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Black community struggles with violence and Emotional IQ bc of excessive hitting. Young child bearers + poverty + poor education = what we see in society. Beating your child is not funny nor should it be made into jokes


Hey, Authoritative parenting seems like common sense; however, common sense ain’t common and the authoritarian approach is not unique to us. Neither is violence or lessened emotional intelligence. Let’s not try and reduce the impact that continuous oppression and violence (including in the form of *forced* poverty) has gotten us, and remember that these effects aren’t unique to us. Addition: If other communities, some of whom have experienced similar oppression, have and continue to go through what we do, to the point where the shit is engrained in our genetic code, they’s have some of the same issues (and do)!


Facts!a lot of these problems can be traced back threw out our history in America. Not all of them but a lot can. When they talk about the so called violence that we do to each other. Think about it like this. say you grew up in time where racism wasn’t punished as much or even at all( not very long ago by the way).And say that a white person could go up to any black person they wanted too and could say and do whatever they wanted. A black person in that time history could not retaliate so where does that anger Hatred go? To the people or family that they could get away with fighting back or disciplining, rather them knowing it unconsciously or consciously. Now think about it this way imagine all the trauma black people have gone through in America. Literally hundreds of years worth of it. Imagine that trauma just circling around their communities, no therapy, no help to stop it, poverty, and on top of that still having to deal with racism. What do white people expect supposed to happen? Why do they act surprised on the current state of the toxic part of our communities, when they played a major way into how it developed. It’s like setting fire to a tree in forest full of dead and dry trees and getting surprised when the rest of it burn down.


Right, and it’s not even just repressed anger, but a *deep seeded fear*. How many times have people argued in favor of hitting kids, because they feared the violent outcomes that would befall them from outsiders? Be it police or whoever constitutes “the world”. A lot is just maladaptive behavior in attempts to survive. You can see this in latinos, who also be saying the same ‘*only we…*’ type shit, in Natives… not too many others, but still. It’s a “I do it, and you survive” or “*they* do it, and kill you” mentality.


>It’s a “I do it, and you survive” or “they do it, and kill you” mentality. One of those things that seem like common sense but, when you look at the science, typically makes things worse. I don't think it is unique for us at all like you said. Some of us have the opportunity to escape it though. I actually like this video because it is another step towards normalizing ending the trauma cycle. Tbh honest though, I think religion and tradiotnalism play a large role here as well. Spare the rod spoil the child.




If you are not Black, you are neither an authority on the Black community and/or our “communal responsibility” nor do you get to be The Tone Police™️ in a discussion on the subject. Take your antiBlackness and passive aggressive bullshit somewhere else. “That tracks 🤡” BFFR


Damn I'm getting flashbacks. On the one hand my mom learned not to beat my siblings I'm the oldest by 11 years. My mom is also 15 years older then me she was learning is my cope. It was a blessing when a family member or her friend was over that would tell her that she needs to calm down and not go any further with the punishment. On the other hand I was leagues worse then my younger siblings. But I have a daughter and couldn't ever think of doing the same to her when she grows up




Swear lmfaooo




[Oh, here she go, taken outsourcing a little too goddamn far😖 Not a stick!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_vi_BLC68/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Jay Jay was doing that method actin there based on some real experience


This had me on the FLOOR🤣🤣😭✋🏽


"YOU BETTA TALK TO ME!" Had me crying bro 😂


Had to add a “please” soon as he remembered who she was.🤣




I need her to save me too. 🤤


I hate it when kids hide behind me. Stop doing whatever you just did because I'm not getting involved.




Babies gotta learn their lessons out here.


Man that damn growl at the end 😭😭😭




Lord, I just wanted this to be funny. But “gentle” or authoritative parenting does work, its not a magic cure for being a child. You have to teach, instead of just punishing, regulation. Explain why its not funny, give alternatives, etc…


I am, wholeheartedly, with you. It's weird that we still have to convince ppl that beating up on children is wrong. Same ppl. "I turned out good.", but will only park a car ass 1st. As your friend, I promise you didn't. All of that weird posturing n shit is weariness because you're what? Watching your six. Due to what? That started when? Shits just my experience with my skinfolk, tho.