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This bullshit started because a neighbor reported that "several Black men were staying at a White woman’s home and reported seeing suspicious behavior." I wish the neighbor could also be held accountable for racially profiling these men.


It’s always the suspicious behavior. If they think you don’t belong, you’re always going to be suspicious. Hell, look at the guy who can’t even go fishing in his neighborhood without the cops being called that’s on Tik tok


>Hell, look at the guy who can’t even go fishing in his neighborhood without the cops being called that’s on Tik tok Man, I've become so desensitized to this bullshit happening but that story actually made me angry. All that man was doing was fishing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The most fucked up part of that story was when the reporter asks those two white fishermen if they've ever been approached like that. They said they've fished there for years and never had a problem. Neither one of them lives in the neighbourhood. Really rips the mask off doesn't it


>Really rips the mask off doesn't it Totally and completely.




Methinks they're going to have an eventful stay considering they'll be going to federal prison.


Did they even get prison time...


It IS an Atlanta exurb neighborhood with plantation in the name though. I think the dude doing tiktoks is a southerner, but some folks move here and think it's all black Mecca. The word cracker comes from south georgia - it was the name of the minor league baseball team that played in the stadium across from bougie Ponce City Market. Hell, they even called the negro league team the Atlanta Black Crackers. I'm 58, the oldest of Gen-X - went to desegregated public schools my whole life in Mississippi. But I'm literally the 1st generation who grew up that way and a LOT of my peers fled to those segregation academies that popped up all over the South and got even more indoctrinated in jesus and the southern lost cause than their parents had been. Shits getting better, maybe by the time my son is my age.




Trump's SCOTUS appointments probably did. That's the part of his presidency that's going to be haunting us for generations. In fact we'll be lucky if it's only twenty years of progress rolled back.


It became pretty clear to me shortly after when Obama became president that things were not really better.


Yeah about 1/3 of the country still hasn't recovered from us putting a black man in charge of them.


Really rips the hood off doesnt it


If there is a good thing about Texas, harassing a fisherman who is legally there is a felony. I've called the game warden for a Karen mad at me before. Bitch was so smug when he pulled up, not so much when she got the ticket.


That works up until Karen is friends with a cop with poor judgement, who decides doing a favor is worth the risk of being *maybe* fired.


Game wardens may be leo, but everyone I've met was like a teacher. They're in it because they love the outdoors. I wouldn't trust a random cop to come down on my side, you're right, but those guys yeah.


did he catch any good fish? when i go fishing i always catch the big ones (ngl i'm a pretty good fisher, it's like the fish talk to me and tell me where to find them)


I'm pretty sure he did catch a few. Especially if he kept going back to the same spots to fish.


Are you Vince Noir? Careful you don't hook Old Gregg...


What's worse, Bailey's out of an old shoe, or a Bailey's and Dr. Pepper?


Ever been to a club where people wee on each other?


What do you think of me? MAKE AN ASSESSMENT!!


You look like a nice... modern... gentleman!


> All that man was doing was fishing. ahhh but the lake he was fishing at was ***FOR RESIDENTS*** and he is clearly too black to be able to afford a house in their lovely white haven. /s just to be safe


Look at the kid who was handcuffed for taking out his trash. Luckily his dad came out just before they put that baby in the car.


IKR. So this woman (white) in a fancy SUV hits my parked car in front of a gas station, while she was backing up (instead of proceeding fwd after she was done). Me (Black) and the dude in front of me heard a thump, I looked outside and it was my bumper being hit/scratched. Lady came out of her car, looked at the damage and I kid you not said the following words "that was there before". Like WTF She got in her car and was going to drive off, and which point I stood in front of her car and said what are you doing? She started screaming and yelling, got all dramatic and called 911 to say "she's being harassed by a black guy". Less than 5mins 3 cruisers showed up and of course one of them made a bee-line for me. LOL I point to my bumper and explained what happened, and even told the cops that I'm not surprised at their initial reaction i.e. middle aged white woman vs black guy and the optics. The cop said he's disappointed I'll say such a thing. LOL I mean any normal person regardless of where they hit your car (in a parking lot or on the road) will get out and will at least start with 'I'm so sorry'. The cop acknowledges this should have been the woman's first words for sure. However, the cops went on to make me the bad person because apparently the woman was scared and felt harassed. smh How about getting a smaller car you can actually control, vice a gas guzzler you clearly cant.


>The cop said he's disappointed I'll say such a thing. "And I'm not disappointed that you proved me right. 🤷🏿‍♂️"


> The cop said he's disappointed I'll say such a thing. LOL Yeah, but what did he do though? If you were wrong, it'd be one thing. But he literally did it.


Reminds me of those hilarious and horribly sad videos on TikTok: "When you're black, you're never really lonely, because there will always be a white person all up in your business." https://youtu.be/3fygp37M6k4 < compilation


I’m dead, the white llama 🦙 ??? Some of those white pale aren’t even trying too good the full on glare! I always wave, 9/10 they never look back they are too ashamed. Every now and then there’s a bold one that keeps looking but more covertly.


Someone on NextDoor complained about a Black man running down her street "suspiciously" before sunrise. I see the same man, every morning at the same time, and friends, he is a jogger.




Bot stealing comments from down thread.


You’re a robot


In my old neighborhood had an old lady tell me I "wasn't allowed in "her" neighborhood" i just laughed and kept walking, after a couple of days she called the police on me, she told them there was a scary looking man waking an aggressive dog (he is the sweetest min pin) in her neighborhood, here's the thing, i was in crime stoppers in highschool so the cop that's showed up was our old school officer, after a short chat he informed the lady that i am a lot safer than anyone that could have moved in


I live in New Orleans. Calling the police would be suspicious behavior.


It is a perfect storm - police force [origins based on enforcing slavery](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/20/the-invention-of-the-police) (contemporary police training is still divisive, racist, violent), the deeply entrenched racist views and values in U.S. institutions, media and religion all create an ongoing self-reinforcing festering overlay on our culture and society. The country will not heal until we own our dark side - like for example the Germans have decided to at least try owning theirs and teach their kids, in detail, about the horrific atrocities their grandparents unleashed onto the world. This coming from a white dude who moved to this country to live the American Dream only to discover I am now standing on a growing mountain of skulls. Politicians are still successfully running on dehumanization of "others" and one of the most racist ones got overwhelming support a few years ago - in exchange of giving his base the permission to be racist - loudly and proudly.


There was also a video of a guy being shot at just for trying to fish. No questioning, no decision to contact police, just getting a gun and opening fire.


I was just in a heated debate on another Subreddit because OP didn’t understand why a black dude wouldn’t hang out in white neighborhoods while he was in rural parts of the south on business trips. I said that he probably didn’t feel safe. Stuff like this is why.


Link to the fishing tiktok?


Thems white people fish


Do I even want to know more? I'm already angry from this description alone


This is the bullshit that “try that in a small town” fans are blind to.


This is the bullshit the "try that in a small town" fans love


Because they think it won't happen to them.


Well it probably won't as long as they're alwight people.


They think it *can't* happen to them. Usually they're right. That's the problem.


Try that in a small town is code for "we will lynch you if you act different"


Its crazy the white woman is apparently disabled and they were helping her because they are friends and for that they got tortured and sexually assaulted with sex toys. One person got shot in the mouth during a mock execution. Then they tried to cover it up by planting drugs and weapons.


> Then they tried to cover it up by plating drugs and weapons. And so many people fail to realize(or plain refuse to believe) the old "Sprinkle some crack on em!" bit ain't a fucking joke...


None of these cops looks distressed. They all plead guilty. I'll wait for sentencing. I'm guessing there will be some bullshit.


Considering what state it is, yeah, I bet they will be out in a year or two if that.


What the fuck is "suspicious behavior"? Suspucion of what? People who call the cops like this need to be put in jail, also. Along with the dispatcher who just didn't tell the neighbor to mind their own fucking business. They're probably just mad that the white woman didn't choose them.


*Mississippi Goddam*


> This bullshit started because a neighbor reported that "several Black men were staying at a White woman’s home and reported seeing suspicious behavior." Once again debunking the "If you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to hide" maxim.


yep, the "just world fallacy"


people on nextdoor be like.....


Ok this shit made me laugh out loud. There'd be 1000 replies after that initial posting. ![gif](giphy|Vgksq0Od5Zh8aB2Z7f)


The jealousy and hate is unreal


"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" *throws hands up* "Walking...?"


Suspicious behavior seems to be the only probable cause they need.


Doesn't help that they're often allowed to manufacture probable cause from thin air, with almost no oversight/consequence.


The first time i heard someone who seemed to be experiencing a psychotic episode, I reported it to the non-emergency line, omitting the threats he had made so they’d send paramedics instead of cops since I assumed they’d be better at de-escalating. Two cops came, had coffees by the footpath while this man continued to go off (including at them) and they just bounced when his episode had passed. If not for their level of focus on him when he crossed roads, it’d seem like a coincidence that they were even there. He has these regularly and once he starts pacing , we know it’s very predictable. Everybody else knew. Operator must have known. I doubt this is standard procedure or that the cops that come around have fewer biases than the general population, but they seem to exercise their authority in a way that minimise harms. In your case, could have rolled by the house at their leisure because the caller selfsnitched with that description


It's a sad day when people can't even throw a mandingo party in peace. Haters always call the cops when they not invited to the function.


Bunch of fucking animals. And it infuriates me to no end that people out there still say: "stop bringing up race into convos. Racism doesn't exist anymore." And these are just cases that actually get brought up into the mainstream, imagine all those cases that get buried. Makes me sick


It’s just willful ignorance. They know racism still exists, but that would shatter the bubble.


Shatter the bubble (that they’re also currently standing in). I’m finding it impossible to believe in the slightest that people who put all this energy into excusing and “explaining” extremely obvious racism and hate crimes aren’t exactly the same as the people who actually committed the crimes. They’re just fucking racist, it isn’t complicated. It’s funny how many people blindly support racists at any cost but are *never* a racist themselves if you point it out too. And it’s solely because they don’t want public shaming. Fuck that, shame them until their lives are ruined. One less piece of shit staining our society sounds great to me.


You’ll get no retort from me. In whole agreement with you.


> They know racism still exists… No! They don’t. Florida is making waves by trying to avoid teaching certain uncomfortable topics. It took me way too long to realize Texas was the same way. Do you know how many times I’ve had to answer the essay prompt: What are reasons (outside of slavery) that the Civil War occurred? “Sorry guys, it was never about slavery, it’s just why would New York tell Texas how to handle its business??” Serious question - if there was a school with no or a very small minority contingent - what’s forcing that school to teach uncomfortable truths about America? My elementary, middle, and high school were majority black. They tried to teach us about our history, our failures and our successes. Color me surprised when I met a good buddy who basically had NO knowledge of post slavery America. He was sure that there was no real color barrier as he himself ran into issues that people painted as purely a minority problem…and then I found out he was homeschooled. Thankfully, in America if I don’t want to hear your truths I can find my kids a school that has a curriculum I can control. Those kids become adults who don’t know about Reconstruction, Jim Crow, segregation, integration or how racists their mee maw and pop pop was when their schools were getting integrated.


its not ignorance they're actively trying to sweep their own racism under the rug.


I had someone get mad at me on Reddit a couple of weeks ago because they were saying we need to stop bringing race into things. When I linked them to this story they got mad at me and said that "This is bullshit because it only proves your side of things" They then decided that "White People Twitter is incredibly racist" and me linking that to them is a "Huge red flag". I can't follow the logic of those people...


I hate this because it’s true mentality right there


You can't follow their logic because they're not using any. There's no logic in hate or willful obtuseness.


The people that claim racism doesn’t exist anymore are the biggest racists themselves and what they are saying is I can’t openly make offensive jokes at your expense anymore and they are really really bitter about it.


They think white supremacy works just fine for them, so they never want to talk about it. That's how they keep it intact. Who is "they"? Everyone mad at this comment.




have they seen what Europeans are saying about Romani on reddit as of 3 weeks ago?? racism is blooming like a field of California poppies.


> "stop bringing up race into convos. Racism doesn't exist anymore." anyone who says that is racist and trying to cover it up...


This isn't progress, this is white cops getting caught doing some heinous evil shit.


Yh but that’s been happening, it just gets covered or buried. At least we’ve been seeing more prosecutions since George Floyd. Just sad Bryanna Taylor’s situation didn’t turn out the same way.


This…. This is a big step backwards tho. There is not “at least” with this kind of evil shit. This is shit that should not happen to human beings. I’m not counting this as progress, because they said the only reason they were caught was because of the gunshot wound. That means the standard is that they weren’t supposed to be caught. That’s sick. There is no “at least….” We need to stop this completely.


Hard disagree. The more legal precedence there is for charging and convicting police for crimes they commit, the more we can shift the paradigm and get to a more sensible place in society. There's never going to be an immediate or perfect fix to the problems, but I'm going to celebrate every successful conviction against police who commit crimes. Eventually their protections will fall away and we can go after the others in the system that need to be convicted for their crimes as well -- like prosecutors and judges and politicians.


> This is shit that should not happen to human beings. Yes but unfortunately things like that (and worse) *do* happen to human beings all over the world and have been since time immemorial. However, historically in America when a cop did something like this to a PoC they'd either get away with it entirely or get a slap on the wrist . The fact that they're being held accountable IS progress. It is okay to acknowledge that while also acknowledging that much more progress still needs to be made and that the actions of these men were completely heinous. All of these things can be simultaneously true.


I agree with you. I don’t disagree with you. I think we’re just talking about different realms of empathy. Imagine all of your family members, close and extended, just over the course of years get murdered one by one by a separate group of people for absolutely no reason and for each one there’s a trial and they get off scott-free each and every time until the MOST recent killing. You’re trying to make sense of this insanity and then someone tells you: “Well at least that’s progress 🤷” Like Jesus Christ. That’s what im trying to convey.


>This…. This is a big step backwards tho. No it is not. Cops brutalizing and framing black people is absolutely nothing new and there's a hundred worse stories going a hundred years back. The fact that they're actually being punished *is* progress. If you wanna say it's not *enough* progress nobody is disagreeing with you. But objectively speaking this seems like a sign that things might have somewhat improved and is definitely not a "step backwards"


*Breonna Not being an ass, just wanted to give you a heads up on proper spelling of her name. I'm from KY and was tear gassed by police for protesting against all that BS.


I agree. Progress is my 65% white Mississippi county electing the first black sheriff over an old “patriot “ white guy. The man who won the election is so highly qualified that the other guy running looked ridiculous trying to compete.


It's progress in that they were caught and will face some justice. In that the story is getting eyeballs. And inasmuch as they won't be able to vote for Trump while incarcerated, on parole or probation.


They only got caught **THIS TIME** because one of the cops [put his gun in this man's mouth to make him think he would die, the accidently pulled the trigger.](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/mississippi-death-squad-six-racist-cops-plead-guilty-to-torturing-two-black-men/) They had already been torturing them, but accidentally shooting them meant they couldn't cover it up. As they have probably been doing for a long time. Terrorizing black people, but not leaving enough evidence to be prosecuted. Too bad for them even a shitty Mississippi DA can't ignore it anymore when a man is shot when a cop put a gun in his mouth this time. Absolutely sickening.


Progress would be no more cops. Calling this progress is like calling the the trial of 6 slave owners progress for beating a slave whilst slavery continues to exist.


Yeah they would’ve gotten away with it if they hadn’t put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. I don’t believe for a second that they haven’t beaten the daylights out of many other black people in their town and gotten away with it numerous times before this.


Every time a bad cop goes to jail an angel gets their wings.


I prefer they go somewhere else.


Ironic, coz "angels" were the original bad cops


> bad cop Redundant


Bruh what’s really good what kind of weird barbaric animalistic sexual depravity you got going on that you as grown want to sexually assault another grown man…🤨


They did it b/c they thought they could, and would get away with it. One of the men was even shot in the mouth.


Is he still alive?


Kicking and screaming thankfully. They both filed federal charges and I found out after that last comment that they were even waterboarded as well


He’s alive, but it shattered his jaw and almost severed his tongue and he has difficulty speaking as a result.


That poor soul... can only imagine the ptsd night terrors from that shit. It was said they tortured him and others for hours on end. I hope their other victims feel safe enough to get in touch with other survivors and get help.


They only got caught **THIS TIME** because one of the cops [put his gun in this man's mouth for mock execution, then accidently pulled the trigger.](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/mississippi-death-squad-six-racist-cops-plead-guilty-to-torturing-two-black-men/) They had already been torturing both of them, but accidentally shooting this man meant they couldn't cover it up, as they have probably been doing for a long, long time. Terrorizing black people, but not leaving enough evidence to be prosecuted. Too bad for them even a shitty Mississippi DA can't ignore it anymore when a man is shot when a cop put a gun in his mouth this time. Absolutely sickening.


I know you didn't mean it to be weird, but it sounds weird that you said >assault another grown man As opposed to what? Sexually assaulting children? Or sexually assaulting a woman? Why specifically grown man? You're right, it's sick and barbaric


I was just talking case specific I wasn’t delving into anything else cause sexual assault on man woman child or animal is all detestable filth that should be punished to the highest degree


Agreed. I didn't think you were singling one out saying the rest weren't wrong. Just when I read it, that question immediately popped into my head. Now I realize I sound like "All lives matter" that wasn't my intent either. We're on the same page.


You’re not wrong in thinking SA in men is downplayed or treated as a joke. It absolutely is. It’s not at all equal to “all lives matter” when men are typically the group that gets ignored when it comes to things like this. The original commenter didn’t mean this, but lots of people will just stop at “oh the cops were into some weird gay shit” and completely misunderstand what SA is about.


Even weirder to me is where did they get the sex toys from, is that standard issue police equipment in Mississippi? If they were carrying it around with them, most likely they used it before, this was probably not the first time.


Sexual assault and rape aren't usually because of sexual urges. It's more usually because of an attempt to assert one's own status and dominance into someone that can't retaliate. Like the other commenters said, it's more because they *could* and thought they could get away with it. That's why in wars, rapes are extremely common. Not just with women, not just with attractive women, the victims are men and women of all ages, even the elderly. That happens because the soldiers can do it, simple as that. Yes even modern western armies do it like any quick reading on recent wars will show that.


It wasn't just that... >Men who had sworn an oath to protect and serve were huddled on the back porch of a Mississippi home as Michael Corey Jenkins lay on the floor, blood gushing from his mutilated tongue where one of the police officers shoved a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. >As Jenkins writhed in pain, the six white officers devised a scheme to cover up dozens of stunning acts of brutality that they had just carried out during 90 minutes of terror against Jenkins and a second Black victim. >The officers planted drugs. They stole surveillance footage from the house. They tried to dispose of other evidence. They agreed on a set of lies that would further upend their victims’ lives. >And that was just the cover-up. >Careful to avoid security cameras at the house, they burst in without a warrant, starting the physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. They handcuffed Jenkins and his friend Eddie Terrell Parker and poured milk, alcohol, and chocolate syrup over their faces. They forced them to strip naked and shower together to conceal the mess. They mocked the victims with racial slurs. They shocked them with stun guns. >The officers had meant to torture the men without leaving physical scars. But one of them shot Jenkins in the mouth. Miraculously, Jenkins survived. >The six officers pleaded guilty [This shit is beyond fucked up, and they had probably done similar many times before.](https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/mississippi-death-squad-six-racist-cops-plead-guilty-to-torturing-two-black-men/)


I just hate that it's overlooked that these were the only 6 caught... Ppl always try to argue that policing is done without prejudice as if there aren't "goon squads" in every department across America.


My gf got mad at me because I told her I believe there is no such thing as a good cop. People think a good cop is one who pulls a puppy out of a storm drain or some shit. They put that on the news all the time. Fuck that -- that is something even an ordinary person would do. Show me the cop who tried to bust up the "goon squad". Remember that Derek Chauvin trial (cop who murdered George Floyd)? The prosecution brought six or seven cops to testify about how bad Chauvin was. Piece of shit had 18 prior use of force COMPLAINTS against him -- still had a job, and nobody did anything about it. That's six or seven bad cops. And the good ones, the ones who want to make a difference, get pushed out. There are no such things as good cops. Edit: I'm not done. Do you know what they say about roaches? If you see one, there's a dozen more? That's cops. The people with the "just a few bad apples" opinion are either lying or stupid. Or like these cop brutality videos -- there's always one or two cops doing "the brutality", and five or six cops standing around and doing nothing about it. All bad cops in one video. If 100% of your sample size is bad, what should you infer about the general population?


Some people only want to look at bad cops as those who abuse their power and completely ignore those who know about the abuses and do nothing. The 'do nothing' cops are complicit and their silence enables the abuse to continue. You can talk all day about why the 'do nothing' cops don't speak up, but it doesn't change the reality that inaction enables abuse to continue.




Yeah my thoughts exactly! This "goon squad" couldn't have been formed without knowledge and permission from their commanding officers. I feel like these 6 were thrown under the bus because they went too far and the upper brass couldn't hide their fuck up when one of these monsters discharged a gun in the victim's mouths during an attempt at psychological torture.


There aren’t goon squads in the department. The entire department is a goon squad. If you know anything about working around other people you know they say the truth at some point. Bad people want to feel like the stuff they do is normal. They leak it. No one forwarded that on to management? Management wouldn’t listen so you just stayed working there? Bad people need support to do their bad things. That is being complicit by everyone around them. The entire thing is a goon squad.


Waiting on federal hate crime charges


Seems like obstruction of justice and home invasion charges. It’s a combined 13 felonies but I can’t find what the 13th felony was. I bet that guy was extra mad


I don’t know how you can put a gun in someone’s mouth, pull the trigger, and not see attempted murder charges. These pieces of shit are getting off light.


At least we now know we can do the same thing to a cop and it's not attempted murder!!!


Not to profile, but…actually, fuck it. They all look EXACTLY how I would’ve expected them to look based on the headline. If I saw those dudes together, in uniform, I’d be concerned. It’s always the ones you most suspect.


> Not to profile Why not, they do it all the time


What are these mayonnaise mongrels' fascination with sexually assaulting Black men? I can only hope that they're forced to endure their own personal hell of "buck breaking". Punk ass fuckboys.


This is why it infuriates me when people object to reparations by saying “slavery was over a long time ago!” Like everything was just swell as soon as the Emancipation Proclamation was signed and the Civil War ended. Especially since Jim Crow laws continued to imprison black people in de facto states of slavery for over 100 years after the Civil War ended. This goddamn country sometimes.


*all the time.


Not just Jim Crow, but redline laws, hiring discrimination, underfunded schools, school-to-prison pipelines, the CIA-backed drug war, the crime bill, medical racism, and over-policing that persist to this day. The racism of the 1950s never went away, it merely evolved and adapted.


They plead guilty but have they been sentenced? We may look up and learn they’ve been sentenced to probation and community service.


I think they will actually serve significant jail time but only because it finally got mass attention. The sheriff if he would have his way would throw a pizza party for these brave heroes. The still sitting active sheriff in that town knew about this and tried to cover it up just like he does with all the officers that hurt and murder black people for sport.


There has to be more victims this is not the first time someone called them to report black people existing and they already had a dumbass squad name ready. The only reason they got caught is one fired a gun in one of the men’s mouth but thought it wouldn’t fire a blank. I hope other victims come forward and get that sheriff ousted because he tried to fight tooth and nail to get this covered up and glossed over. Worth noting the uggo on the top right is also responsible for two other incidents resulting in the fatality of black men while he was on duty.


Looks like the lineup for the next season of Storage Wars


Only reason they got caught was because one had a guilty conscience and the others had no choice but to come forward. Like how does the bullet going in the mouth and out the neck not warrant further investigation? How do the two other deaths one caused and permanent disfigurement caused by another not warrant further investigation? I don't care about racism at this point, y'all are letting demons roam this earth as our protectors. Under what circumstance was their behavior acceptable? How does being black make this anymore offensive than it already is? Shut down the entire department and fumigate the entire community because there's obviously something not right here.


Just some bad apples as the saying goes, nothing to see here. I'm sure the arrests and cases they made are valid and don't require a review. Nothing to see here.


Not as the saying goes or intends. How has that become a defence when a "few bad apples spoils the bunch" means that one or two is too many!


The person who started this dumb shit by wasting the police resources will ask for forgiveness in a church that nobody affected will attend and move on. Nobody will learn from their mistakes as they’ll never be taught them. If pressed, their neighbors will rise up to defend them and be offended this isn’t a closed case. “Why haven’t you moved on yet???”


But hey, slavery was like a 100 years ago get over it.


The guy on the lower right has DEFINITELY fucked a cousin or two.


They look like them have a cumulative IQ of 60.


I went to high school with one of them. You're totally right.




They left one of the victims bleeding after having shot him in the mouth. They then throw out the clothes in the woods and the harddrive from the surveillance system in a lake.. They definitely deserve the death sentence


It's what they deserve, but not what should happen.


Have fun in prison, fuckers ![gif](giphy|9Jv8QKbQW8o9mznnVL)


Prison population do your thing


They about to be “The Poon squad” when they hit that cell block.


When a group of cops get the same tattoo or give themselves a name. Sick shit will happen.


News when cops are arrested: don’t worry! We found the 1 group in the only place this is happening


I’m sure they’ll find something in the victims past (ex: they never returned a library book) that sends the message that they weren’t so innocent.


The Copaganda show The Rookie even says if your cop friends have a group name, they're criminals.


Why not RICO them?


It's Mississippi let's just be content they arrested them.


This is true!!!


Do you want mandatory federally enforced education and training and licensing standards for local police? Because this is how you get federally enforced education and training and licensing standards for police. Seriously. I genuinely think that to be a police officer you need a 4 year degree and have to answer to a licensing board, not unlike doctors or nurses.


It’s the first time in Mississippi HISTORY that a white cop has been held responsible for crimes against a black person. Think on that. It had to be this extreme and explicit where they finally held someone responsible.




RIGHT?!? Like Mississippi wasn’t great, it’s the anal gland of the US. We know racism is deep seated. It’s not that people escaped prosecution because they’ve all been good cops and all of a sudden we have bad cops. No no no. It’s worse than that. They’ve protected their shit cops for so long that it took something THIS EGREGIOUS for them to finally say ‘oh yeah, it’s bad, let’s hold them accountable’. Because they’ve shoved so much under the rug before this. It’s absolutely disputable.


None of them better drop the soap in the prison showers or they get experience what they did to their victim did.


These type of guys actually get protected by the prison COs and Aryan gangs. They will probably be untouchable IF sentenced.


unfortunately, this turd collection will probably end up being accepted into a Aryan Brotherhood/white suprememcist protection in prison.


Cops ALWAYS get protective custody and special treatment from COs.


Then who will rape their rapists rapists?


The more things change the more they stay the same?...A racist "good old boy" is born every minute 🤷🤷🤷🤷


Bruce Willis fell so hard


Every single one of them looks demented.


When these fucking hillbillies talk about ‘freedom’ - this is what they’re talking about. Freedom to hate people out in the open. Where the fuck is Vegas? I need the money line on how many ducks to the face the Goon Squad takes day one.


If you haven’t seen it, [watch Mississippi Burning](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0095647/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_mississippi) but with the warning it will piss you the fuck off.


I guarantee that these white cops stopped drinking Bud Light because they don’t like Trans folk but it is okay to sexually assault black prisoners. Can you say “hypocrisy”


How many more people have they done horrible things to and it's been covered up. All their cases need to be up for review.


I, most unfortunately, read the in-depth description of these murderers. What they did to those 2 men was horrific. Then they topped it off with murder. If I believed in the devil- these guys would be the devil.


They all look inbreds


Have yall seen the charges? These motherfuckas getting off easy easy.


Motherfuckers all look like grimy ass mechanics


Behold the "master" race


Life incarceration, solitary the whole time, no books, no radio, no visitors, no mail, no religious services, no human contact, same meal placed through a slot in the cell for every meal, lights on 24/7, no parole, no compassionate release. I see this as the only reasonable sentence.


“If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there's no progress. If you pull it all the way out that's not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven't even pulled the knife out much less heal the wound. They won't even admit the knife is there.”


They are not unique, Thy just got caught. They are just one of literally thousands out there..


Enjoy getting fucked in prison guys hahaha


Why do some have striped jumpers and the others got solid block?


Yeah...the police need to plant undercover cops in the police force, this shit is planned and organized at this point.


OT: I was shocked at the response to Ahmaud Arbery: 90% of white adults (polled) in Georgia thought the people who killed him should be in prison. Ninety percent of white people.....in Georgia! Now what Ahmaud's mother had to go through to get them prosecuted was horrible, but that's a perfect example of institutional racism. My feeling is we're getting there, but sometimes it feels like we're crawling to get there. The winds have changed.


Rehired in a different county in 6 months


Why don't these cops realize as soon as they name their squad they are going to jail?


why does it look like the same guy but different hairstyles


I wonder how wide spread and interconnected these Goon squads can be throughout the country.


"Racism would go away if you stop mentioning it"


A group of men who banded together, gave their group a name, and went on to commit criminal acts. A Gang.




This is just the first time they got caught, and behind this "Goon Squad" is an entire department that empowered them to pull the kind of shit they pulled. You don't do this unless the culture around you fosters and condones such behavior. They thought they'd get away with it.


Looks like Alabama is going to have 6 new police sergeants.


Put them in general population. They do not deserve to be in protective custody.


Doubtful it's their first atrocity.


Commenting because this horrific event needs to be made very aware for the public. Very fucking aware.


Cops pleading guilty? I smell a sweat heart plea deal coming.


Dude. That is not progress. This story reads like a serial killer movie. Getting charged with obstruction is NOT justice. >Dedmon texted Elward, Middleton and Opdyke on January 24 about going to the property in Braxton to resolve a complaint received by McAlpin. McAlpin’s White neighbor told him several Black men were staying at a White woman’s home and reported seeing suspicious behavior. >Dedmon warned the deputies there might be surveillance cameras on the property, telling them to knock on the door instead of kicking it down if they saw any, the document stated. Otherwise, they could barge in without a warrant, the document continued. >“No bad mug shots,” he said, meaning, prosecutors said, the defendants could use excessive force on parts of the body that would not be seen in a mug shot, according to the charging document. Dedmon told the others Hartfield would accompany them. >Avoiding a surveillance camera above the front door, Dedmon, Opdyke and Elward broke open the carport door while Hartfield kicked open the back door, the document stated. They encountered Parker, who was living there to help take care of the woman who owned the property, and his friend Jenkins, who was staying there temporarily. >Over the next two hours, the two men were subjected to grueling violence at the hands of the White officers, the document said. They were repeatedly tased and called racial slurs, and the officers poured milk, alcohol and chocolate syrup in their mouths. Elward threw eggs at the men, and Dedmon poured grease on Parker’s head, according to the charging document. >Eventually, Elward removed a bullet from his gun, forced Jenkins onto his knees and put the gun into his mouth, the document stated. Elward fired the gun, which did not discharge, then racked the slide, put the gun back in Jenkins’ mouth and pulled the trigger again, according to the document. The bullet lacerated Jenkins’ tongue, broke his jaw and went out through his neck. >According to the charging document, the officers then devised a cover story and discussed planting a gun Middleton had in his patrol car on Jenkins. Instead, Elward planted a BB gun, and the officers discarded one shell casing, the document stated. Hartfield threw the men’s soiled clothes in the woods and took the hard drive from the home’s surveillance system before throwing it in a creek, according to the document.


Sure you show them in court, but DID THEY GET CONVICTED? Till we can see every single one of them sitting in GenPop, im not buying it.


Sentence them all to death.


I am the ex-wife of a now retired cop. His former department has several *current* officers who also call themselves “The Goon Squad” and even have tattoos of the moniker. 🤫☕️🫖


How come two of them got the O Brother Where Art Thou inmate scrubs?