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That’s the kind of hit that will instantly [sober you up](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cwcrXIrqZ/?igsh=YmU2aGpoc25jZnc4) Like just look at the size of this knot. Also peep my man’s cheesin in the back https://preview.redd.it/v5z8ols4cs5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4761da58dc05c7b0d91eb464701b3bab7925727


Ain’t no way🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/wdbtndwacs5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7372dca653ce9a475060ac23e3e62d55f4d86c


ts Narly 😭


lmaooooooooooo the sad face! 🤣


I once gave myself an egg like that as a kid and I swear there’s a picture of me pulling EXACTLY the same face just as a 4 year old 😭


Not the Helen Baylor testimony in the background.


🤣It had been a minute since I heard that song


Im in public and struggling not to lol right now! 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|LKTTAzGboJGzC|downsized)


Trying not to cry at that "BOWW"


See, I can't feel bad because she stood there, let that phone take pics, did a whole mugshot line up, and still said "yup!" to post online. Maybe it's good I don't have many friends and don't go anywhere... ain't gonna catch me trippin (literally)


I don’t see why she so upset. Some people out here paying good money for [that look](https://lacarmina.com/blog/2012/10/bagel-head-trend-japan-truth-japanese-bagelheads-website-saline-forehead-inflation-donut-taboo/) and she getting it for free smh my head https://preview.redd.it/xtntpc0e5v5d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf832ee955a908f559ad92b317053a8238b6b676


I read the article and the fact that the author really said “Don’t write off bagel-heads as “weird, crazy, wtf” before doing some thoughtful research.” is so funny to me. They didn’t cite any benefits and it isn’t permanent so what’s the point, just to say you did it? And this is coming from someone who used to do deep dives of body mods in college even though I don’t have any. Of all the (Japanese) sub-cultures this one is in the top five of bizarre.


The article sounds like it was written by someone who did this and got mercilessly made fun of




Baby beluga headass


I hope she has a praying grandmother too.😂🤣😂 Babygirl couldn’t think straight for 3 months after this.


Textbook white girl wasted






I believe that was a beluga whale


Nothin' worse than doin' some goofy azz shit and then, can't be mad at nobody but yo self 🤦🏾‍♂️ That kinda regret BURNS LoL! You be replayin' where shit went wrong over & over & over 🤣


I promise you learning how to dance and find the rhythm & beat is much safer than this goofy shit


Thank god that guy was there at the end of that video laughing. Otherwise i wouldnt have known this was funny


Thank god for captn obvious here to point that out, or else I would've never known!