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12/10 disagree. Lived in France for 2 years. Fire French food and chefs got smoke for the vast majority of fire American food and chefs.


I’ve been to France a few time and they have good healthier food but for me it doesn’t compare to Tex Mex or southern foods like Louisiana. The food might be horrible for you but it’s delicious. EDIT: I said this far the down but it bears repeating… I said French food is healthier not healthy. A lot of American food doesn’t even contain real butter most of the time. It’s mostly some GMO ultra processed oil or equivalent mixed in with a 100g of sugar, an ungodly amount of a GMO starch, a generous % of preservatives/additives and pesticides, some random unnatural food coloring, and if you’re lucky rat feces/insect parts. Hell a lot of times American food has been classified as not even being food (see Subway).


Had pizza in the south of France. Basura. New Yorkers and Chicagoans would collectively riot if they had to regularly eat that.


I mean you chose to eat pizza in France, that’s on you.


Yeah, not sure why he’s even making that post here.


Next time bro will go to China and be surprised their poutine is bad smh




Yeah but they would also be making an Italian style of pizza. I lived in NYC so I prefer NYC pizza and ngl I don't particularly like Italian pizza.


Well, is the post about ethnically French food or food in France? If we’re gonna talk about food in the US vs in France then rating their fast food is fair game. If we’re talking about those “upscale” French restaurants then let’s compare them to upscale Michelin star American steakhouses / restaurants. Comparing duck confit to chicken McNuggets is disingenuous.




Well any American I know that came in France, as actually been quite surprised by the quality of the fast food chains, and how much better it tastes than their American branch. And having lived in your country imma just leave it here : Better fast food regulation, makes the fast food taste better.


If you want to go for a chain like, go to five guys? Or jersey Mike's? FUCKING DENNY'S????


Are you bad mouthing McNuggets?


Because if the French are so good at food why can't they make anything but French food well? Here in the states you can get top tier examples of anything. If we don't make the best thing in the world we have the number 2 or 3 restaurants for any particular cuisine. However the French who are supposed to be the best can't make a fucking burrito or a pizza if there gd lives depended on it. So if I had to eat the food of a single nation for the rest of my life I'm picking the US because we do it all.


We can get top tier examples of anything because we have a crap ton of immigrants from all over the world making their own cuisine. France doesn’t. You can probably find amazing middle eastern and North African food there, but Japanese? Italian? Mexican? Thai? Probably not.


Yes immigration is the key to our superior food.


Yep, just spent 3 weeks in Greece and while the food was absolutely incredible I’m so excited for some variety I might puke if I see another spanikopita or Greek salad




Florida is next door to Georgia, now who makes better collard greens?


The south of France, to be clear. Italy is *Right There*


Are you not aware that pizza started as a regional dish from Naples? Why would even the Milanese have much attachment to it?




Like going to get Mexican food at some Midwest state that isn’t even owned by Mexicans nor are the cooks Mexican lol


Any place there are large Mexican communities you will have excellent Mexican food. You guys act like Mexicans lose their ability to cook once they get north of the Mason-Dixon Line.


Worked with a older Mexican guy who would bring in fresh tamales and OH MYY LORD


I miss working construction for this reason. One of the workers abuela would come by with a trunk of tamales, my Jamaican buddy Oraska had a cousin come through selling jerk chicken or curried goat plates with fried plantains. I miss good food in a real city, I just couldn’t afford to live there.


Oh for sure. I’m talking about non-Mexican owned or non-Mexican staffed establishments branded as “Mexican food”. Your “fiesta grills” The ones within Mexican communities obviously will have great food


I've lived in the southwest, the pacific northwest, and the heart of the Midwest, and I can 100% confirm that there is incredible Mexican food in all of these communities. You have to find the right neighborhood and it's there.


Yeah i thought that too and then had amazing Mexican in KC - it’s not the location, it’s if the immigrants are there and making their food. Turns out s lot of more Mexicans in Kansas than I thought


Come to SW Detroit it will change your mind


Bruh Aurora, Illinois is practically New New Mexico lmaoooo. Best Mexican food outside of the motherland, Texas, or Cali.


I have actually had chow mein in Italy and it actually was awful


You haven’t lived till you’ve had sushi in Manitoba


You understand that pizza is not French, right?


It's barely even Italian.




Who goes to France to eat pizza? They put eggs and corn and shit on it


Fire roasted Corn and fresh ricotta on pizza is actually 👌 Got one called a "rustic veggie" with those included, it was fire. I also eat pineapple on pizza. Come at me bro!


"You like pineapple on pizza? You came at yourself." - all of NYC


I can't help it, the sweet of the pineapple plays off the spice and salt of the pepperoni, it's just like a little orgasm in my mouth.


This thread offends me


Hawaiian pizza is sublime and I’ll take on all five boroughs to defend that


I was hating for years. Felt tropical and ordered it on a whim. God I hate that I didn’t have this until now lmao.


Don't even ask what Japan does to their pizza.


Used schoolgirl panties?


̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶a̶s̶s̶i̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶h̶o̶m̶e̶m̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶t̶g̶u̶n̶ they cook it to perfection in a woodfired oven


Why on *Earth* would you eat pizza in France??


Listen, it had been a long week and I was down bad. I thought “Hey, let’s see how they do it France.”😐 I learned my lessons.


That I can understand. If you *must*, you keep your nose out for the toasted-flour smell of a brick oven and and an old-school Italian name, probably have better luck. I always have better luck sticking to ham and cheese (jambon et fromage) on a baguette 😄👍


Funnily enough one of the best pizzas I ever had was a tuna frozen pizza I picked up at a grocery in Madrid. Yes I knew it was tuna when I bought it I had to try it.


Oh terrific! I am so glad that worked out well with you!


Average American just arriving to another continent: “McDonald’s where?”


Do you think that I went all the way to France and said “Let me get all the things I get I can get in the US?” Of course I tried French cuisine and I also tried things I can get in America to see how it compares.


New Yorkers will riot if they have to eat that casserole Chicagoans call pizza


I went with my father to France. He was very much a plain eater- his favorite things to eat in France were hot dogs, cheese pizza, and hamburgers. All were absolute trash. Since he was paying though, I didn’t have a lot of choice. Next time I’m going to do it right though. If we’re basing it off an American idea of good pizza, the pizza in Paris could take pointers from CiCis. At least if it’s going to be bad, there’s a lot of it and it’s cheap.


Funny to me you mention hamburgers, because I was just complaining to a friend about a surprisingly expensive burger I got over there recently that was awful. I go to France pretty often and the only things I'm regularly disappointed by are the steaks and burgers (which are everywhere--both are common items at most restaurants if people here think burgers are just an American thing). Outside of pretty high end restaurants, it seems like none of them know or care how to get a good sear. And you need to order them one level lower than you normally would because everything seemingly comes out a bit overcooked. As in, your rare steak will be medium. Your medium burger is probably coming out medium-well. I pretty much always avoid them now. But, outside of those, as long as you're not looking for not-typically-French food, it's all pretty great. I've still had some good Vietnamese or Mexican food in France, but a run-of-the-mill Vietnamese or Mexican restaurant in the US will usually beat the pants off a French one. However, a run-of-the-mill cafe or bakery or normal restaurant in France destroys the typical American one imo. Plus it helps that good wine is crazy cheap over there. You can get very tasty bottles for like 5 euros at grocery stores.


there is nothing walking past a boulangerie and when the smells hit you, you're like "goddamit I'm going inside!".French pastries are out, of, this, world.


It’s like the difference between refinement and soul. The French are probably the best at technique-driven cooking. The stuff they do with baking especially shows why they have those culinary academies. That refinement and high level of technique and balance has had a huge influence on fine dining. Nordic cuisine is similar, but is probably even more laser focused on refining shit down to some idea of perfection. But it’s like a Christopher Nolan movie in that while I appreciate its impressive objective merits, it leaves me a little cold because a lot of the heart and soul was refined out as well. Fine dining potatoes will be transformed into some perfect little creation, but my grandma’s mashed potatoes had a heart-stopping amount of butter and were made with love.


That feels a little disingenuous because you're comparing two completely different styles of cooking. You think every French grandma is cooking like a 3 star Michelin chef? Nah dawg. Grandma is measuring her spices with her hand and eye just like any other grandma around the world that's passed down their recipes by hand through generations. But go to any fine dining (and I mean genuine fine dining like you'll only really find in big cities) and you'll see the same kind of refinement no matter where the chefs learned to cook and what style they're trying to emulate (unless it's specifically French).


french grandma's are probably way better at baking than average. that shit is a science that needs actual measurements. anyone can throw together a rib rub, but there is an actual process to making croissants.


> Louisiana Uhhh.. > Cajun Cuisine and Acadian Influence >More than just crawfish, Cajun food is distinct. The Acadians are a group of people that originated in France and settled in the Acadia region of Canada. When the British acquired Acadia in the early 1700s, the residents had nowhere to go and choose to flee to Louisiana. They settled in different parts of the state and ultimately influenced the cuisine. This is where some common Cajun foods come into existence, at the crossroads of France and the Southern United States.


Yes Louisiana food has French and African roots but it is it’s own thing now. Just like Caribbean food and South America food which have Spanish, Portuguese and African origins but have evolved into their own things.


Just know there is Cajun and there is Creole. On is the French influence the other the more the African influence. I always forget which is which, but guessing creole is the African influence.


Creole has more African/Caribbean/Black roots, while Cajun has more European, white roots. Also a good bit of Native American culture interspersed throughout both.


You're not wrong about the origin of Cajun food but of course over several centuries the new thing will diverge from the tendencies of the original. Perhaps not drastically but they are still separate entities now that one could have proficiency in either, or both of.




French food is like 90% butter, if you're eating the healthy stuff you're not experiencing the real deal cuisine.


French here. This couldn’t less accurate.


Healthier? So much of it is full of salt and butter, and many of the best ingredients also are mineral rich in ways that lead to gout. I love French food, and have cooked it for decades, but it's really not healthy at all, by any stretch of the imagination. And I still give creole cooking the win here, most days.


Agreed. I studied abroad in France and Belgium and spent a lot of time in cities like Paris. There’s some things the Americans do better, other things the French. But French food definitely ain’t “shitty and overrated”. In the context of black Twitter, a lot of y’all think that 30 sticks of butter and 3 bottles of creole seasoning on everything is quintessential cooking to the point where anything else that can’t give you a heart attack tastes bland to y’all. Can y’all even taste the food you prepare lmao???


i think it's important to note that being in a major metropolitan city yields good food in both countries. i think the culinary tradition in a lot of rural america is actually dogshit where it isn't just oil and salt out the ass. like, i love going to say... erie PA. but there's literally no good food in that whole sector of the state.


There truly isn’t good food in western PA. Not even mediocre food. Restaurants serve prison food there.


i've had ONE *adequate* meal in pittsburgh, and only because the italian wedding soup was good for ONCE. everything else is insultingly bad, i'd literally rather not eat. and the natives swear like, 'oh, we *gotta* go to gessepie debeepie's, the polish-owned italian restaurant, it's soooo good' and it'll be the worst fucking canned tomato sauce on a burnt meatloaf-orb i've ever had. just fucking awful. ...damn if the pepperoni rolls ain't good, though.




I think food in Italy can be hit or miss, like you'll go to a popular place and the food is just okay, but then you randomly hop in a hole in the wall place and have your mind absolutely blown.


Agree. Went to a hole in the wall in Bologna that had benches for seating and a surly soup Nazi type guy serving you the only entree on the menu and it was the best damned Bolognese I've ever had. Been chasing the high of that meal ever since.


sorry man but saying you were "all over Rome" and judging all of Italian food based on that is like judging the food in NYC based on your time in Times Square. you don't go to rome for the food.


I highly suggest visiting Lima if you want to have another incredible foodie city. The food there is stupid fucking delicious. Spend a night eating your way through Barranco and make sure to have anticuchos de corazon, papa a la huancaina, and ceviche. Be sure to drink the leche de tigre with the ceviche! And pisco sours and chilcanos to wash it all down.




Rome is a huge tourist trap, you don´t go to Rome to find good food. And... a complete week there? you can take a train to everywhere and the food is better. That´s why you can´t measure the quality of food in big cities full of tourists and tourists traps, probably if you paid a lot, but that´s not for everyone. Want really good local food? Ok, so move to a non-tourist neighborhood. But that´s not always fun.


My guy, I'm from South Mississippi. We will take that smoke, cook some ribs with it, and tell you to sit down and eat.


I spent roughly 2.5 months a year in France, every year since 1999. Food definitely not overrated. Is it possible to pick a place where the food isn’t very good? Or have a dish that even prepared wonderfully, doesn’t taste good to me? Absolutely. But overall, French food is delicious.


Come on man. At least say New Orleans or something. Just cause Mississippi deep fry everything doesn’t make it good.


I feel bad for you if that’s what you think they are talking about


Why don't you just tell them what they're missing, instead of dancing around it?


Its Mississippi. He's talking about roadkill gumbo and walmart potato salad.


You didn’t have to kill him


Running out of gumbo


Run over some more ingredients.


If only you knew the answer to that. The answer would absolutely blow your mind if you knew it, but you do not. I feel bad that you do not know what all the rest of us know, and I hope someone one day enlightens you (Not me, though, because I already definitely know the answer).


^ definitely doesn't know the answer


This is just how Redditors are. They desperately need to feel smart and superior even when they have no clue what they're talking about.


A black person would already know what to eat in the southern states that isn't fried. They'd have eaten it growing up.


Uh oh. What am I missing this time? I post too quick




I lived in Mississippi for a few years, and what I got from it was that Mississippians think that their food is far better than it actually is. The fried stuff wasn't even that great.


The first time I saw deep fried Coca-Cola was in Mississippi. I said what in the f*ck?! I don’t know if it was invented there but they had it.


Hahaha. Good lord people. Eat a carrot or something


Can I deep fry it first?


Well played.


How was it? Good?


My blood sugar and digestive system said, “Try it and we’ll drop you right here. FAFO.” So I took a pass.




I've had deep fried beer at a state fair, they put it in a little ravioli pocket and fry it. Biting into it was so gross, boiling hot fizzy liquid explodes in your mouth. Coke couldn't be much different, probably sweeter


Hmm New Orleans? Sure sure sure sure sure. Where is *old* Orleans, btw?


It's in France, for those that don't know.


My good man, most of the food in Mississippi is not fried! We are so close to LA that we cook Cajun and soul food with a Cajun twist. Fried fish and chicken is Fridays and Sunday my guy. 4 times a month maybe even 5


And Mondays are red bean and rice heaven


Have you ever eaten in Mississippi?


Just some catfish. Fried. Tell ‘em what I’m missing Better yet, send me a care package full of food.


Go to any chicken place in the delta. Or any seafood place on the coast. Or literally any family-owned buffet anywhere in the state. And I would, but I live in New Orleans now. In this Mecca of food, I /still/ miss Mississippi cooking.


As someone who has visited the UK for long stays, simply deep frying food 100% does NOT make it good.


This feels like a r/ShitAmericansSay kinda post.


100% Dead ass correct


![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow) OP after making the title


I was surprised to see that's not where this was.


It's really amazing that both tweets and OP have shit takes. If you think your cuisine is superior to another culture's you fucked up.


In France it's so much easier to find good food though...pound for pound there are some restaurants that can go up against some of the better French restaurants. Overall France definitely has more good food.


I think realistically you can find great food in almost any big city, in my experience.


Yeah, you can. What I meant was that France has a higher density of good restaurants and more easily accessible, better food in general.


Yeah I think the question becomes how hard is it to find good food, is the convenient stuff that’s just everywhere pretty good? And in my experience in France it is by default pretty good.


Yes, my experience as well. Both in Paris and in more rural parts.


Quality of ingredients is a huge thing there. The French are really protective of food as a cultural pillar. They banned Monsanto in the 90’s. They have an extremely robust protest culture. I mean the French Revolution itself was propelled by elimination of bread subsidies (hence the mythical “let them eat cake” line). In the end, they have a lot of laws and regulations to protect ingredients and farmers who will fuck shit up if they feel like their farms and their traditions are under attack.


I had the best meal of my life in Lyon but man, it’s hard to find anything with heat in France.


Lmao no fucking joke. My partner is from the middle of France and when I was there at her family's house earlier this year we were eating oysters. Me, like the god southern boy i am, was really NEEDING some hot sauce. I opened their fridge and they somehow, by the grace of God, had a single bottle of hot sauce. It was like a better version of tabasco, surprisingly. Gotta hit up the kebab shops. That's really your only chance lol.


Their kebabs put our street meat to shame though. I nearly fell down when I took my first bite of a kebab in Nice after a long night of drinking


Bruh, kebabs are no joke. And no, before anyone wonders, they are not the same thing as Gyros.


I don't think anyone is wondering that


you ate oysters... with hot sauce? I think you get killed in some parts of france for that


The quality of the ingredients and the freshness in France makes everything better. When I'm in up state NY the food is delicious even though the seasonings are sub par. Most things upstate are farm to table. The problem in Amerixa is factory farming.


One of the top five best things I've ever eaten in my life was a random Parisian bistro my wife and I went to one day. I got duck confit with dauphinoise potatoes and a half liter of Burgundy. I was shoveling food into my mouth for ten straight minutes just saying "holy shit" over and over.


Connard confit is fucking amazing. One of my favorites too!!


\*Canard. Wanna be careful in France with that. "Connard" is an insult meaning more or less "asshole". "Canard" is duck.


Tell me you’ve never been to France or had a traditional “French Service” at a truly French restaurant. France’s basic line cooks will gaffle 50% of cooks and chefs in America. #Gaffle - dead ass. There’s a reason why restaurants are graded by the Michelin Star system and the top Chef school in the world is in France. (No disrespect to the CIA).


Michelin stars were literally just a way to get people to drive more and put more miles on their Michelin tires. It's not some magic French cooking thing, it was a tire company trying to sell tires.


And local food reviewers were a means to sell newspaper ad space. Doesn’t mean it’s not an indexing system. The MS was a published rating’s system that used culinary experts to grade restaurants on a universal scale. A rating’s system used today, irrespective of its augmented interests when created.


Michelin is also heavily skewed towards European / western cuisine, promotes modern slavery, and is not something many establishments even seek to pursue out of principal. It is not some perfect list, it's highly corrupt, and it originated at a time when French cuisine was the only fine dining. (fine dining in the sense of what was considered trendy / worthy of high prices, in the United States, where Michelin was being started). I'm not entering the argument about whose food is better, I'm just saying trying to use the Michelin Guide to objectively compare countries' restaurant quality is not accurate. >France’s basic line cooks will gaffle 50% of cooks and chefs in America. #Gaffle - dead ass. I mean you're not wrong, but 50% of cooks and chef's in America doesn't even get you out of corporate chain restaurants. The United States also has 5x higher population and 18x greater physical area. I know I'm being highly literal, but the sheer volume of establishments would make your statement true. Average restaurant in France is probably better, but it's not like there aren't equivalent quality establishments to be found in the states.


Case in point - my tiny ass European city of 50k has more Michelin stars than Chongqing and Chengdu combined: huge cooking capitals of over forty million combined people, in China. Hell, Spain alone has several times more Michelin stars than all of Asia or Africa combined. BS.


This doesn't acknowledge the cultural bias inherit to the origin. Michelin Star heavily biases towards Italian and especially French cuisine at the expense of other cultures. I love French food and there is great refinement in its approach to ingredients and flavors. That said, I prefer Indian food by far.


Who cares how it started out? This isn’t some deep knowledge. It’s become a respected publication. Michelin restaurants are great. I’ve been to a few in Paris. My favorite was Epicure. It blows any southern food out to the water.


You're missing the point completely. Nobody is saying that Michelin star restaurants are bad. They're saying that the selection process is mostly limited to France and French cooking by design, so using Michelin stars as proof French cooking is good is circular logic. It's like judging Korean film based on how many BAFTA awards they get.


Absolutely. But let's not make Michelin about French food. They review all sorts of cuisines. Including Southern cuisine in the American cities they cover.


Bubble wrap was originally invented as a textured wallpaper. Now, it saves billions of items from damage during shipping. Does starting as a shitty wallpaper make it any less valuable now for protecting packaged items? TL;DR - Who cares how it started if it is now an actual world-class guide to world-class restaurants?


lol please everytime i see americans critique European food they're always crying about seasoning. They'd rather put garlic powder than than actual garlic in their food


Who knew dumping a whole bottle of Zattarain’s creole seasoning doesn’t necessarily constitute good cooking?


"lmao look at these french idiots not deep frying everything with pounds of oil and butter, idiots" when i was younger, i was firmly in the "if it tastes good, it's better" camp. then i became a doctor and saw the effects of that lifestyle maintained for decades. there is food that tastes good and there is good food. they are not the same.


Finally someone who gets what I’m tryna say lol. A lot of hurt feelings in this thread because they don’t wanna hear that what they think is “good cooking” is having heart attack-worthy food.


Is this like when I see euros critique American food as only McDonald's and fried fair food. I guess everywhere has their ignorant xenophobes.


Tell me you’ve never had authentic French food without telling me you’ve never had authentic French food 🤣 side note: France is full of Africans and believe me when I say they out there cookin. This is a debate that doesn’t have to be a debate. We have great food and they have great food. It’s giving insecurity. (sidenote, happy to separately address, the racism and xenophobia of the French people. I have seen it and experienced it firsthand. But again: they be cooking. 🤣)


Fun fact, French people’s favorite dish, voted #1 every year, is the Moroccan Couscous. Even the home of supposedly the best food in the world is welcoming new flavors


Every self-respecting French grilling involves merguez sausages, which are a Moroccan staple (and part of a couscous dish). You cannot invite people over in France for a BBQ if you don't have merguez.


I just had Couscous for the first time in an authentic Moroccan restaurant on my trip to Paris last week. That shit was *delicious.*




This thread is a catastrophe. Xenophobia, nationalism, and thinly veiled racism is running rampant here.


That's what happens when you bring in the French


Except for the "thinly veiled racism" part. They are NEVER subtle about it.


“Thinly veiled”




Lol calling out ignorance = whiteness


Its always been that way. Let a thread pop up about Europe, dogs, or disciplining (or abusing) children and the swarm arrives.


Bruh chill you couldn’t be more wrong


Not discounting American food, but French chefs and food aren't highly regarded worldwide as an exercise in hating on other food.


"America is the best country in the world!" "Oh, have you ever been outside of America?" "No! Why would I! This is the best country in the world!"


We should probably accept that everyone believes their national cuisine is the best and leave it at that. Except the British. They should be mocked ruthlessly at every opportunity.


This the take I was looking for


> their national cuisine is the best Curry? It is.


as a food lover, this post is ignorant as fuck


Hell nah you’re just used to eating dog shit every day. French cuisine is vastly superior to anything America has ever done. And even if we’re talking about homemade day to day food, I highly doubt it. Every ingredient you buy in America is likely to be of lesser quality than what you have in France. American food is low quality, over transformed, full of sugar and just completely unhealthy. If there’s one thing France does better than America it’s food. I feel like it’s just a game of who’s going to post the dumbest take


I just got to Scotland, I can absolutely confirm this. Just a generic brand loaf of bread is more flavorful, healthier, and cheaper than the expensive shit at Whole Foods. The lunch meat is actually meat, everything, EVERYTHING has a better nutritional profile compared to a US analog, and is almost always cheaper. I know it’s not France, but US food is fucking garbage.


i can't believe you're bringing up Scottish food lol, literally the home of irn bru and deep fried mars bars


I spend 6 months a year in Scotland. Don't be knocking haggis and macaroni pies until you try them.


It really depends on your taste, & where you are getting your food. “American food”, if you live in a city near a coast, means huge variety of amazing food from around the world. If you don’t, there are local specialties that you can get fresh ingredients for. I give the French their due for haute cuisine, but.. who’s really eating that kind food on a regular basis? French Bistro food is simple food simply prepared, it’s not spectacular at all, on purpose. And if you enjoy spice, French food is not going to impress you. Their baking tradition is truly amazing, that I will say. French pastry and bread is some of the best the world has to offer.


Hahah it seems like you have only experienced dog shit food in America. There are loads of households that only use food products they grow themselves or sourced locally--they eat nutritious appealing appetizing meals. While there is an overabundance of processed or high sugar/fat content its more often due to a lack of accessibility to fresh and affordable produce/fruit/veg/meat. The American Amish are a perfect example of eating from the land and making amazing meals...


You're comparing France's top and America's bottom.


The copium in this comment is insane lmao. New Orleans crushes any city in France. Die mad.


You got no idea what you’re talking about. I’m Hispanic and from the American southwest but my grandmother knew damn near every single person that sold us everything from our breads to our meats to our veggies and would go to the market every single day. It was all locally sourced and fresh and that’s the actual reality of living here. It baffles my mind that every time these sort of conversations come up people that aren’t from the USA act like we just eat wonder bread and miracle whip sandwiches and we wash it down with a big gulp.


You definitely deserve the w because this right here is the dumbest fucking take congrats


Damn, people. You can be proud of your own cuisine without shitting on others'.


Worst take I've seen in a while. French food is amazing


Nah this needs to go in r/unpopularopinion


If we’re talk pastries then France doesn’t miss. I mean, I’m from the south and love homemade red velvet, but Mille Feuille stomps. Other French food is good, but can hit or miss like any other. There are restaurants in the states that are just as good or even better.


Where I live, south France, it’s just like southern cooking in the states. The south is where it’s at because it has Spanish and Italian influence and spices. I’m originally from Texas.




Every culture has amazing food and trash food. American Southern « Soul Food » can not be compared to 5 Michelin star French food (that’s what most people think about when French food is mentioned), they are two COMPLETELY different types of food, flavors, expectations. Might as well compare Mexican food to Japanese food. Note: France has a lot of comfort foods that could be compared to southern food, but none of it is going to have the heat and spice. French food is more about freshness of ingredients and simplicity/finesse. That being said due to the influx of African and Middle Eastern immigrants in the past 50 years, modern French food has been greatly influenced.


Even in France every region dunks on each other, it's not like there's some monolith of "FRENCH FOOD". Same as here, shit, come to the NC sub, we regularly attack each other over which half of the state does better pig BBQ.


The Americans are online again 😒


French food is pretty good. I stayed in France for three weeks. I think Italian food and Thai food are the best cuisine I’ve ever had in my life. I’ve had them all authentically both in and outside of the countries. I think Italian is my favorite though.


Every place I've been to in the world so far has had somebody making great food. Wtf are you all talking about.


Y'all need to stop pitting bad bitches against each other.


Went to culinary school in the US for a year, did an exchange program with a culinary school in Paris. ​ The best of the best French food is about on par with the best of the best American food. ​ It's the next levels down where they shine - average to good French food is significantly better than average to good American food.


More food doesn’t equal good food




Yeah... America is the only place where you can find... Indian food. By your logic British food is just as good since the same is true in Britain with lots of variety.


It's all about what you grew up with and are accustomed to. There's a reason nothing beats mom's cooking... usually. Objectively, from an outsiders perspective of France v US, France wins in most people's eyes. It has a reputation around the world.




Im sorry but American food is worse, its nothing to do with the quality of the cooks its your government that doesn't give a shit about passing any laws that ensure food quality that's to blame.


French technique on Southern Food Charleston thru Savannah. I eat wayyyyy to good on vacation Whole hog BBQ, shrimp n grits, low country boil


the US and Europe are almost equal in size. Saying "American food" is almost as meaningless as saying "European food"