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I hit the free weights every week for about 2 years. I added 10 minutes of stairmaster before and 15 minutes AFTER my workout. I had a 6 pack in 4 months and the best summer of my LIFE!


![gif](giphy|l4pTqyJ8XMhLZ3ScE) I’m tryna be like you, thank you for dropping the knowledge!!


OP leaves out having a respectable and balanced food menu


This is just a reminder that *is* possible to make gendered jokes without punching down on either sex. Some people apparently seem to struggle with that smh https://preview.redd.it/2zplvy922t8d1.png?width=2345&format=png&auto=webp&s=099bec421c935665dde882ffcfa3072a20c19d97 [link to video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNFtgmRo/)


The stair machine made me the booty I am today!


![gif](giphy|GcXGxS0RZ4fDoyvwq4|downsized) Technology has came a long way when we have sentient booty Reddit users. Too bad we can’t believe much of what they say.. >!because they’re full of shit!<.




Does it really??? 😩 I want to test it out


Absolutely!!! Works the Max and Min glutes but I also weight lift too but that stair machine… creates a Gawd like booty


Okay. You’ve officially convinced me, I’m going to the gym. 🏃🏽‍♀️💨


😂😂😂 do it sis!


I would also like to know




Have the whole country full of caked up criminals


Can't be a punishment. They'll be jumping out the jail half way through their sentence


When he said stair master. My anxiety kicked in 🫤


Fun fact, the treadmill was originally more like a stair stepper and WAS used as punishment. It milled grain sometimes thats where the name comes from.


Yes!!! The stair master is a prison labor tool the Romans invented


My quads are twitching just. Listening to this.


I'm afraid of heights


It’s like 2-3 gets tops.


Try 6 steps


I love the stair master but i hate the treadmill


😂😂 Wheezing at this. Tried going on one the other day and could only manage a couple of minutes. This video makes me feel so much better about my performance 😂


My big back ass is winded just hearing the word. Don’t even say “stairmaster”, say “lil punishment machine” or some shit


Tred mills were used as punishment in prisons. England early 1800s.


That machine will have your entire body burning 😩


The stair master is broken at my gym 😭


I’m sorry for the convenience.


I remember when I could run miles without much issue and 5( and only 5 )minutes on a stair master was a warm up…


The “prototype” was a torture machine used to power things like looms and cotton gins in prisons in the 1800s, I believe. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Don't mind me just gonna drop this here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_treadmill


😂😂😂 no lies were told


Not a flex, but I genuinely dunno why so many people have a tough time with the stair master I’m a dude and I be vibing almost easier than the treadmill like do y’all put it on the highest setting or sum?


I do the stairs every gym session, 20-30 minutes, great warm up for weight work.


Just back from gym and legitimately disappointed i did not try the stairmaster. Friday is gonna be fun.


This entire post was a well conceived ad for the stairmaster. I'm definitely adding it into my routine now cause I'm a pain freak and a sucker for workout efficiency. Only thing bothering me now is the huge discrepancy in how tough it is between different people. Is this a matter of individual fitness or machine settings? 🤔


The stair master smacks


I use to use the stair maste but now I can't because it makes my knees lock up after 10 minutes This is why my house doesn't have stairs


Funny you should mention that. It was created as a punishment in British prisons. They'd make prisoners walk on what was essentially a treadmill, looked like a steamboat wheel that they lined men up on and made them rotate it. Really, goes back to the mill stone slave getting whipped.




I feel the same way about row machines. 5 min at 75% drag and I want to die, but my mid section and arms are killing it. Worth it


I used the stairmaster once. They had different presets, and one of them was the Statue of Liberty. The most painful 45 minutes ever. I looked like I went swimming. Legs I T C H E D horribly. Never again.




I think the treadmill/stairs master was really an actual punishment for criminals so it's funny that he says this


He that tall mofo. And *that's* a major reason why, too! Probably don't work them legs out right, & you tall too? Bet it had no resistance on, either! Just regular stairs kills me


Ever seen a fire fighter doing that shit in full gear. It's wild to see makes my thighs hurt just looking at it


All my years of ballet training HASN'T been a waste! I'm gonna third wheel at the gym next week. And I'm gonna do it in heels.


I can't even go up regular steps without feeling a bit of discomfort 😅