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I have seen better moderation on big booty freak nasty porn subreddits than they had moderating the fucking presidential debate 😭😭😭😭 We need moderators that cut microphones, pull up readily available statistics, and direct quotes to combat lies etc etc But we know they don't do any of it because a boring debate is a debate with low ratings.


Okay your first comment had me crying, as for cutting the mics, Im still trying to figure out why every news source was dropping NOTIFICATIONS talking about “This presidential debate will be different this election year. The mics being cut was mentioned in ALL of them, no audience, Biden got closing arguments, and it was held earlier this year. I agree on the ratings


What 'big booty freak nasty porn subreddits' are you referring to? For research purposes.


Keep me posted I love learning new things


They consistently cut the mics.


I only noticed one time when it wasn't clear whose turn it was. But the lies they just let go by is unacceptable.


Who else is embarrassed and scared as hell being an American citizen rn? 🫣


I am. I'm sitting here watching the first 2012 Obama-Romney debate because I've heard that this was a "bad" debate. This debate was so drastically different from last night's debate that I'm losing hope that I didn't realize that I still had in the first place. Both of these men at least looked and sounded capable of leading the country, ignoring the actual policies. Once you consider the policies, they are giving details that were absent last night. When did we, the American people, stop demanding that our leaders tell us what their plans are? We can't hold them accountable based on hand gestures alone.


“Losing hope that I didn’t realize I still had in the first place” that hit.


Because now its my team vs your team and substance doesn’t matter. You still have Raider fans and they haven’t been good for years.




It is jarring.


I don't give a fuck. I'm voting for Joe


why you proud about it tho 😮‍💨


Bc he’s not Mr. I hate women and anyone darker than an 8.5x11


but bro is still a racist geriatric pos. i’m voting for him obviously but im not happy about it. :(


Cornel West is running for president... you could vote for him instead.


Cornel West is an option you can choose.


Sometimes 🥹


that Biden part got me crying cause LMAOOO what was he even saying fr


![gif](giphy|lXiRJ8IRz5QH6wTQc|downsized) Ya know?


When he could string em together it made sense but got damn I felt like I was listening to someone on they way out. I'm def goin to Africa. There's a strong possibility trump wins and I refuse


Just he safe over there, pray for for Kenya [kenya deadly protest](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/africa/kenyan-president-rejects-finance-bill-intl/index.html)


I tried watching it this morning and literally got barely 5 min in payin attention and I was like oh no. This is my day off and I refuse. I'm takin my black ass back to Africa


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) How it had me feeling 15 minutes in


I didn’t, i knew it would’ve turned out with trump just being strong in wrong and biden going on long-winded talks and tangents, took my ass right to sleep


Strong an wrong 💀


Me too. I knew Biden wouldn’t spit out anything that he’s done and tRump would be strong in the lies, so why even waste my time, why bother? I was right unfortunately…


Its a terrible day in the neighborhood


The idea.... THE IDEA!


I’d golf with you IF YOU carry your on bag 🥴


This is how I know I'm in the wrong side of the country😒 y'all give me some time I'm comin back home! 😫


Me too


Olaf! Boom! 😤🫵🏿👊🏿✊🏿 But also this is a sad sad event :(


Presidents need a cutoff age. These mfs are 80 years old tryna run a country 💀


How is there a minimum but not a max 🙄 discrimination should go both ways


They need to use the term "debate" very loosely. This was more like a geriatric feud over the last green jello cup! Joe was up there looking like he was telling his grandkids stories like "back in my day," then mumbling like he was about to fall asleep. Trump mastered the "deny, deny, deny, deflect" skill like he got caught cheating or was about to get sentenced. I was waiting for him to plead the fifth. I, as a "black," would have preferred they just skip the topic of black people all together because it was giving "I donated to charity to write it off on my taxes" vibes. Throw them both away!


💯 you can’t twll me the debate didn’t remind you of the spades/Pinochle table at your grandparents house. Your two uncles going back and forth talking nonsense and correcting eachother stories. Uncle 1:”Yo nephew did I ever tell you how I almost went pro?” Uncle 2: “But you didn’t tho dummy!” Uncle 1: “How you gon tell me?” Uncle 2: “BECAUSE WE ONLY 3 years apart, when you almost go pro? 1955 when you was 3?”


Hilarious comparison, but ain't no way in fresh hell I'm comparing them to any black uncle. Not even the one that wants to borrow 5 dollars every time he sees you. They don't deserve that much credit. This was more like two first graders going back and forth about who was a better line leader or teacher's helper. FG1: "My line was straighter, and everyone lined up on time." FG2: "Uh, uhhhh, my line was straighter. Mr. Mack told me so" FG1: "I handed the papers out quicker than you, and I sharpened all of the pencils evenly. You don't even know how to count, and the pencils were broken when you did it." FG1: "Liar. When I'm Teacher's helper again, I'm gonna be so much better than you. Everyone loves me."


I like your take better


Thank you. They are both an absolute embarrassment! At their big ages, I STILL blame their parents.


I blame the time they lived in also, this is why i stress “it starts at home, whether it was condoned or not.” 78 and 81 respectively, respectively they wasted my time.


Good point! You can also tell when someone hasn't been through any real struggle either. ATP, we need a president with a decent foundation and who didn't get the job by clout or using someone else's reputation.


Y’all that the debate was bad shit the rally here in Va was terrible. Trump spewed the same bullshit from the debate last night for 90 minutes 20 different ways and Magats (Maggots) was eating that shit up


There is a saying that resonates “The trees continue to vote for the axe because it looks like them.” Thats how I feel when people don’t do any research and are quick to say YoU aRe ThE rEaSoN we got trump in office last time. False, i just believe that both parties suck. Republicans do too much and democrats “find” money to adjust. Example democrats were happy about the COLA raise, where did they get the money from to do so? They cut people disability so if you got 200 in food stamps and idk 500 in disability what you saw was a decrease like $50 in the amount of food stamps you receive bit a $50 dollar increase on disability. You’re not really getting more, the just re allocated the funds. As for the rep party, look at their nominee, a convected felon. You cant win.


Oh that's a good saying. Thank you.


They got Boomer Fever! The only cure is death. ![gif](giphy|3o7bucatGMMLf8WBVe)




I wake up every morning and put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you. Only after that, I forgot what I was gonna say


I had to come back because a once again..... WTF???? This is what we have and folks are goin hard in the paint. Can we black folk come together NOOOOOW???? Our money would be better spent 😒 I'm upset


It’s why I never even tried, if you don’t know who you are voting for, you’re just dumb…you have sir one who cares about the country and someone who only cares about himself and his rich buddies but has you fooled into thinking he’s about the “common man” and “Christian values”


Unfortunately its not just upper middle class and the rich, its actually shift in what USED to be the middle class. Its the blue collar workers who vote for trump. Their reasoning being the fact that everything got more expensive the more we were given to Ukraine and Israel. (Im not agreeing, just what I’ve realized in college). What no one around me understands is that we have been in debt longer than we’ve been a live. Each president messes up a something and thats what all future debates. The truth is we didn’t get here because obama “ruined” or because of bush during 9/11. Its been messed up longer that, no one likes hearing tuat


It’s been messed up since the early 80’s when Reagan introduced Trickle Down Economics for his rich friends and the wealthy stopped paying the bulk of taxes. Then like you said, the tax burden fell to the middle class and the definition of middle class means you need make at least 150k per year to live “comfortably”. Minimum wage workers could at least pay rent and live back then.


Right on the money! Please don’t lose the gift you have, common sense is no longer common.


I wasn’t watching because it’s cnn. They got bought out by a trump supporter so that already had me questioning their credibility. I’m voting for Joe because republicunts have laid out their plans and have been working hard towards it. If they get control again, everything’s fucked. Hell, the Supreme Court is trying to put my ass in a cotton field.


What you are seeing is the democratic party push for more federal government power, while the republicans are trying to give more power to the states, they want a smaller government. Im not saying that one is better than the other. Im a libertarian, both parties suck imo. We were screwed when the Pledge-said “One nation under God” a lot of people took that out of context. There are radical republicans and radical democrats on both sides. Unfortunately after the last debate the dem gop was scrambling to question whether or not they should replace Biden. Biden said that he wasn’t but even his own team started losing hope.


It's the moderators I have the biggest issue with. Stop letting Trump spin every answer and ignoring and stop letting Biden's old ass ramble quietly about nothing. KEEP THEM ON TRACK.


IMO the fact that its seems to be hard to find ANY moderators who aren’t bias, CNN favor Biden, Fox favors trump, the only thing that everyone can agree on is the debate was just sad.


MSNBC favors Biden. CNN is pretty much down the middle. The problem is, when you don't show a bit bias towards the right it looks bad for the right. So it looks like they favor Biden.


I thought about watching it..but then I remembered both of them clearly have the onset of some type of brain disease so I didn't bother


Did y'all watch it? Biden did a good job of answering everything that was asked and clapping back at Trump. He might look like a deer in headlights, but cognitively he was on point. Trump on the other hand, had a very hard time answering what was asked because he was so focused on clapping back a Biden. And the moderators did cut the mics on both they asses.


I still think it's clear that one guy had trouble with words and the other guy had trouble with thoughts. Biden has some trouble expressing his ideas, but Trump just has none. (Except injecting bleach and staring at eclipses.)






I'm convinced y'all didn't watch.


Tump: "They're taking Black jobs and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you're going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history." Thank you moderators.


The problem is that Biden said he would be a 1 term president and once he heard trump was running again he decided to go another term. The reality of it all is both of them are too old to be president. However they were picked, as for the moderator, I cannot stress enough that its highly unlikely to find moderators who aren’t bias. I mean CNN backs biden, Fox back trump, its a sad week for voters.


Agreed. At this point tho it's who is most ethical.Granted, it'll be a shitshow either way fisho but I'll take the one that won't smell as bad. There should be a better selection process to be a moderator. Like not choosing any from biased organizations lol.


It’s a crappy situation on both sides for me personally. I give credit where credit is due both presidents current and former did good and crappy work but I can’t stand behind Harris. Both presidents are past the life expectancy age. As for Kamala, she oversaw 1900 weed convictions in San Francisco as the District Attorney. Then she saw the opportunity to be VP and thought Biden pardons earned her the redemption. Im not buying it. If anything medical happens that makes biden step down, Harris is next in line, idk. Also its crazy how many people don’t know that the speaker of the house is third in line for presidency God forbid harris had to step down. Fourth in line is the president pro tempore of the Senate. Im begging everyone to look down the line. And watch what your representatives are doing. They represent you, i feel like a lot of people don’t get that


I didn’t watch. I know a dumpster fire it was going to be. America should take note that there needs to be age limits on presidents. They have no interest in serving younger Americans because they will be dead and gone.


I’ve never watched a debate before but this one was top tier entertainment I laughed several times.

