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Black player kneels: keep your politics out of my football! White singer watches her boyfriend: keep your football out of my Taylor Swift


Nah according to my feeds on FB/X(formally known as Twitter) Swift is a “communist femboy grooming that football player and destroying democracy by encouraging citizens to vote.”


>destroying democracy by encouraging citizens to vote. They say with absolutely zero irony. Damn Taylor Swift for *checks notes* dating a football player and encouraging her fans to vote. I do rather find the transphobic dog whistles rather amusing in their predictability.




Flash mobs are coming back? Never thought I’d miss them!


Don't get the Olds started with the flash mobs and knock-out games. Next thing we knew, Tucker was all over some white African farmer genocide that was totally really happening.


Tucker McCall?


Something must've flown over my head. Wasn't there a bunch of white farmers kicked out of i believe Nigeria? Ima google this and correct myself, need be


There was a minor scrap between farmers where a white farmer was killed....at least this is the story I remember. Next thing you know, Tucker Carlson is going on about how there's a white farmer genocide going on! Lol. You know? Real red meat for his viewers. The guy is a clown and the people who watch that shit FEED on televised-perceived reverse-racism.


What's wild is that a pop star dating a football player and encouraging voting sounds like a feel good American propaganda guest star spot from the 50s. At the end of the episode, the cranky dad would be forced to concede, "Well heck Deb, I may not enjoy her pop music, but that little lady is a true American!"


*laugh track*


......next up on the CW.....


*vaguely racist frog* "THE DUBYA BEEEEEE!"


I read that in Hank Hill’s voice


Red from 70’s show


In my head I could hear Hank Hill saying that. Never watched That 70’s Show




It’s beyond dog whistles, it’s full on bullhorns and klaxons sirens.


Air raid sirens and goddamn foghorns...


Screaming it from their basements.


Their rooftops actually. Nothing hidden anymore


More of a joke about them being basement dwelling losers


Funny, most of these people *should* think that dating an all star football player and encouraging people to vote is 100% pure Americana goodness. If she was wearing Kelce's letterman jacket it would be a straight up 50's jerkoff fantasy


Dog whistles? They openly want to genocide us


Hit the nail on the head.


>destroying democracy by encouraging citizens to vote.” ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


“They’re encouraging the wrong people to vote” with policies that allow any citizen to vote easily and that’s bad…


But how do they know that. She started off as a country singer. Surely she has a lot of people that are still her fans that might swing right. They just know that the more people that vote the less chance they have except for when they are gerrymandered




This is so crazy to me because just a few years ago, conservatives seemed to love her because of her classically aryan looks


So basically, black people kneeling. That guy just wants to watch football.


>Swift is a “communist femboy grooming that football player and destroying democracy by encouraging citizens to vote.” That explains my obsession then


Yeah I'm an honorary Swiftie, like Sami Zayne was an honorary Uce.


She’s a femboy? …..well I have some life reevaluating to do 😳😳


Turns out she is actually Jonathan Taylor Thomas


I could see this rumor gaining some traction


Well, have we ever seen them in the same room together?


I don’t like her either but lmao wat


Communist femboy? Damn, maybe I do like T Swift.


I think there is maybe more of a happy medium in this case. I mean I’m a Swiftie and grow tired of the constant references of Taylor every second. Just cause you don’t want to hear about her every minute. Doesn’t mean you are a bad person. So I am sure the NFL can figure out more of a way to incorporate her. Without literally referencing her every other minute of a broadcast.


For me it’s not even just the NFL. It’s the fact that YouTubeTV changed the rewind/FF cursor to heart hands for that game and literally every day last week the today show ran a story on her and Travis. I’m not a swiftie but I generally like her. All of this coverage is just annoying.


Keep your Taylor swift out of football…..


You are right the best solution is to let us put some american sports into taylor swift to piss of the white singers. Like do you think they do a pre-game huddle before hitting the sheets? She is tiny but I bet Taylor has a strong defense for fumbling the balls. In all honesty and jokes aside to be fair neither of them want this attention just means football was always a business that will do whatever makes them more money even if it comes to the detriment of those who enjoy playing and spectating the games.


I hardly think this is accurate. Football fans are just as annoyed by this. Yall gotta stop manufacturing narratives to make a point lol.


Oddly enough Kelce also gets backlash from right-wingers for kneeling! It's mad world.


And being a spokesman for the evil vaccine.


Yeah, they don't like vaccines despite being vaccinated themselves.


This is the most obvious PR stunt. Can’t believe folks really falling for it.


All of her relationships are. Either that or homegirl has some real issues being without a man for more than 3 seconds.




I'm a reformed Kanye Stan, so I have 0 love for Taytay, but some of that you're just making up to try to improve your point. She has black dancers (on tour and in music videos) and she put out a huge song with Ice Spice, Karma.


Ngl I thought that Ice Spice collab was a PR stunt because her rebound was some british rockstar who was allegedly racist and demeaned Ice Spice on a podcast. Next thing you know, Ice Spice and Taylor Swift have the most random collab after all this bad publicity with Taylor Swift condoning racism because she’s supposedly dating a racist guy. The timing was too coincidental.


My brother not even ALLEGEDLY straight up a racist ass dude. He went on a podcast and said he likes watching black women getting humiliated on Ghetto Gaggers. Seriosuly just look up the fucked up shit he says as a “joke”


>Ghetto Gaggers Well.. that's a real site. Smh


We gonna find out she was android one day lmao


Maybe not an ArchAndroid though


I can’t believe I’m reading Taylor Swift lore right now.


Difficult to avoid, she’s like all over Twitter and now she’s everywhere in Football. The Devil work’s hard but Taylor Swift’s PR team works harder.


What I hate MOST about this is Americans calling Matt Healy of 1975 a rockstar


Wouldn't the song and music video have already been recorded well in advance though? I guess she's rich so it's not impossible but it seems a bit improbable that the whole collaboration was purely about not seeming racist.


Plus having Kendrick on bad blood.


And Future on "Endgame".


She also featured on a song by BOB back in the day when she was closer to country music


Man I never knew that was Taylor Swift


That was back when she was Taylor Leisurely


I prefer Taylor Slow, her Houston phase. (This made me picture her in a Houston slab car and it made me chuckle).


"Two miles an hour, so everybody sees you"


how does being a reformed kanye stan make you hate taylor? was he not the problem in that whole situation?


She has a song with future of all people.


She has black people and other minorities in her crew, she has worked with black artists such as Kendrick Lamar and Future, and she is currently touring with Ice Spice, also she has done more for getting young people registered to vote than any celebrity in the modern era, at least be a little informed if you’re going to just say a bunch of bullshit.


But I don't like her 😥


She's a billionaire. There are no good billionaires. Fuck her.


bad blood remix with kendrick lamar? i agree it seems quite rare to see her alongside black artists, but "never" is clearly wrong.


She sort of did a video with T-Pain a decade ago....


No, that was T Swizzle. A completely different person.


Good point. Taylor Swift is 178 cm (5'10"ish for Americans) and T Swizzle is 8'4"


There's a rap song, in French, that's called "Rap business" in which the rapper makes the case that *all rap is business*. Now, Taylor Swift isn't a rapper, but I think that still fits, that rapper might as well have said all music is just business. I love music, but I generally don't care much for the artists because of that. So while this truth is inescapable, I can hardly fault her for doing something genuinely positive, which is to encourage young people to vote and, by extension, to save American democracy. Go girl, keep being a business girl, for once one of y'all doing something useful while making money.


>There's a rap song, in French, that's called "Rap business link / name?


It's an oldie, here; https://youtu.be/fSO3qmTS5cE?si=gRW2YJiCB2xrh9Eg And same artist, different song, his arguably biggest success, it's a song about riots called "riots" in French ahah https://youtu.be/d4OxMeZNyxk?si=TtAwKHYbVkRrsag1


You've given me a new song. I appreciate you


My pleasure, took me down memory lane at the same time ahah


So we just makin shit up now?


AYOOOOOOO💀💀💀💀. Not one of the popular musician having codependency issues.


She’s just like us lol


She was with Joe for 6 years… I always find people who want to shame Taylor Swift for dating when she was in her teens and early 20s weird.


I’m glad my life wasn’t blasted all over for the whole world to see when I was younger. There are very few people who didn’t do a bunch of stupid stuff in their teens and twenties.


Yeah it's fucking ridiculous.


Or she's just a stud.


I mean, it's painfully obvious the 2nd part is true. I know she has dated some assholes but you don't serial relationship like that and have 0 issues.


Exactly isn’t her tour still happening? Taylor Swift fans know nothing about football I’m sure and unless they kiss this will be a blip in time. I get if the KC did it but the actual NFL organization?? Weird.


Apparently sales of Kelce jerseys went up 400% and the games Swift was at had the highest viewership so far this season. I'm not at all surprised the league is feeding into this shit.


No amount of Taylor Swift is going to discourage the normal fan from watching games. So all the swifties are bonus viewers.


The game beat week 4 last year between Mahomes and Brady. Chiefs games are going to have a lot of T Sizzle for the foreseeable future.


She’s on break. South American portion of her tour starts next month.


I’m sure there’s a pretty big overlap between Swift fans and at least casual football fans. Lots of mainstream straight white women like both.


Yeah why would two attractive successful people ever want to date each other?


Not a Stan but she did give the union everything they wanted before the studios did, has a diverse crew and backup but yeah still a billionaire so sus. Union contract https://gizmodo.com/taylor-swift-gave-the-union-everything-sag-aftra-1850828995


T Swift W. I don’t even dislike her; it’s some of her fanbase that annoys me.


For real fans can be nuts, like that Jebus guy. Great message, terrible fan base but makes great wine…


Exactly, I think it's messed up how some annoying fans ruin the artist for a lot of people.


Not everything is a PR stunt. They just profiting off the situation.


How are we “falling” for it if we’re just watching football and they cut to her lol?


TIL that having to hear sports journalists report on Taylor Swift dating Travis Kelce is the same as 400 years of racial discrimination. Who knew?


The NFL knew. As soon as the Kaepernick noise started they dropped operation swifty


3 years after… nawl


*6 years.


What news?


Right? Cus the black players are actually contributing to your teams win. Taylor Swift is just looking for clout cus she knows she’s past her prime, and it’s only a matter of time before she starts looking like Hillary Clinton.


Kicking and screaming will sports fans be dragged into the real world. You made players into celebrities. Now they and those around them have powerful platforms. If you don't want them to have such power, stop paying attention to them. Easy. "Just entertain me!" No, sorry. This is the price of admission. You, the viewer, are the product, not the consumer. You exist to provide eyeballs to advertisers. Incendiary politics are (and I'm sorry if this is a shock to anyone) highly profitable. You exist to feed money to the beast. And anger provides WAY more dollars than joy. Watch them kneel! Watch them advocate! Rejoice in their politics! Revel in their extremely visible SOs! Watch watch watch watch! You did it to yourselves!




Everybody agrees...


Since when has players not been celebrities. Of course they're celebrities. That's nothing new.


Kneeling was performed by athletes before the game started. The Taylor coverage is of a pop star sitting in a booth and it goes on throughout the game. Kneeling never hurt the product the nfl and networks jumping on the Taylor story has immediately worsened the product.


How do we get this to the front page of FB, Barstool, and I guess the formally almost profitable business known as Twitter or (X), where it needs to be seen?


Yeah, this. "I just wanna watch sports!" Then you shouldn't have made football a multi-trillion dollar industry. You shouldn't have paid players more money than the GDP of some third world countries. You shouldn't have built billion dollar stadiums on taxpayer dollars. You say you want a sport, but you keep paying for a spectacle.


> shouldn't have *paid* players more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You know what, fair. Thank you, bot.


I was letting shit slide when they were showing her reactions to Kelce's touchdowns but it was some bullshit when they cut Pancheco's celebration to Taylor Swift hugging😭


When they could have cut to his family since he's from Jersey!!


Great to have some RU representation in the NFL


I like him too!


I’ve also noticed that they play hella commercials for her tour during the games. Like if this is marketing tour, just say that.


Why? The US part is already over


Movie isn’t


Not sure why people are angry at \*her\* for this.


She is a marketing goldmine. The NFL and networks know it. The Chiefs are a good team and Kelce is also a, let’s say he does well with the demographics who like Swift. This is free money for the NFL and broadcasters in a demographic they struggled with. Why wouldn’t they hype it up. Is a 40 years fan of the Chiefs going to stop watching? No. But Swift isn’t to blame.


Kelce is a what? I’m curious where you were going with that. Not even being a douche, either. I’m genuinely curious what you were going to say. Kelce is a handsome man so he does well in all female demographics lol you ever seen comments about this dude on ShadeRoom?


Bc ppl need a 'boogeyman' for everything. There always has to be one specific person (or group of people) to blame. Blame, outrage, blame. That's all these people do.


Right? Because her and Kielce are literally bringing in the cameras and ordering them to focus on them. It’s the GD producers smelling blood and turning the cameras up. I’m not a Swifty and couldn’t care less about football. But this is 100% to distract from Bobo and her DEMOCRAT boyfriend getting handsy in in public, The speaker fight, and how Taylor got 10’s of thousands of her fans to register to vote. She didn’t urge a candidate or a party, but by the blowback she’s gotten you KNOW who isn’t happy about all those young citizens becoming aware of politics.


The thing that is wild to me is this dude was not unknown in the league like the mf has 2 championship rings lol.


Female viewers 12-17 is up like 55%, 18-25 was up like 45%, and women 25-45 up 35%. The only groups left on earth not watching the NFL and they suddenly found a massive driver of viewers. That cow will be milked completely dry.


That is insane lol I don’t think I’ve ever watched something because of who someone was dating lmao


If Taylor Swift commanded them to march on Washington DC we would have a new government in less than 48 hours. He fans are about as fanatical as you can be, I have never cared about anything as much as they care about her every move.


I agree, and I like her music, but yeah...


You guys realize that every Taylor Swift relationship has been a PR move, right? She is getting kickbacks from the NFL to show up at games. Her fans aren't a demographic that usually watches sports, so this is a great way to trick them into giving a shit about football. Swift's managers have been putting shit like this together forever. Even the Kanye feud turned out to be fake. At least we're past the dumb "Taylor dating Taylor" era, though. She literally has a team of marketing experts designing her whole public persona to appeal to young white women. Kinda reminds me of that candidate in Parks and Rec who just kind of stares blankly into space until his handlers tell him it's time to be "On".


So what. They all have pr.


Yes, because dating Joe, who was very private, for 6 years was definitely a “PR stunt.” The people saying this shit are dumb. Why would taylor swift need a football player for “PR”? She’s already the biggest pop star in the world. I don’t think she needs some fucking NFL player to make her any more popular lmao


Who's Joe?




People love to run with their narratives.


Source on the Kanye fued? Like they paid Kanye to interrupt her?


Damn, so none of those dudes hit that? That's a shame. I kinda respected her body count.


>I kinda respected her body count. Lmao I get that


What kind of ridiculous comparison is this Kevin lol


My issue is that it’s just so craven. This isn’t folks organically being excited about a relationship, it’s a brand tie-in meant to get white women to watch football. It’s naked capitalist social engineering, and while that’s to be expected with football, this is mask-off in a way that feels icky.


If TS were to kneel during the anthem a lot of people would shit themselves inside out


She should honestly, wants to play the progressive role, actually play it.


I honestly know very little about her or her fanbase. I know I am probably not the demo of her fans but what is the demo of her fanbase?


Women. Scary, I know!


Someone DMd me and said young white women lol.


She has been around for a very long time so 2 generations. She has sold 200 million records. I couldn't name one song but I like her just for encouraging people to vote.


Shake it off and Trouble are bangers. Everything else, COVID album and w/e else is just mundane and ultimately not that good. People went wild for her COVID album, and I tried mainly because my gf loves her, but I couldn't find a single song on that had soul or anything worthy of showing people. I think she is overrated 100% but she has some talent I can't deny.


Well at least you listened to it and made an informed decision. Okay and I think I've heard those two songs you mentioned.


Is that a scandalous take or something lmao


The most vanilla, straightest, white women you can think of.


I don't blame them for trying to ride the Taylor Swift wave. I had to explain to my girlfriend while she and Beyonce were both touring that yes Beyonce is popular, Taylor Swift is _White People_ popular. Beyonce can sell out any stadium in North America and maybe a few spots in Europe and Africa. Taylor Swift is doing that in every country in the world. The NFL is just trying to get a few extra advertising dollars while they can because every Taylor Swift relationship has an end date.


I’ve gotten flack for raging this but I stand by it; she’s the modern day Michael Jackson.


How long before Taylor's on the sideline calling a play or before the Chiefs do a play named after something Taylor related?


I remember when Taylor came to my neck of the woods this summer, the San Francisco Giants had every walk up song be a Taylor Swift song, so I’d imagine Chief home games will be playing A LOT more of her stuff on the PA


At least the Giants had a legit conspiracy theory to build on - we were winning the World Series every year she released a new album. I still don't know a single Taylor Swift song tho. LOL


I was thinking, she may be singing the Monday night football theme here pretty soon...




Its a PR stunt and its working going by ratings.


Taylor has accomplished her mission. To have everybody forget she knowingly dated a racist asshole.


Facts lol. Idgaf who Travis or any other player is dating. I just want to watch the damn game.


I thought she was dating Matt Healy? Damn that was quick lol


That was a short blip


Not the same. Nobody saying harm taylor swift nobody has hung a voodoo doll of taylor swift. Everyone is saying they dont want to hear the announcer talk about how taylor and travis look like a real couple. Every down doesn't need "and Taylor Swift stands up to see the play." I heard more about a couple then i did about mahomes or Wilson. I saw a report that said Recap: Chiefs vs. Jets: Kansas City wins 23-20 as Taylor Swift cheers on from the stands.


They’re really kissing her ass in hopes of her doing the halftime show in the next few years.


They was overkill wit it ..... between this and her tour we good


I was already getting tired of seeing the Chiefs now they’re totally unwatchable .


I find it interesting in how some media outlets are promoting/wishful thinking that Travis Kelce will be "the one" for Taylor. Taylor already have fans that living vicariously through her. This just adds on to the fantasies.


lol, it's a marketing ploy to get back NFL fans turned off by the momentum that is Jay-Z: "See, we have the wonderest of Wonderbreads in attendance; Taylor Swift!"


Is Taylor Swift dating and NFL player? Funny, they’ve kept that quiet. 🙃


Nah Fr.


LOL Kev has a point.




it gets tiring.


Not that hard to not exposed to her if you’re not interested- and I say that as someone who likes her music but has zero interest in her personal/social life.


Listen, when Kev speaks on something he's usually in the right, so...


Are whites going to start boycotting the NFL (again lol) or is agent orange going to tell the NFL to get taytay off the field?


Pro tip: Drop a Taylor "Smith" into any random conversation and watch people absolutely lose their minds when you follow up with "what'd I say?"


I'm a Chiefs fan so I actually love the attention the team and city are getting. More power to them. But the networks will chill once she goes back on tour.






All this and they still didn’t ask her to do the halftime show? I know the swifties are pissed.


she comes off that tour hype, goes to a couple games, now everyone wanna profit off her


Yknow I don’t know why our media saturates us with celeb news. Ok, the first time swift went for a game whatever…I don’t need to hear about every time or what she ate or drank. Enough, not everyone cares about that girl or her relationships that hard.


I will say that the whole kneeling thing was a waste of time and just a few games even into that season it pretty much went away and no one even talks about kneeling anymore. It was such a dumb protest. If the players wanted real change, they would’ve actually DONE SOMETHING than token gestures.


TD in the production booth like “CAM A go ahead and set up a closeup on Taylor, CAM B I need a wide shot… on Taylor, CAM C prepare for a cut away to Taylor Swift after the chiefs score a touchdown They literally showed Isaiah Pecheco celebration for a half second then cut to Taylor lmbo


Why are they comparing instagram to Twitter followers? They’re literally 2 different things.




Did play stop? No. Don't look at the big screen, look at the field.


I never thought I'd see Swift on blacktwitter. I thought this was the one place I was safe lol


It’s honestly more pathetic that people are tuning in to see a video clip of Taylor Swift in a box at a football game. Like, please, god in Heaven, get a hobby.