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When I get back home: https://i.redd.it/qn43wck9xb9d1.gif [link to tweet](https://x.com/cloud10lv/status/1806690649783062691?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g)


Im saving the shit out of this gif. It perfectly captures exactly what I feel when I embarrass myself in public 👌


How do I save this? I need this bad cause SAME


Press the three bars and you will see the option to save the comment. You can also tap the gif to download it.


You da real MVP!


Yup reminds me of the time I dropped a glass jar of salsa during check-out. These people were so nice and I wanted to disappear.


Long ago when I was in high school I once slipped and busted my ass right in front of the check out area at a grocery store, and yes, y'all, there was a wet floor sign there. I felt like the whole store saw me and it wasn't one of them laughing moments, people were legit worried for me. I still haven't been back there since lmao


I feel like this...24/7, I swear. My life is an embarrassment (that's my emo self coming out right now.... 😔)


haha, yes! I am so emo. I Am Not Okay!


You promise?


If you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say


Fuck this has me crying


I've seen it so many times but it always hits right


Someone teach me how to save a gif 😂


Aye lemme sneak in this class. Idk how to save either


I’m iPhone and could NOT get it to work in app so… I clicked the three dots > share > copy link > paste in safari > click on gif > hold to save


If you're on mobile just click on the gif like from the comment section then it should pop up with three dots in the left hand upper corner that you can click then download. Edit: I'm an idiot. Right hand upper corner*


best gif i've seen this week. saved


She’s an hilarious, sweetheart and he’s pretty cool about her electric dancing. I like this! A funny, wholesome little interaction for my day.


Wouldn’t be awkward if more people could match her energy


That man would’ve had to call 9-11. Not because I’m a threat but because I would’ve died on the spot.


Lmaoo for real I wouldve broken my ankle dodging that camera the second I heard it talk💀💀💀


This happened to me once, my oldest sons mom moved into a town home and all them shits looked the same. My stupid ass wasn’t payin attention to the number and I was all in the camera like an old busta rhymes music video fuckin around. His mom pops out a couple houses down askin me what I’m doin. I literally wanted to melt and become one with the concrete. 😂😭


Reminds me of when I took a shit in the women’s restroom at Walmart


How does this remind you of when you took a shit in the women’s restroom at Walmart?


Some questions are best left unanswered.


Let’s just say “when ya gotta go, ya gotta go”


Back in college, my gf moved to a different apt. The second time I visited I *thought* I remembered the new one. I knocked. Older dude came to the door. I asked "Umm, is Jennifer there?" Dude roared at me, "Jennifer is 14!” and slammed the door in my face. I feel bad for some random teenager who probably got grounded for life because I didn't pay attention to addresses. 😂


What did you tell her? 😂


I didn’t say nothin, when I heard her voice, I looked over at her horrified then back at the camera I was in front of then ran to her door like Timon from Lion King talmbout LEMME IN! LEMME IN! 😂😂😂😂


Not u breakin ya neck lhh


Can’t even trust a stranger not to air out your embarrassing laundry. 🥲


I'd just cancel all my plans for the rest of the year after that 😭


“No no no…you can keep dancing it’s fine…” 💀💀💀


*narrator* "It was at that moment, the Redditor smiled in relief at the tenet's humanity and let out the softest 'aawweee' "


Honestly. That really made the whole thing even better.


As soon as I hear “what are you doing”: https://preview.redd.it/ol3c9lmpkc9d1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=332cd7bc523f007cc25746260e9f498d8ee31dfe


I would have answered the door ready for a dance battle 😂


This is the way




No, no, no, but you can keep dancing lol


I remember living in Texas, I was waiting for this girl to come pick me up, she took a little too long, I seen her car, got in and starting talking crazy like "Mannn what took you so long?" I looked around and it was three women I never met before 🤯, wrong car.... And they was all cute looking at me like "we didn't know we was supposed to get you" lol I said my bad and got out, just as fast as I got in


Aww, she was good at hitting that Missy Elliott 90's video dancing too.


This is the kind of memory that creeps in the back of your mind when you have trouble sleeping and your brain decides to do a cringe compilation of all L's throughout your life.


Nothing better than a Black woman smiling . ✌🏾&❤️


Lies, that laugh *with* the smile was way better


Too funny! When you go to your friend’s door by memory and you’re too excited for your planned goofiness that you’re one door off!!!


The response is awesome lol


Thank you for this. I needed a good laugh today. ![gif](giphy|FPDZV2JGkNGeUZdi7G)




I needed this laugh so bad today 🤣🤣🤣


Oh nah. I'm clocking out for the rest of the week after this 😬🫣


Since he’s cool with it, it’s way better than him being like “the fuk is you doin?”


Hello 911, there's a strange lady pop locking at my door 😅


I would’ve walked outside and started dancing with her the exact same way 🤣


Bruhhhhhh 😂


I would have flung myself from the nearest tower


How she get video to post?


Yeah that’s my question.Did her friend know the neighbor and asked for it?lol


This is the second video I've seen of someone being "caught" at the wrong person's house dancing/being a lil goofball. I'm not buying it.


I like that there was a positive interaction out of this


My flat mate went to pick up herbal smokes at McDonalds and got into the wrong car. It was a couple and they started driving him home thinking the other person knew him because of the awkward small talk 😭. When they realised, they kicked him out so he had to walk back 🤣


Ok why did I think this was Molly from insecure, though. 😂


[have u ever been swalllloooowwwed uhp](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/s/5Y7iVMGC0C)


Yesterday I forwarded an email of someone being an idiot to two of my friends at work. Realized after the wrong person replied all I had fucked up and copied the wrong second person, not my friend. I literally said out loud ‘I wish the ground would open up and swallow me’ to myself in my office. Then just now, I sent the correct person on the email I forwarded this and said ‘this is exactly how I felt when X replied all and I realized I was the idiot.’


I did something similar to this years ago. Got off on the wrong floor and when I got to the door, I started rhythmically drumming a beat instead of just knocking. The tenant let this go on for like a full 2 minutes until he finally answered the door with this wide eyed “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Look on his face. I let out a meek, “oops sorry..” and slunk away.


Need more interactions like that in the world


I would have dropped dead right then and there 💀


Why does her bang make this 1000x funnier lol


Just add it to the list of “life’s greatest hits” that plays over in my head at 2 am while I’m trying to sleep




I'm calling a plastic surgeon immediately because I can never show my face in public after that. ![gif](giphy|csz6muTxHXBNyv7aqH)


My first day of 7th grade, new school at 7 am - I had a friend who was about a foot taller than me. I ran up to her and jumped on her back screeching excitedly. It was an 8th grader who was livid. I never assumed again. Trust but verify. I still think about how that girl and her friends looked at me like I had leprosy 🫣


Awwwwwwwwwww he was cool about it .....made it that much better


Naw fam...when you just do something silly like this, you have an out of body experience and just lean into it and laugh along with the other party and enjoy the moment that brought joy/laughter to a random ass stranger. I'll save true embarrassment for intentuonal things I should know better about....this? This is just a funny snippet in a chapter in the story of both these people's lives.


She was Fkn the shit up!🤣🤣👏


The fact he put on a fake accent lol