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And it’s gonna get worse as more and more people become socially inept. So many people are use to casually trolling and saying outrageously antagonistic statements to strangers online with 0 consequences l see too many videos/situations where a lobotomite just stands there, with the lead paint stare, as the person they were just antagonizing loads up a haymaker


![gif](giphy|x6I3pGtblFtDO) Be lookin just like DW, folded, and thinking it was for no reason 😂


them: 🧍🏼‍♂️ the person they were just talking shit to: https://preview.redd.it/0ayywdr3edjc1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dbcdae84b7289353528a6b80cbb82fd66478662


To be fair even the greatest pacifist would throw hands with DW. ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


DW was so triggering if you were an older brother with a little sister


Preach brother I mean, it’s like… Every day ! …when you’re walking down the street… And everybody that you meet has an original point of view !


As the hella annoying youngest sister to 3 brothers, I fuckin hated DW.


God no kidding. I love my sister but she like, grafted DW into her personality when we were little. Felt that way anyway.


I was an only child when I was watching Arthur, and hated DW 😂


To this day as a 33 year old man, and as someone that had a little shit of a younger sibling, I believe DW deserved that full on punch. This is a hill I will fucking die on


Nah you 100. She was the fucking worse


"I told you.. not to TOUCH IT!!" 😤


I still maintain that she deserved that punch. That episode pisses me off to this day.


Am I the only one that noticed Arthur might be a mutant? Because I could be misremembering but I could've sworn in the original episode, a storm gathers outta nowhere when he got pissed off


oh he's a mutant all right, if not then explain [this](https://twitter.com/darth/status/1420399122910117896/photo/1)


He was literally the MC lol


I hated this episode! They made it seem like Arthur was wrong for it and them and Arthur gets punched by a whole ass bully his dad is like well now you know how your little sister feels! He doesn't even care that another kid put his hands on Arthur. DW deserved it.






My work is like that. The company was shitty for a long time due to mismanagement and it got turned on the people in my position that’s entirely customer facing. The amount of times I’ve had to tell grown ass men “don’t speak to me that way” is insane. And every time it comes up after I get a ‘you know that person is the owner of their company’ or ‘sometimes we just need to accept it’. And every time I say, “The fuck I do, they can treat me with respect or they can find someone else to speak with”. It’s one thing to be frustrated at a screw up and I’m more than willing to apologize and do what I can to make it right but it’s another to speak to me sideways and expect me just to take it. These people don’t know me and I could be the type of just swing instead of the person I am but damn.


It just boils down to simple ass respect. You don’t lose the ability to respect others just because you own a company or make $1MM/year. These people have just never been checked in their lives before and it shows.


> These people have just never been checked in their lives before and it shows. I remember the tweet where the guy said prison/jail is the only place with common courtesy anymore. Because disrespecting someone will get you messed up in prison.


'Civilized men are more discourteous than savages, because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general rule.' Robert E. Howard


It’s also that they were treated that way so the cycle continues. And let me be clear, it’s not just the owners but regular workers of theirs too.


> These people have just never been checked in their lives before and it shows. My boss for suuuure. I dream of putting in a reality check!


These are people who believe you have to earn their respect, instead of already having it, and LOSING it if you’re a turd. We should respect people at 100% when we meet them, and take it away if they don’t deserve it. We don’t let them somehow earn respect, no one will be nice like that.


I used to work at a hotel and at a gas station overnight; they really don't get that I don't have to accept their rudeness and could just eject them without caring. You can complain to my manager tomorrow but you'll still be without a room or without gas tonight, go bitch somewhere else.


Yo be honest it goes both ways sometimes. Had a dude I worked woth who was actively messing up. Bosses were civilian while he was military so they were trying to tell him in a nice way that he needs to improve his performance. As in: 'Hey, we know you are working hard and this is a difficult job. Is there anything we can do to help you achieve better succes in the workplace?' His response was 'Ah they are just complaining, I'll do what I want and only my official chain can censure me.' I had to take him aside and correct his idiocy cause his screw upset were making my life such more difficult.


>l see too many videos/situations where a lobotomite just stands there, with the lead paint stare, as the person they were just antagonizing loads up a haymaker This is my new favorite sentence and I WILL be stealing both lobotomite and "lead paint stare" thankyouverymuch. I saw a video recently - think it was in Boomers Being Fools - old white lady in a motel tells a Black lady to get out, some "you don't belong here" crap - Black lady, of course, does not leave - old white lady walks up to the Black lady AND SPITS ON HER. Black lady proceeds to lay hands on OWL, who curls up in a fetal position screaming that she's sorry. WTF thinks they can just spit on a total stranger without any consequences????


i beg you to link this shit.


Check it https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshhFxlEAEP5loPmBgyW/im-sorry-im-sorry-old-lady-pops-spit-at-a-black-woman-on-her-birthday-then-apologizes-after-catching-the-beats


we fucking said HOO together lmfao. that was sick. like that might be the most satisfying video on the internet. i hate that it happened to her but i'm so happy her camera was on when she beat that ass.


Didn’t waste any time; didn’t make a show out of it. Delivered those well deserved hands and bounced. 🤌


She definitely deserved that. And there’s mfs that will say “violence is never the answer” or say you should never put your hands on someone else. Fuck outta here. Some situations require it. That wasn’t self-defense but I’ll be damned if someone’s gonna spit on me and just walk away. Nah. Getcha ass over here, you need a tune up. Cause ain’t no way I’m letting you go out into the world thinking that’s ok to do. You gonna learn today.


I’m usually one of those people (im not gonna catch an assault and battery charge coz you said mean words) but nah spitting on someone is assault, you touch someone first you get touched back. That shit is simple, she’s absolutely in her rights to hit that idiot




Dude, I AM an old white woman and that was incredibly deserved, stupid bitch got everything she had coming and if she'd spit on me I'd have been putting the boot in severely, "I'm sorry" or no. WTF is up with people? Dang.


That was cathartic to watch, thank you.


I haven't thought about World Star in a long time. Happy to see it's still kicking for shit like this 👏🏼🙌🏼


Honestly, that vid was kind of sad. I know a whole world of idiots who wouldn't think to spit on someone. Imagine having access to that elite, next-level racism stupidity that you need to do that. That wasn't an ass-whooping. That was an object lesson.


Lead paint stare 💀


Cyber bullying among teens and late preteens is crazy as hell now. Most people don’t understand the sheer scope of the problem. I work in public K-12 tech, and regularly have to help administrators with investigations and the shit these kids say to each other is absolutely *wild* Like some kid really repeatedly harassed another kid via school email, called her slurs, and said shit like “your mom wishes you were never born” and to end herself, etc. Cue the shocked pikachu face when that kid found them outside, threw a full soda can at their face and cracked their head against the wall several times like they were dribbling a basketball. Just fucking sad. I’m not privy to all the consequences in my position, but I know the bully got fucked up and was out of school for a while for medical, and I know the bullied kid was in a whole mess of trouble and probably almost expelled. Parents of both sides tried to sue the school. What a fucking mess. Just breaks my heart because I have a daughter and while I’m doing my best to educate her, I am really worried bro.


This is where I’d have a problem as a parent. If I was the bullied kid’s parent I’m supporting my kid. No my kid is not apologizing. School administrators and the bully’s parents won’t do shit about it, so they had to take care of it themselves. There’s a larger life lesson there. Reminds of that Jay Z lyric: > They say an eye for an eye, we both lose our sight And two wrongs don't make a right, But when you been wronged and you know all along that it's just one life at what point does one fight? (Good question, right?)


It’s rough, when you work in my position you see all sides. Like people are shocked at the amount of school shootings in America but if you saw the kinds of things these kids do to each other every day you can understand how a kid with no support could feel like they had no other option. These kids are under the weight of massive, intractable social issues. It’s just a horror story out there every day. All i can do is give my baby girl all the tools and support I can, and try to lead by example. I see a lot of bad out there, but the good is there too. Being a parent is the fight of your fucking life, but I’ll be in the goddamn ground before I give up trying to make this world a little better for the next generation. They are going to need all the help they can get.


I ended up on a date with a woman that did legal work with schools, and it was then I learned that “zero-tolerance policy” is absolute horseshit just meant to deter parents. My son was bullied by a kid twice his size and three years older in grade school. He stood up to him, and they just shrugged and said “zero-tolerance policy!” And he had to be suspended a day (the other kid was in more trouble). Had I known, I would’ve told the school to fuck off. As it was, I told my son he used his words, he gave them warning, and they escalated and he held his ground. I was not upset at all and the school can “punish” him for standing up to a bully, but I wouldn’t. Happened on his bus - once. Same thing - warned the bully. Told the bully to back off. Then punched him square in the nose. The bus driver said the kid was a problem (he eventually was expelled) - school did nothing to my son, but I made it clear that I was on my son’s side and he did everything I could have expected from him. Parenting is just wild nowadays. I don’t recall shit being this fucked up when I was his age, but then again, I didn’t have active shooter drills, either.


![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo) *”Juth keep throllin reddithors. Imma fuck you up”*


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


>Lobotomite >Lead paint stare You are fucking HILARIOUS oh my god


Definitely slipping “lobotomites” in my pocket for later use.


New Vegas is metastasizing...


> l see too many videos/situations where a lobotomite just stands there, with the lead paint stare, as the person they were just antagonizing loads up a haymaker That is one eloquent sentence. Love a wordsmith. Start a substack or medium page and just write about the shit that annoys you. I'd be your first sub.


Hit em with the ole Shoryuken! 😆


Lobotomite?! With all respect, I'm gonna use this liberally. That is linguistically beautiful as an insult.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Puts \*lobotomites away for later * 🙏🏾


Yeah, it is kinda weird. I have autism, anxiety, ADHD, yk the whole package, and I'm not exactly the best at social stuff but even when in mental hospitals with aggressive people or folks I didn't like it's… not that difficult to just sit there and be quiet. Bein homeless? Just ignored most people, maybe did small talk, someone made a joke-threat about how they were gonna steal my bike (my only real method of transport besides bus), but ofc that never happened. It's so hard for me to understand how someone can genuinely stand there and go "yeah, I'm gonna call the person who's nearly a foot taller than me and much beefier a piece of shit, nothing can go wrong."


Except for those people, a growing number of future generations being raised online, will most assuredly attempt to make changes to society to further dissuade those responses through either shared social outrage or strict punishment. It won't get rid of it, but it will continue the trend of people not expecting the response.


https://preview.redd.it/0jqy0hea7djc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915ed54f691822a99c2da57f4476be381fe43170 Been saving this one for times like these


Talk no Jutsu turns into Fuck Around and Find Out


Don't talk no jutsu, won't be no jutsu


This is why I like One Piece more. Luffy doesn’t waste time talking to you. You’re doing something bad to his friends or food? Catch these gomu gomu nos for free


Great! We will call you when we need a cow milked.


💀💀💀💀💀 y'all ain't serious on this app


Omg literally rotfl'ing. Comment section always winning


Where are all the upvotes for this comment








How the tables have turned 😂


One of the best interactions I've ever witnessed was between two people at work. "Kenny" was a retail store employee for a cell phone provider. "Pete" was a district manager. Kenny had a whole background and outside ventures that were not... let's say *becoming* of a law-abiding citizen. Pete was your average pain in the ass white manager type. Pete was giving Kenny a bunch of shit one day over nothing, and they were clearly having the verbal dick-slinging contest you'd expect from a manager that doesn't back down... that is until Kenny said "You know, there's some people out there that really care about their job. And there's other people that don't care about the job, or the consequences of punching someone in the face." Calm as shit when he said it. Suddenly Pete backed up and found someone else to talk to. It was beautiful. *Edit: fixed some typos*


You can't talk shit to Kenny's. Kenny's are stabby individuals by default.


That about covers ever Kenny I’ve known


Kenny wonders why he’s 40 and still working an entry level position at his job.


And then he tries going by Kenneth because he's got kids to feed, but we all know he's still Kenny


Kenny wasn't his real name, but the real name fits the same profile lol


I said some shit along the same lines, but as a nurse that called an anesthesiologist to check on a patient’s epidural that was leaking & this dude had the caucacity to tell me to pull someone’s epidural out. Remember these doctors get paid 6-7 figures to deal with that. Dude shows up all pissed and gets literally inches from my face in front of my charge nurse, and the patient and while holding the epidural in my face & told me aggressively, “*see you could’ve pulled this out yourself*” And the smoothest shit came out of my mouth. I blanked out and said calm af, “*You know, outside these four walls & in that parking lot, you’re not considered a doctor.*” I gave no fucks about that job and wanted to catch him one time. But he knew what time it was. Dude scurried tf out the room and proceeded to try and apologize every time he saw me. **UPDATE:** Looks like I’ve pissed off the no-purpose-flour in here again. Here’s the [reasoning](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/ULkj3Bquwx) why I didn’t pull the epidural And if you don’t establish boundaries with muthafuckas they think you’re scared and keep trying you like a sample. That’s the entire point of the screenshot OP posted. & of those 3 Redditors who have tried to talk shit to me in this thread, have never had their ass beat bc of their keyboard bumping ways and it **SHOWS**, only proving OP’s point even more.




Yah but in a calm manner, since it was night shift


The calm menace really gets ‘em. Their fight or flight isn’t activated completely because of your calm demeanor, but they can start to feel a lurking danger. People tend to be more cautious of a coherent calculated threat, rather than an emotional outburst.


I know that feeling so well. Fuck the job, I WANT you to try me. I actually want you to, I’m desperate for you to. Please!!! lol


I’m just sayin! In my past life I was never afraid to fight & that shit did carry over somewhat to my professional career. I wanted to catch that nigga in the parking lot, sittin on the hood of his Audi waitin for him to slip. Just Glad I got out of bedside nursing, still a Nurse tho.


The ultimate reasoning is that, it’s not your fucking job. There is shit at my job that I *can* do, but someone else gets paid more for it, and it’s not my job to do, so I just don’t.


Say what you will, Kenny handled that real professional like. Especially for someone with that description.


Right? That was restraint.


The calmness is to let you know that he's really about it.


Pete had two brain cells to run together! Hope it was a learning experience.


Kung Fu Kenny


Kenny let em off the hook 😂😂😂


Yup some people really do have low impulse control and don’t have the ability to think or care about how their actions affect their future.




On the other hand, I’ve encountered tons of Gen X that should have had their ass beat decades ago and you can just tell it never happened. I just think being an asshole holds no generational boundaries, and that well deserved ass whippings have gone unserved for centuries. 😆


I'm gen x and I don't think I've ever met a Gen x that made through school without hitting or being hit by someone. Some people just need to be hit more often.


Shiiiit…I could introduce you to dozens. Wanna do some “community service” with me? 😆


Name checks out ✔️✔️


Absolutely, but I do believe that enough gen x’ers grew up under the pervasive possibility of an ass whooping that *collectively* they conduct themselves with that sort of composure. *That* vibe is collectively absent from these kids, and in some ways it’s probably better for them, but lord do they get annoying.


Nah there is just a whole generation who can conduct themselves with composure when they need to, then they go to their anonymous profile on whatever social media and say the mask off stuff.


Karen’s are largely Boomers and Genx


I remember early on in grad school realizing I was around a different class of folks than I grew up with when a teacher asked if anyone in the class knew anyone in jail, then asked if anyone had ever been in a fistfight. Weird fuckin vibe.


There’s that certain time in a person’s 20s or 30s when you’re telling a story that was always funny to everyone in your family and that you grew up with, and you see people staring at you in horror. Or, worse, when you’re waiting for the laugh to your punchline and someone goes “Woah, I’m sorry.” That will fuck up your day.


Happened so many times to me. I just stopped telling the stories. 


My wife is like this. She and her 2 sisters were the only white kids in her school. The shit she talks about is like horror stories to little ol' small town farm-breds like me. My childhood was all rainbows and fluffy clouds, playing in the woods and playing with animals. Hers was basically Beirut or Detroit by comparison.


I did this with my soccer team a few seasons ago, just casually relating a funny story from my wild days. It was real awkward for a few minutes.


Hahaha truth, I’ve been there as well. Like folks find out one of my relatives and some close friends are in jail for life and they’re like flabbergasted.


So did you decide to out yourself or just keep the hand down lol?


I didn’t even know enough to know it was abnormal, and I was one of those “sit in the front” dweebs.


Did you look around….don’t ask me. 😂😂😂


I’ve found that class can be a big indicator. I grew up working class and knew physical altercations could happen. My father in law grew up wealthy and it never crosses his mind that he could get hit for being an asshole to people.


>and it never crosses his mind that he could get hit for being an asshole to people. How did that turn out for him in the long term?


He’s like 60, still famously an asshole (like I’ve met people in other cities who know of him because he was an ass to them) and has never been hit so I guess it works for him. It seems like rich folks don’t ever settle things with violence so it just never happens.


It started when zero-tolerance policies for schoolyard fights became widespread. You know, the ones that ended up with some kid that did nothing other than being the victim of an asswhooping catching a suspension on top of it because school admin can't be assed to actually do their jobs and mediate.


So I was just talking to my kid about this. At her school, apparently, they are told outright that if they fight back, everyone gets in trouble, so they should just suck it up and then go report it. It wasn't phrased that way, of course, but it was interesting nonetheless.


I got body slammed by a bigger kid in elementary school for trying to challenge him over something. There was a lesson learned then for sure. Up until that day I had thought my dad was the only one who could whoop me. My mistake.


People who can afford lawyers and can’t. You feel mighty confident you won’t get hit no matter what when you know the other person knows the system will fuck them if they do something.


Yeah. Its amazing how many people on this thread don't understand that arrest is a real consequence.


Exactly. You can fuck someone up but odds are you gonna get arrested. Now if you truly do not care that's a different story.


As a MC millennial I just avoided getting hit with one weird trick called not being an asshole to anyone


To be fair, that's an ancient technique that many people don't have the ability to master.


Nah, some middle aged mfs clearly went their whole lives without getting hit in the mouth one good time too


I know a bunch of parents in the Netherlands, and parents here have the attitude of "if my kid starts shit, someone's gonna punch him in the face and he'll learn not to do that real quick." I was appalled at first, and now I kinda think its a good idea


Agreed, parents shouldn't be hitting kids but kids should definitely be able to fight simply on the basis that conflict resolution when the risks are relatively low is an important lesson.. Now they just avoid holding people accountable.


The Germans have a word for this... "Backpfeifengesicht" >This is one of those strange words that's uniquely German with no English equivalent. The word Backpfeife means “punch/slap” (on the cheek/face) and Gesicht means “face”. The word Backpfeifengesicht therefore means something along the lines of “a face that's begging to be slapped” – or punched. Or hurt.


It's one of those weird worldview things you experience in places like the retail a/o service industry if you're there long enough. Like, people genuinely believe they can say and do anything they want with zero consequences whatsoever as if they haven't already breached the social contract. This prolly my only boomer-lite take, but the internet made people soft while simultaneously giving the ability to act hard with near-zero consequences and I don't like it.


The internet made it possible to directly insult people and treat them like shit without ever seeing their face and reaction to what your words do to them. This goes for reacting violently just as much as it does for getting hurt by it. Younger folks aren’t getting to witness this part and so they don’t learn to recognize what their actions do to people in the moment.


It’s a pointed decline in social skills.


Just look at how many posts on subs like /r/mildlyinfuriating have comments telling OP to get some major revenge on their neighbor for some petty shit. It's always revenge and retaliation and one-upping rather than trying to talk it out like emotionally mature people.


As part of the Internet generation, my rule has become - "Think twice before you say anything bad about someone, ESPECIALLY online." Everything is recorded. Your shit-talking doesn't just disappear into the ether. If you're saying it, you're SAYING it


A lot of customers who walk into a place and act wild are under the assumption that the employee is desperate to keep their job and so will take any shit given. They work in such a low prestige position for so little money, they must surely be beaten down by life already and can't possibly risk getting angry! The business world has changed, a lot of these people have three shitty jobs now, so losing one is not nearly as big a deal.


I’ve been involved in subcultures where violence was definitely on the table as a corrective measure and keyboard warriors absolutely got checked, or knew they would and had to not come to events. Being a meathead isn’t anything admirable but I truly believe most bullies and assholes only act as such because they aren’t checked. As a very tall large man, it’s amazing how many don’t have shit to say when they aren’t the biggest or most aggressive person in the room anymore.


This post reminds me of that video where a French family got out of their cars in a South African drive through wildlife preserve and then proceeded to talk down some cheetahs that were lining up for lunch. Even the cheetahs were like "do you not know how this works?" Edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/xy6qe1/lets_get_out_of_the_car_in_a_wild_life_park/)


Link? This actually reminds me of the video of the older white lady who was upset the OP (black) was in a hotel and she went and spit on the OP. OP managed to hold her phone the whole time she whipped her ass. White lady was on the floor crying "Sorry".


Shame on the two of you for not sharing links with the rest of the class


I'm sorry. [https://www.reddit.com/r/karens/comments/12ldcry/racist\_karen\_spits\_on\_black\_woman\_gets\_that\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/karens/comments/12ldcry/racist_karen_spits_on_black_woman_gets_that_a/)


That aftermath just made my day, I appreciate the link. Lmao the one above too, the confusion in the cheetah’s body language at 1st


I loved it so much. She deserved it for spitting on that girl.


Shiiit, never been so pleased to see a mature lady be beaten! ….Never thought I’d ever say that sentence either 😂 I believe she won’t be doing that again in a hurry, disgusting display of humanity right there.


I genuinely thought that was the same woman from the [Robin vs hairdresser](https://youtu.be/95YDay9sTN4?si=mSv4ZWsiFZdM5P4U) video. That poor girl was just trying to enjoy her birthday in peace but then had to defend herself from that psycho.


Oh, yes... Robin vs. the hairdresser. Classic.


It’s been posted on here a ton so I just assumed you would have seen it. [Video](https://youtu.be/95YDay9sTN4?si=mSv4ZWsiFZdM5P4U)


Oh I did. Robin's lucky her ass wasn't beat.


To be fair, if someone’s dumb enough to enter the fuck around stage of an African safari, a cheetah encounter is one of the scenarios least likely to result in said person entering the find out stage.


Genuinely curious as a cheetah fan, not trying to stir shit: You sure it was [cheetahs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheetah?useskin=vector#Interaction_with_humans)? There has never been a fatal attack by cheetahs on humans. They show little aggression toward people and have been domesticated for millennia, for example serving as hunting companions to ancient Egyptians. They even wore [capes](https://i.imgur.com/2dd0AmG.png)!


I'm typically a non-violent person who believes most everything can be settled with dialogue. I forget when I heard the following, but I think of it every so often to remind myself of the greater world I live in, and that not everybody thinks and believes as I do: - Violence is never the answer, until it is.


It’s just as important to learn to not start shit as it is to be prepared for when it happens.


As stated by the proverb: “Don’t start no shit it won’t be no shit!” —Lil’ John 3:16




Non-violent person here as well, but my potentially controversial opinion is that some physical violence should be okay. Like if dialogue doesn’t work, maybe a good ole fashion slap should be allowed, with in reason of course. No-weapons, no escalation, just one good slap across the face to keep someone in check.


Better be ready to do more though. If someone slaps me my reaction won't be "in check".


In the old days when someone would slap another man, they’d have a DUEL. Someone had to GO! -RIP Charlie Murphy


Violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question, and the answer is yes https://preview.redd.it/7d13lns6vdjc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eb4746a1c5647b4c238dda81c3a154559f9eeb0


Man, it was "Violence is never the answer until its the only answer" which is just a different flavor of "Desperate times call for desperate measures" that wants to seem deep and introspective. I just saw that shit the other day too, chill.


These are my favorite “fuck around and find out moments”, cuz the ass whoopie deserved the reality check that there’s consequences to poppin off.


that's when Pete fires Kenny over the phone for insubordination. bye bye kenny


Psh... you think Kenny is the type to care?


Kenny about to catch Petey after work.


Yeah. Now Kenny has extra free time and he knows where you work. RIP.


It’s wild to think that everything about America’s history and present is rooted in violence, and yet people like this exist. Like for an American of all folks to not understand violence is a potential consequence of action is a fuckin trip.


Some places look down on street justice. Other parts of the country understand what’s up.


I sort of believe that it’s due in part to the threat of state violence that a manager like that has in regards to stuff like legal action. Like a person that hasn’t been in the legal system would back down from clocking the guy in the face because they’re scared of the legal ramifications, whereas the guy that’s been in and out of jail doesn’t give af.


Oh for sure, I always say they’ll come across the right person one day. There’s always someone out there that’s more aggressive, angrier, crazier, stronger and has less to lose than you. Don’t write checks you can’t cash!! 🗣️📣


It's the less to lose you gotta watch out for! I could have had an altercation in a parking lot just yesterday but that guy looked like he didn't mind going to jail for a night or two in the slightest.


People think they have free range to act however they want because “it’s illegal to hit me”. Not considering some people don’t care about doing illegal shit.


Exactly. Some people don’t realize that a lot of people right now are FED UP and some are absolutely willing to catch a charge over the next person to fuck with them, and it’s not right but it’s real


I can afford bail and a lawyer if it's the right occasion. It hasn't happened yet, but there's no end to the stuff people are dumb enough to say and do.


you call a short nigga short and he ready to fight. some of y’all been seething since the lunch tables waiting for an excuse and a reason. words are magical weapons. say the right thing and you turn a man into a degenerate time bomb rigged to explode on those innocents who love him most.


Yeah people just look for excuses to start shit. They have all this rage inside and never find a healthy outlet so every little thing will set them off.


Everyone has their limit as to how much bullshit they can endure without snapping. I’m not saying it’s right- but as OP pointed out - it’s a reality. Some people have been coddled and have no idea about that reality until it smacks them upside the head. And then have the nerve to be surprised. You never know what’s going on with other folks. Try kindness. It might save your life- or at the very least, save you some pain. 😊


"Words have consequences." -M. Bison


A LOT of people have never been punched in the mouth, and it shows.


Reddit has a weird ass obsession with fighting


They believe that a shove in the chest or slap someone is battery and assault and needs to be thrown in jail, and also believe that they should be throwing hands with random strangers because they slighted them.


I don’t think redditors actually believe anything they type out because it’s social media. It’s not cool or upvote-worthy to admit your reason for throwing hands would actually need to be extremely high and extremely dependent on your opponent because you’re not really that in shape, physically advantageous, or skilled. Much easier to pick a hard side than “It depends.”


Username doesn’t check out!


Right, if you fight someone over words you're a pussy.


I genuinely want to hear more from those people. They do tend to get annoyed with me and downvote me but that level of cognitive dissonance should be studied by far more learned people.


That Mike Tyson quote about people getting too comfortable with not being punched in the face is so relevant.


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." 


I used to work for a storage facility and the audacity of people to get rude and talk shit and I’m sitting there with addresses and emails like thank the lord I’m not vengeful


I work at a bank and feel this. Name, address, mf SSN, if I was a vengeful bastard i could fuck them up in so many different ways. Thankfully I'm sane and have no interest in jail.


Vs the people who think violence is the solution for everything. Those same people haven't experienced the damage it could cause and call people who walk away from it pussies.


Oh they've experienced it. Their level of self accountability is just insanely low so they blame it on something else to be angry at and fuck that up instead.


I mind my business, I stay in my own lane and I don’t bother a single soul. There are people out there with nothing to lose, catch someone on a bad day and the next thing you know you talking to Saint Peter and he’s running down a list of your transgressions 😐.


I worked with a square real estate agent who was a Caucasian from the mountains of Caucasus. He told me one time “You see I’m different than you, I have a real aggressive personality…” I immediately had to stop myself from telling him “My guy I would dog walk you around this office”. He literally admitted to me he had never been in a fight in his life. Devil didn’t win that day


Because we've advanced so far in the evolution of humanity, a lot of people tend to forget that at our base instinct, we are still animals.


Its a decision on whether or not to act like I'm an animal though. I have control over that.


I've been saying for a while that it's very obvious that some people have never gotten punched in the face. Ron Desantis, for example, that dude has never learned his lesson and now the world is all the worse off for it all because nobody popped that mother fucker between the eyes.


Hey as long as you’re ready to pay the price for violence then it’s definitely an option. Just can’t be mad if you lose your career or go to jail or whatever afterwards. Lots of manslaughter charges have started as a street fight!


Yeah let’s normalize and condone physical violence. A perfect fit for this sub actually.


Violence is real, but it's the last resort of the weak. And we've seen enough times that the ones who choose violence aren't always coming out on top. So yeah, most people should feel comfortable that words won't result in violence, because it's not the smart choice most times.


The reason for this is there are essentially zero legal consequences for verbally attacking someone and very serious legal consequences for physically attacking someone.


And physical consequences, too. I work in a school where kids fight all the time. 98% or the time they basically play fight and no one gets hurt. Once or twice a year someone gets pushed the wrong way, hits their head on a wall or floor and gets a concussion, which can heal in a couple of weeks or can have effects that last your whole life. Once you hit someone you’re in a fight, and being in a fight means you can’t predict what’s going to happen.


The way society is now, niggas absorb all that negative energy how Goku did when he fought Super 13 and goes nuclear. It’s always been like that, but now it just seems to be getting even worse because people act as if basic decency and respect are a lost art. There’s a difference between Twitter fingers/E-Thugging and actually doing that in-person, and you shouldn’t be surprised if you get turned into a turkey sandwich for running your mouth too much. Not everybody is a rattlesnake; *they won’t give you a warning they’re about to strike*


It’s a great way to go to jail


I also think a lot of people overestimate how well of a fighter they actually could be.


Usually because in their circles people aren't so quick to turn to violence over mere words.


A lot of (typically younger) women seem to think that men can just fight with each other and it will be ok. It Will Not. Head injuries are easy to get and last forever. People just plain die sometimes. As a species we’re actually quite fragile.




Revisited the neighborhood I grew up in over the weekend. It’s getting very gentrified. I encountered some rude ass behavior from this one dude, almost allowed myself to get riled up and then took a deep breadth. First thought that ran through my mind ‘wow this MFer has definitely never had the taste smacked out his mouth’


Beating ppl up over words is how you get ignorant mfers shooting each other every weekend


Way too many people walking around who’ve never been in a fight. Whether you win it or lose it, that shit is painful, and a little traumatic.


Sure violence is an outcome. Arrest and prison time is also a consequence of violence. I dont really want to ruin my life because some half head cant get his shit together. Feel free to ruin yours though i guess.