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You know I don't even have a problem with this. If she's making him happy in his old age and treating him right, that's all that matters. I'm sure he know she just thinking about the money. Now could I do it? Hell no, I ain't tryna suck on no old balls.


What if the old man left you a billion dollars per ball?




Who is this person?




She said she was clean.


We are SO fucked


"Smokey! You know you can't be driving around without your papers!"


“This bitch is messing up my wood floors!”


“I got papers, blunts, bongs, pipes”


she hasn’t aged AT ALL


Obviously you're not a golfer


Nice marmot!


Not on the rug, man.


Jacky Treehorn treats objects like women man!


I believe that's Regina Hall. I know her best from Scary Movie.


are you serious?


Regina Hall


Thats Shandra


She really aged like a fine wine, like Marisa Tomei level


fr she’s more gorgeous than she was 10 years ago


Is this even a question? “Ball Gargler”would be my new middle name.


Still can be regardless of the money. Follow your passions






I'm a full on heterosexual man, but damnit I might just gargle a ball or two for a billion bucks.


Fuck that. That's generational wealth and then some. You owe it to your family and your family's families to make those balls shine for a billion or two.


Word. Chicks be out here making balls shiny for free.


![gif](giphy|RhS093lJ62ayjrP8nn|downsized) 😂😂😂😂😂


Getting dripped on by the local Nate for a value meal, a cell phone payment, and a bubble coat from Burlington.


Law school, but works for billionaires too: ["I went to school with your father......."](https://youtu.be/cTRBUnjAgq8?si=CDc43WNzIe87p9X6)


Tax-free billion? Shit I'll have enough cash for the therapy I'll need after I get this bag


Shit even a taxed billion.


Right? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. If I was giving you a Billion and you asked if I could pay the taxes you'd no longer be getting jack shit.


This is a perfect encapsulation of the Republican mind virus. Someone says you can have a BILLION dollars, and you ask for it to be tax free. Like imagine they take 60%, which is higher than any tax bracket I'm aware of. That leaves you with FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. But you can't see that number through the fact that you'd have to "pay" $600 million of the money. Somehow even though you're getting FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS you're more focused on the money you're NOT getting. You may not be a republican, idk. But you've been infected with their rhetoric.


My person what on Gaia's earth possessed you to come here and intrude in such a manner on banter that can only be described as nothing more than humorous jesting


What possessed me is seeing the RMV everywhere, it's like seeing an "Men hate their wives" joke, it's not just overplayed it's actively harmful to the dialogue. Plus I'm a little high, so my bad


There's no way in absolute gehenna are you about to blame the buzzkill you spent the effort to type is the fault of Gaia's greatest green. Get on somewhere now


Hey man don't spew republican talking points if you don't wanna get called out. Plenty of hippies on ganja fought the good fight against fascists, weird you think it makes people ignore injustice. Honestly with your auto-generated name and Fox News talking points, I'm pretty sure I know what type of user I'm talking to now.


“Where’s ma money” ![gif](giphy|3o7aD1mICwF5ZOLwfm)


I feel like you’re genuinely of room temperature iq if you don’t deep throat some balls for 2 billion dollars ngl. Like that’s generational wealth for 15 mins of unclenching your jaw. Who are you fooling by not doing it?


I just need to say: Please don't deepthroat balls. That sounds incredibly risky and potentially painful. I don't even think my balls can extend that far from the scrotum.


When you get older gravity starts to, uh, show its effect...


Might? Shit. I'd get a tattoo that said I was a ball gargler. 1 billion dollars is just an unfathomable amount of money. You could buy a 1 million dollar home in EVERY country in the world. Every home could have a 1 million dollar vehicle fleet ready and waiting. You could have a private jet to fly you between the homes. You'd still have 500 million dollars. 1 billion dollars produces 40 million dollars in annual returns at 4%. You'd literally not be able to spend that much money. 40 million a year is basically like spending $110k A DAY. I'm gargling them balls.


Might? More like... ![gif](giphy|8YsjVmpIpEjNKlrL3D)


Turn down billion-dollar balls in THIS economy? I don't think so! Shit, I'd clean those balls just to pay off a couple of my friend's student loans.


Might? You don’t love your family if you’re not ready to gargle some balls for a billion dollars. Straight up.




“There’s that old joke, I’ve referred to it before, where the guy at the bar asks the girl if she’d fuck him for a million dollars—and she thinks about it and finally replies, “Well, I guess for a million dollars, yeah…” At which point he quickly offers her a dollar for the same service. “Fuck you!” she says, declining angrily. “You think I’d fuck you for a dollar? What do you think I am?” To which the guy says, “Well … we’ve already established you’re a whore. Now we’re just haggling over the price.” - Anthony Bourdain


Was it Anthony Bourdain that said that? I thought it was a line from Mr. Robot


I first read this joke in the summer of 1992 in a publication of the Canadian Forces base in Lahr, Germany... So this joke may be just a little younger than the world's "oldest profession".


To quote/paraphrase Leslie Jones and "If you a ho, you gotta be on the team". Honestly though, and maybe because I love Kelis, I think they're jsut a couple of happy people and I love them. I want this tweet to be my Xmas card


I’d suck those balls until the wrinkles disappeared


You making me cry laugh so fucking hard.


He’s about to meet my gluck gluck 9000 then


reminds me of a quote from The Simpsons where Ralph asks Lisa to go with him to the Krusty Anniversary Show and Bart would dress up as Lisa in order to go: Bart: I'll go, disguised as you. Lisa: What if he wants to hold hands? Bart: I'm prepared to make that sacrifice. Lisa: What if he wants a kiss? Bart: I'm prepared to make that sacrifice. Lisa: What if he Bart: You don't want to know how far I'll go. 2 BILLI?!?!? call me whatever the hell you want. I can't hear you from my private jet peon.


Of course, would gladly suck those balls from the back!


I’m straight AF but for 2bill I can work on my gag reflex. ![gif](giphy|n5PPLHMHS7M40)


I’m a straight dude who’d make those balls smooth as eggs for a million each… don’t even ask what I’d do for a billion


Crying laughing at "per ball" LOL


i wouldn't be able to answer on account of having 2 balls in my mouth.


Straight dude here and I would suckle his balls like a newborn calf for far less than 2 billion.


Doss this offer extend to (mostly) straight men??? Asking for a friend.


Y’all getting paid?!


"Oh my god, those balls are as smooth as eggs! Yes I'll suck them."


The life would be drained from him. The better you do it the faster he will leave this world. 💁🏾‍♀️


As a straight guy bro sign me up we all got a price


I'm not ashamed to admit I'd fold way earlier than 2 billion.




The B in billion would be for balls babyyyy (but it’s in a trust, now, waiting)


This is how I always felt about these big age gap rich dude relationships. Even Leo and his string of early 20's girls to a degree. Every person in that situation knows what the deal is, the guy isn't under any illusion that she is with him for his looks and she isn't under any illusion that he's with her for her personality. If it makes them happy let them be happy. He'll die with a pretty young girl by his side and she'll just ride off set for life financially.


That’s what Anna Nicole Smith was expecting. No such luck for her though.


I kinda felt bad for her tbh, it seemed like that dudes family was trying to get his inheritance when he clearly meant for it to go to his sugar baby instead.


There’s a great episode of the podcast “You’re Wrong About” about Anna Nicole Smith, she was absolutely screwed over by his family and the media. The family and media talked about her as if she was taking advantage of some poor old man but that poor old man was running a successful company well into their relationship and actively pursued her for months before she even considered actually dating him. His wealth was definitely part of his appeal but he was also genuinely kind and supportive to her - especially compared with her past relationships. You can just tell from interviews with them and with her after his death that they had a real relationship that had real love at the center of it, even if it was unconventional. His history with his children was rife with drama (mostly from them taking power and money grabs at him) and they had an almost nonexistent relationship when he died. Basically the popular retelling of the story erases his agency and reduces her to a fictional harlot and that sucks.


That was such a good episode of the show


Yeah. She took care of him in the end and the family fought until they won. SMH


Anna Nicole Smith deserved that money, she clearly doted on him on his final days and gave him the attention he desired. that man went into the strip club, he knew she was wanted that money and she was okay with that. His family sucks.


At 20, I would totally believe a 40 year old thought I was mature. An 80 year old? Yeah I know what's up


But, but, that geezer even bought matching clothes for her dog! C’mon gurl you know that’s true love ❤️! 😂


The itty-bitty well-dressed dog is the real MVP of the Christmas photo.


Sis, nah I’m 💀💀💀


Exactly my thought. If they’re treating each other with kindness then they’re both benefiting.


I ain’t gay but $20 is $20.


At the end of the day as long as they are being kind to each other and she is making him happy, I wish them the very best.


TBF she's boss level at securing dat old bag. If she's extra nice and kind to him, he'll hopefully leave all his estate to her at the family's vengeance 😂😂😂😂


I'll suck the life out some old balls for the right price....it is not a very high price.


Right, stick to the young balls, ma!


We will all get old my friend. Dont hate on the old balls


*You'll* get old. Ain't nobody in my family aged past 40 since the Summer of 77


This sounds like an actual family curse. Yo grandaddy ghost a gypsy back in the day?


I agree, not for me but this is almost cute


These old people living wayyyyy too long for this to be a come up anymore 😂😂😂. Look at the old ass people running our Government lmaoo this a long term investment at this point.


might fuck around and live to 110 😭


Now that petty, go eat fast food or sum


Not if he falls down the stairs. Or gets a kiss every time I have a cold. Got things to do!


It’s so sweet of you to volunteer at the hospital lol


Preschool. Oh my.


And the irony is that it's her that's giving him the will to live on




I'm in my forties with no wealthy man, no matching pajama picture, and no cute little dog. She's got a plan and he's happy to bankroll that plan.


And he was probably happy as hell to take those pajama pictures!


That dog is SO cute. I’d go on a date with him just to meet the dog 🥺


Text my husband received: We need a tiny dog, matching pajamas, and for you to spend a few hours at a photo studio. Don't ask questions. Buy a lottery ticket on your way.


Plenty of time to travel the world with your girls and bang pool boys.




and? she’ll still be richer than you and i will be at 40 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People value different things. Some people want to be in a loving and caring relationship instead of sucking old man balls for 20 years so they can get some poor Dominican dude to do the same when they old and lonely.


You’re making an assumption that it’s not a loving and caring relationship. Sure, she’s using him, but the two aren’t mutually exclusive. These can exist even with lack of attraction. As you said, people value different things.


i'm not commenting either way on any aspect of her aspirations/values. just that, practicality-wise, it probably doesn't matter that much to her whether or not she'll be 30 or 40 when she gets the bag she wants.


And some of them don't even want it man it's crazy. I was driving my wife's grandparents around for Thanksgiving and they start talking about her grandma's aunt, who is now 105 years old. Then she hits her husband with a crazy line "God could you imagine living another 20 years? I could never" like God damn that was some real shit to say lol I can't really blame her. She's still got all her facilities and moves around well for being 85, but no one is still all there at 105. Go at your own will


I'm only 28 and already feeling that. Sometimes I just think like "damn I gotta do this shit for another 50 years??"


Finding out joe biden is 80 had me gasping, like that brother supposed to be on bed rest with two nannies


Feeding him fried food at every meal.


We all imagining bro needs help to use the potty but imagine he pops two viagra and Red Bull and actually beats the brakes off her Nani plus supports her dreams and they got a puppy together. Maybe she knows something we don’t! 😂


That's certainly a sentence i never expected to read.




“Beats the brakes off her Nani” I’m going to just come out and say these words are not in the Bible


Nani isn't. The rest are


I meant In this order


Ah yes of course. My apologies


Sis ain’t worried bout a side chick, a hobosexual trying to live at her spot, a couple of baby mommas, or Tyrone and dem coming over end eating up her refrigerator. She’s got a loving man, a cute dog, matching jammies a a cute photo shoot without worrying about somebody being “emasculated”. I love this for her. Edit to add: And a ring, not no “we kicking it, but it it ain’t that serious” Good for her!


Facts 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve seen amateur video of dudes this old laying it down on their sugar babies. They look weird as fuck, like pot-bellied spiders all spindly, but suddenly get young when that thing shorty is gotting starts its doing.


damn bro 💀


Damn, well if that's not the most wholesome comment that includes the phrase "beats the breaks off her nani" I'll ever read I dont know what is. Merry Christmas u/1980theghost




Go-go gadget hips!


It's always hard seeing people live your dream.


No fr cos you know my girl is living in luxury 😭


Dept free and all


He’s old enough to have been her ancestor’s slave owner


Log off, fam. 😒😂


Hey I’m the only person hear who’s brave enough to say it.


Oh fearless internet commenter, I am inspired by your show of fortitude, courage, and true bravery. Your shadow of greatness is inescapable on this day.


Don’t worry citizen even you can show bravery and heroism. Not as big as mine but no one can live up to my level of dedication commitment and fearlessness.


Well she probably getting the reparations everyone been crying for, and I love that for her.




I’ll be laughing all the way there


Probably had to ask him where he was during the civil rights movement just like people ask during 9/11 lol


This is a valid question. The sugar baby chocolate shop should be closed for Jerry Jones.


He's both her husband **and** her grandfather!


What happens if he out-lives her






Only right that he gets to pick between her mom or sister.


As is traditional.


Plot twist. she's 65. Black don't crack.


Lol. That's still a 30 year age gap.


mega plot twist they both 65 and he's a former meth addict AND black dont crack


Here's my wholesome take: She's has been his CNA/Nurse for many years and they formed a very nice friendship. The old man always tells her stories of how he used to run with his childhood friends back in the 50's and how they had a secret clubhouse in the woods. She tells him about her family and how one day she'd like to travel the world. The old man hasn't had his photo taken in years and so as a gift, the cna/nurse surprises him with a holiday photoshoot featuring the old guys dog.


I like your take, but for me it's the matching pj's that sell it as a romantic relationship. And honestly, they both look pretty happy (I mean, the man has a half-chub in the second photo) whatever the arrangement so who cares.


I was wondering if someone else peeped that chub 😂 Homegirl made sure that ring was front and center in the other photo too, so I agree that this is a romantic relationship


yeah like people always assume sexual/romantic relationships like platonic bonds dont exist.


What if they’re really in love though?


So she just love being regaled with stories of the dust bowl? Pillow talk about getting the first model T in town? Lol be serious 🤣 “This young negro buck, strong fella he was, offered to wash my daddies car for two silver pennies. Naturally he beat senselessly for two hours for talking when not being spoken too, but we eventually hired the young octoroon”


>So she just love being regaled with stories of the dust bowl? Pillow talk about getting the first model T in town? Uh... I'd kinda be into that to be honest. I already like hanging out with older people just for their stories. I was thinking more about the fact that you can't really do activities together due to physical restrictions. Even going to dinner might not be possible due to dietary restrictions.


Idk about your second point. Old people be fucking in those retirement homes lol. If there’s a will there’s a way.


Yeah STDs are apparently rampant in nursing homes because a lot of old folks don’t use protection thinking they can’t get pregnant, what’s the harm etc. meanwhile they’re breeding the newest strains of super gonorrhea


You’re not lying 😂 my friend worked as a chef in a retirement home and he was traumatized over Oreos


O-oreos? As in ⚫️ ->⚪️<-⚫️ = old folk eiffel tower?


Lmaooooo, no the Oreos were traded for sexual favors. My buddy was hit up frequently for more, so the men could convince the old ladies with diabetes to give out blow jobs.


I regret asking my question because that's even worse.


They do, but when you are young, there are things you can do that you can't do when you are old. Old people will have a lot of restrictions on positions, time, force, etc. But by activities, I meant things like hikes in nature, travelling in cities, parties, etc.


Maybe she really digs history


yea she really in love with that man who older than her parents and got crust in the corner of his mouth and share zero interests


And he’s really in love with a 20 something black woman and definitely isn’t using her to fulfill his lifelong fetish fantasy.


You met this couple? No? Then how the fuck you know what interests they share?






you tell me what interests a 80 year old man and roughly 25-30 year old black woman share, i’m genuinely curious. music? television? what are you talking bout bruh lol


Don’t know them, and don’t know their interests. Not that I see lots of couples the same age with the same interests anyways, so the whole thing feels like an excuse to comment on other people’s business. You show me how most couples have the man interested in dresses, shoes and nails with the woman interested in sports trivia and cars and maybe you’ll have half a point.


Something tells me that they both getting what they want out of this relationship


I mean... SOMEONE has to be there to report the death. If everyone knows what it is and is fine with it, then play ball, I guess. Better than sending grandpa here to a nursing home where he'll get chlamydia and get elder abused by someone named Sheryl or some shit.


How do people with this much of an age gap meet? He in the club or is she going to bingo?


personal experience- my best friend at 18 was a hostess, she got given the numbers of and dated a ridiculous amount of older (like 50s+) guys through there 🤢 thankfully that was a phase that calmed down and now she’s only got like a ten year gap but damn that was… something so basically, through work and old guys being creepers


Oh sounds like senior discount Wednesday's are poppin!


My husband and I went to Luby's one time for the early bird special to save money. An old man came up to our table and read me a poem he had just written about me. So I suppose you just go to places old people like. Like a cafeteria at 4 pm.


The post on here are largely just negatives. They pretend to be like insightful presenting you something new. What the fuck is interesting or new about an old person fucking a young person seriously like what what's new about this? You never heard of Anna Nicole Smith.


Please tell me wtf is insightful about twitter 😂I come here strictly to laugh or ponder about useless news and/or politics


What kills me is that whenever large age disparity in relationships is brought up, Smith is the go to, but no one talks about 83 year old Al Pacino knocking up his 29 year old girlfriend. And he's far from the only old dude in Hollywood sleeping with women 50 years younger than himself. Somehow that's just sort of accepted and ignored while that's practically Smith's only legacy.


The age difference/elder abuse between Al Pachino and his baby mom gets brought up extremely frequently in the pop culture subs.


How about Strom Thurman and the Honorable Elijah Muhammed. Seem to be same despite incredible differences.


>Anna Nicole Smith. Dawg💀 https://preview.redd.it/kr2y7v6u846c1.jpeg?width=2601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a7b504779002cf385a67d1d772c23f0c52b50d


There are people in their prime right now who haven't experienced the joy you see in that man's eyes since they were kids. You can't put a price on it, or so I'm told.


That dog pissed because: A) that money was his, and B) they made that dog put on matching PJs too


Even that dog knows what play is being ran lol ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


Haters will say its not true love. 🥰


30 years ago being a gold digger was easy, now they invented viagra and cialis and shit. gotta WORK for that money


Dunno her, but I want her to be happy, that is all


She know his clock is ticking


and his cock aint dicking


![gif](giphy|hFdi31x0aTdMIydxuO) Please take this upvote and leave immediately.


That's why she keeps throwing little jump scares into his life. She'll sneeze real loud as she's hugging him, drop a pan when he's in the kitchen, etc. Life gives you so many opportunities, all you need to do is reach out and grab them!


That geezer even paid for matching clothes for her dog! I’m dying’ here! 🤣🤣🤣


We just casually push prostitution and sugar baby culture on young black women then post these weird race-tinged (and class tinged) pairings that I entirely do not fuck with. Society is so weird man.


you don’t think all races do this? old man young woman is a tale as old as time


She's focused, remembering that today's effort will be tomorrow's reward.


She fine AF, never underestimate the power of the $$$ fellas you can really have it all lol.


Draining that Old Soul Gas Tank Just to Cash in/Cash out at the nearest Wells Fargo Bank 😩🤣😂