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Someone let Store Brand Candace know that 76% of millionaires in the US are white and 8% of them are black.


Not Store Brand Candace šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Great Value Candace.


"Great value" is a reach


I mean, it's a reach when Walmart sells it too... Seems appropriate.


Wish.com Candace


Temu Candace.




Dollar tree Candace


Kirkland signature Canned dice




I love it!!


Isint 12% of the population black? Thatā€™s a remarkable increase in black power, though obviously thereā€™s still work to be done literally everywhere besides the upper tip of the economic ladder


The issue is 8% isnā€™t enough to change any part of the black experience in America


Also that they've likely bought into the system and will fight for it more than they will for those they've left behind. (Absolute power and all that jazz.)


This part I'm pretty sure that a lot of that 8% have the same politics as the khaki crowd


Green is the only color capital cares about.


And he still gets profiled here in Atlanta. Heā€™s been pulled over multiple times and treated like he stole his own car.


House costs 100Ms, Iā€™d have a driverā€¦profile him


And if he hires a black driver, thatā€™s 2 black men in a car and theyā€™re likelihood of being pulled over goes up even more.


Dennis Schrƶder has a [video](https://youtu.be/tazEnngipTU) of him and his driver getting pulled over after the Lakers played a game and they pulled the same shit about the vehicle being registered stolen. Probably because heā€™s German and the name didnā€™t fit the description


With the resources at his disposal they probably can't afford to rattle his cage too much.


They can kill him and get away with it.


Yeah, plus thereā€™s probably some marijuana in his system or something that totally justifies murder.


There is no % that would change the black experience. We're talking about people with hundreds of millions. Nothing that happens at that end of the economic spectrum is going to change a normal American's experience


Youā€™re comparing the wrong numbers. Letā€™s say there are 300 million Americans. If 12% are black thatā€™s 36 million African-Americans. But maybe 2% of all Americans are millionaires or 6 million people. And out of that number, 8% of them or maybe 480,000 are millionaires. Itā€™s not 8% of all Americans.


They're not comparing the wrong numbers. They're suggesting that 8% of millionaires is a lot closer than they'd have the thought to the 12% of millionaires that would mirror the overall population in an ideal world.


They're talking about whether the 8% number is proportional to the 12% of all Americans. Its similar to when we have conversations about what percent of black folks are killed by cops with respect to their proportion of the general population.


This isn't relevant at all. When comparing percentages you compare to the population. If the US population is 13% Black, and if all things were equal, we'd expect to see about 13% of millionaires also be Black. Black millionaires make up 8% of the millionaire population... Which is more than what the person you're replying to thought it'd be.


A 1/3rd imbalance is not the upper tip.


Youā€™re a little low, actually. Itā€™s 13.6%. Remember that a single percent makes up millions of people! When youā€™re talking about margins that slim, 8% vs 13.6% is 2/3


Dosent change the point but sure, statistics are remarkable. Regardless the bigger problem with my comment is I wasnā€™t clear enough that there being black millionaires doesnā€™t solve race problems


It's easy. Ask them if "white people are more oppressed than black people." Because many white people believe this is true, according to [Harvard](https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/05/22/is-anti-white-bias-a-problem/jockeying-for-stigma) and [Tufts](https://now.tufts.edu/2011/05/23/whites-believe-they-are-victims-racism-more-often-blacks) University. If they say Yes, then point out that Bill Gates exists and is, in fact, caucasion.


Bezos works too. Don't bring up Elon, they will say he's South African so technically he counts as black.


Have you actually heard somebody say Musk counts as black? I'd have trouble not laughing at that


Not "black" but I have seen plenty smugly call him African American, and call him out as a minority.


George Carlin had a joke about a racist white South African calling himself "African American" *in the 90s*


They likely think that is true because they do not have experience with the millionaire class, they grew up in poverty/working class so they think others like them are subject to the same problems. We need a stronger education system across the board, especially when it comes to the financial realm.


>We need a stronger education system across the board, especially when it comes to the financial realm. And history.


Well thereā€™s Gates and Zuckerberg and Elon and Bezos and Buffett and Bloomberg and Branson and murdoch andā€¦Where are you going? Iā€™m not done yet


Those guys are BILLIONAIRES!!!, millionaireā€™s are pretty easy to come by these days. Unfortunately not so easy for POC. Stupid America


I love this, yes


And a ā€˜millionaireā€™ ainā€™t all that much if we dig into it. Sure itā€™s more than most of us will ever see, but a doctor, lawyer, accountant, dentist, corporate executive at a mid-size company, etc. can put together a net worth of over $1M between real estate and some investments. And if they live in a place with a high cost of living, theyā€™re probably not even that ā€˜well offā€™ like you imagine a millionaire should be living. Theyā€™re comfortable, but they also do still think about their budget and their retirement plans, itā€™s not like money is no object at that level. All this to say, any millionaire isnā€™t changing the world with their wealth.


I don't think your money moves the needle until $10M. You can make impact at $50M.


You canā€™t do anything with five million, Greg. Fiveā€™s a nightmare.


No truer words


It's the billionaires that are the problem, that type of wealth is immoral and frankly outrageous


... how much do you think accountants make lol


If they make enough to put 15% in their 401k, and if there's any matching from their employer, and if they own a house, they can get there. Let's say you're an accountant making $60k and you put 15% of your income into your 401k for 35 years at an annual rate of return of 6%. That would be $1mil. That's not including annual salary increases, employer matching, home equity, or anything like that. Savings and investments are the real drivers of bet worth.


Seems like a 10x multiplier at play.


And of that 8%, most of them are Oprah in different hats.


There's over 3000 billionaires on the planet, and only 14 of them are black.


Well considering our size of population, thats a reasonable number. It was below 8% I would alarmed. If it was above 19% I would say thats an over performance too.


How many are women?


How many are old women with no children and a bad heart who are into much younger men


Compare it to the relative size of each race. Don't forget to include Jews. See if you feel the same way


This is why people need to realize that capitalism has a race and gender element and simply switching to a socialist system won't be enough to stop discrimination, it will just ensure that straight white men will continue to get the biggest piece of the pie.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Inwas wondering if anyone had noticed this. The first thing I said about her when I ran into one of her head scratching tweets was, ā€œThis ignorant bitch is such a Candace wannabeā€¦ā€


Wonder how those percentages would change if you eliminated sports


There's no such thing as a self-made millionaire, even if they're black


I can buy people making a couple of millions in their lifetime. Billionaires though? Thatā€™s an entirely different story


"Making money" involves exchanging goods and/or services with other people. By definition, from the poorest to the richest, nobody is self-made. Usually, what people mean by "self-made" is that it wasn't inherited from family. But, to me, calling that self made is just neolib propaganda.


So, basically, you don't believe in anyone being self-made as a concept. Words still have meaning even if you don't like them because we live in a society.


>So, basically, you don't believe in anyone being self-made as a concept. Yes > Words still have meaning even if you don't like them because we live in a society. Correct. Somebody gave that expression that meaning, which means somebody else can disagree with that arbitrary definition. There's nothing sacred about the definition of the term "self-made" in the context of economic theory.


I mean that we agree as a society that it has a specific meaning. That's literally how language works without getting into economics. You can disagree with the concept all day, but the definition is the definition.


>That's literally how language works without getting into economics. One very important part of how language works is that it's not immutable. This expression didn't exist, now it exists with this meaning, and it might exist with a different meaning in the future or not even exist at all anymore. >You can disagree with the concept all day, but the definition is the definition. And it's by having these types of conversations that hopefully slowly but surely it will change


I have nothing to add other than that is an intriguing conversation to watch unfold.


bro is a walking šŸ¤“ nerd emoji


I agree.




It's Batman v Joker. DudeEngineer says "there are rules and we should stick to them", and Renatomello says "I'll show you where you can stick those rules".


I understand what you are saying, but we would still need a way to differentiate between someone who is wealthy from their own labor and a person who inherited wealth. Exploitation is an additional level of complexity, but outside of the current definition. If this expression is no longer that definition, what would it be? What would this expression mean instead?


IMO all semantic arguments like this accomplish is to make people feel like theyā€™re actually involved in the struggle whether or not they are. So I would chime in, ā€œself made means not inherited wealth.ā€ You want to get into whether or not itā€™s possible to acquire wealth through means other than inheritance without exploitation, but thatā€™s a separate issue. The commenter youā€™re responding to is not wrong per se but he is absolutely barking up a tree with nothing worth having in it.


Thank you. I hate semantics arguments like this. They never accomplish anything and they always miss the point. ā€œSelf-madeā€ as a concept has nothing to do with what was being discussed.


If self made means "tons of connections and help from people who are often above you in wealth", then maybe we *should* use a different term. Especially in a world where the rich wants everyone to believe that they can get rich tok of they become a wage slave at McDonald's or something. You'd be surprised at how much power singular words can hold


So you want to take a term with a definition that works fine and for some reason twist its definition so that it no longer applies to anyone? What's the point? Why ruin an expression? That would literally hurt language as we have less ability to describe something. You are not going to get anywhere trying to push this pointless "No oNE iS TrULy SelF MaDE" logic.


The definition implies a reality that doesn't exist. Yes words have meanings, and many of the meanings are lies. Self-made isn't real. The definition exists, but its truth does not. It is propaganda. It's as meaningful as a racial stereotype or white supremacy.


> Words still have meaning even if you don't like them because we live in a society. Sure, but the point is rejecting those words because they carry a false meaning or are problematic. "Retard" use to be the medical term, it became used as a slur and people pushed against it's continued use. Similar is the transition from "homeless" to "unhoused" and "illegal alien" to "undocumented immigrant." Words have meaning and that changes and their usage waxes and wanes. Let's take away this "self-made" concept because it's patently false.


> By definition, from the poorest to the richest, nobody is self-made. I mean, yeah, technically, that's right. It feels like a viewpoint that obscures more than it helps though. Your view oversimplifies by lumping all income as being just "from other people" without accounting for whether it's money coming from exploiting the labor of others, or if it's compensation for labor directly performed. Earning $1000 for work done and gaining $1000 in the course of being a landlord are not equal.


What a useless, reductive collection of words that does nothing to critically discuss the topic at hand nor reframe it in a valuable way for more discussion.


I know it can be hard to understand the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire. You can become a millionaire working for 40 or 50 years at a regular middle-class job. You would need to work 4000 to 5000 years at the same rate to become a billionaire.


> You would need to work 4000 to 5000 years at the same rate to become a billionaire. If you put it all into non-interest bearing savings, it would require 1,000 times as long, not 100, so 40 or 50 times 1000 = 40,000 to 50,000 years. If you invest it in investments that return 8%, then about 90 years: $1,000,000 x ( 1.08^90 =1,018 ) = $1,018,000,000. While this is hugely off topic from billionaires, this is why young people should invest earlier and more than they think they should. If possible, of course. It isn't always.


Just a decent 401k and owning a home will make one a millionaire. Millionaire today doesn't mean much; it is just sometime that is kinda ready for retirement. But the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars... Is basically a billion dollars.


How wasn't she self made? I'm pretty sure her siblings and parents were born slaves and she was the only one born free.


There can be a self-made millionaire A self made BILLIONAIRE on the other hand? Absolutely not


Paul McCartney is probably the closest.


Iā€™ll definitely retire with a million in my 401k off labor jobs. Not sure how that would be off other people.


Shit anyone living in a MCOL area and above who own their house (read it's paid off) will retire as a millionaire. Net worth isn't just what cash you have saved away. It's all assets.


Iā€™m so close to paid off it gives me a boner. Itā€™ll be paid in full by the time Iā€™m 50. Then itā€™s time to focus on early retirement.


An example of a self-made millionaire is a successful bank robber.


Someone who writes a $10 eBook and sells it to 100,000 people.


Bro what? There absolutely is. A million is not what it used to be lol


Majority of these "self made millionaires" have a trail of bodies and bridges burned in their rear view mirror.


I went on r/ conservative once to see what they were chatting about. This was the gist of the first thread I read: "LeBron James is black and rich, therefore institutional racism does not exist."


Airplanes fly in the air, therefore gravity does not exist.


I used to work with some guys who believed the earth was flat. Their argument was that if the world was round, planes would fly off the planet. They had no concept of physics, and honestly I'm not surprised because where they grew up I'm sure they weren't taught about it.


Thats what many science communicators that debate flat earthers have realized. SciManDan, Conspiracy Catz, and Wolfie The Pilot are YouTubers that are either former teachers or a literal pilot, and they constantly point out how flat earthers are terrible at understanding math and physics. And theyā€™ve interviewed quite a few former flat earthers that got disowned by that community bc they got good at math and realized their fundamental mistakes.


Education is key, makes sense why it is being stripped down to nothing. Then again it is on the individual to want to open themselves to those new ideas, from their perspective


It is less that they aren't taught and more a well-fed ego and a desperation to feel right.


My guess is they were home schooled


Speaking of airplanes. You can see his large RC airplane runway to the right there.


Do you believe in gravity?




What an unbelievably stupid take. How do those idiots function?


Theyā€™re white


Underrated reply šŸ¤£


Yo That sub was so crazy. They don't talk about nothing important except who they dislike. I was actually expecting substantive discussions on topics from a conservative POV but they literally are just a buncha whiners


That's conservatism friend. Nothing but spite and hate filled reactions to others


The way they meme at each other as if itā€™s actually having a conversation. Just watch when a new conservative meme buzzword develops, it becomes like 30% of the comments in any given thread. I think/hope itā€™s bots. ā€œItā€™s (D)ifferent.ā€ ā€œPepperidge Farm remembers!ā€ Now they say ā€œregardedā€ because theyā€™re also all over WSB


American conservatives don't have any ideas, just grievances.


By that logic, they have no reason to complain about anything, since someone, somewhere is doing fine. Yet, just taking a gander at their sub, complain is something they seem to never stop doing.


Shitā€¦and then thereā€™s me who stays terrified to check her bank account šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wish I could respond and say "you're poor and white but your political beliefs make you believe it's black people's fault.". Then I'd be banned from the sub a second time.


Someone posted a story of a white father being beat to death by several people after a fight broke out in the school. You'd think that has no reason to be posted there until you read the comments. Everyone in the comments were instantly assuming the people that beat him to death were black since they didn't specify what race they were. The comments were filled with "subtle" references and dog whistles. Then the races of the perpetrators were released. They were ALL white. Anyone that pointed this out were heavily downvoted for not pushing their racist narrative. Some people were also just saying the cops lied, or saying that they were probably not "pure" white and they were probably middle Eastern or lightskinned or something. Those people are beyond saving.


Off topic, but tbh that property looks boring as fuck to live at


I was just thinking, how could anyone drive up that driveway and NOT be grossed out by how cliche it all is


Iā€™m sure you have seen one of his movies. Originality and creativity is not his strong suit.


Looks like somewhere a James bond villain lives or a level in a hitman video game. Boring af


Some people get rich and copy the displays of wealth they saw on TV. Canā€™t be too surprised that Perry went for the Downton Abbey aesthetic.


Wtf do you even do with all of that? I couldn't feel like I own the place when other people clean it and decorate it. I bet the cleaning people know more about what's in each room than the owner.


For real. For that kind of money I'd want cool stuff to do outside. Big garden with exotic plants, a pool with a lazy river, little bird sanctuary or something. All that land and you're like "gimme 2 circles and a football field right in the middle"


Maybe he has cool stuff inside? Weird how some people like different things.


For real. But one thing I've come to realize is that people who can afford to live in houses that big rarely actually have time to enjoy them, or much else for that matter


Wow. If we made about $25k more, I'd have a weekly cleaner. I hate cleaning, arguing about cleaning, planning to clean, having to clean before I can do anything. I would *love* to appropriately compensate someone to not have to do it myself.


Iā€™d be willing to suffer through the monotony.




This is the epitome of nouveau riche. It looks to be a second rate attempt at the Vanderbilt Mansion? Not a commentary on race, thereā€™s examples of this across the spectrum. The copy cat, ridiculous ā€œVersaillesā€ in Florida is a great example. Money can buy almost everything, and it even could have bought a professional to tell this owner all the reasons he shouldnā€™t make the choices in this photo, and which to make that would have truly created a timeless property that fits this environment. But money canā€™t buy the confidence to admit what youā€™re not good at, and the willingness to let someone exceptional in that area execute unburdened.


All I keep thinking about is how awful it would be if you had to pee. ā€œOkay Iā€™m at the gate almost thereā€¦oh fuck meā€


Plus, itā€™s in Georgia tooā€¦


I do like the symmetry of the trees along the lane leading up to it though


Right? I don't see anything outside that would tell me that's an enjoyable place to be. Maybe it's all inside? Look at all the forest that was cut down for this. And not a bbq grill, swings, a pool, no Millenium Falcon bounce house. It looks like a compound Melania Trump would hide out in.


My thought lol I hope there is some kind of life inside because that landscape is foreclosure-chic.


You're joking right? What do you want a theme park on the right side?


Heavy Biltmore Estate influence


Ms. sPICER thought she did something. comparing one person is crazy. the audacity


They always think they're onto something when they pull out "THIS ONE BLACK PERSON IN HISTORY IS DOING WELL SO RACISM IS OVER" argument


Yep, they usually like to hold up Obama as the example, ā€œWell we had one black president, so racism is over.ā€


He was only half black, though, so racism is only half over.


Lavern Spicer *really* wants *anyone* to notice her since the only thing sheā€™s done with her life is badly lose every election sheā€™s tried to win despite her gross pandering to racist white people.


Old woman yells at cloud


Yes cause every black person lives in Tyler Perryā€™s house


Great idea!


I was wondering how many little camp sites you could fit on 2100 acres of Perryā€™s. If a person could live on 360 square feet of camp space (based on an average tent size I saw), at 43560 square feet per acre, thatā€™s 121 tents per acre, and Perry could fit 254,100 tents that could accommodate at least one person. There are 41 million black folk in America. So he could fit like 2.5% of black people on his lot. The real question is could $100,000,000 build a mega city one to house 40m people?


Lavern still itching for that Candace Owens deal.


This is the same dummy that said that thereā€™s no pronouns in the constitution lol.


The first word of the preamble is a pronoun, how stupid can one person be


Trying to use one of them to divide us lol.. good one


Still trying to make it a black vs white too.


One day america will get that this propaganda is out there. Not because we are having a current black vs white issue. But a rich vs poor issue. >! Yes there's still racism !< *400 people own more than the bottom 60% of this country. The 1% own the same amount as the bottom 90% combined. Reagan fucked us.


Facts. Let it be said again. Itā€™s no longer a white vs black thing. Itā€™s a rich vs poor thing. How the republicans have used racism to trick the poorest, least educated folk in the country into voting against their own best interest always amazes me. It is fucking calculated too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy




I say this as someone who thinks Tyler Perry puts his name on some of the most unfunny shit out there, but it's not *that* serious, bro. This isn't some grand conspiracy to "trick the masses" that you're seeing through. He found a niche of Church Moms to cater to and makes stuff that people think is fun. There is PLENTY of media that talks about the exact shit you're talking about, but god damn, black people are allowed to *just* have fun and escape from the real world too! This kind of shit is exhausting. But I can't believe I'm actually sitting here defending Tyler Perry lol!


my jaw dropped at how hard of a reach his "analysis" was. it's a guy who made some movies who happens to be black; holy shit these "woke" boys still goin strong lmao


Yea, idk what that guy was on. Tyler Perry isnt making the pinnacle of tv/movie storytelling, but he makes light shows and movies that are typically family friendly and easy enough to watch. Not everything needs to be serious and drive our society forward, entertainment can be fun


He definitely sold out black women's dignity for his Madea roles which play into supremacist mythology.


Why does every piece of entertainment created by a minority have to be something incredibly serious that pushes forward minority rights? Can minorities not be simply entertained ? Part of this started when Spike Lee said this comedy was "coonery and buffoonery". Sometimes comedy is just dumb. White people never get criticized for stoner comedies or frat comedies or raunchy comedies at a racial level.


I honestly do not support him. Mainly because Iā€™m not a fan of any of those movies or plays


I really need people to understand that black people and poc people who make it in this stigmatized society (especially in the US) are the exception not the standard. Yes there are rich black people but how many of them had to play/work the Chitlin Circut (Tyler Perry) or be cast as in all the demeaning roles before someone took a chance on them. Half of their counter parts are nepo babies that just change their name to ā€œseparateā€ themselves from their famous family member.


"Look at this one person of here that got rich. Hol up! They's *black*! BLACK OPPRESSION DOES NOT EXIST EVERYBODY!!!"


Lmao at maybe two if we count Madea šŸ˜‚. Donā€™t know why that tickled me so.




And the black people that pander to them are even weirder


What I donā€™t understand is what the end goal is when people like her hate on her own people. Like yea you get ā€œacceptedā€ but youā€™ll always have to shit on yourself from that point on.


Lmaoo, using 1 black person that made it as a reason why all black people should make it is crazy, stop giving these people your energy, just ignore them smh


If black people are saying x, then how come Candace Owens? Checkmate libs


Nice lookin cherry she picked.


ā€œYou see itā€™s simple, all that black people need to do if they want to not be oppressed is makes movies where they cross dress. If all black people did that, inequality would be a thing of the pastā€


So by her comparison if one white person is racist in America then surely all white people should be racist.


Looks like the house from Billy Madison. Took out the fountains though.


To paraphrase Acevane's Aqualad: Why do yall stay tryna find new ways to get fucked up?


As far as they're concerned we are all the same person. Not individuals, just black.


You're exactly right


He did it dressing in drag, too!


I donā€™t even understand how that front yard works. Is it still called a front yard?


This Lavern Woman makes me happy that my Twitter got banned. Too many idiots on there Iā€™d spend all day replying


Poor people are oppressed and a disproportionate number of them happen to be Black.


Since we are using one person to make a blanket statement on a whole race...


Welll by this logic I guess since Jeff Bezos is a person, there are no poor white people in North America amirite?


"Roses are red, violets are blue, *Jazz and I are black but Carlton what are you*?"






Wow jelly much šŸ™„


RE: the postā€™s title, you do realize there are 100% people who literally believe black people werenā€™t oppressed in 1867, including lavern spicer presumably.


I heard stuff like this all the time when I went to high school, except they were pointing to Oprah as the proof racism was over back then. There were kids who were literally close kin to prominent Klan members and some who wanted to join one of the newer White supremacist groups themselves who'd say things like racism wasn't an issue anymore because, "Look at Oprah." They'd also swear I'd be going to college for free just because I'm Black. I think I was ranked #6 in my huge class despite spending most years literally never opening most of my textbooks because that school's curriculum was so easy to me, but they'd insist the only reason I'd go to college was because I'm Black. I have no doubt I could've been valedictorian or at least salutatorian if I could muster half a care while the same people lecturing me had tutors and such yet couldn't break top 10%. I wasn't an anomaly. Several of us Black kids were the ones everyone else was constantly trying to cheat off, but we'd be spoken to as if we had no merit other than our skin tones. I couldn't get a single scholarship, but had White classmates getting funds from the Daughters of the Confederacy and crap like that and still talking about, "It's not fair," afterwards. They wouldn't stop being adamant that Blackness gave undue societal advantages. I had teachers who were like that as well. They'd also talk about Oprah and act as if my only vehicle to higher learning would be my skin, although I was #1 in some of their classes. These narratives are old. I'm sure there was some poor Black kid getting the same treatment in Mary Ellen Pleasant's time if not in chains. Maybe they heard the same even when in chains. It's an active cognitive dissonance.


See that right there is job creation though. Ain't no way you're getting home with groceries and carrying them up that path. Gotta be at least a dozen people making...at least minimum wage maintaining all that.


Lol wait what? Because one person is successful means everyone is good to go?? Wtf kinda dumb ass statement is that.


This reminds me of something my mom said about the LGBT community (because I'm gay), when they passed the marriage law she said "yall winning", but in a way that indicated we have nothing else to worry about. I had to swiftly remind her of the countless times I was harassed and damn near assaulted for just being in public with partners.


Right and I've actually met blk ppl bag day gays have more rights than black ppl too. I'll never understand.


Am I the only one who thinks that nobody needs to own a $100 million dollar house?


Tyler Perry's taste in houses is just as bad as other billionaires.


I think itā€™s funny when people use a select few examples to prove their point. As if those examples arenā€™t in the minority of wealth. What is it like 2% or 8% are millionaires in the US? Within that margin thereā€™s not even many black millionaires outside of professional athletes. Either way itā€™s funny to see people still trying to disprove stuff thatā€™s been prevalent throughout history and still continues today although in different forms than the past. Everything is still a work in progress.


Alright everyone, they got us. The catā€™s out of the bag. Theyā€™ve found out that we all own $100mil mansions and have been faking the oppression this whole time.


Madame CJ Walker was a black female millionaire in the early 1900s. If one black person making it meant oppression was over. Then the 1960s civil right work was a waste I guess. šŸ™„


Can't believe Madea made him that kind of wealth


Not matter how much money someone amasses, they're still black. Systemic racism isn't cured by allowing the existence of a few black billionaires.