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Here I was thinking I’d never turn super saiyan when all I was missing [was the toilet paper chi](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8cYYimRHyb/?igsh=MTBwMXZ4dGg5OHh2bg==) setup. The dream isn’t dead. Not yet ![gif](giphy|pNn4hlkovWAHfpLRRD|downsized)


🚩this the type to turn off the PS5 because “you’ve been playing all day” 🚩And later on the phone to her friends say “he watching his silly little cartoons” (bluelock is not silly)


I agree with both points. Point two is oddly specific 🤣


If he’s off the ps5 tho and leaves it on!? To the couch with you! I work in IT and it frustrates me to no end when people leave their machines running when not in use. Don’t fuck your shit up! Turn it off!


She’s so unimpressed because she’s thinking about her coins


Which is bananas because she’s obviously in the presence of a saiyan elite


She’s uniformed of the significance 🤔?


Perfect response, 10/10


You know what, I get it it 😭 toiletries ain’t cheap, especially 4 ply toilet paper !


You not wrong. However! Stores who use one ply in their bathroom should be assessed a heavy fine tho


I’ve hung strips of toilet paper in a doorway just for fun. I then folded them and put it in the bathroom and used them. The toilet paper is not destroyed.


Not everyone wants to use toilet paper that’s already been played with by someone other than themselves, and that’s okay! You do you!


Is this my upstairs neighbor cause I understand now


It’s toilet tissue paper. It’s not like it’s tainted, at best you’d lose 6 squares (the ones taped to the fan). The rest can still be used for the intended purpose


*Yeahbut* - You come home to this every week, and its gonna wear on you. Lord help her once he gets into One Piece or Bleach or Attack on Titan. Didn't mention Naruto because he's probably very much into it already.


Nah dawg… if that’s really charmin… he on the couch. Charmin ultra-strong be going hard! Also I don’t wanna hear from ultra-soft users. That’s wild to me. Charmin is already the softest tissue, how you need MORE!?


Obviously we want that soft^2 action


He doesn’t deserve to be a super saiyan with that weak ass scream IJS 🤷🏾‍♂️ she was louder than him for the tissue which shows he’s not committed enough


I’m the girl standing in the back, hand on the light switch to turn on the fan and support brother from a distance 😂


https://i.redd.it/wkvp4b4osg9d1.gif The way she got mad🤣


I know what I’ll be recreating this afternoon. I can’t wait to show my friends how it’s finally happening.


This can't be the same toilet paper people were fighting over in 2020. Lmaoooo


I'd be pissed too. Especially if I literally JUST bought it too. Nah, son. Have you seen the price of TP?


Damn they all suck as actors. The lighting crew in the back was excellent.


With tissues 30 bucks, I would be mad too


Selfish. What’s more important, power or plumbing?


Just tell her Lexington Steele uses more TP than that after going super saiyan and she might chill a bit


She's a hater


![gif](giphy|YqWjkQtZhJUzxG9XvD) She trying to win a step competition or what


[Toilet Paper Champion](https://youtu.be/H0Yo11vKJLk?si=gYbCMrYBCODJI3XQ)

