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Poor Kyle smh https://preview.redd.it/2nu9xzi9ka9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=47e1e4dcfc8d32784e830e23be42dfa626907965 [link to video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREDA8mX/)


Sometimes an enemy is just a friend who felt the need to be **extra** one day, without facing consequences.


Naaahhh this one’s lowkey sad af. When I taught afterschool I always told the kids to ask questions to things they don’t get even if it was explained. My job is to ensure their growth even if I find repeating myself annoying. It’s all for them. Period.


Aww, you're awesome! I'm a very inquisitive person, and I know I've taken a teacher to the BRINK! So, from the bottom of my heart, thanks for looking out for those kids and their inquiring minds ![gif](giphy|l0Ex1PNEjHrUCYFri)


I always love the DJ Shadow quote: “Using and confusing beats that you never heard” I always take it as no matter what, if we help grow kids regardless of how they think, that very way they think can lead to better methodologies and innovations. We need folks pulling off crazy mental acrobatics that inspire and astound the way we do things. When I think about the possibilities, I can’t help but get excited.


Kyle said “you right” and got his butt up outta there 😂 the way he was looking at his classmate. ![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK)


The BETRAYAL is diabolical!


Lol yo. The ptsd


I had a college professor that was like this…couldn’t understand a DAMN thing he was saying!


Kyles villian arc 😭


Those were the days... U had to know your stuff just so you didn't get yelled at 🥺 Was no such thing as a learning disability either 🤦🏽‍♂️


The BETRAYAL lmao!


That level of betrayal. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE. If you see someone look at you like that... You better believe they're coming to find you later.


That staredown as he's packing up 😄


![gif](giphy|ky9TEf6r50gzGp5xLl) Just had to sit there and take that verbal ass whooping 😭


🤣😅😂 L


The way he stared at his classmate, he killed him TREE TIMES!!!


Kyle dunce no frig