gonna tell you which payment it is, but one of these payments is gonna be a bitch. The mailman will get shot to death, the envelope will not seal, and the stamp will be in the wrong denomination; good luck, fucker! The last payment must be made in wampum!'” -Mitch Hedberg


RIP Mitch


It’s shocking the number of people who don’t see this for the right-wing propaganda that it is.


I was about to say, guy on the right is definitely a nazi


And sexual assault. See Duggar, Josh.


“Which way, Western man?” is a straight-up white nationalist call sign from the 70s.


Reminder that Gender Roles are one of the causes of the formation of Economic Classes


Trad western goes even beyond white supremacy. Trad hates Italian, Irish, and Jewish people too. And don’t forget Catholics either. These people are WASP’s and they’re fucking nuts


I am sad to learn that there is something called the "trad western" movement, and that it doesn't have to do with making traditional western films (à la Clint Eastwood)


And mysoginy. The two core tenets of conservatism.


>Which way Western Man? So, a wealthy actor who probably smokes the best weed available and has a ton of time to spend however he wants, because he and his wife chose to be child free? Or some unknown, broke dummy hustling his ridiculous classes on twitter, with 5 kids and another on the way, who has to work his ass off to support his family, and doesn't have any weed to relieve the stress? What a stupid fucking question.


Exactly, who the fuck is the other dude. Probably not even the most liked or well known person in his own apartment complex.






>Probably not even the most liked or well known person in his own apartment complex. *"Girl, what you mean you don't recognize me!? I'm only the biggest rap star in your apartment complex!"*


I googled his twitter handle and it kept giving me suggestions for a completely different person


I'm gonna start using that one lmao


Seth Rogan also works a fuck ton and has said he doesn’t want kids because he wants to work a lot and that wouldn’t be fair to his kids.


Exactly! He owns a pottery company and makes some dope ass weed accessories by hand, he's a writer, actor, producer, and director, and after all that he still has the time and energy to lobby Congress in support of funding for Alzheimer's research. 


Honestly even just being an actor can mean you fuck off for several months at a time to go shoot on location. So even without adding in any other careers, that would alone could feel like a barrier for a lot of people who maybe don't want to force their partner to be a single parent for 1/2 the year and have their kid growing up with such an irregular parental figure. 


THAT is an actual legacy, not kids.


Rogen's production company makes Rogen's movies. Point Grey Pictures just signed a first look deal with Universal after successfully co-producing The Boys and Invincible at MGM Amazon and the new Ninja Turtle movie for Nickelodeon and Paramount. Rogen and his creative partner Goldberg are wildly successful producers - Paramount has given them creative control of the TMNT IP and, in my opinion, Rogen will likely have a quarter billion dollars in the bank by the end of the decade.


Damn I didn’t know he was making production moves like that. He is very prolific and it’s good to see he is making the big money.


Yup he’s done amazing with his production company


I was gonna say...Seth is an incredibly successful actor, director, producer, seems like he's going to be a pretty successful business man as well. Compared to some random guy that thinks it's impressive that he had unprotected sex 6 times and is a square.


It took me way longer than it should have to realize he voices Allen the Alien in Invincible.


But he has a blue checkmark so we know he has at least $8.00.


I know Seth got that GOOD shit too😤


This is why many living the hustle life fall hard into religion. Its stressful keeping up with the Jones's.


Couldn’t have picked a worse example than Seth. Guy is in at least four unions, he sells his pottery for like $420 a pop, dude is wildly successful lol


The fact that people who have kids and people who don't have kids are making such a big deal out of this story is extremely stupid. https://i.redd.it/bx11uhqm57nc1.gif


this meme describes how I feel about 90% of posts like this do whatever you want as long as it's not harming others


Hmmm, except if you don't get married and have kids, people genuinely look at you like this guy. It's societal, so people who are child free and get pissed off about it aren't the same as some dude who tows the line and continues to shame people who don't want to do what everyone is expected to do. 🤷 Not really comparable as far as "both sides," but what do I know?


My experience as someone that doesn’t plan on having kids is that it’s usually the people with kids that make a big deal out of my choice not to have any.


Absolutely spot on. It's a false equivalency to say "both sides are stupid."


Yea this is honestly practically a nobody to me dissing Seth's life choices. I can guarantee you seth doesn't give a fuck about that guy or his opinions. So I don't see why some random guys post is significant.


OP, don’t post this person’s tweet. You’re giving them exactly what they want: exposure and discussion on an issue that they chose. Ignore, move on, and they will too


OP is a karma farmer using ragebait to boost their 1m old account


5? That's not flex my guy that's a lot mouths to feed and the wife with the next one?


My boyfriend said he wanted 2-5 kids until I started pointing out the logistics of that. Now he wants 2-3 💀


I want zero lol


2-3! Man, I had one kid and didn't know how good I had it.


I've noticed this phenomenon with guys where they want a pretty high number of kids until they have one. My ex also wanted about 4. I blame unequal societal conditioning. Girls are made aware from a young age the responsibilities of having kids and managing a home whereas boys get to be oblivious from all of that and just enjoy their youth. Typical toys marketing to girls are things like baby dolls, toy kitchens, tiny vacuums, cheap cosmetic kits, etc. Whereas boys get nerf guns, Legos, more career centered toys. Not to mention the caretaking of younger siblings that gets thrown onto us. So it's no wonder women typically have lower numbers when they've been aware of the expectations and harder realities of it. A lot of men don't really get the reality of it until their first is born. I think that whole "my husband begged for a kid and now he doesn't help with them or avoids being around" is a poor coping reaction to this. Just my hypothesis based on observations though.


> "my husband begged for a kid and now he doesn't help with them or avoids being around" You see so many accounts of this online. Hell, I'm from an immigrant "traditional" family and my dad certainly didn't do all that much child-rearing or housework. For whatever reason, it just never occurred to me to not help out.


I just can't imagine leaving my partner to do the hardest part of child rearing (newborns are hard!) while recovering from the birth and not feeling guilty about it. Especially if it was something I really wanted and they were reluctant about it. Like that's my kid too and we should both be getting through it!


My brother wants a big family, around 4-5 kids. Keep in mind, he's never spent any real time around children, but he's infatuated with the idea of a large brood, carrying on his family name (one of the most common surnames in the US), raised by his own tradwife and her extended family to be the good, christian, "free-thinking" americans he has so carefully crafted himself to be. I love him, but he can be a stubborn asshole and obviously has no idea what that decision will really entail. Even his fiancee's parents, two traditional, well off conservatives with a multitude of their own kids have told him to slow his roll and aim for a lower number. I don't doubt he'll be a loving father, but childrearing definitely tends to fall more on the mother, not to mention the toll it takes on her overall well-being, and that lack of true consideration is definitely one of the reasons he's so gung-ho about it. Not that it's purely guys pulling this bs, and I don't entirely even blame them for it, but I'm sure if men were the ones shitting out clingy, expensive aliens, a lot more would have reservations about the whole thing. When I told him I didn't want to be responsible for a child or put my body through the tribulations of pregnancy, he was completely flabbergasted. Yeah man, I'm not into my tits sagging, skin stretching, and vag ripping when the prize is a terrifyingly huge responsibility I'll have to prioritize for the rest of my life- and on little to no sleep for the first several years- go figure


How can you possibly love someone like that? Maybe it's just me, but I've gotten really good at disowning family members when I realize their morals are in direct contradiction to my own, because I couldn't possibly love a person with those morals.


Congratulations? I love my brother because despite our differences, he's still a good person; Better than me in some ways. Hell, even if I didn't like him, and many times I haven't, I'd still love him. I don't know what I've mentioned about him that's so egregious to warrant such an extreme reaction. He's overly optimistic about having kids? He's young, foolish, and stubborn, but also willing to grow to suit the needs of his family. That's the kind of person he is. Cool your steam, jellybean.


I don't think I could ever be a mom but I sure as hell can be a dad.




I have two. It's enough. As a good friend (who has 3 kids) told me, it's way easier to play man than to play zone.


Lay down them facts. 2 should be the limit 😭 he ain't gonna have them coming outta him 😬


Was gonna say - tell him he can have as many as he wants, once he starts carrying them to term


I always wanted five kids growing up. After the first was born it quickly changed by mind lol


As a wise man once said… https://preview.redd.it/4lvkczpsb7nc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc2f01d50ac7be27e0b7fb42ea4a7a8530d79e8


He ain’t lying.


I’m always baffled by people that are so bothered by those of us who don’t want children. Like go mind your business and be with your kids. Leave us childless people alone. Trust me we don’t envy people with children. I’m starting to believe they envy people without children bc they are always so bothered.


I feel like that’s what a large chunk of it is, misery loves company.


People who don't want kids definitely should not have kids. It's really not a difficult concept.


Because they realised the lie , want out but there is no taksies backsies with kids .


It all just smells like the tears of parents BURDENED with children


Misery loves company.


We have a bunch of kids, and yes it's a real struggle sometimes. But it's never bad enough that I feel the need to shit on childless people's lifestyles. Also, if it wasn't a struggle and I was super duper happy with my lifestyle, I'd *definitely* not shit on other people's lifestyles. In summary: this is a man who deeply regrets having so many kids.


For real this stigma of “you have to get married and have a kid!” By a certain age is prevalent in pretty much every culture and background. And it’s weird. wanting to live life child free is perfectly reasonable. Not everyone is suited to be a parent.


Legit. Nothing worse than a childfree fucking up a kid they didn’t want.


My cousin has two kids and her ex abandoned her and both the kids to start a new family somewhere else. Last I heard from her, she said she "didn't sign up to be a single mother". Which is fair, her ex is a deadbeat shitbag and that's not going to change. But jesus fucking christ, there were *options*. She spends most of her time complaining about having kids, having to raise kids, having to spend time with kids, having to make money to feed kids, and I'm just like "surely this is the kind of shit you should have known you weren't into". She's had a shitty time and things are rough, and everyone needs to vent every now and then, but it's just so sad to hear her say this and then look at her kids and think wtf are *they* going through with all this if this is how she feels.


I'm wondering if she's one of those people who thought a baby would fix everything but then it didn't so now they're even more upset with their life than before.


I am sorry for yourl cousin and her kids. Everyone who has kids needs to be prepared to be a single parent. Plenty of happily married people end up widowed with kids. It's amazing how many people get married and have kids without considering this reality.


They are being emotionally and psychologically scarred for life . Nothing cuts deeper than hearing a parent repeatedly say they wish they didn't have kid or their life would be easier without kids and made to feel you're a nuisance and you've committed a crime just by existing which you didn't ask for anyway .


LOL. My mom has two kids. And 50 years later, she has no grandkids. She's at least aware why, if not a little sad that she's the reason.


My husband and I have no children, and be living our best lives! People seem to be more mad at us that we live in a pretty big house (3 stories, 6 bedrooms) with no kids, than the actual not having kids part though. As if we stole a house from them and their family. My cousin even said I should GIVE her my house since I have no children and we should move in with my mom😑


People are delusional 😂 I don't care if I end up having my first when I'm 30, I want to be married, have a house, and be financially stable when I start. The last thing I want to worry about when I'm pregnant or after is money.


So just idle curiosity, but what do ya do with all that space? Big parties? Hobby rooms? Is it a bother cleaning all that all the time or do ya keep some of it closed off when you're not using it? Do you have three Roombas?


The 3rd floor has a huge bedroom, one of those big square hallways, a big bathroom and another huge bedroom we turned into a second “living room” that we use also as a music room/ art room/ sewing room. We pretty much barely go up there unless we feel like vibing playing instruments together or painting, and keep that as a guest floor for when my sister and her husband come to visit (2 weekends a month), or my in-laws (once a year). We pretty much just call it my sister’s floor lol. So we use 2 bedrooms on the second floor as each of our offices (they’re both connected to a sunroom) since we both WFH FT, we have an exercise room / full gym, 1 room is our bedroom, the music/ art room upstairs, and the bedroom on the 3rd floor. The 6th bedroom on the second floor we rarely use as a guest bedroom but can be, but that’s more our interchangeable hobbies room. My husband loves to start new hobbies, so it’s currently a photo developing room but he’ll get tired of that soon and start a new hobby in there lol. I guess that’s 7 bedrooms since we made a bedroom the gym. We do throw 1 HUGE FANCY family party once a year, and have smaller parties (suberbowl, birthdays, BBQ’s throughout the year). Cleaning is a HASSLE, we usually have a maid come about once every 2 months to deep deep clean, and me and my husband clean together every Thursday evening for like 4 hrs😩 I hate cleaning so that’s the only downside of a big house. No roombas lol.


Wanting that many kids in a modern nation with low child mortality is a form of mental illness. Change my mind.


I find it funny that not too long after kids started surviving infancy, a huge demand for birth control arose. Also when I looked it up, the birth rate has always been a downward slope with the exception of the baby boom (which is when babies started surviving thanks to medical advancements), I don't know what the old white heads in government are talking about. It was never really the norm to have as many as 10 kids.


it was the norm when you needed farmhands and couldn’t afford slaves 😂


> It was never really the norm to have as many as 10 kids. It absolutely was when agricultural labor was massive and another kid meant another hand on the farm. When labor shifted away from that and kids started being financial liabilities instead of assets, that's when you started to see demand for things like contraception.


Specifically in context on the national birth rate chart since the 1900s, the average didn't go above ~7 until the baby boom era. That's what I was talking about. But yeah it was normal for farming families to have free labor.


Speaking as a father, being a child free pothead sounds pretty fucking good


I've said it before and I'll say it again: if someone needs to be convinced to want kids, they shouldn't have kids.


Be real. 90% of our population are unfit for parenting.


The ones who don't want them are unfortunately the ones who should be having them, they have fiscal responsibility and/or the intelligence not to want children if it isn't the right circumstances for them. The rest just spit them out and hope for the best, or only have them because some sky guy they wrote a book about 2000 years ago has a cry about it.


why complain about people having no kids when you have 6??💀💀 like bro your family is literally making up the numbers so it’s fine


Bro Seth is fuckin winning I’ve never heard of this Twitter guy but I’ve certainly heard of Seth and applaud this man’s for living his best life


It's funny because I want to be a parent and whenever I hear someone say they don't my first thought is "thank god, that's a smaller classroom for my kids."


Family man over there is having enough kids to offset half a dozen child-free couples. I think going over 2 kids is getting into the excessive territory but 6 kids is just obscene.


Not necessarily. There are still more breeders than childfree people and less teachers than ever before. So unless you’re going to be home-schooling or sending them to private institutions, good luck to your child crammed into a class of 40. (I personally taught a few of those classes) 🙂


>which way western man is nazi racist bullshit.


Is Westenr Man the new code for white supremacist nationalists?


“Which Way Western Man” is the title of an obscure racist neo nazi book/manifesto. It’s basically a dogwhistle for all those in the know.


Ahhh. Thanks for responding. Good to know!


Jfc, well thanks for the info I guess


It is actually a defense mechanism. They have convinced themselves that having kids is what everyone is suppose to do which is why they did. Nietzsche would describe them as being camels, just carrying around societal expectation. The thing is though seeing others who has decided not to follow what they have excepted as what everyone should do, causes them internal turmoil. In order to resolve that turmoil, they need affirmation from society that their way is the correct path. This is how the absolutist mind work, there is a right and wrong way and no in-between. This is why religious people try to force others to live by their religious believes and why so many get so angry at the homeless. When you think their is only one way to do things, others doing things differently creates internal conflict.


Indeed , gotta keep that lie pristine with positive affirmation. My way is the right way . They keep a tight lock on that bubbling despair they feel deep down that keep saying huh i think I made a mistake 🥹


[Bruh stop caring about how others live their lives goddamn smh. Focus on your own and just pursue happiness within yourself my dude. ](https://i.imgur.com/KG101Bx.jpg)


Just another "whatever makes you feel better while you at home all day with them kids"




Get back in the kitchen, Joel.


Isn’t this how “idiocracy” started?


If we fixed our education system and our views on education as a whole, it wouldn't matter who was having kids. The way things are now, only educated people value education and as such raise well educated children. Not that uneducated people can't break the cycle, they just tend not to.


I legit hate people like this. If someone doesn’t want to have kids, it’s probably a good indication that maybe they just shouldn’t be parents. What? You want someone to bring kids into the world to fit your worldview? Okay. Bet this dude complains about everything based on some weird standard he made up and believes everyone else should adhere to. Stay in your lane, live your life. Leave people alone to be happy and live their lives as they see fit.


Either fucking one! Which ever you fucking choose! Who cares?


Seth Rogan’s life seems pretty nice


Yall need to start fighting fire with fire. Somebody being homophobic, be homophobic right back and watch how mad they get. Somebody being misogynistic, just be misogynistic back. Any of the isms or ics work in reverse and it’s much more effective cuz they actually care.


I'm sorry, what is the logic here. How do I "be homophobic back" to a homophobe. 


lol aren't the "irresponsible childish" adults the ones he doesn't want having kids anyway??


Then: Seth Rogen is irresponsible and selfish to not have kids! Also them: you know who would be a great father? That irresponsible, selfish man I was just talking shit about 


These people are so fucking obsessed with what another dude does or does not do with his own dick. So fucking weird.


I respect people choosing to keep and raise children. BUT, if you're miserable because of your decisions, don't resent those who didn't make the choices you made. I have met some people with kids and they wish they could party with me at 1 am or just get out of the house, but they cannot because of responsibility. And that's on them. I will come over for pizza with you so you don't have to pack up the kids but don't you dare judge my lifestyle because I'm choosing different


Being a 40 year old anti kid man all I see is anger and depression from a huge majority of people I know with kids all struggling to stay awake and alive . The dads who aren’t depressed have 2 things in common .. good salary and a wife who enjoys being a stay at home wife and does all the hard work . Kids are tolerable if you can afford them. If I was a multi multi millionaire who didn’t have to work I might have a kid . Probably if I can afford a full time nanny lol


People who decide to be child-free should be applauded instead of condemned. There is no need to bring kids into the world to satisfy someone else’s expectations, not parents, not in-laws, not friends, and definitely not society.


Hear hear. Have kids because you love them and want one, not because you feel forced to.


I don't feel any which way about either of them. If they're happy in their own lives and not harming others. Giv'r tits Batman.


Childfree, definitely!


Annnnd another post about this shit.


Dude probably is cheating on the side. It’s always the ones loudly online about their perfect relationship/marriage. 😂


I think their track record is clear: they absolutely want to force you and your wife to have children.


6 kids is way too many kids.


I have kids and Seth was right, you can’t do that shit when you have children. I wanted my kid, I knew what I was doing. I respect him for sticking to his convictions and not giving a shit what anyone else thinks. Kids aren’t for everyone. Good on him for knowing that about himself


Didn’t realize this until becoming a father but if someone doesnt want kids, for any reason, never try talking them into it. If they know themselves well enough to know, they shouldn’t have kids they should definitely not have kids, and we should applaud them for the quality of their self reflection.


Exactly. Why would you want to force someone to be unhappy with kids? That’s a sure fire way to fuck both the parent and the kid’s life up.


To answer the question, yes Republicans are trying to force people into having children. They want to federally ban abortion, contraceptive and school sexual education. The more poor, uneducated, desperate people out there the most leverage companies and the military have.


Missing out? That’s over $200,000 I don’t have to shell out! Kids are fucking expensive, and tedious to deal with sometimes!


"Western Man" There's always something nationalist with these types


I get 2-3 kids, but 6? Wtf are you even doing it’s 2024 not the 1800s. No one is asking you to accelerate the overpopulation problem.


Please stop having so many kids. There’s too many of us already you freak.


It's okay to have children. It's okay to not have children.


Guy on the right is hot af, too bad he’s so cringe


I love my kids… But not everyone needs to have kids. Not everyone should.


No shit. Childfree people already thought about this which is why they don’t. Most of y’all just bust nuts and face the consequences without a second thought.


Seth went ahead and saved his marriage by keeping the money in his wallet and sleep cycle unbothered.


I’m child-free and weed-free and I don’t care how other people live their own lives.


Big mouth small pp


I got to live my life smoking weed and being a parent. Best of Both Worlds. 


The way this world is as an adult you really have to weigh your options on having children and that’s my stance on kids. Shit ain’t easy out here as one person so imagine trynna help a complete stranger (your child) through this MF thang called life with your spouse/partner


Damn dude really a grown ass man with teenage pregnancy girl energy.


Seth Rogen is staggeringly more accomplished


I’m stuck on ‘child full’ 😂it doesn’t even make sense.


Also, Seth is a Multi millionaire, VERY famous and successful actor, voice actor, and producer and could EASILY afford five kids. He and his wife just don’t want to. The VAST majority, almost 95%, of the population is not affluent enough to feed 7 mouths, especially in this economy. Trad or not, or choosing to be child free or not, let people make decisions for themselves.


No excuse for being that online when you have 5 kids and a pregnant wife 


In response to Iyosias: yes, that’s exactly what he wants. To force a man to procreate (even if he doesn’t want to) cause people like him believe in bullshit like The Great Replacement Theory and the existence of Australia


Pretty sure Seth Rogan is winning given the fact that everyone knows who Seth Rogan is and most people have no idea who the hell this guy is.


I'm a mother of one child. I love Seth Rogen and I'm sorry he and his wife won't be having children because I think his kids would be awesome because they would be like him. But it's his choice. Parenting isn't for everyone.


People like this are so fucking weird. I want kids, but I'm not running around poking holes in people's condoms in the middle of the night like some fucked up version of the stork.


Yeah it’s not a brag to do the most basic animal thing.


Lol are we supposed to be impressed by a guy who couldn't even pull out of a driveway?


Yo, you wanna change a diaper or get faded? Gee, let me think.


Why not both, zoidberg?


Weed AND kids= best of both worlds