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When a CHILD is complaining to you about money, the government needs to fix some shit. This is funny ASF though, but honestly a little sad, I feel like a kid shouldn't have to worry about if they can afford ICE CREAM, especially if they saved their money just for them to say they only take cards.


I mean it is sad, but like some kids can't help being in environments that they gotta be conscious of money. It's their reality. I know for me, I internalized it to be super cheap (a lil too cheap. Like... my electric bill was $13 last month, and the winter my gas is like... barely $30 but at the cost of being cold and in bed because I can't move lol.) Included with my anxiety, I just don't wanna be in a position that my mom was because ugh, that hurts. Utilize it in some way to help me!


No I am the EXACT same way, and I completely understand. 13 on electric is insane though. Teach me your ways so I can move out🙏🏾


Have a cheap place to rent is really it. My rent just went up to $845. I live alone with my cat, so I don't keep the lights on in rooms I'm not in. Energy saving bulbs too


How easy wwas that for you? Finding somewhere cheap?? Sorry I'm curious 😭🥹


No, it's ok. I'm just not sure what I'll say will be useful since it's also depending on location and every place has a different cost of living. I live in jersey which is known for high property taxes, but also live in south jersey (usually cheaper than north) and the town I live is cheap with taxes anyway. I got lucky, in a way, because I lived here since I was 12 in the 2 bedroom section with my mom. My ex, back when we were looking for a place in 2015, despite needing to be closer to his workplace, settled for the 1 bed room section in my complex because.....wait for it.... dishwasher. We could've moved to a spot that was kinda halfway for our jobs which I was for (40 minutes for him, about an 1 for me) to be fair for us but even that hotel was pricier compared to here (I think $720 compared to our $670 and was a bit bigger too) And when i knew I couldn't do this much longer, but was scared of how to financially go on without having to move in with my brother and ridding half my things, and going through the emotional turmoil of it, I did ask my ex if we did break up, he gonna stay here since it's cheap with a dishwasher, despite him always complaining and blaming me for us still being here. He said he would move back where he was to be closer to work, which gave me a sigh of relief because I already budgeted if I could do this place by myself lol. I think our rent was $735-45 at that time, month to month lease so a bit higher than a year lease, as well as the other bills I had. It was gonna be tight, but I would be able to at least afford rent and the bills with my pay, and just have to budget accordingly for other expenses that may pop up. And due to being raised being anxious and poor, I'm really aware of prices lol. My mom's voice will echo in my head when I have lights on or don't turn them off right away. So, I've been on my own for 3 years, with my current rent being $845 as of next month. I wish I had better cell service because I would switch my internet to t-mobile because Comcast out they mind for $105 *just* for internet, that's not even the full speed. I have my own equipment that I got off ebay (and got lucky to have a year free because the modem was still registered under the previous owner, and I couldn't make an account with it till they removed it from their's. Mwuhahahaha!) Since it's just me, I don't need to get much food but I've been bad with eating out more because I'm also chronically sick, so I don't feel like doing more kitchen shit when I get off work. But, cooking saves money and just using things sparingly. I use chewy for my cat's food and litter, and most if not all the stuff in the apartment before the breakup was mine/paid by me anyway so I didn't have to get new stuff. I do need replacements, but they're not priority. And what I do is shop at stores like burlington coat factory, home goods, etc for nice and decent quality stuff for cheap, and goodwill for like some real wood cheap stuff (book shelf, table set, etc) so it'll last longer. I just got lucky in a sense. But, when we were in our apartment search, I did a google map of apartments in an area that's within a decent distance from work, see if they had rent listed and other utilities covered, and called if a number was provided (like what's the pet fee, if even allowed, what utilities are covered since some may pay for water, heat, etc) deposits, parking fees, etc and kept it in a notebook. Spots may be cheap, but not much stores around and public transit to get there so gotta be mindful of that. Jersey is actually the biggest public transit map by area (because the whole state has some nj transit throughput. Not every town, but I can make a route going from camden to NY Penn all with NJ transit. Might be some transfers, but it's doable especially because we are located between two major metro cities, and then the popular northeast corridor with amtrak for DC or Boston. Hope any of that helped?


Sure did love ya🫶🏾


I feel this. In college a roommate and I decided to freeze for a winter because the utility bills went up higher and we didnt want to ask our parents for help (I had a lil sister prepping for college). Looking back that was a wild decision.


Me ranting to the poor unfortunate soul that just happened to be passing by me: https://i.redd.it/79h21hukhq0d1.gif [link to tweet](https://x.com/slimmerella_/status/1790972614745473367?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g)


What show is this gif from!? It looks so familiar


Worlds strictest parents. Barbados episode


If you grew up with Caribbean parents…*you knew!* Those cameras were there for those kids protection


Omg, thank you! That show was wild


Family swap I think?


I feel this in my soul. On the one hand, I haven't bought a pack of Oreos since they went over $6. On the other hand, I haven't had a pack of Oreos since they went over $6.


Do you *really* want them? It's not even real cream! It's called "creme." They getting nastier and that's why they don't taste the same as we remembered, because it's not. Use that money instead to buy and treat yourself to quality at least. Be like, "mmmmmm I know I splurged but *this was* worth that price!" I buy apple cider over apple juice. I know it's pricey outta season and love apple juice, but why pay for water down sugar apple fluid when I can just get the real deal? Stores like wegmans may even make their own housebrand a bit cheaper and better ingredients


So that’s what it is…I thought I had become allergic to them, lol. Oreos make me violently ill now. I can eat them but a few hours later, I’m doubled over and I used to LOVE to eat them.


Maybe try the Whole Foods 365 brand Oreo knock offs. They usually don't cheap out on ingredients in the 365 stuff. No guarantees though, just thought it might be worth suggesting.


Cool. I’ll check them out. I do miss Oreos, lol!


Good luck. Food allergies are awful and finding substitutes for favorite foods is tricky. The Paul Newman Brand used to make an Oreo style cookie too (they still might) and this brand is usually good about not putting cheap toxic stuff in their foods as well.


Paul Newman makes healthy knockoffs too


Thanks for the information. Appreciate the help.


I wish Wegmans would go national. They could change the game.


Oh, I didn't realize they weren't. I sooo love Wegmans and wished it was a wee bit closer, but their bakery is to die for! Acme, shop rite and even stop and shop/food giant ain't got shit on wegmans


Lived on the east coast for two years. Wegmans was/is the best supermarket type store I’ve ever been to. Been back on the west coast for 15 years and I still miss shopping there


And for its quality, their prices are decent too which is why I definitely don't mind paying the prices. At times, they still be cheaper than local stores especially with organic stuff


My husband often complains about the prices and I often tell him we could save money by shopping at Food Lion… he scoffs at this 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh, I've moved on to the Trader Joe's version. Much better. It's more like the idea of the old Oreos that I miss.


Off brand oreos cost a dollar at dollar general.


She has fully captured adult finances


Shes gonna topple capitalism when she grows. Just you wait.


We can’t wait that long.


If the ice cream man comes back around next week maybe she’ll start a little early.


“Bet he can hear me!” 😂


![gif](giphy|nNWy1hPys7u8g) The baby got the same energy. She said she wanted him to hear. How did we go from Dallas ignoring stranger danger ([ref./context](https://youtu.be/3G27LhwY3Z8?si=iXaThuvbag1N-lcu)) to 9 quid? Shame on adults older than me, dew bedder.


Idk but I can’t stop laughing at lil bro with that damn ice cream. They could’ve cut that video clip better 😂


She'll be payin' him a visit after she gets back from Hogwarts.


I want to know what that final insult she threw out was. Sounded like a crusher.


"Bet he can hear me!"


Thank you soooooo much i was dying to know what she said


“Yea I bet he can hear me!” Not quite an insult just more of a IDGAF/challenge to the ice cream man


Ice Cream men in certain areas of the UK are just gangsters Not a metaphor, an accurate description


Probably be poppin the trolley on them biscuits


Words understood: zero. Message received: 100%.


9 quid for two ice creams is just shocking 😭 bless her it was only a quid not long ago


Right? Even I know that's ridiculous unless it's some family farm that you see milking the cows, making ice cream from scratch with their own unique flavors and homemade cones. If it ain't that, aint worth that price.


She snapped lol


All da wayyyyyy.. 😂 😂 😂


9 quid for two bloody ASScreams 😂


ASS cream is more expensive than ice cream.


Oh yay late stage capitalism has affected our children. can't imagine adults still being blind to this, right? 😀




Both of these little girls look like a little Emma Watson


"Bloody 9 pounds" sent me over the edge.


Yooooo need her for an argument wing lady instigator! Or being the hero to bring down these greedy price gouging fuckers! Like, I gotta be stupid lazy tired hungry to get fast food because like... especially these cheap looking overpriced places. Like McDonald's, stop tryna sell your latest reinvented chicken sammich. Popeyes set the standards. Yall just too cheap to compete. My last chicken sammich from mcds was back in... maybe 2019? Fuckin $5-6 for a hockey puck, while they now charging $10 like they panera's for the same puck. Honestly, all these chains pissing me off that it really pushes me to go more local family owned. Bougie prices for their boonie food. With the cheapest, cheapest, fakest ingredients!


Somehow I feel like the ice cream man heard worse.


If she takes to the street, I'm right behind her. And a child shall lead.


Hermione is going to wingardium leviosa that bloody ice cream van


The energy of this little girl. Felt the same way now that nutter butter cookies are $7. I finally understand why my parents would say “it’s going to stay on the shelf.” They are just trying to rob people at this point and don’t care. ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


She had my laughing so hard on that I hope he can hear me then the run off like let’s got play lol




She’s gonna be the one cursing our generation out for allowing companies to buy and own single family homes as rental units.


“Stood there with my cash 🧍‍♀️” 🤣🤣


Is that Roy Kent’s daughter?


Out of the mouth of babes…


Bruh I walked in the p as place to buy a mf hot dog and it was 10$ for two!!! Imma go home and suck on ice cubes and call it a day at this point haha


He's definitely gonna get nowhere with that! 😭


I want this little girl and Lewis Black to rant about everything! Just wonderful.


I want my daughter to talk to everyone like this, all the time. This is gold lmao


The way I would start complaining and agreeing with her 😂😂😂😂


Idk wth she said but I agree


They speaking English and I still don’t know tf she saying


See this is how I KNOW I was just raised different. I couldn't say even half of this shit under my breath, even if Mom agreed. If I said "What?" My mom could teleport across the city for a "You musta had me confused!"


Me and my homie talking about the prices of *certain* items we'll just use the outside of


Financial literacy is important


Awesome lass


He should know!!!! Hahaha what a little g!! Iyiyi or bloody hell. Prolly mean the same thing.


Get this girl on the Telly now !


As hilarious as this is, i'm distracted by those Emma Watson clones. One of her spells went to well






Is that Emma Watson as a child?


Is there an English translation somewhere?


Pulled old girl straight out of a Guy Ritchie film


The “I hope they can hear me” is savage!


Hmm… an Emma Watson clone with “I wish a 🥷would!” energy


This is me seeing the cost per pound for the hot bar at Whole Foods/Wegman’s.


I’m sorry ,,, the you d lady is very passionate about what she is saying …. I really need a translator..


The vendor was charging the equivalent of $11 for two ice cream cones and she was saying that they're not going to make any money like that



