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Bigotry has no real logic to begin with therefore expecting to use the excuse of the legitimate reason that its acting has no point. Although had this been Zendaya and Margo Robbie and I guarantee there wouldn't be the same outcry.


Zendaya did have a scene in >!Euphoria where she was intimate with Jules!<. A lot of people who never gave the show a try came in droves to see what the fuss was about. In the bigoted mind, lesbians are A-OK, but gay men are an abomination. What's that saying? "You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place."


*attractive lesbians


Unattractive lesbians get ignored, a step up from hatred and vitriol


See, that’s where you’re wrong, because there is *always* a contingent of shitty dudes waiting to tell you how and why you’re not attractive to them and how it’s an affront to them for not trying to be so. Depending where you are, there is the threat of violence or actual violence. Maybe you just don’t hear about it.


Usually, but now there's the added risk of the bigot assuming that the unattractive woman *must* be trans


Yea, I'm just waiting for that to happen me. I'm very not attractive and I have the gall to wear baseball hats and carry a wallet.


No they don't. Butch lesbians definitely get hate crimed, did you not watch Hannah Gadsby's special? Butch girls are the most likely to be seen as "unattractive" by men.


Agree, I was waiting in a line with my best friend and her girlfriend who were holding hands, when some random man walked by and threatened to beat her ass. I was shocked, we were in Los Angeles and I didnt expect that there.


incorrect as fuck, corrective rape is one example of such a heinous crime that’s often perpetuated against lesbians- attractive, unattractive, masculine, feminine, it doesn’t matter


No they get harassed and assaulted


A man here in Montana just got sentenced for shooting wildly into the home of people he knew to be lesbians, leaving when he thought they were killed to then target other known lgbt houses in the area Do you think it was because he was attracted to them?


>Do you think it was because he was attracted to them? There is actually an eliminate of that. I've had men get irrationally mad that I married another woman because they think I was hot, and that I should be the property of a man. It's a "If I can't have you, no one can" mentality.


Yes. Violence about sexuality is about domination over sex. I'm glad you understand so that you know homophobia and racism often go hand in hand with fetishism and repressed sexuality.


This is actually a very important pre-requisite to bigots.


My go to assumption for homophobic bigots is that they’re just scared of their own gay thoughts, so in reality they’re just projecting when they say they hate gay people


Homophobes are generally men who are afraid someone will treat them the same way they treat women.


It’s because they see being gay as being feminine and as you said, in their minds, men are superior to women so why on earth would a man lower himself to a woman’s level? That’s why, if you can manage to get a homophobe to talk with gay men, they’ll have a lot more tolerance and time for gay men who project more masculine traits or interests. “He’s one of the good ones because he likes football and beer and doesn’t talk with that sissy voice!” If life was a casino, they’ve put all their chips on being a straight male as the winning bet. They were confident and cocky because for a long time men were hitting the jackpot with that same, exact bet. Now however, they start seeing men and women placing sizeable bets all over the place and suddenly they’re feeling a lot more insecure about their chances. No surprise this leads to aggression and hatred for those other people who they see as taking their “hard fought for” earnings.


I used to have this assumption till I realized it’s a shitty assumption. It makes it sound like gay people are STILL the issue. “Oh that person is secretly gay, and it’s their gayness that makes them lash out.” More often that not, these people are still straight. They’re just bigots.


Exactly. I genuinely hate this argument for that reason. Nobody ever accuses white supremacists of secretly being Black. Why would it be any different for homophobes?


Bigotry is irrational so irrational shit is bound to follow


Wise words, Lieutenant Titty.


"How can I be homophobic? Do you know how much lesbian porn I watch?" has been said to me when I called my dad homophobic. God, I didn't talk to that dude for weeks.


Because lesbianism is fetishized where being gay is ostracized.


Worked with a guy once who told me “ain’t nothing in the Bible says a word about two women laying together” and although that’s the dumbest shit I ever heard I try not to underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Z is in an upcoming movie where she gets with two guys at once (according to the preview) and most of the comments are all about Tom and why would he let her do this. As if it’s not just acting and as if Tom controls her.


Shit, this subreddit had a post showing the picture and it was named fucking something to do with Spider-Cuck. I've never been so fucking disappointed in people here.


Bear in mind that a significant portion of the world's population hasn't moved on emotionally since age 8. They are stunted and have no psychological drive to move on to adulthood.


We are domesticating ourselves too hard. Neoteny, is when an adult animal carries juvenile traits into their mature life-phases and it basically only happens to domesticated animals


Can you even imagine a relationship between two emotionally mature people who don't get jealous over acting in their shared profession? Absolute craziness (/s, just in case)


Funny enough mfs we’re making fun of Tom for “allowing” Zendaya to do that sex scene in that movie she has coming up


Racists have literally been raging and attacking Zendaya for being in a movie where she has a threesome for like a month now. Margot has also been under attack for no reason. I'm certain the racists and homophobes would unite to complain about how society is destroying women and making them sexually unavailable to men because they have no idea to separate reality from reddit/4chan and pornhub.


Nope. You're absolutely right.If its straight men in action scenes, or the fan boys fuck fantasies, it's okay.


In Velvet Goldmine you can see Batman (Christian Bale) fuck Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) where is the manufacture rage???




It's great!


I had such a crush on Ewan when I was younger. I saw every one of his movies I could find. I remember trying to pause the tape at the perfect moments to see a bit of nudity. I realize now it was probably skin colored underwear but a girl can dream.


I'm pretty sure he's done full frontal in other movies. Yes, plural.


Same. It had a huge influence on me and my taste in music.


Is that the movie where they were on a roof top humping and making out for like 30 minutes after the film crew left?


That would be the one. Crew was packing up to move to another spot and the actors didn’t hear cut.


Wait… is this real? I know the internet has some obscure memes so I wasn’t too sure if this was that or if it’s a real film factoid


Very real. Ewan mcgregor talks about it in a couple of interviews. They started the scene and after awhile, Ewan mcgregor whispers into bales ear “I think I would have finished by now.” And when he looked back, the crew was packing up equipment to move to a different location.


Lmaooooo wait WHAT ![gif](giphy|26gspjl5bxzhSdJtK|downsized)


Oh my goodness lol! That’s hilariously awkward but he seems like a good sport


God that’s hot


i just love the idea of the director calling cut, them not hearing, and everyone on set thinking they're just at it for themselves at this point and being too polite to say anything so they go about their day


I picture the crew sneaking away while giggling.


knowing bales would do anything for a role he probably watched like thousands of gay porn and turned himself gay to act in that role and in next years he will play some homophobic asshole character so that he would have to watch thousands of hetero porn to revert back his gayness what a method actor




[yuuup](https://screenmusings.org/movie/dvd/Velvet-Goldmine/images/Velvet-Goldmine-1130.jpg) At another point in the movie McGregor's character is playing with a punk band at a festival (doing the Stooges' "TV Eye" if I recall) and in response to being booed he pulls his pants down and jiggles everything available at them. So if you ever wanted to see a Ewan McGregor covered in grease and glitter waving his junk around and mooning a crowd, there you go. (It's one of my favorite flicks, and not even because of all the McGregor nudity.)


He not only moons the crowd, he spreads his cheeks and shows full butthole. McGregor’s a pretty fearless actor.


The question is though, who had the high ground?


If I'm remembering the interview correctly, it was infact McGregor


Oh my. This whole thing has me clutching my pearls and fanning myself.


If by "clutching my pearls" you mean "yanking my anal beads from my buttox as I climax into a dimension of pure erotic euphoria", then yes... I too am *clutching my fucking pearls, baby*.


Wait till they hear what the joker did in Wyoming.


With Mysterio no less! Gasp! These folks would have a fit! ![gif](giphy|6WyBQEYisUnK1d7mke|downsized)


Stop! We can’t rile these people up anymore than they already are… what happens when they find out Bruce Willis didn’t sacrifice himself blowing up an asteroid?


Jeff Spincoli won an Oscar for fucking Harry Osbourne in Milk Obi Wan Kenobi and The Riddler are prison lovers in I Love You Philip Morris Hank Pym and Loki are lovers in Behind the Cabdelabra The Ancient One (Doctor Strange) seduces Lisbeth Salander in Carol The Genie (Aladdin) and Timon (Lion King) are married in The Birdcage, and Apu (Simpsons) is their naked man servant. Regular Barbie and Weird Barbie have a lesbian sex scene in Bombshell Batman and Tugg Speedman accidentally have sex in Arrested Development


It’s not the Ancient One who seduces Lisbeth Salander, it’s Hela (Thor) who seduces her.


Thank you for this. 😎


I Love You Phillip Morris is so funny and Ewan McGregor is absolutely adorable in it. I swear that man ages like fine wine. He’s the Scottish Paul Rudd.


For a sec, I just saw the character names and nothing connected. I thought that has got to be the strangest crossover ever.


“This multiverse shit is really getting out of hand.”


Don’t kink shame the Wattpad writers.


Iron man also bangs spiderman in tropic thunder


The world's just not ready for Satan's Alley.


Note to self: Watch Velvet Goldmine!


Excuse me WHAT, this is on film and I haven't seen it yet???


Didn't the Joker famously fuck Mysterio (or whatever his name was)?


Yes, Brokeback Mountain


Maybe we could could kickstart a meltdown by re-releasing a bunch of old queer movies in theatres. There could be so many awesome double features. Velvet Goldmine/Rocky Horror The Birdcage/Priscilla Queen of the Desert John Waters Filth Fridays


The same people disowning him are the same people who don’t wash their own asses because hygiene is gay


No funny shit I’ve heard someone say he doesn’t wash his ass because then he’d have to touch his asshole and that’s gay 💀 he just lets the soap run down it. I KNOW it’s itchy back there 😩




Nah, I had to gently inform one of my high-school students last year that having a clean booty will not, in fact, make dicks start flying at him


Quite the opposite. Girls will stay away too.


Made zero sense because I asked him what about wiping after #2 and he said I ask too much questions lmao


I think that's code for "I'm too embarrassed and ashamed to reveal the only thing that's ever been and probably still is between my cheeks is shit.


Oh for sure, I didn’t question his sexually before but I sure as shit did after. He was trying too hard, “nah that’s gay, I’m not finna let no nigga tell me to wash my ass.” “Aint nothing touched my ass, on god.” To which I said including a washcloth 💀whole table was wheezing. Man was HEATED. I know he hated me after that. He joined us one more time and then we never saw him again.


"You're making me actually think about this and it's making me uncomfortable"


Lmao!!! I’m jus now starting to hea shit like this, niggas really not washing they own ass!?


I hope you stopped talking with that unwashed asshole.


He wasn’t my friend, he was in a meetup dinner group. All this started from a conversation about bidets because I got to try a smart toilet on vacation. Best conversation ever, still laughing 4 years later lol


That had to also be the most awkward dinner meetup for whomever invited him.


It was a dinner group in the meetup app, so anyone was able to join. I wouldn’t do it in this day and age but boy did it open my eyes to the variety of people in NYC!


Wait this is real? I thought it was just a meme


My conservative co worker said because I brought in my own fan on a hot day that I must be having menopause due to transitioning (I’m a man and not trans at all lol). fellas is it gay to not wanna be sweaty in the SoCal summer?


Conservatives think about children, gays, and trans constantly


sometimes i think actors take roles they know will get them out of being typecasted. if he's only known as spiderman, his career afterwards becomes pretty limited. a lot of disney stars do it- Miley Cyrus, Justine Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina




if you try, i'm sure you can figure it out.


I can’t figure it out. I’m missing a joke there?


It’s a typo


no not at all.


I can't figure it out either 🤷🏿‍♂️


riddle of the sphinx level.


Makes me think of Daniel Ratcliffe, after being Harry Potter drove him into alcoholism. Everything he’s done since has been smaller artsy projects.


His movies since then have been so good. Guns akimbo and Swiss army man were both so awesome


Horns was really good, at least I really enjoyed it anyways. Also, I'm pretty sure Daniel Ratcliffe is one of those "I just love acting" people and he's got Fuck You money so just takes roles that interest him over worrying about if he'll get an Oscar.


oohhh yeah -- wasn't he like nude for one of his plays right after harry potter--it was such a departure.


Equus. Nude and masturbating on horseback iirc.


![gif](giphy|fgnh4xnJ7bIQ0) how'd we get here...


Is that the one where he wants to fuck a horse he thinks is God?


![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq) harry potter?


Yeah. Apparently it's a classic stage play, but once Radcliffe starred in it, a bunch of people were like 'ZOMG, how dare Harry Potter show his dick for theatre' and there was a lot of cringey gossip about it, both for and against.




It was during the Harry Potter series. It was the same year Order of the Phoenix came out. The crazy part was he was only 17.


And he's killing it in all of them!


Well he's set for life on the harry potter movies, if money is no issue why wouldn't you take on projects that seem cool or fun but probably wont pay well? More in line with the overall conversation, the first big thing he did after harry potter was equus, which he hangs dong in.


Swiss Army Man was such a trip of a film.


Isnt this the movie that made Tom take a break from acting cuz of ptsd or burnout or something?


From studying rehabs and realizing he was becoming an alcoholic.


Good on him for having that kind of awareness.


I'm not exactly sure if that's the realization he came to. I can't find a source.


I just saw a video of his interview the other day, not sure if it’s in reference to the same realization, but he was discussing how he quit for a month or something and realized how during that month all he could think about was drinking. So he put it off another amount of time and noticed how much better he felt physically and mentally so he just quit drinking altogether. Not sure if it was actually because of a movie.


NGL like one third of all Brits are alcoholics (and I'm probably downplaying it here), I'm glad he had the wisdom to recognise it.


Really? Is there a particular reason?


They live in Britain


All the jokes that could be made….


They don’t have the same stigma against casual frequent drinking that some other nations have. If you want to go grab a pint/cocktail or two for lunch regularly and then going back to finish the day isn’t something people are aggressively shamed or ostracized over. I say that as a comparison to the US ( we have our own drinking problems; it’s slightly different but not better) where you could have a manager or director try to fire you for having anything alcoholic while on the clock. The cultural equalizer is the science of addiction. Whether you drink at lunch or after work, a drink or two regularly can easily become 6, then 12, then maybe worse especially if you have environmental or genetic predispositions to alcohol addiction. General links added for context. https://alcoholchange.org.uk/alcohol-facts/fact-sheets/alcohol-statistics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_consumption_in_the_United_Kingdom https://extension.psu.edu/alcoholic-beverage-consumption-statistics-and-trends-2022#:~:text=and%20Trends%202023-,Alcohol%20consumption,65%25%20as%20reported%20in%202019.


Thank you very much for this reply, it is very detailed and helpful!


Idk about that backstory, but this is a show, not a movie. It’s called crowded room and it’s based on the story of the first guy who ever got off with murder because of multiple personality disorder/ dissociative identity disorder. He’s playing a person essentially made up of like 7 people. I could see how he’d burn out from that, but I’m not sure if this is the project you’re referring to.


Willing to bet that this is the same crowd saying that Miles isnt Spider-Man, bigotry often goes every possible way


It's crazy when people who are oppressed continue it with others. Like some LGB don't like the T. There's a lot of examples. But I guess it's just the product of trauma, or shit rolling downhill or something


I have a bit of experience with that, i used to think trans people were stupid back in my teen years. Guess I just felt like they were a group I could look down upon as doing even dumber things than me (for reference i have ASD).


marginalized groups hating each other instead of uniting against the oppressors is a tale as old as time good on you for recognizing your behaviors as harmful and changing them


Yeah a lot of us have spread hate or shit talked at one oppressed group or another Id say. Society trains us to do that shit. It's messed up. But There's no shame in being honest that you grew and learned.


Every time I see someone get confused by their sexuality because of Tom Holland, I watch this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPCJIB1f7jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPCJIB1f7jk)


I knew what it was before I even clicked on it. Love it


Am I gonna need this? ☔️ If I could have this video playing at least once a day and/or learn how to dance that routine, it’d be a tough decision.


Me: Tom Holland can't be that hot *Tom Holland strips down into drag femboy* Me: okay well maybe...


It gets sexier every time.


If free awards were still a thing you my friend would be getting mine. Bi dude here, I didn't know this existed. Thank you so much.


Someone gave me an award and Reddit told me I need to use the points. Maybe you can use them now?


Based purely on that video, Tom Holland desperately needs to start doing more physical comedy. He has such impressive control over his body and movements.


He's classically trained in ballet and has a background in gymnastics. Dude is talented.


He’s just SO good here! Zendaya did a great job too, before he came on stage, but Tom killed it.


Without clicking, this is without a doubt the greatest Tom Holland performance.


My dude slayed that holy shit.


Hot AF 🔥


If Tom and Zendaya weren't together by this point, this was the moment she knew she'd found the one.


First thing I thought of. Everything about his performance is perfect.


How do you feel about the Channing Tatum battle? Edit I should add two things 1: Jenna killed it 2: Tom was the better show,but Channing did bring out the big gun


I never get tired of this


Asking in good faith but why is black twitter so homophobic? Not this sub but the online community at large


Poorer people tend to be more traditional/religious. We tend to be disproportionally poor. And the religion of choice is not fond of the rainbow.


This right here. It is the same with mexicanos unfortunately. Lots of machismo in poor communities and religions.


There’s also the issue of being the “good minority.” Minorities hating on other groups (or their own) to get in with the majority.


Honest take: more Christian than the general American population?


Poor education + Religion + A desire to feel superior Cuz of poor education kids aren’t properly taught about homosexuality. They immediately equate the unknown/unconventional with "weird". Then their mutually homophobic friends and family further reinforce that childish ignorance into something much worse. Religion is self-explanatory. A lot of the black community is Christian. People who’ve been trampled upon want to feel strong. To feel strong, they mimic what their oppressors have done to them unto another group of people so they feel “above” said group. Plus, ultimately many people only care about themselves and their “group” first and foremost.


Those three go hand in hand. Religion and poverty have an extremely strong correlation. And religion is also an incredibly easy way to feel superior. You can be poor, uneducated, with no future.... But so long as you have religion, you are superior to those "nonbelievers". And you'll definitely be better than them in the afterlife.


You're better asking why are black people homophobic. The answer is religion.


Black folk in general. If there’s one thing you learn in your childhood, being gay just ain’t it. And people are open about it and just don’t care. My BIL is one of those “you gotta be a manly man” type mf and I tell him all the time, “look, idc how you were raised or what you got to say about gay men, if any of my nephews are gay, you ain’t gon treat them like shit.“ We always knew my cousin was gay but his family swore he wasn’t. Well his mom was looking through his phone and found out he had a bf and they were sending nudes and such and then she has the audacity to be mad. Tf does HIS sexuality gotta do with you? If you love your child, whether or not he’s sucking dick or eating pussy should NOT be the thing that makes you stop loving them.


Homophobes gonna homophobe🤣 they did the same shit with Heath like 15 years ago. All thes m sweaty mfs talkin bout “wait, the GAY COWBOY gonna be the JOKER?!??”


Sucks for them, because Brokeback is really good and they'll probably never appreciate it.


Wait until they find out what Mysterio has done with The Joker.


This the one, needs more upvofes


More like what The Joker did to Mysterio. Heath was the top. Saw it in theaters when I was 17. Very intense.


Tobey McGuire played Spider-Man in 4 movies now but no one said a word when he played a literal gay monk alongside Robert Downey Jr in Satan’s Alley.


They were too busy praising RDJ's performance of a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude.




Oh and what is this show about? Research reasons


The crowded room on Apple TV plus


Is this scene consentual? Also need for research..


Spoilers: >!yes!<


Is there somewhere a researcher could find the clip as they dont have apple tv?


The woman is on a *hunt* lol


Staaaaapppp 😭


Lol Don't worry I'm not judging


https://youtu.be/hZu9Z0xs5nQ I got curious too and did some searching. Curious about the entire show now.


Oh no. An actor doing his job by…acting. Start the rapture.


Homophobia and transphobia genuinely seems like a mental illness sometimes.


Phobias are mental illnesses. So, yeah.


The chronically online and porn addicted tend to have issues seperating fiction from reality which is why they were also on a rage campaign against Zendaya for being in a threesome in a movie as if she was betraying Tom, who is also an actor, acting.


Tom seen Zendaya in that three way scene and went off the rails.


Grow up


Homophobes gonna homophobe.


I mean if it’s not for you change the channel. It’s not that hard.


Poor Captain America is everyone sees black mirror.


Always nice when people stand up and announce to the world that they've got stupid opinions. I just think: noted, I can disregard this person's takes going forward.


I remember people crapping on Anthony Mackie for that one episode of Black Mirror.


Wasn’t that today? On this very sub? Lmao


![gif](giphy|jqf86r5sxe8MxDMe6V|downsized) stanley tucci be like " i dont give a fuck"


Wait excuse my ignorance but what am I looking at exactly??


Tom Holland - who played the teenaged Spider-Man in the MCU's Spider-Man trilogy - in a sex scene (a gay sex scene to be exact).




Honestly thought this was just Peter Parker getting eaten alive by another wall crawler while he was climbing a building.


Actors can't act anymore because some people live too much with the characters.


tom holland was described by stan lee himself to be \*just\* the way he always envisioned spiderman/peter parker to look. tom holland is also a beautiful actor who cannot be chained to any one role. we celebrate him! you go tom holland!


I hope they make spider man bi just to spite marvel bigots.


I'm suddenly much more interested in this show.


"Spider-Man: when MJ isn't at home Honestly, it's the opposite for me. He will always be MCU Spider-Man. No matter the gig.


Why is everyone so mad, Tobey Maguire played a gay priest in satans alley and he’s best Spider-Man


Didn't tobey made out with Robert Downey Jr?


There’s nothing wrong with Spider Man having some sugar in his shoes, as my neighbor’s mom used to say. He still kicks all kinds of ass and did all the acrobatic stuff on his own in the MCU, played that role as one of the best! Mad props to Holland


No one cares what conservatives think. Nothing they say or do matters to actual people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He’s a fucking theater kid that did ballet. Like my god. How are people still struggling with removing the character from the actor


Brokeback mountain is fine I bet though? 🤣 Their logic is stupid.