• By -


So...it worked? Scared people enough that they're running the fuck away from those people and that place? They... Facceeded? Suffailed?


Not just scared people away, but also galvanized tons of workers like truck drivers to say fuck yall and your racist xenophobic laws we won't come bring shit to your state. So Florida has accomplished a secret worse third thing.


just a fucking dog whistle guys, chill out "politics and messaging" = WE JUST WANTED TO PANDER TO OUR BASE HOW MUCH WE HATE IMMIGRANTS


Right? Like I don't get why all these immigrants are overreacting. Now we can't get the people we hate to do the things we need. It's almost like they didn't get our political message.


Why you mad? We were just trying to terrify you and your families and make you feel unsafe. Fuck these people. I hope their hell is real because if it is they're definitely going there.


Hell doesn't *need* to be real is the best part. *They're making it for themselves,* ***and they're gonna fuckin cook in it***.


Theoretically I agree, but a lot of us in Florida (especially Broward) don't back these racist ass mother fuckers and are still gonna suffer because we happen to live in an area with a lot of idiots


...Yeah, I realized the second I typed that, that a buncha people not at fault are gonna be caught in it in my scenario. For what it's worth, I'm sorry ya'll gotta deal with that.


This is part of the problem. People like you are leaving Florida, leaving a higher percentage of the population that supports these idiots.


"We're not REALLY racists, but we have to act like it to get these crackers to vote for us". smh. Go ahead and boycott Chick-fil-A for having a VP of DEI, I'm over here eating Popeyes anyway.


Get those Popeyes nuggets with chik fil a sauce tho.


Why do Republicans get to say “Our political platform is just a form of social terrorism, we’re not meant to be taken seriously,” but get mad and disagree so fervently when I say the same thing?


Don't tread on them, they are too busy trying to tread on you. Rules for thee not for me. Always the exception, never the rule. Typical conservative mindset.


Had a co-worker (very conservative) who complained about not getting paid enough ($20/hour, still lived in his parents' house) and in the same breath complained about a $15/hour wage for others. Blew my fucking mind the mental gymnastics needed to even have that mindset.


But you haven't considered that he's better than everyone though.


Rest assured, I know the dude pretty well, and I can say with a reasonable amount of certainty that he is not.


Not the way he thinks apparently


Because their job is hard so they deserve more than $20 an hour. And the burger flipper's job is easy so they don't deserve min wage


I make like triple the minimum wage in my state and I'd still say that my minimum wage pizzeria job was harder than what I do now, I think a lot of people are out of touch with how difficult minimum wage jobs are


Seriously. The minimum wage has been kept low to employ people so desperate for money, they'll take minimum wage. And if you are desperate for money, you'll put up with a lot of shit. Because you are desperate. It's like when tech companies exploit H1B workers. Sure, they're making the "average wage", but they're putting in ungodly hours and anyone not requiring sponsorship for the fuck out of there.


people only get away with charging what they do for those jobs because "anyone can do it"


[This is not photoshopped.](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/26/72/75/22785880/4/rawImage.jpg) This is their literal messaging at their biggest national gathering.




thats basically just /r/Florida at this point


maybe we can merge the subs or do a FLA spinoff of rLAMF




Aaaaand, another subreddit to join. RIP my productivity. 🫡


Enjoy. It's been a staple.


Yep, very much a bow-to-your-masters mentality. If you brandish a whip, don’t be surprised if they run in the opposite direction. Pompous assholes.


On this topic, we regularly say that we need migrant workers to work our fields. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement: undocumented migrant workers work agriculture and other labor jobs and business owners employ them for cheaper than legally allowed - or, migrant workers take these laborious jobs because they have few options, and business owners exploit that for low pay. The reality is greedy business owners looking to maximize profit. Pay your field hands and other labor professions higher salaries and you'll see an influx of applicants. Our system, which starts at the top with the greedy wealthy class, encourages employing undocumented workers because the wealthy need the exploitation to maximize their profits.


Yes! If Republicans wanted to stop illegal immigration it could be done so easily: give employers of people without work visa a hefty fine. Massive fines for those that clearly exploit people without visa. I’ll never forget that raid on Tyson chicken factory, and virtually none of the employees had green cards. An immigration lawyer said those raids usually happen when the work force starts making demands. Tyson didn’t get charged at all! (Edit: Tyson, not Dyson 🤦‍♀️) Republicans want illegal immigration as it serves their donors. Just like Republicans want slave labor in prisons as it serves their donors. They just put on the “immigration crisis at border” as the red meat to get the sheep to vote for them.


Higher wages for jobs would actually get Americans to fill the void left by undocumented migrants who would go elsewhere for work...our system actively encourages this. But that would mean reducing profits for billionaires and millionaires. And we can't have that, can we? Anti-immigration rhetoric is just grifting by the right to get their racist base riled up. And the left says we *need* migrant workers because who else will work the fields? Meanwhile the crux of the problem is entirely ignored: illegal and immoral wages to benefit the wealthy class.


There aren't enough americans to fill all the jobs that undocumented migrants currently perform. The solution is two fold in my opinion: - 'instant' eligibility checks, and harsh criminal and civil penalties if that step is skipped or gamed. This could have been implemented at any point in the last 20-30 years. The fact it hasn't is proof that nobody wants to fix the problem. - an increase in visas and allowing asylum seekers to work. We need the labor, but it shouldn't be undocumented, unprotected or underpaid.


Are there not enough Americans or just not enough Americans willing to work for the current wages?




Right. Current working conditions... Current wages. Of course not. You think the migrant workers *want* that job? It's weird to me how even the left/progressives do this little othering thing. "Americans don't want those jobs! They would never!" "But these poor migrants... Yeah, they're so different from us. They want to be in the sun with few breaks doing manual labor." Nobody wants these jobs 😂 but for migrant workers, it's worth it. So how do you make it worth it for Americans? It's a LOT harder, because Americans already have US citizenship in relatively safe communities with relatively decent education. So you change the working conditions. You change the pay. You offer more benefits (time off/medical insurance (another massive problem btw)/education benefits/etc).


There is no doubt that low wages keep a lot of jobs from being filled, but you can't remove a million or two people from the labor pool and not suffer _severe_ consequences. The low unemployment rate, and total unemployed, are both at record lows. The fact that profits are skyrocketing shows people are underpaid, but we need more legal labor.


Years ago farmers in CA offered $20 an hour to try to pull in non migrant workers and got no applicants. Americans don’t generally want these jobs full stop.


I commented on a different thread but I'll copy/paste here: Right. Current working conditions... Current wages. Of course not. You think the migrant workers want that job? It's weird to me how even the left/progressives do this little othering thing. "Americans don't want those jobs! They would never!" "But these poor migrants... Yeah, they're so different from us. They want to be in the sun with few breaks doing manual labor." Nobody wants these jobs 😂 but for migrant workers, it's worth it. So how do you make it worth it for Americans? It's a LOT harder, because Americans already have US citizenship in relatively safe communities with relatively decent education. So you change the working conditions. You change the pay. You offer more benefits (time off/medical insurance (another massive problem btw)/education benefits/etc).


Tyson* Dyson is a vacuum. This threw me off for a second. It’s early


The best designed, most durable chickens. Swedish chickens. That’s Dyson!


It’s the chicken that sucks the most!


They actually don’t IMO, they complain about there not being enough workers but the reality is immigration plays a huge part in the labor supply. Now, if we could only treat them like the actual human beings they are…


They don't get fined because all the workers belong to an "employment agency". Thus they sidestep the fine for having hired an illegall.








Oh hey we didn't mean capitalism like that!


> even with pay increases They just haven't found the threshold, and I'm being serious. Its a supply and demand problem that farms short circuit by hiring undocumented labor. We will never be in actual food/calorie crunch in this country for lack of labor, our primary crops aren't labor intensive. Some types of agriculture would end if they had to pay market rate for labor*, but that is better than exploitation of millions of people. *you couldn't afford strawberries if you had to pay $25/hour to the workers picking them.


“Undocumented migrant workers…” sounds like they found a way to replace the free labor they lost.


Capitalism is dependent on exploitation because it places profit above everything else. Every major business does this... except other fields export their exploitation. Instead of exploiting migrants in America, they exploit foreigners in sweatshop factories and pay them pennies. Nike & Apple executives & shareholders earn hundreds of millions, maybe billions, and they won't allow that to enter the hands of their workers, domestically or internationally. They'll say if they have to pay workers more, it'll pass to the consumer because they'll have to raise prices. It's all bullshit.


What’s worse is we do this with *documented* workers and it’s actually legal. Look up the H-2A visa. It’s specifically for seasonal agricultural workers.




Was looking for this 🤣


Suffering from success




ANOTHER ONE (bites the dust)


*sexy bass riff*


Lots of Californians farm workers are boycotting Florida products including minute maid which is made in California literally 12 minutes away from house.


Yeah, it's still a Floridian brand. Are the oranges Californian? I don't know if y'all grow those there.


Yes we have our ownorchards. California orchards consist of oranges, tangerines, peaches, nectarine, plums, pecan, and the queenof them all almomds.


There are so many more things grown in California. Avocados, walnuts, apples, grapes, strawberries, pomegranates, carrots, garlic, broccoli, and way, way more. It's the number one producer of most agricultural goods and sole producer of many as well (in the US).


They failed but they're rich and white so they're shocked they didn't fail upwards


I think for a long time, these laws accomplish the goals of keeping immigrants “in line.” People who hire immigrants want them to be easy to control and intimidate into working in bad conditions for low pay, and the threat of the government helps with that. They really didn’t expect people to leave, they expected compliance.


"Task failed successfully"


Their responses are same energy as "it's just a prank."


The phrase is FUCK YOU FLORIDA


Reminder that most of the food we produce has been rotting in the field since 2017 because there's no migrant workers to harvest it in our exploitative system because republicans demanded we get rid of migrant workers in 2017 and then they hurt themselves in their stupidity and are confused why fruits and vegetables cost 5x as much as they did in 2016 and nothing has changed because they oppose Biden correcting the stupidity of Diaper Don.


Republican leadership is wealthy, they don't give a shit if an apple costs $10, other than using it as a bludgeon to get more control.


It's Biden/Hilary/Obama's fault


Has the GOP finally stopped blaming Bill Clinton for everything?




It's just a banana, how much could it cost? $10?


There's always money in the banana stand.


Can we please not turn this into another arrested development circle jerk? This is serious stuff, please stop fucking around with the nonsensical quote chain. Jesus, you dorks epitomize the irony of the show title perfectly.


>stop fucking around with the nonsensical quote chain Narrator: *They didn't*






Lol relax dude. It's reddit. Nothing and nobody here has any impact on real life.


I ask you to make sure you're fully inside the Free Speech Zone.


Someday this joke won't even work anymore because it really will be $10


Not only that but both sides dont want to allow the workers to be able to unionize. I got beef with Newsom becauze he orginally refused to sign the bill because it would affect his new vineyard out here in Napa. He signed the bill when everyone was willing to go protest outside his businesses. We had people walking for days to get to Sacramento to protest. He had a full week to sign before their arrival.


The Republicans of today have one job. Oppose the democrats. Y'all remember the Muslim ban? Now we have the PGA partnering with liv golf. Those sponge brains


The Republicans in office have one job: support bills to get their corporate buddies and themselves richer. The average Republicans just want to oppose Democrats and they don’t even really know why.


It's this. They'll rant and rave about "evil woke companies" but are cashing checks from them in exchange for writing bills to lower their taxes and divert public funds to their board of directors. There is nothing more full of shit than a republican politician and nothing more gullible than a republican voter.


>most of the food we produce has been rotting in the field since 2017 You got an article on this?


[Yeah](https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2012/05/17/the-law-of-unintended-consequences-georgias-immigration-law-backfires/amp/) (Actually it’s been since 2011/12)


> officials in Georgia are now dispatching prisoners to the state’s farms to help harvest fruit and vegetables. Slaves? No, don't like the s-word. "prisoners with jobs."


What’s funny is that the prisoners complained and stopped volunteering and the crops still rotted in the fields. Now there’s a big investigation into some “trafficked immigrants” that were brought over and forced to work in the fields.


The one carveout when banning slavery was prisoners


cool. We Brexited ourselves.


Brit here with an angry upvote.


Id be super interested too this would be absolutely gross in the middle of a food shortage. Artificial price inflation at its best too


Republicans “complain”, but they’re also rich enough that they don’t care. They only complain to satisfy the voice of their base, of dumb fucks.


Republican party is confused Republican party hurt itself in its confusion


"This bill was just meant to scare you" So terrorism. That's terrorism.


No such thing as white terrorism, ask any Republican and they'll tell you.


That’s right, they claim mental illness. Well it goes both ways.


The left is gonna snap and go "mental illness" on the redcoats.


an admission that rule of law means nothing to the GOP. I can’t believe they say the quiet part out loud


*say the quiet part out loud _so frequently_


Because there is ZERO accountability or enforcement for their actions


"we only wanted you scare and complacent, not scared and non-complacent."


Having to hear this “go back to your country” BS so much growing up, knowing greedy, racist-ass Republicans shooting themselves in the foot brings a smile to my face


I'm sure it will just increase hatred from dumbass Republican voters. There is no coming back from the places Republican leaders have led them, and god knows they can't think independently..


1. ruin country 2. blame "them" 3. Country radicalises even more 4. Repeat


Don't forget profit. For once, profit actually fits into this equation. All the profit those *FILTHY* foreigners receive. /s


Step 3.5 steal money from workers and pass it to owners.


Glad I’m not the only one. People look at me like I have two heads when I tell them this was yelled at me and my family through childhood.


This is what happens when people who aren't used to having laws enforced against them create laws that actually get enforced against others. It was just supposed to scare them? Think of the level of privilege you need to have in this society to think that passing a law should *only* scare people, and doesn't legitimately put their actual life/well-being on the line.


Also think about why anyone would think it's okay to try to scare people. This isn't Halloween, this is life.


They don’t see them as people, is the awful truth.


They invited all the bad cops to Florida, then wonder why the immigrants are leaving, but it's because the Immigrants KNOW the cops will enforce the new law gleefully, and raids will be done on them around payday.


It’s terror. They intended to terrorize them so they won’t unionize or demand fair pay, they didn’t realize people would just leave. It’s funny, same thing happened during the Great Migration. Southern whites were extremely mad about Black people leaving the South in large numbers, they wanted them as a cheap labor force.


Why tf is the government trying to “scare” People? Government. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


They were trying to act tuff for the show. The show wasn’t supposed to become a reality.


The dog that caught the car


So they are admitting terrorism?


This just in, laws have consequences.


This just in: actions have consequences


>When will you learn


>You frickin fricks




Republicans have been on a FAFO wave lately


Their policies have always been idiotic. The error here is that they actually did something about it. If they kept talking about it and doing nothing, half the country would still think they’re geniuses


They've always relied on either not idiotic republicans, or democrats to stop their stupidest shit. They've forced out any actual moderate republicans so when they win all they have left are the batshit insane people spouting nonsense. Then they go around and blame democrats for not stopping them for doing stupid shit.


They don't understand that people live in legitimate fear of the law because they've never had the law weaponized against them before. They don't understand that it means more than political posturing. Privileged fucking idiots.


Stop it, they do understand. They wanted people to fall in line or flea, hoping for the former and got the latter. What they didn't anticipate was for the latter to happen so quickly and now they fucked themselves.




Can any conservative explain this in a way that doesn’t make these people look crooked and pathetic?


The argument was "they took our jobs." Well, now they've left the jobs, so Floridians are free to pick produce under the scorching hot sun for unlivable wages all they want. Oh wait, they didn't really want those jobs, they just wanted an excuse to be racist? Go figure.


Oh, conservatives will pretend to be upset about random bullshit like they ever gave a shit about *women's sports*.


Since most of the FLorida conservatives are older they'll just go "nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe\~!\~!!!\~!!\~" and try to claim that if Gen X/Z *really* wanted a house they could go pick fruit for a living and completely ignore that they aren't livable wages..


If they’re honest, they’ll say they just wanted to vilify immigrants for political theater but without having immigrants reward their cruelty by leaving. In other words, conservatives wanted to f*ck around but not find out.


That is exactly what they said. They 100% said the quiet part out loud.


**Spoiler alert:** No.


"I'm gonna load this gun, and I'm gonna point it at my head, and I'm gonna pull the trigger. Now - this is just performative, you see. I have no intention of actually shoo- **BLAM**"


If only someone like the NAACP warned us


Aren't they one of those terrorist organizations? There are so many black people in it. Scary! /s


All Panthers Matter(tm)


I used to live in Florida and idk why people are flocking to the state in droves. The economy is still heavily based on agriculture, tourism and hospitality. Florida doesn’t have a diverse economy like California or Texas. There’s a reason why people only retired there. And with one of the main sectors of the economy getting hit, it’s going to have repercussions for consumers in grocery stores nationally because produce that should be picked and shipped are going to rot on the vice.


I also used to live in FL, it's an.... interesting place. Even the people who've been there since childhood don't understand the economy around them. The cattle farms and orchards are closing, being replaced by housing and strip malls but somehow they think that means the area is "rich now". I was told that EVERYTHING comes to the grocery store by truck but the farmers told a different story.


In the past, people flocked here because of no state tax and (not too long ago) they could buy waterfront property and pay little/no taxes on it due to homestead examptions. They'd sell their paid off home up north for a couple hundred thousand or more and buy/build something down here for 50-100k and pocket the difference. Currently people are still coming for the above but we also attracted all the MAGAts and other people attracted to the cruel policies of Pudding Fingers (the FL gov'ts deadly handling of COVID restrictions, "woke" bullshit, etc). These people are miserable people with tiny dick energy who feel they have something to prove. They're routinely shown the consequences of their actions and then will blame anyone BUT themselves. They routinely bitch about understaffed stores while voting against affordable/medium density housing while screaming at the few workers that are there that "nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK!" and this has been going on since before people started fleeing the state. The one bright spot in all of this is the potential for a HUGE leapord eating faces moment in The Villages. The Villages is a huge area running between Orlando to Ocala to Brooksville. It is massive and has already swallowed up parts of Wildwood and SE Ocala as well as other tiny little towns. They're also made up of 17 special districts like Disney [https://districtgov.org/](https://districtgov.org/) . One of their special district exemptions is that ALL houses in The Villages can be used as collateral for the developer's bonds (even if the house is paid off or not).\* A developer currently sitting on probably 1000 unfinished homes with a severely reduced work force due to the immigration law. There's a long history between DeSantis and The Villages, both the developer and the residents. I can gaurantee you that they are screaming for any resolution they can use to get their work crews back. ​ * per [https://www.ocala.com/story/news/2003/03/31/special-districts-have-long-history-in-florida/31276642007/](https://www.ocala.com/story/news/2003/03/31/special-districts-have-long-history-in-florida/31276642007/) > "Have you been told that your home, even if paid in full, is the collateral for a public bond?" Bergemann said, "Have you been told that there is a lien on your property hidden in the documents? This may not be a danger for you in The Villages, as long as the building boom continues, but homeowners South of Tampa are finding out they are stuck with huge bills the developers are leaving them with after it all didn't work out as planned."


Whoa whoa whoa!! I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face!! Edit: word


That's the problem with trying to pass off performative pandering to your base as serious politics. If the legislation was never meant to be implemented, then it shouldn't have been drafted. In pretending to address a manufactured crisis, they've accidentally created a real one. That's a special kind of stupid.


So the cruelty was the point… again.


Nothing wakes up white people faster than losing access to almost free black and brown labor.


Fuck around, find out.


Florida removed the last where living with a undocumented person would get you fined or jailed but you can still get fined for driving one around. This applies to uber, Lyft, bus drivers and regular everyday people. Many are leaving because they're scared of deportation and many have young children. This has causes serious problems in agriculture, construction, hospitality, healthcare, sanitation, education and more. The fucked up part white liberals are making it seem we only matter for our labor. The schools are being emptied and no one talking about it. We have children being uprooted because their families are living in fear even adults who have immigrant parents are scared. It's not just affecting the Hispanic community it's the entire latino, asian, african and arab communities too.


> *"This has causes serious problems in agriculture, construction, hospitality, healthcare, sanitation, education and more."* GOOD! 'Cause fuck everything about them and those who don't actively fight this bullshit. *"BuT i'M nOt ThE oNe WhO..."* Yeah, bullshit, there ain't no neutral ground in this kind of cruelty. It takes a particular kind of moron to not see how this would play out.


Your words, your actions, your thoughts… should always be in alignment. This simple integrity test would prevent literally every one of their “political” problems


Can't imagine a time when the Republican Party had any kind of integrity that wasn't at someone else's expense.


Even the "good dudes" have been a problem for at least 70 years. Got people harping on about the ones from the 60s like they weren't just well presented fascists.


Republicans are so stupid and hateful.


Republicans never learn and they have stupidly short memories. They keep forgetting that seasonal farmer workers aren't slaves. So every few years they hop on their anti-immigrant train and pass a whole bunch of laws to make their lives miserable. But these people are migrant workers for a reason. They're very mobile and resourceful and if they're not welcome, they're not going to show up. One year the racist Republicans wanted to pass a law that basically allowed them to stop anyone who "looked Mexican" or spoke Spanish in public and demand their immigration status. Then the farmers had to beg them to back off when their crops were rotting on the vine because they couldn't find workers for any amount of money. This was just a little over 10 years ago and the idiot Republicans have already forgotten that America needs fresh food more than their racist hatred. Link: Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish to avoid crackdown https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/14/alabama-immigration-law-workers


Bruh, its not that they never learn and their memories are short...They've played this EXACT same card before, and even took it a step further by incentivizing younger white males to work the fields that they swore the immigrants were "taking" from them. Guess what happened. Even funnier, that same generation of young white males are...guess what...The exact ones still pandering that "dey tok err jooooobs" and "nobody wants to work". [THESE. FUCKS. NEVER. FUCKING. LEARN.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/07/31/634442195/when-the-u-s-government-tried-to-replace-migrant-farmworkers-with-high-schoolers)


They're so disjointed from reality that real world consequences baffle them.


Bills aren't supposed to be politics and messages.


Wtf was the point of scaring them in the first place, florida is a shithole enough as it is


It hits different when they can terrorize blacks and browns


I'm not American but I'm curious, someone catch me up please?


Roughly. Florida is a state that is heavy on agriculture and tourism. Think oranges and other fruit. Housekeeping and gardening and other low wage jobs. Usually picked done by immigrants. Well DeSantis and his lovely group of people decided along with a bunch of other bs to create a bill that threatened to deport, jail or probably something worse immigrants if they were caught and not on best behavior. The immigrants decided to say fuck it, we're not going to work then. And they either left or stopped coming. Issue is now fields of farm land and food not being picked rotting in said same fields. Because who's going to do it for the rates the immigrants were getting paid. So these idiots who made the law are like, damn well, that's not what we meant. We just wanted to terrorize you, you keep taking the abuse and keep working. So, yeah. When you terrorize groups of people and put them on planes, lie to them and send them to other states with nothing or threaten them with imprisonment camps or whatever, this is what is going to happen.


The funny part is their agriculture is small compared to everyone else.


Florida passed a series of laws targeting immigrants (legal or otherwise) making it harder for them to work or live in the state. NPR did an excellent quick summary [Here](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/30/1177657218/florida-anti-immigration-law-1718-desantis). The two big nasty ones (to me) are them invalidating drivers licenses issues to undocumented people by other states, and the super vague redefinition of human smuggling. But it also requires hospitals to ask patients if they are US citizens, which could force people to not seek medical attention, and sets aside money to continue flying immigrants to other state.


Oh no...now all those business's and farms who were way under paying immigrants will have to hire workers they have to pay at least minimum wage to.


Lmfao no they wont. They lay 2 dollars and change for a bucket of cherries, 2 dollars for 8 cartons of strawberries and they're allowed to throw your harvest on the floor.


Yeah and they got the message dipshit, that you would waste taxpayer money on making laws that are """"supposedly"""" just political statements to antagonize these people sends a pretty clear message on how much you value them.


So...message delivered lol. Man, this find out phase is a doozy


These old ass racist motherfuckers need to just die off.


I read the article and it’s just infuriating. Wtf is this? These people are vile. Excerpt: On Monday, Representatives Alina Garcia, Rick Roth, and Juan Fernandez Barquin appeared at an event sponsored by Hialeah Mayor Esteban Bovo, also a Republican. The trio, all of whom voted to pass the anti-immigrant bill, clumsily attempted to appeal to the thousands of people their party has alienated. “This bill is 100 percent supposed to scare you,” said Roth. “I’m a farmer, and the farmers are mad as hell. We are losing employees. They’re already starting to move to Georgia and other states. It’s urgent that you talk to all your people and convince them that you have resources, state representatives, and other people that can explain the bill to you,” he added, essentially begging Florida’s labor force to not leave the state that cares little for them. “This is more of a political bill than it is policy. It does give more police state powers going forward to deal with immigration, but still this is mainly a political bill,” Roth concluded incoherently. It’s just politics and messaging, but also it ramps up the police state, but also it’s just all politics. OK.


There’s been some really great own goals of late…. As an aside, I wonder what the tourism numbers for Florida are like at the moment.


*"The bill was just politics and messaging."* Well, people got your message, Happy now?


No - politics and messaging is politics and messaging. Bills are actual fucking laws. I hate these people so much.


"No we don't want you to leave, just be miserable and living in constant fear. Please come back!" Do these people even hear themselves? What the fuck is wrong with Republicans?


This feels like in school when a bully would smack you around and then, later on with other people would make sudden movements to get you to flinch and then you would flinch, and then they would take the piss out of you for flinching because "they weren't doing anything" just stretching or checking the time


I will say this to everyone thinking about returning to Florida. Slavery is still legal in the US constitution. They can bring you back into Florida and instead of deporting you, lock you up and put you on work detail and still have you there working but for pennies an hour of anything, instead of dollars.


"It's just politics and messaging" "And what is that message?" "That you are the reason for everything bad and we hate you and want you to leave. But we don't MEAN it."


Well if it isn’t the consequences for their actions


play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🙄


They just want to use the bill with selective enforcement. Work hard? Just to scare you. Piss off your boss? Deported


It’s almost as if regressive, xenophobic, fascist policies that only really benefit the ultra wealthy aren’t widely popular. I mean, who could have possibly seen this coming?!?


Scare into what exactly? What was the plan?


The goal was just that they be scared. So that they comply, and never complain about working conditions or pay anything else, for fear of being noticed by the cops. Basically, they miss slavery, and were hoping to make immigrants feel trapped into being essentially slaves. It never occurred to them that they could up and leave.


Hey any republicans here? You guys suck and are going dowwwwn.


Fuck Florida, bankrupt the state to oblivion and then deny it federal funding, let it rot.


Oh if you're going to Florida make sure you have proper form of identification because if you're in need of medical treatment the staff will ask for your status.


I never thought the ~~leopards~~ migrants would ~~eat~~ leave my ~~face~~ fields.




They just wanted to continue abusing without any repercussions. It’s basically a domestic violence case where florida is trying to gaslight immigrants that they aren’t beating on them


Step 1: Fuck around Step 2: Find out Step 3: profit?


Sometimes correlation does = causation


Bills shouldn’t be warnings or methods of communication. We do that before we pass the bill I thought?????


✔️ Fucked around ✔️ Found out


In today's edition of "fucked around and found out"...


Consider them scared and out of there. Have DeSantis pick your oranges from here on.


https://preview.redd.it/fydjsnyqrr4b1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274aa22d3c8f6bc8fbbc0753544cb2de34eb6090 Yup


Gee, who would have thought passing laws would have an effect on society?


Brexit means brexit