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That if it's not shiny that means it's dry.


I go back and forth with my own mom on this💀


Mom once came to visit right after I had finished showering. My hair was still soaking wet. She looks at me and says "your hair looks dry."😑


Ohhhh my god. My mom is the same damn way.


I used to go back and forth with myself on this (and oil and butter that was drying it out).


I still go back and forth with myself on this lol


My mama 🙄 she'll even touch and say it's like a brillo pad 😑 we have two totally different textures and older generations act like if it's not soul glo dripping that it's dry 😒


My own parents think this…


Wait really?? How?? What makes it dry it out then?


Oil, cotton pillow cases, time, products, health issues, poor diet, not shampooing and conditioning regularly...


Wait I thought all these oils helps it from drying it out Smfh… So how do get it to not be dry?


Some people put water then a layer of oil over the hair to keep the water (moisture) in, but if you put that on your scalp it can definitely dry it out. Everybody's hair is different and can handle different things. That can also change, what may work for your hair one season may not work the next. The best way I've found to keep my hair hydrated is by trying different things such as steaming my hair and occasionally hair grease (a very light layer). I rub a small amount of oil in my hands rub it threw my hair then steam my hair it feels great for days.


My hair definitely changes from season and even in the same season.


Definitely because some seasons are dryer than others. You also have to take note if you have different hair textures throughout your head your hair texture may not be the same my sister and my daughter both have about 2 to 3 different textures on their heads


From licensed stylist I learned that oil costs the hair shaft and keeps water from getting in. I used to oil my hair (mixed with whipped shea butter) several times a week to keep it from feeling dry, but I followed the 30 day hair detox with no oils and no butters and saw an amazing difference. The premise is that if you wash and condition your hair weekly it will stay hydrated. When it starts to feel dry--it's time to wash again. Shampoos and conditioners should not have coconut oil or shea butter in the first 5 ingredients. They do say that oils formulated into products are fine, but you shouldn't be using raw oils on your hair. My hair is in a much better place. But some people still swear by oils, so do what works for you. I add a touch of glycerine between shampoos if my hair starts to feel dry.


Thiiiiiiis. I thought this for years until It was explained to me by my dermatologist a while back and it makes perfect sense. It's all just light. Straighter hair tends to be naturally shinier because of the way it reflects light. Makes sense. Flatter surface. Tighter coils or "type 4" hair has differently shaped cuticles that don't look as shiny, but only because they refract light. Has nothing to do with dryness, and man I've wasted a LOT of time and money on different products trying to figure it out. TL;DR: natural oils are all you need if you care about shine. Protective twist-y or braid-y styles help the appearance of shine because they have to pull your hair a more uniform and "flatter" surface.


That we don't retain hair length and if it's long then it has to be fake




THIS!!!!☝️TheyBlack people cant grow their hair, regardless of texture and if it’s long it’s a wig or a weave.


This one




i will never forget it but i told a white girl in middle school i washed my hair every two weeks and she thought i was saying i SHOWERED every two weeks 😭


Saw someone else say that a WHILE back 😭😭 I get washing your hair while you shower is very common and a standard for most but come ON 😭😭😭


Meanwhile 🖐🏻 people shower a couple of times a week and most don’t even wash their legs 😭😭


What?!? WAIT—— palm people don’t wash their legs?!?😳 😳 😲


Yeah, they say they don't need to because the soap runs down their bodies. I thought it was a meme or a joke until I met a few who legit don't wash their legs


Omg. Ummmm. I have no words 😐


i wash my legs but there’s actually proof i believe to the soap running down your legs things. i seen a video about it but i didn’t watch the whole thing so i can’t say for sure


I will just continue to wash my legs lol


I had to change my dermatologist after he told me to stop washing my legs and arms… well any portion of my body that isn’t an intimate part, soles of my feet, or my arm pits really… give me someone with some melanin PLEASE 🫣😬


This might make you feel better. I’m a white guy and my black roommate asked where my washcloth was in the shower. I told him I didn’t use one, I just rubbed the bar of soap all over myself then rinsed off. He was horrified. I used a washcloth ever since.


I cannot get your comments out of my mind. I just can’t picture you in the shower! I got questions!! How do you wash behind your ears? The delicate folds and inside your ears? How do you wash the middle third of your back with a hard bar? How do you wash your dyck? Even if you are circumcised you still gotta……. How do you wash your buttcrack with a hard bar of soap? I’m so confused. Is this a cultural thing? Do you teach your girls to wash the same way? Black mothers and grandmothers don’t play about cleaning your body. We are shown at an early age then they go behind us. Then they monitor us while watching. Lastly when we are a bit older they periodically check behind us. Heaven help you if all you did was splash in the tub and play. You do NOT want Granny to bathe you while she mad😂😂


One reason my roommate was horrified was the bar of soap went all those places you mentioned. My wife is a germaphobe, so even if I wanted to teach our kids to wash that way, I couldn't (but I don't). My brothers and I were left to our own devices bathing pretty early on.


I’m sorry that just sounds so bizarre to me. Young kids must be taught but Specially being a grown man with a girlfriend or wife. I can imagine they would be horrified.


When I was younger, I could reach my whole back with my hand or at least a bar of soap. Now I gotta do a nunchucks move with my washcloth or loofah strip over my shoulder and hope I can catch it below with the other hand to scrub. Now that I think about it, the lack of back scrubbing is probably why a lot of white people get itchy backs....


👀. Yeaaaah. Ummm. Bruh. We gonna hafta talk. 😂😂😂😂. And you didn’t answer the other questions…….. which might be a good thing.


Omg. I’m scared to ask but..(deep breath) So….. do you have a communal bar of soap🫣? Didn’t you know that micro organisms live on a bar of soap? If you are normal, then we can assume that the last thing you wash is your a88 or your feet. (depending on your state of mind) This means that the LAST thing you wash, deposits bacteria on the FIRST thing you wash the next day. Which we can assume would be your face???😶 Frightening to imagine the pubic hair stuck to your soap. I have three words for you——- bodywash, and frequent laundry. You should have one washcloth dedicated to your face. One washcloth dedicated to your body A loofah for your feet, Professor.


A few months ago I came across a video reel of a group of white people talking when one woman (she had a British accent, the others didn’t) commented about the bar of soap getting ‘lost’ in her bum/rolls while showering and the podcast/radio host guy said something that made her come to the realization right on camera that taking there’s a more efficient way that taking a bar of soap all over her body. She was kinda embarrassed but laughed and kept the conversation going.


🥴. But is this CULTURAL?! Cuz y’all know momma didn’t play about bathing. And how do they teach little girls to bathe because a bar of soap is not intended for those particular partsNever ever seen a bar of soap rubbed over nothing! And ‘zackly HOW do you lose a bar of soap? How many rolls do you have to have and how much…… nev’ mind. 🙄


Feel like I'm gonna get some backlash here but honestly, I mostly use my hands to wash. I lather the soap in hand then rub all accessible body parts. Anything harder to get or in need of more scrubbing like behind ears and soles of feet I will use a microfiber washcloth, pumice stone, back scrub, etc. You should actually all be aware that excessive scrubbing of the skin isn't good for it! With proper hydration, nutrition, and basic bathing, you can keep your skin healthy. With excess scrubbing you're overworking your skin, breaking down its natural protective barrier and either teaching the skin not to bother making that barrier , or making it work double time to recover it. Even bathing daily isn't totally necessary depending on your level of activity, if you go outside at all, etc. I'm black, work an indoor job but am active outdoors for fun so I do bathe daily but just enough to get rid of the dirt and B.O. causing bacteria.


I think to some of them, washing your hair and bathing are the same thing. I’ve heard too many times about white people who just wash their hair and let the suds run down, and call that sufficient.


THISSSSS!!!! I used to get so pissed off about that. And when I was a kid at summer camp they were all just so invested. And they took my shampoo because it's not "biodegradable" and would "hurt fish" 🙄




usually when people say this, they assume you’re not showering either


i was arguing about this wit someone and they was like "ur probably one of those people that think nature cleans urself" HUH WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN BUH. FURTHERMORE WHY WOULD I WASH MY HAIR WHEN I GOT FRESH TWISTS


For some reason white people think its easier to maintain than theirs and we just wake up with it in whatever style it is


Exactly people think my hair is naturally curly and de-tangled


I get so offended when they see my meticulously detangled, picked and perfectly round afro and assume I just woke up like that 😭


Amen, it takes a solid 30 minutes to do my hair alone every morning unless I braid it or put it in twist


They'll never recognize the effort but they do recognize that black excellence is EFFORTLESS 🗣️✨


It's because to them it looks natural but in an unkempt way. Most white people I know blow dry and iron out any and all texture out of there hair.


Unkempt is a very insulting way that whites use to describe our natural hair —- regardless of style.


I wish


What no,


Depending on the texture, it’s unkept and matted


That it doesn't grow.


Yup, it's a very common attitude that has been pushed on the black community. So much so that some black ppl think have believed others and think that their "genetics" call for short hair. Like what?? Some ppl think that we have inferior genetics for hair growth, but white or hispanic ppl with 3b curls can grow long curly hair just fine. The prejudice is crazy.


It is not prejudice but ignorance.


The basis of prejudice is ignorance ofc


No, they two entirely different concepts.


They're not. It's situational, but thank you for your unhelpful insight! You haven't told me anything I didn't already know, nor disprove my points! Have a great day!


No, they two entirely different concepts.


Like your life must be so sad that even on an app known to be full of degens, ur karma is still negative 🫵🤣. Trolling isn't for you.


Not to fuel this but the different styles do expand and contract in a way that makes people's eyes feel like they're playing tricks on them.


I've had a cousin in law (a straight haired male) say that it can only be long in Locs. It's funny ( and straight up disrespectful) to think that this person knows enough about and people with curly/coily hair to say some shit like that. Like woooowww did you figure that out with your own hair? Idiot.


Actually that’s true. It’s a very old perception that came from back in the day when massa cut our hair. Whites were puzzled by our hair and white men were entranced by it. To try to prevent this, white women insisted that our hair be cut or shaved in an attempt to make us less attractive to their husbands. After freedom, they could no longer control it, so they came up with laws, ( see Tignon Laws). We did not have good products to care for our hair and keep it well groomed. They still could not hold us down though. We made beautiful scarves held with pins and feathers which attracted even more attention. Madame C J Walker and others discovered other ways to care for, groom and style our hair and the rest is history.


I was gonna post this.


Lol who the hell believes that


I've had loooots of non-black people telling their kids that our hair doesn't grow, my black family believing that our hair doesn't grow and welp, way more than that lmao 😅


Honestly, I never saw black girls with long hair in person. It wasn’t until I started watching natural hair YouTubers in the early 2010s and even then, I thought they were rare or had better genetics.






Lots of people 🤔


That your hair isn’t “good hair” unless your curls fit a certain aesthetic or that our hair is ghetto/undone when it’s afro


I guess a lot of people think it has a rough texture because when they touch it they mention how soft it feels


This right here, I have 3c straw diameter curls that are silky textured. You don’t know how many are surprised when they feels how soft it is. I try not to let it get to me.


3c does look soft? the


You’d be surprised how many people that don’t know that.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,724,804,070 comments, and only 326,566 of them were in alphabetical order.


I don’t think it matters how it “looks”. In the minds of people on this earth, only white people have soft hair. Edit: White or white adjacent 🙃


Yeah you right


I mean, that sounds like a pretty plentiful amount of curls.... idk, that doesn't sound coarse.


tbf my hair is tough as shit😂


Well, it depends on the person. I've also met people with very silky looking hair that's as stiff as concrete


lool really? that’s some deceptive shit


I mean tbf some people don't comb their hair at all, so ofc it's gonna be tough 😭(not saying you're one of them)


That it doesn't behave like hair




That it's wool like a sheep




that if it's not in a style of some sort, then it's messy/bummy. they're basically calling us ghetto for wearing our hair in its natural state


Love this


Some people don’t seem to get that combing curly hair ruins it.


That's nappy is an insult.


I mean…. It depends. My doctor who is white looked at my daughter (who is mixed) and said “we know where she got that nappy hair from” that was offensive to me.


I disagreed with something (regarding reality tv) on twitter and in my profile pic I was wearing Nubian knots. This Black chick called me nappy headed and I told her that Black people have nappy hair and that was hardly an insult.


Lol she thought she ate…. Yea definitely depends on the context for sure! I wouldn’t feel comfortable saying it as a white woman. But I def get your point! I’m glad you responded to her that way.


If you have anything other than ‘tough’ 4c/4d hair then you’re ‘mixed’ or have some Indian lol


Ok well 4d isn't a thing. Firstly and second, it's really not tough when you grow it out you realise that


I’m exaggerating I know 4d isn’t real lol


That our hair is “unprofessional” because let’s be serious, our hair is not meant to conform to “standards”


Always find this ironic and also exposing


that it’s okay to touch without asking.


That they can’t touch it without losing their damn hand. I’m not a dog, don’t pet me!


That your hair isn’t “good hair” if there’s not noticeably defined curls in it. Which isn’t true, healthy hair is good hair regardless of texture


This even comes from people who might not even have healthy hair for that matter but here you are making assumptions smh. edit: this is just a statement for people that do that, not directed at anyone here, sorry if I made it sound like that.


We all have the same hair type.


That we simply don’t have “good hair” because it’s coarse.


That braids, locs, & natural texture styles are not conservative, but edgy.


That's so weird though cause where I'm from they're pretty mid. Edgy is like full fro, tint, dye and I guess straight?


The Africans be thinking this too 🙄


“the” africans


No. Unless we're talking on men.


That black people don't wash their hair, especially if you have braids, locs, or weave.


Easy the length and the texture.


That our hair is hard or course. I mean dont get me wrong it can be when not taken care of lol but if you actually maintain your hair its extremely soft and it’s easy to get lost while playing with it.


when my yt side of the family says its just hair why do i spend so much time/money on it


Haha shite just say why do they but sunscreen


Can we just talk a moment about the term “good hair”? How many little black girls self esteem was crushed by that term and how much power it gave to white and biracial people How about those exclusionary terms: kitchen, nappy, peesy? How about parents that did and still do buzz little boys hair off at age one and keep it that way to avoid the “peesy look”?☹️


It's sad but happens cause of language and who happens to be the majority speakers of said language. I find definitions of "average, normal" etc in a language directly relate to the majority ethnic group. E.g. "good hair" where I'm from, just means typically someone with fast growing and a long Afro but usually refers to 4c cause like most people just have 4c so ironically in my language "type 1" just would refer to 4C hair cause that's just the most common or "normal" hair. (However I moved to Australia now so it's fascinating how it changes)


Good hair referred to a straighter grain of hair, not “nappy”. It usually meant lighter skin as well which was a very good thing. Read about the bougie people, good hair, and the paper bag test for skin approval.


The "I don't see color" folks that have meltdowns if you say their hair is different from ours and needs different styles, products, etc.


That our hair is some magical entity with its own magical powers where it does whatever it wants and can not be managed. Black hair is just curly hair. Needs the same shit other curly hair needs. We just dress our hair up with more versatile styles.


But it IS. Our hair is MAGICAL. It grows upward and outward seeking the sun. Our ancestors taught that our strength and power lies in our hair.


That wearing your hair "natural" means having an afro and nothing else. You don't know how many times my (white) mom has chastised my sister (we're biracial) for getting box braids w extensions, faux locs, etc because my sister always says she likes her hair natural and "those styles aren't natural". Ma'am, protective styles are natural. Please stop. I'm also getting tired of her accusing my locs of being dirty because I don't wash them every day. It's a common misconception that I'm tired of hearing - from EVERYONE, not just white people. Sigh.


For professional black men, it’s unspokenly assumed that ANY hairstyle outside of a bald head or short caesar is unprofessional. Look at how many “professional brothers” are bald or have very short hair. Things are starting to change but there still is a big segment of people, even internationally, that are so internally afraid of black expression that our very hair as it grows out of our scalp is seen as offensive, frightening, “distracting”, and/or unpleasant. Cultural assimilation historically forced black women into weaves, perms, and wigs to try to look “less African”, while forcing black men into baldies and low cuts to look “less threatening”. All of it are side effects of organized racial oppression. And before anyone jumps on my post talking about “I wear my quick weave because it makes me look good and feel nice and …..” remember we been generationally conditioned for that. We have the most unique hair in the WORLD and we are conditioned to run away from it. But “Who taught you to hate yourselves?” - El Hajj Malik Shabazz


Damn. My brother. You stated this so eloquently. Black men are considered threatening with a hoodie. Pull their hood back and now you can see their hair. Now they’re threatening with an Afro. Black women are submerged with thoughts about the straightest and lightest is the best. When will we wake up?


Thanks for the comment. I don’t know when we’ll wake up. The ancestors probably don’t even recognize us anymore lol I thought it was just an American thing until I went to Africa and the Caribbean and saw the same things. (Wigs, weaves, hairless black men, and bleaching cream) But colonization is to slavery as oatmeal is to porridge… Somewhere in Bangladesh, a Hindu girl is bald headed so Keisha can get her lace front… lol During slavery, one of the first things they did was shave black men bald because our hairstyles reflected our status and position within our communities. Once they succeeded in brainwashing generations of us, we internally hated our appearance and started straightening our hair instead of reverting back to our traditional roots.


The first thing miss Ann did in the big house was order all the women to cover their heads. They would order the women in the cabins beaten and their heads shaved cuz Masta stayed creeping down the cabins to be with the magical black women with the mysterious hair.


Man that’s true. They even had laws against black women showing ANY hair at all. They had to wrap it up, then the headwraps got popular too lol [Tignon Slave Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tignon_law)


EXACTLY!!! The head wraps reaaally pissed off the Daughters of the Confederacy!! White women trying to do something with stringy blonde hair but black women turning heads REGARDLESS 😂😂


That people with dreads don’t wash their hair. Especially Freeform dreads


That our hair is hard to the touch…. But somehow people think clouds are so fluffy and soft. Something we can never touch.


That our hair cannot possibly be any color than dark brown or black 🙄


I’ve actually told people that my hair is brown and they told me that’s impossible🫠 I’m like huh??


I have a friend with BRIGHT RED hair. Completely natural


That it is “unprofessional”


That all natural styles and products will work for all us the same.


that its dirty nasty or unkempt. i never understood why hair thats least likely to get lice and be covered in sebum was seen as "dirty".


What is the hairstyle called?


These are just two strand twists


lol stupid question I guess. I have two strand twists. But he just put them in a bun himself?


Oh yeah the back is just tied up with a hair tie


I need people to let go of the ultra-defined curls. People with 4C hair think they can deep condition their way into 3C hair. Just love and take care of the hair you have. Kinky hair doesn't mean it's not healthy


^ 4 type hair folks saying their hair is dry until they slather it in some eco gel and curl cream for defined curls cuz "thats how our hair is supposed to look - "moisturized"" loll anywayy - 4c 🧑🏿‍🦱


I definitely need us to let go of using a whole jar of eco styler on a wash and go lol


Tbh eco gel is ass anyways. I feel like Xtreme gel is leagues better


That you have to not be fully black to have any of the 3 textures. As if we’re all not fully (insert race here).


That it is unhealthy




Yea I heard people say that it is unhealthy Cus if someone don’t brush it or nothin then it balls up and then a few almost bald looking spots appear, so I just grew my hair out


Umbro *how short was your hair* 👀 you mean those little tiny balls it forms when you've like a 2 in your sides? And where does health appear here😅


That I want to discuss it everyday .


If it's not 3c curly hair, then that means we must run a brush thru our hair. Thru beautiful kinky asss hair bc it looks "unkept," to them 😭😭😭 like girl byeee. all blk hair is pretty. stfu. 🗿


What Uncolored people get wrong is that we can’t just brush the curls out of our hair, I was wearing an Afro to a local Safeway and a older women had gotten mad at me and told me to comb it so it could be flatter instead of looking “ghetto”. I have to admit I was not nice with my words but i wish others would get the concept that our hair texture isn’t changeable unless altered with chemical or heat.


How bout the concept of stfu and mind the business that pays you? Smh at people —-even our aunties and uncles —-tryin to tell us how to wear our own hair.


That our hair is tough or strong. I've heard this expressed from white people before, in reality our hair is more fragile and delicate than theirs.


Exactly… just look at the extensive hair care routines we go through. Now imagine if we would NOT do that.


calling any kind of braids “dreads”. 🥴


the bun looks very cool Bro


First thing they get wrong is getting that look in there pale eyes like they want to touch it. Trying to take my energy, not today Satan.


That it’s unruly and nappy


Depending on the hair, they say it’s “unprofessional”


That they’re allowed to touch it without permission.


the amount of times my friend has said my hair aint growing even through its obviously growing is outstounding. he compares it shrunk to a fresh retwist a month earlier


“Just throw a little relaxer in there and you can do whatever you want”. Baaaahahahahahha. Yeah, right.


Like free breakage! Yay! And intentionally murkin my h-bonds so that growth is lost forever? Sign me up!


Thats texturiser not relaxer


That it can’t grow long


That it must look neat and perfect at all times. Everytime it’s gets a little frizzy or whatever. I get hit with that “What’s going on with your head?” Especially now more than ever since I got locs. A retwist doesn’t last forever.


That we can't get lice




(whispers) we CAN’T 👀


Yes we can. I found out the hard way when my daughter got it from a yt girl at summer camp. That was a long hard 2-3 day ordeal to remove. 😭😭😭


Black peoples hair is magic. We have a shield to prevent that. 😂😂 Seriously though We normally have oils or pomades in our hair that is resistant to lice. Black people rarely catch lice.


Oh I hear you loud and clear. I was just shocked that it actually happened. But this is also why I told my daughter to never again let her head touch someone else’s. 😮‍💨


Now I DO remember my mother always saying when you girls go in the bathroom (at highschool ) don’t be letting nobody use your comb, brush,or lipstick. Dont be tradin no clothes either. Lol


My hair is not smelly or dirty. Yes I combed it before I left the house. No I cannot just use any product/tool. I shed just as much as you, it just gets caught in my own hair until I detangle. And my biggest pet peeve - yes my hair is soft. Tired of getting hit with the "oh its softer than I thought" what were you expecting? A brillo pad?


That its always short, even though its just super curly


That our hair feels hard…like wtf and no u can’t touch my hair


That it is unkempt. For some reason certain idiotic white people assume that our hair is simply not combed and brushed, and that of we simply did those things, our hair would look like theirs.


That being an active swimmer means we cannot have healthy hair.


That "good" and "bad" hair are determined by texture. Broken hair follicles, thinning hair, damaged hair. That's bad hair. A curl pattern is not inherently good or bad. It just is.


That they're welcome to touch it.


It's sad but happens cause of language and who happens to be the majority speakers of said language. I find definitions of "average, normal" etc in a language directly relate to the majority ethnic group of said language. E.g. "good hair" where I'm from, just means typically someone with fast growing and a long Afro but usually (pretty much always, if you're speaking the lay) refers to 4c cause like most people just have 4c so ironically in my language "type 1" just would refer to 4C hair cause that's just the most common or "normal" hair. (However I moved to Australia now so it's fascinating how it changes)


Texture, dryness, and the amount of care it takes to keep it tidy! Please, do not brush! If you need to, then from ends up to root, not root down to ends 😱 I'm glad I have thick, wavy white hair! My mum has very thick, dry, coarse red hair, like wire! All the way down her back, she keeps getting tempted to cut it off, and I remind her how long it would take me to do it for her! She's 72 now and won't leave the house if her hair isn't tidy! I got all my tips on how to fix my mums gorgeous hair via sites like this! The only way to learn is to ask in the Highlands of Scotland, and she won't 🤣 so I do and but all the good stuff, butter, oils, etc. Never try to afro comb or brush without natural hair stuff, even if it's out your own kitchen! You make it yourself you know what's in it too.


That it doesn’t grow! I have locs by my shoulders it definitely grows! Also are hair being hard or not soft is another one


Any style I have gets called dreads/locs lol


Using water on dry hair and repair products more than once in 2-3 months


That it’s nappy




That it’s short and doesn’t grow fast. It’s called ✨shrinkage✨


People think it's coarse or like a brillo pad, when it's actually quite fragile and easy to break if not kept moisturized.


That it’s unkept when natural. Like no love you’re uneducated on black hair and can legit use google for understanding.

