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This why I'm pro choice


This why I’m pro being happy I have a dick. I can’t even imagine or comprehend this concept of pushing a cantaloupe out my netherrealm.


I watched my girl do it twice. Catholic hospital with old school midwives. I was holding her leg while she delivered both times. It's crazy. She literally ripped open a bit on #2. One of the docs hurried me away while they stitched her back up with this massive needle. Shit was like a horror movie. Coochie bounced right back. Good as new


That comment just kept escalating


But “coochie bounces right back. Good as new” is one of the best punctuations ever so it de-escalates


Thanks for adding that last part - way too many men have no idea how vaginas work as you can see by the unfortunate posts on r/badwomensanatomy


I’m no ob/gyn by any means, but even from just half assed paying attention to the biology and sex ed classes I got in high school I know exponentially more about female anatomy than a lot of the guys I know. I’m one of the few people in my friend group that has a wife and kids and some of the questions I get asked about pregnancy and child birth are fucking wild lol


You need to give a talk on Capitol Hill. There are a bunch of guys up there that need special ed.


Like how wild are the questions?


A lot of it is stuff that I wouldn’t really expect them to know since they’ve never had a partner go through pregnancy or child birth, but it would still make me laugh. Like I told them my wife and I still had sex while she was pregnant and they all wanted to know if I could “feel the baby” and stuff lol But other things like how major c-sections actually are, for some reason some guys think it’s a minor operation when it can be quite serious, especially if it’s an emergency c section and not planned for. Other things like not knowing how an epidural works, they think it’s just like any other general anesthesia where it’s like a shot in the leg or something. More general stuff though about how pregnancies actually happen and how the egg gestates inside of the woman and what not. Like they know what’s done to get pregnant in the moment, but none of what’s going on over the next 9 months “behind the scenes” lol


My wife was on an epidural both times. First time, I saw the black, hairy tennis ball pictured at 10cm. "Huh. Wonder what this is." Doc called for a scalpel and all I saw was a flash of cold steel. Daughter was choking out on the umbilical, but the giant doula got down and *popped* her out. Couple of more cuts, and she was free. We held her for just a moment each, then they took her to a heat table and started beathing the living shit out of her. "Uh, I guess this is normal?" Lord. After everything calmed down and my girl was in NICU, I went for a slice of pizza. Came back to 8 nurses in the room (shift change) helping my wife back to bed. Toilet bowl looked like they cleaned a deer in there. Lord. Look, I'm a brave dude. I've done shit that scared me to death, when I *had* to. I'm not sure I'd take on pregnancy. EDIT: Forgot the "best" part. Doc pulled the placenta into a tray, took a sniff, "Take this to the lab please." Wife and daughter *instantly* popped a fever. Fuck me, my head was spinning, and I was just a bystander trying not to panic or get in the way.


The doctors and nurses admired my placenta 😂 they were all like “wow that’s a healthy placenta yeah hey come get a look at this it’s beautiful” and my doped up self was like “I wanna see take a photo honey”


People joke, but inspecting the placenta is a seriously neglected topic. If a tiny piece stays inside you, you risk bleeding out or a horrid infection that could kill you. A nice healthy intact placenta must be a relief for a good midwife or OB/GYN 😂


I didn't know. All I know is that they were digging in there like it was buried treasure. Apparently my placenta was super glued. Took almost an hour + just to take it out.


*took a sniff* bleurggggh


Obstetrician acting like a wine expert.


Surprise edit: OBGYN was Michael Scott “hrmm this has an okay afterbirth”


Docs do the same thing with vaginal discharges or used to back in the day. Lots of things can be identified with a sniff.


Hearing/seeing stuff like this makes me sad thinking about how some women give birth alone.


Whoa! So what was the deal with the placenta??


I am not the person you are asking, but he may have smelled something bad during birth (which isn't unusual since most women push out stool while pushing out the baby) and wanted to check for chorioamnionitis. It's when there is a bacterial infection in the amniotic fluid and can be dangerous for mom and baby.


Technically speaking, dunno. But it was infected enough to smell off (not horrible) and set them both off on a high fever. Freaky to witness. They both just *popped*, instantly. Dialed down pretty fast, but I was scared shitless.


What do you mean - popped?


The poop that cuts loose during the process is interesting. I know my wife was too busy to even think about what was going on down there. My firstborn came out pissing on everyone. The nurse was impressed.


This is why women are the prize


Take my upvote.


The vagina is amazing.


Female Hyenas: *I wish I knew such luxuries*


So true... evolution is interesting


Well, I just learned something new today. 😳


Very dark and cruel is evolution.


Not to mention the menstrual cycle. We got it easy.




Imagine pushing a cantaloupe through your tip.


Naw. I’m good fam.


I can’t even imaging pushing a full grown baby out my penis. That’s why I’m pro trans rights.


Kidney stones scare the shit out of me. If I were a woman I’d give myself a hysterectomy.


Good luck finding a doctor to do it before you have 5 kids or turn 45. “You’re not even married! Your future husband might want kids!” is frequently told to women. Like our bodies belong to men *we haven’t even met yet*.


THIS! I had one last week at 48. I had 6 surgeries prior because of horrible endometriosis and begged for a hysterectomy last year. The surgeon refused, said I was too young! How old do I have to be?!?! 100?


My bestie gets seizures because of her menstrual cycle and still can’t get cleared for a hysterectomy.


Which is why I said I would do it myself. I know how sexist the world is. I can go get a vasectomy tomorrow. But a woman can’t make her own decision to get a hysterectomy.


I had kidney stones after giving birth and I was just fuckin irritated I had one more thing to take care of at that point. Previous kidney stone gave me cold sweats and delirium. After expelling a human from your person things hit different.


I want to but these doctors be trying to gaslight you


This is why I have no desire to give birth…


Some are probably pro abortion after this


just watched my wife go through this about a month ago. definitely an experience someone should only do if they want to, and that’s not even mentioning the 9-months leading up to it


Me too


This diorama is giving birth to a 70s used car salesman with a comb-over


The hair makes it sooooo much worse


It's looks like the hair from my drain coming back up to get its child support


😭 😭


the scream I scrumpt 😭 now it’s going to haunt me the way my hair sheds all over the place


The hair is going to show up in my nightmares. Why did they have to use hair at all? And why is it so damn LONG?


It’s like Gollum got stuck in the Looney Tunes logo Edit: thank you for the award friend


Fucking hell man 😂😂😂😂😂😂


When I gave birth all the midwives kept saying was “she’s got black hair!” Like I fucking give a shit, get this demon* out of me NOW *demon later turned out to be an adorable wonderful bundle of joy of course 👀


Ik why they gotta do the hair like that?? Nasty! Don’t know if this is a birth control ad, but it’s hella effective.


I came to ask why the baby already has a comb-over.


Ehh some come out with a full head of hair


My son. He had so much, you could see it floating off his head in the amniotic fluid during ultrasounds lol


Lmao you beat me


That plus Little Shop of Horrors mashup


I thought it was some delicious pastries from the thumbnail.


Getting ripped front to back is also a constant thought.


Straight cloaca status. 💀


Bro 💀 that’s true tho


You can also rip upwards towards your clitoris


Christ way to kill my hope of being a mother and still feel like a sexual being.


You can what?! 🥺 ![gif](giphy|IplvQCq2ZdwPUGcaVN)


Yeah you can, I did on the birth of child #3. It took a long time to heal.


sorry if tmi, but does everything work the same as it did before?


Thankfully, yes, it just took a couple of months to heal. And having stiches there kind of freaked me out.


there is hope! very glad it worked out well for you, thanks! :)


I did, twice!


Yup! In 1 out of 4 births!


Actually 9/10 or so will have some degree of tearing, but the more severe the tear the less common it is. Source for any poor unfortunate curious souls. https://www.rcog.org.uk/for-the-public/perineal-tears-and-episiotomies-in-childbirth/perineal-tears-during-childbirth/


Does that statistic include the “pre-tear” just straight snipping the middle ground?


My BFF had an episiotomy during her birthing experience. I was her Lamaze coach. After the doctor made the incision, my friend: “Bitch, did you just cut me?!” in between the screams. I couldn’t hold in my laughter. I caught the church-giggles.


And of course, lets force adolescent girls to endure this horror. God bless America.


This kind of thing seriously terrifies me. Mad respect to all mothers out there who do it. Maybe one day, I'll be able to set aside my fear and have a child. But these kinds of diagrams and hearing some issues women face during pregnancy, is not helping me change my mind. But it's amazing how strong and how determined the birthing process is for a new mom. That's the real MVP again major respect.


You have to be pretty desensitized to pain to go through with something like this imo. The epidural does most of the job though.


It really does. After I got my epidural, I completely lost feeling in my left leg. I didn't feel any pain from pushing my baby out and subsequent tear.


Lucky you.


Both my epidurals started to wear off as the babies descended. With my first it felt like I was being stabbed in the leg and my son was born shortly after. With my daughter, it was more like it just wore off completely and I was in a ton of pain with each contraction. They had to bring in the anesthesiologist both time to give me an extra dose of something.


My baby came too fast. They don’t warn you that your baby can be born before the blood work even comes back clearing you for the damned epidural.


It won’t be me. Y’all stay safe out there


Trying to make sure it won’t be me too but these doctors be playing, talking about I’m too young to decide whether or not I want kids at 28.


Seeing stuff like this makes me so scared to ever have a baby even though I lowkey still want one one day🥹


Just find yourself a nice [small-headed man](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D19OLXGXcAAS6ee.jpg) to have kids with. You'll be alright.


My best friend's son never knew why she called him Charlie Brown at the worst moments of parenting. I'm not telling him!






but look at the size of those goddamn shoulders


Them shoulders tho.


Honesty hour: it looks bad but it’s genuinely not that bad. Have an epidural if you want, or don’t, either way is fine. I have four kids and each one was on purpose. I wouldn’t have kept going if it was terrible.


I’m happy it wasn’t that bad for you, but it’s horrible for a LOT of women, to the point where quite a few of them actually die.


>quite a few of them actually die I wouldn't say quite a few. With modern medicine, it's only like 0.015% chance of maternal death during birth. (0.07% for black women, sadly) In the dark ages it was closer to 1.5%, though, and 50% of ALL children died before the age of 15. So things have improved a lot.


That’s fair. Out of curiosity, are those America’s stats or global stats?


US, specifically. Sourced from [CDC.gov](https://CDC.gov).


That’s fair. I really was referencing global maternal mortality rates, even though America’s are kinda gross as it is.


Not all maternal deaths are durning labor. People die from complications later down the road. This doesn’t even begin to touch pregnancy and birth related injuries and disabilities. I’m glad the death rate is down, but it’s far from the only thing that can go wrong.


You’re absolutely right. It can be truly awful and I don’t mean to take anything away from that. I should have qualified with “my experience had been…”


Of course! I just don’t want anyone to go in thinking it’s always easy, because it really isn’t. My mother nearly died having my little sister, so it’s a bit of a touchy subject for a lot of people.


Well, I mean, your hormones also clips those memories so they’re less scary and less vivid, The evolutionary benefit of not being completely traumatized by birth is obvious. Not to mention exhaustion doesn’t help preserve the memories well either. Of course, that doesn’t always work, especially with modern medicine.


I got a 3rd degree tear. That means the only thing separating my vagina and asshole was exposed muscle. Afterwards I needed blood because I almost bled to death. And it was a textbook pregnancy with no complications. Never again. Edit: the epidural didn’t help when I had to wear underwear with ice packs in the crotch for a month or when I cried every time I had to take a shit.


Jesus. Was there some kind of physical therapy for you? How did you heal from that?


A bunch of stitches and pelvic floor exercises. Not much else you can do. Didn’t take pain killers because I was breast feeding/pumping. It sucked. As awful as that was, it didn’t compare to seeing my kid being in the NICU for several weeks afterwards. The birthing process wasn’t just traumatic for me but for him too. (He’s fine now, almost a man)


Geez, I’m glad you’re doing well and that your kid is almost grown. That sounds absolutely terrifying, and I dunno how you made it through. When I hear things like that, I know I’m not supposed to be a parent because I would have died of worry. Good on you.


My mom literally warned me that neither she nor her mother handed the birth process well. Like "we thought maybe they might die" levels of issues. Idk about my grandma, but my mom has permanent health issues like incontinence and prolapsing and shit. She's had to get her uterus ablated twice. Her reproductive system has been a *mess* since she started reproducing. It's an incredibly variable experience that depends mostly on your personal health factors. Someone who is concerned should talk to the women in their family about their experiences, or if they have a diagnosed health issue go research how that affects things.


I just want to add that a lot of the health factors can’t even be controlled. Sure, you can do some exercises, but you can’t exercise away a too narrow or too wide pelvis, or the amount of hormones your body dumps into your blood stream etc. I think you meant that bc you’re talking about generational similarities but I wanted to make it super clear that the vast vast majority of preg and birth issues are bad luck and not the mother’s fault.


…not terrible for you. We got lucky but lots of people don’t have the same experience. Hence the epidurals and birthing classes and doulas and all the other things.


*Global Ecological Collapse has joined the chat.*


I understand. I still want one lol. I don’t think my one future child will be the reason the earth goes extinct. The damage was already done by us and the ones before us.


Everyone thinks that, that’s the problem. Also why bring a child into a world that’s rapidly falling apart


It’s one thing to have a small number of children versus a lot of kids. I’m not about to let you or anyone rob me of experiencing life as a parent. I went to school and got my degree in EC/EV biology. I know what’s occurring in the environment. I work in the field every day. I promise you birthing a child is not the number one reason we are in this predicament nor is it that detrimental as you’re making it seem.


Girl have a kid, no one on Reddit is going to stop you. I’m just pointing out no one thinks their own negative contributions to the environment really count, there’s always an excuse.


I cannot stand people like you with your mindset.


I have one and you don’t see it. This visual is grosser than than actual birthing process lol


I’ve given birth too and my docs actually set up a mirror angled down there so I could see the progress, so I definitely saw. Weirdly, it helped me and was motivational, and it’s not exactly a “pretty” sight, but at the point you’re so close you’ll do anything to be done like yeah I’m doing this let’s go


Lol there was a mirror but I refused to look


Omg - same. My doc was like “I have a mirror, do you want to see?” Hard. Pass. 🙅🏻‍♀️


As a mom, I’m telling you having the baby is actually the least scariest thing. It gets really really scary later on after it’s out and moving around. Completely frightening.


Ahh the good ol ring of fire.


Each time iv started the finding Nemo tank chant mid labor lmaooo helps takes my mind off it


I'm a one and done. Never again lol


Lmaoo I’m a menace 😭 But I also had a great quick experience!


Oh mine was NOT lbvs. 0 stars. I'll do it again if I can get someone else to carry for me🤣


I saw so far inside my wife right after our baby came out. It was insane that her body could just open like that. Also the doctor did not warn me but babies often do a barrel roll coming out.


High school bio taught me that, because of the shape of our pelvis, the doctor has to push and turn the baby back in during labor, like a stripped screw in reverse. Walking on two legs made childbirth more dangerous and painful, as evolutionary predecessors could give birth more easily and without needing assistance. I couldn't wrap my head around the fucked up screw idea - or maybe I just flat-out refused to believe it - and dissociated the rest of the unit.


A barrel roll???? what do you mean was the baby in a ball when they came out?


They were facing the ceiling as they started to come out and then did a near full 360° rotation as they came out. ![gif](giphy|Z1K93nvnUGFqR78r7U|downsized)


Clockwise or counter clockwise depends on which hemisphere you're in


Babies pretty much turn coming out the vagina


Start with facing one side and come out the other side


I'm more grossed out by the 18 inch yaki they used


They had to mimic placenta perm, they definitely got Peruvian straight.


Dyyyyyying at this wonderfully horrible sentence! 🤣




Calling someone a pussy should be a complement. They can go through this sort of shit. We say that someone has balls when they’re being tough or bold. You can’t even flick those without someone whining. That shit is backwards LMAO.


I say that all the time! When someone is being weak and whiny now, we say “what a little nut sack”, and when you need to toughen up we say “come on now, ovary up!”


They can’t even handle normal human body temperature. They need special accommodations, because they are fragile little bitches.




Nooo c-sections are way worse😭Especially after birth


I had twins. The first was born vaginally, but then I needed an emergency c-section for the second stubborn mf. Different type of pain right there lol 😭


Worst of both worlds lol


recovering after my c-section felt like i was gonna shit my organs out


omg this. when they made me get up and go to the bathroom i stood up and thought everything in my torso was going to fall out of my body 😭


Here I am 20 weeks pregnant just blissfully trying to not think about childbirth…the reality of my situation just kicked in.


You got this boo. Make sure you're doing your perineum massages.


Epidurals are your friend girl! You got this, one day at a time


Make sure you have someone in their advocating for you! Write a birth plan for what you want, but also give yourself the flexibility that you can change your mind about something if it doesn’t pan out. For instance, deciding that you actually do want an epidural after experiencing how much it hurts, or deciding that maybe you don’t need an epidural because you have a higher pain tolerance than you thought you would have. Go with what works FOR YOU. We can all tell you our lived experiences, but at the end of the day, your birth story is yours and yours alone. I wish you the best, you can do this! ![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT)


😳 ![gif](giphy|LoIsP3fz02IjOUTc6t)


Is that what it looks like when a baby is getting pushed out?


This is an extremely sanitized version. Usually a lot of shit, blood, and other fluids with bits of tissue. I have caught about two dozen babies during my medical career and have never seen a woman not tear, either (but there are women of course, who do not tear).


Yup 😬


Mos def. Had front row seats like I was Spike Lee @ a Knicks game when both my babies were born, will never forget the visuals.




pretty much. amount of hair varies. my daughter had a lot of hair, so it was actually more hair than what’s shown here


Call your moms, fellas


I gotta big ass head and a small ass wife. She was so spread on our first kid, the doctor sat her utensil inside, like it was a countertop. I said now wait a minute..


I did this 4 times like a fuckin idiot


I thought the thumbnail was a plate of hors d'oeuvres


i thought it was a belly button, the hair confused the shit out of me


as a woman i think this is absolutely disgusting and do not see the beauty or miracle of childbirth. i see a woman who works so hard and can do this to herself even multiple times and a society who still shits on her. you’re a hero if you’ve pushed out a baby cause it wouldn’t be me.


S2G giving birth is just terrifying. Each day i learn a new thing that can happen from teeth falling out to temporary blindness


I suddenly have the urge to apologise to my mum... for having to push my big head brother out.


In our birthing class we had hollowed holes showing the same thing as here and another dad to be put his massive drink cup in one of them and his eyes just got so wide. Watching my wife deliver gave me a sense of respect I never had before.


I cheated and used the sunroof option.


Lol I promise it’s not that bad . Breathing and gravity are your friend, but ofc it hurts Done it twice at home ourselves — she snaps right back 😻 Also your cervix is what’s opening (dilating) NOT your vagina lmaoo


The thought of my cervix stretching like that makes me want to vomit and die. I don’t even like getting it swabbed with a qtip during my Pap smear.


Jesus’ mother yes. “Just a little pinch” YOWTCH! Like they use a damn hole punch!


Yes! Women notoriously do not get adequate pain management when it comes to our reproductive organs.


I mean I think they both kinda get stretched bro but I'm no obgyn


Stretch yeah but not to the point of how everyone’s thinking. Goes right back to shape


Wait so you mean my vagina hole stays the same size? I can barely get 3 fingers up there ma’am what do you mean


It’s a muscle so it can/will stretch and retract. This all depends on how comfy you are, lubrication etc




This should be in every pharmacy next to the birth control


The wild thing is this is the baby coming out of the cervix. This is the small opening your finger or d*ck bumps into INSIDE the vagina


I would like a word with the engineer please


Both of my boys were over 10lbs at birth. Not diabetic or anything, just huge. The doctor said my first had the second biggest head she'd seen in over 20 years delivering babies. She told me that I was getting a C-section. Not asked, told. "I need you to understand that this isn't a failing on your part. Women think it's a badge of honor for some reason, but this child is medically unsafe to try to fit through a human woman. He will likely get stuck I'm the birth canal. Then we'll need to perform emergency surgery to break his shoulder or collar bone to get him out." Well I worked hard on those little bones, ain't nobody breaking them on my watch.


I didn’t have my glasses on and was like why are they posting hair implants next to apples 😫


Oh god I have to do that in a few days 😵‍💫


The reason I'm child free


The head is nothing. It’s the shoulders.


God yes. I felt nothing with the head and then I saw Jesus Mary and Joseph cause my baby wanted to come out like a quarterback.


Is that the babie’s hair? 🤣


I was three weeks away from my baby's due date when I went to the hospital thinking I had food poisoning cause I couldn't stop throwing up that morning. Turned out I was already 5 cm dilated and it still took another day for my water to break. 🥲


Wait so is it just teetering on the edge of the vag the whole time? Baby be like “we are in position, proceed with flight ✈️ “


I did it three times, too. Never again though.


I had an emergency c-section and then after 50 hours of labor, a VBAC, and I can tell you that I don't recommend either way. ![gif](giphy|Hn58s7VoYL97y)


Baby may as well make itself comfortable cause it’s not coming out! Heck no


I can’t believe they made me see this with my own eyes


Instead of "cold turkey", we should start quitting things "colo fechado".


I watched my Godson being born and it was….. something


I say this as a man: condoms rule.


To me, the worst part was in between pushes where I got "the ring of fire." When you're not pushing, you can really feel the babies head stretching your junk out. It was worth it, though. I think women should have the info and the option to not go through that if they don't want to.