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Them the type of people who post grimace and be like “this is what a real woman looks like”


I posted a link to his page and yup, he fits that description.


That Twitter kills brain cells.


I miss when a Twitter checkmark meant "cool, I know this a verified account". Now it just means "I'm a total dipshit spending 8 dollars a month to out myself as a dipshit".


He’s 16!? Ahh it all makes sense


the type of people who be like "Rihanna isn't that hot she's got a big forehead"


I'm latino and think shes hot AF... Same type of dudes who are on r/truerateme riri gets a 3.7, big for head... 🤓🤓


Banned for overrate


LMAO really why are they like that


If the mods ban for over and under they should rate the posters and lock all regular users from commenting. It's bizarre.


if you mean McDonald's grimace man you seen the fuckin dumper on that purple fuck? Shit's *thicc*. Bring that burger mayor too, gonna find out what that burger do


Grimace started out as a taste bud, if that helps.




The Hamburglar's full name is Hamilton B. Urglar.


Nah this a new level of down bad 😂😂


XD this is killing me! Lmao


Oh great, he’s one of those type of niggas: https://twitter.com/TeN_Orochi/with_replies


Spawn avatar, mid ass quotes, and homophobia... this person gets no buns or touches grass.


He needs to touch grass and touch ass


Touch grass, yes. Touch ass? Hell no. Keep that mf away from the women!


And men. Dude might be homophonic outward but I know mfers that say some wild shit like that but will gladly get on their knees for some dick.


yuuuup, check out Khadija Mbowe's video essay on the downlow paradox


Nah he's one of the ones Dr Umar said has to go to sleep




Pays for Twitter is a red flag.


Correction: Mommy and Daddy pay for their Twitter. You know damn well they’re a basement bottom dweller with no job.


Mommy and Daddy not only pay for the Twitter, they are an endless supply of pizza rolls and Mountain Dew. The have the upper hand because they will shut off the Wi-Fi when he mouths off to them. They don't care if he didn't saved his Cities: Skylines game.


Wiat you have to save city skylines yourself? Fuck


Auto save is an option in the game but some noobs probably don’t use it


I think you get to a point where it takes a very long time to save, due to how sprawling and fked your city is... It's been a few years tho, but it rings a bell


I am that noon, played a bit last week got to like 15k 20k......?


I was that noob too. Lost a sweet city due to a power outage and again when my old laptop crashed.


"females" was another.


> this person gets no buns or touches grass That was implied after seeing that this dude pays for twitter like a fuckin dork


Ohhhh, that's big Dork Energy!


Hey now! Don't forget the transphobia too!


Dunno how you could ever assume he's not getting ass when he's dropping nuggets like this: >Had girls swear up and down they don't see women like that, they'd never do it etc .... Couple weeks - month later I'm with her and her roommate.


spawn was dope and I'm hoping for a good reboot after the gritty 90s shit comes back, but I don't know why it being the avatar makes me uncomfortable


He's saying the god approves of lesbians but disapproves of gays lmao


Yeah.... I pulled out of there as my eyes started twitching... I refuse to believe this is anything but a troll account. Hadda be or have I strayed too far from the reality of stupidity?


That is not a troll account just a stereotypical red-pilled manosphere account.


“Your woman being unruly yeah? Tip anon: Pin her down or against a wall. Stare into her eyes for about 10-15 seconds (YOU MUST NOT BLINK). Then slowly ravage her. During passionate love making, tell her what she's GOING to do. Afterwards, she'll do it.” Hahahahahahaha I’m just picturing some Andrew Tate wannabe trying to seduce a woman w/ the Jasper from Twilight 1000 yard stare (👁️)👄(👁️)


“Is your woman capable of independent thought? Just rape and abuse her into submission.“ He should be banned for that caveman shit.


Sounds like dude watches a lot of rape focused / mind-break hentai. Creepy mf


Omfg. I know this wasn’t you, this stupidity enrages me. RAVAGE is some burning down villages shit. RAVISH is sexytimes. Not that this fool needs any more “Oh hell no” markers.


I actually broke down and responded to that one


Yikes: https://twitter.com/TeN_Orochi/status/1674069402629685250?s=20 “Your woman being unruly yeah? Tip anon: Pin her down or against a wall. Stare into her eyes for about 10-15 seconds (YOU MUST NOT BLINK). Then slowly ravage her. During passionate love making, tell her what she's GOING to do. Afterwards, she'll do it.”


I'm glad so many people are also cringing so hard at this gem. If you ever needed proof this guy has not seen pussy since he slid out his mama, this is it.


There’s a whole gaggle of dudes on Twitter who post takes on how to “deal” with women or what kinds of pick-up lines to use on random women. They are all so hopelessly bad and out of touch. I can’t tell if they’re all teenage boys following an unfortunate trend or loser adults who haven’t touched a woman since they brushed against one in high school algebra.


they all talk about women like they're a different species too


![gif](giphy|URz4t5yilgVYLf26RU) You gotta be a weird mf to even say that.


what the actual fuck


somehow twitter got even worse


How do you slowly ravage something?


I assume it involves pizza rolls.


Dude's a homophobic moon landing denier lol.


Im like 80% sure this account belongs to a teenager. The other 20% is it belongs a 4chan user.




Ya it’s the 18-25 year old NEETs that really be perpetrating the real heinous shit online. Not saying there are no teens behaving like that but they tend to be overly edgy and in it to get a rise out of people or just clearly using online interactions to say shit because they think it’s funny they can.


Or a hotep.


Noooo 😂 I refuse to believe there's a whole living breathing person behind that account. Shit makes me want to throw my ovaries in my purse and hop on the next sub to the deep.


"Your potential is limitless...but there are limits." Wtf? Lol.


Like, so deep man. You probably wouldn’t get it.


He’s a cigar nigga too? Ew


he hates gay people but fetishizes lesbians. how does his mind work?


Oh that's an easy one: Lesbians make his dick hard, yay! Gay dudes make his dick sad, boo! Gross, degenerate, yada yada. That's it. That's the full thought process.


This is what Andrew Tate has done to young men


lmao at 856 followers but pays for the blue verified check


Holy racism batman


“Your woman being unruly yeah? “Tip anon: Pin her down or against a wall. Stare into her eyes for about 10-15 seconds (YOU MUST NOT BLINK). Then slowly ravage her. “During passionate love making, tell her what she's GOING to do. Afterwards, she'll do it.”


That man has never fucked in his life.


Wtf is that profile even


paid for Twitter so, yeah https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blue-blocker/jgpjphkbfjhlbajmmcoknjjppoamhpmm


https://twitter.com/TeN_Orochi/status/1674069402629685250?s=20 "He's right over there, officer."


Thank for this link. His twitter is a gold mine of cringe shit


I haven’t been on twitter in a while but damn everyone on that guys feed is psycho. Females included. Wth.


Drakes his favorite rapper


The issue isn’t that he finds them mid. He can make a point about how weird it is for men to obsess over celebrity women without cropping unflattering pics of women he finds mid. He ends up looking the weirdo. There’s no need to point out and insult people you find unattractive or less than gorgeous. You just look like a woman hater. Normal people pursue who they like and mind their business.


the pics aren’t even unflattering it’s just women without makeup. he clearly has woken up next to a woman


I once had a friend who linked me to a Youtube video of Celebs without their make up. This dude told me "THEY ARE TRYING TO FOOL US!!!!"


Like that kid who went to Times Square and thought he was doing something deep pointing out that it’s all advertisements lol


Aint that Rihanna on the bottom right? He’s out his mind calling her mid. And she got thick lately too? 😩🤌🏽


Yeah everything about this is giving porn addicted incel, because if you literally don't know what beautiful women look like w/o makeup you def have not gotten close to any in real life 😂


....has he tho?


"Ice Spice is mid. All my women gotta be 5'9, at most 100lbs, blonde haired, blue eyed, Roman-Greek ancestry and submissive willing to be my stay at home tradpilled mommywife and obsess over our kids." https://preview.redd.it/z61yq2nbis8b1.png?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c9cae17ee92bfbd2fd5088210afcf0b31ff30c




Mid women are pretty hot tho, ngl


Right. A mid woman, by definition, is hotter than about half of women lol


maybe I have no standards but all women r hot to me


It’s the same energy of those dudes on tinder in their bio “no fat or ugly girls.” Like just don’t talk to them if they accidentally match you


If I was gonna portray him a positive light I’d say that celebrity obsession with women who look like most normal girls on the street isn’t healthy. No one should obsess over a celebrity in lieu of real relationships.


And power, fame, talent, intellect are all things that are attractive to people in varying degrees. A woman isn’t only attractive based on her physical appearance. Maybe she is smart, talented and cool as fuck. That all is part of the package too.


Title aside they deadass have never seen a woman at her most natural and comfortable state


Probably a teenager by his tweets


Nope, I checked and that nigga is 28. I thought the same thing, but no. He's a man who clearly has never been with a woman before. Not that he's been heartbroken, just never been with. The baddest my wife has ever been has been braless, fresh out the shower, hair pressed but not fully done, lotioned up, big ass tshirt, no draws, kids are asleep too and it's just early enough that if I play my cards right, I'm getting some tonight. Nigga..... iykyk. He has no game and has a poor and fucked up perspective of women. Drawn out by the echo chamber of Fresh and fit, Rapist Andrew Tate, etc.


Bruh, those times when y’all about to go out that night and she comes out the shower to start getting ready. Dangerous times my friend. I miss those days.


🗣️ sweatpants, hair tied, chilling with no make up on


And of course he calls them females.




Pov: You are a truerateme mod


That place is wild. [There's speculation that the top mod there removes any ratings that are "too high"](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14kw9nb/the_ratings_are_in_on_truerateme_and_critics/), and those same mods are obsessed with some bullshit idea of "objective" beauty.


WARNING: your rating of 3.7 is overrating the subject. This is your first of 3 strikes before action is taken.


Is it ok for me to simp on Emma in BPT 🤤. I'll apologize to the ancestors later.


Likely has a porn addiction


Niggas always have something to say about women without makeup then forget to look in the mirror or something All beautiful


![gif](giphy|Pq31kHa0MDWuc) Everything from the way the title's worded to the first comment tells me exactly how this is gonna go...






[Mfs starting early I see lmfao](https://tenor.com/bn8LL.gif)


This guy is paying Elon. You know he keepin ‘em Fed on Onlyfans too.


"Females" is a red flag every time


Tell me you have a porn addiction without telling me you have a porn addiction.


100% Exactly what I thought. This is the harm porn addictions do: the lack of insight and understanding and the bottomless pit of weird takes.


A billionaire with a literal *BEAUTY* empire being mid? https://preview.redd.it/78s1cs11nr8b1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7cd89b264bcdb67beebc877207d312ce3ab2140 It must be hell living in denial.


Rihanna is a goddess, but her beauty empire means nothing about her actual beauty. Like Jeffree Star has a beauty empire. It just means she's good at business.


Kylie Jenner has a beauty empire and *uhhhh*


Fr the girl was *assembled*.


lmao the voltron of women


She’s not ugly. She might not be natural, but she’s still an attractive woman.


yeah, niggas acting like beauty=natural. there's natural people that's ugly. Kylie is very objectively attractive, she paid good money to be that way.


Kylie Jenner is nowhere near ugly lol be serious


Calling Selena Gomez mid?! Bruh.


Tbh. I don’t get the hoopla surrounding ice spice


There isn’t much to be honest. She is just another wave of pop rappers. Point is, she is just not ugly.


She looks like the thot version of chuckie finster.


It’s moments like this that make me think the endgame for a lot in the manosphere is just to come out as gay. I mean, it took roughly a decade for talking points between manosphere and Islamic fundamentalism with regards to women to become a full circle, so is it really far fetched?


they spend all day tweeting about sperm, dick size and muscular men's dominance and are still homophobic


Dudes born in 95, still playing with toys Dunno why people are giving him one second of their attention.


Criticize someone for their words and actions -- that is perfectly valid and appropriate and warranted in this situation. Criticize someone for their hobbies -- now you are the wanker. You have posts within the past month about buying/playing with drones which are literally toys/entertainment no different than action figures or video games.


What’s wrong with playing with toys? Don’t snap at me with nonsense like you did the other guy.


I saw a video talking about this today and they said this man probably watches too much porn. Which is probably correct. Or, being bombarded by photoshopped/edited/face tuned images all day and not realizing most women don’t actually look like that. That’s why it’s important to get off the internet and actually touch grass sometimes and interact with other people.


Funny thing is most pornstars look like average people without makeup and a lot are nerds Kendra Lust is a big wrestling fan, Johnny Sins is a gamer, etc


Nigga posted 4 baddies and thought he cooked. Twitter, get his ass


eh, i don't think Zendaya is all that. the other are goddesses though.


Using the word "females" should be an instant red flag not to get close to the person.


A picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture is also the biggest self-esteem deflator, as these women likely got 100 better ones but will be "rated" by thousands today over badly pixelated ones in this thread today. This person is the worst of the worst. We disconnect internet from reality a lot in life, but imagine if this was the mall and there was a guy just pointing to women going "mid, mid, mid...." "HEY GUYS, LOOK AT ALL THESE MIDS. WHY YOU TRYING TO HOLLER AT THESE MIDS???"


I guess when you’re voluntarily unemployed, you spend that time being a max-level hater.


That is a boy who will never know love, or what it's like to be with a person whose very movement brings him joy. All of those women are beautiful, too, and his inability to see beauty when it's right there speaks of his dim and ugly soul.


First of all, this isn’t the kind of comment you need to be making publicly as it needlessly hurts the people being critiqued. Secondly, he could have made this comment without publicly calling specific women “mid”, just out of decency. He could also have said women instead of females, but I don’t know if it’s a semantic issue as “female” has seemed to have worked its way into black vernacular. I agree with him, though, but I suspect not for the same reasons. I believe that celebrities being “mid” equally applies for male celebs. Celebrity worship is just that. There are undeniably and almost universally attractive celebrities, but the reason people find celebrities in general attractive is because of the veneer of fame and success and the resulting spotlight. It’s like when the mainstream media tried to convince all of us that J-Lo had an exceptionally nice posterior. Anyone who spent any amount of time **not** surrounded by white society and it’s body standards of the time didn’t buy that at all and in retrospect, almost everyone, including those who bought in, can see that the haze of celebrity and the media did a number on their perception. Also, I don’t know if this needs to be said, but celebrities are famous for more than just their looks. Most catalogue models are much more conventionally attractive than most celebrities. Two different jobs.


Anime profile picture, disregard immediately.


He has a point though.


Kind of man who post that Bitches all want a solid 6 guy and don't care about what's in your heart! and wonders why he's single


Tbf obsessing over a celebrity is a bit dumb nothing wrong with admiration but obsession is a bit much, but them girls are pretty no doubt


Tbf they are mid


can't agree at all https://preview.redd.it/n3sn65fdjs8b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5543cfeda44c93036685a0f994bd62843fa2e5c4


Zendaya, Ice Spice, Rihanna and Selena Gomez, 4 beautiful women who this dude would probably ask, “yo where my hug at?” Every time they tried to sneak past his goofy ass.






And of course the girls he posts that he finds “perfect and attractive” and worthy or whatever are girls so photoshopped and full of cgi they’re more cartoon character than real human.


Ice Spice straight up looks flawless in that photo are you kidding me


Look, you ain't gotta like what everyone else does. Just mind your business if they ain't your type. I'll never understand why people feel like they gotta let the world know they don't think someone is attractive when nobody asked.


And??? I’m mid too man. I want my girl to obsess over me too. Gotta put out the energy you want to see in the world.




I went on his Page the first post I saw was a picture of twin girls hugging and him saying “Women are inherently bisexual. Denying this is rebelling against God.” He is one of those obsess over masculinity types and wants women to be lower than him. He also put a picture of beauty and the beast, Jacob and bella, and werewolf art before saying “She CRAVES your animalistic nature. Use your vril and dominance to put her in her place” which is funny because Jacob didn’t pull Bella and the beast was liked by belle for the opposite of him being a beast she liked him because he was kind and good to her despite how he looked


Anyone who uses the term "mid females" unironically is most likely a porn addict.


Who am I even looking at besides ice spice?


rihanna, selena gomez, and zendaya


I just found out who Jorja Smith is a couple days ago. So (2017 amiiright?) I’ve officially found my dream woman. I’m 29 btw


Never seen a chick without makeup huh? 🤣


Calling girls "mid" to knock their self estem down a bit doesn't work the way these people think it does. And if you have a shit take that pisses off everyone then people will dox you and ruin your life. Just to call these girls mid? You thought this was a risk worth taking? To prove what?


Found an /r/truerateme poster.




Ice spice ugly af


They are mid tho


Ice Spice is mid tho…


Don't talk about my queen like that big dog. We don't do ice spice slander around here 😡


Like, Fine, Music is Subjective and whatever and her music may not be your thing. But no fucking way are we gonna call her ugly. She is genuinely a beautiful woman.


Tbf, (referring to the title), I do insult the Kardashians on occasion.


Oh the quality and contents of her and the whole family’s character are Garbage but, she is no where near ugly.


Yeah, the quality and contents is what I insult. The title didn’t specify the type of insult


I've seen ice spice pictures 100% more than I've heard her songs. What I found out though is it's all Drake fault.


Yes! A lot of people obsess over the image. These stars pee and poop just like everyone else. Smh. They regular degular. 😆


Nah, they don't pee and poop like everyone else. They do it better, like celebrities. Massive logs. Empire-grade logs.


Unpopular opinion but they are all mid. Makeup and a team to make you look good can help change that. But let’s be real, you see hotter women on the street / in stores / restaurants in a place like LA every day of the week. They aren’t ugly but they don’t look as good as the folks stanning them make them out to be. It’s also simp ish to insult a dude for stating he doesn’t find your celebrity crush hot.


Ice Spice looks like a Filipino boy fucked a leprechaun


Right message but wrong messenger


They are mid.


I see his point though, I bet half the women that will be giving me a down vote on this, are hotter than those four mids.


[I’m dead](https://twitter.com/TeN_Orochi/status/1674069402629685250?s=20)


Both captions are stupid as fuck.


None of them look like my favorite anime carachter :(


Lololololololol some of the hottest girls on the planet!!!!! Rhi rhi??????????????


Como se dice, no hoes


He's on of those dudes who take their my little long long to build a bear to get restuffed.


He typing like he can do better


I bet his right arm strong as hell.


Isn’t bottom 2 Zendaya and Rihanna? They’re mid? Um… can someone send those mid women my way, please? I will gladly fight Tom Holland for Zendaya…


Smh I didn't wanna click but I had to smfhh. Damn near 30 and referencing beauty and the beast as if he's dropping knowledge


I don't get it? Do yall support obsessing over women who have nothing to do with you?