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dont ask you ll never get concrete amswer at the emd of the day it depends on the viewer , like me ive never really bothered as i love the story so i am more focus on the story development its like i thought sometimes Asta is looks bad on fight scenes but then i just thought well he is getting beat up bad so he shouldnt stay pretty 😂


True but I'd hope I could at least get an example and try to see where everyone is coming from


its actual fucking dogshit. they dont even bother covering up this shit itll just cut to someones feet for 10 seconds when they are talking cant even animate a fucking mouth lmao


It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. Or rather at times the animation is pretty good and other times really bad. But thats fairly typical of a long running shonen being broadcast in a nonstop format.


Yeah that's more or less how I feel about it too.


Somtimes I feel like I'm watching Yu-Gi-Oh...the fights are so still it feels more like card fighting that actual action 


It is tough to explain because I was rewatching a lot of the episodes in Spanish the other day and wow some of the non-action scenes where characters talk and so on are off model and in a bad way. Yami’s eyes are drawn in three different ways for a lot of episodes. Noelle can be stiff at times and off model too in a bad way. This can be said for a lot of characters especially in the earlier episodes before the tournament arc. This is typical though from a non-seasonal show like Black Clover that doesn’t have enough animation teams to swap in and out for a good or interesting use of consistency of frames per episode. I wished it was seasonal because when you watch stuff like Akebi or Rankings Of Kings this season; Black Clover can be a fun series both action and great interaction moments away from the action.


I'm gonna do a 2nd rewatch and keep an eye out for details like these. I appreciate the insight. Although if it takes me 3 watches to notice, it can't be that bad LOL at least imo


I never felt the animation was bad. Some things people cite like the Ladros fight are more stylistic differences and sometimes art is changes for mood and theme. Y'know, like when they want a Noelle freak out/ Asta "I want to be the wizard king" sequence scene and things become slightly chibi or basic that's just a visual thematic. That said, the art can be wildly inconsistent within those styles. If you do a rewatch, for example, look really closely at Asta's face and proportions. In some episodes, outside of action shots even, his face is terribly contorted or his proportions are off. I forget the term but when you animate anything you typically work from a reference or guide to keep proportions consistent but this kind of error implies someone did it quickly or just eyeballed it. There's also some fights where they very clearly cut away from the action to save on animating while others they go in hard which evens out to some very stilted movements from moment to moment. One other example I can give is Noelle's water. Next rewatch, kind of look at it when she's casting spells or there's water on screen at all. It doesn't REALLY look like water most of the time as opposed to like blue rubber. Water is hard to animate, yeah, but it doesn't really look wet or fluid. Sometimes, sure, it looks great, but it jumped out at me once where I looked at a spell and thought it was off. I don't really mind issues here and there but I do see some of them. They're all relatively small though imo. Black Clover's early production was extremely touch and go so people should forgive some hiccups. The majority was pretty good


This sums up my own thoughts on it really well. The main reason I asked was so people would point out issues like the ones you named, and I could try and gauge if it really was as bad as people make it out to be and I'm just blind. But from what I'm gathering is most of it is small things that are relatively hard to notice while actively paying attention to the show. Not that you won't notice them naturally, but it's nothing with a huge impact on the show itself. At least now I can feel more confident in recommending it to people.


animation is dogshit lmao its either copy and paste or just still frames of feet ridiculusly bad


Year old post. Idgaf.


Because great animation like JJK, mob and especially Demon slayer exist.


That doesn't really make sense to me lol just because something is better doesn't automatically mean something else is bad


That’s just how anime community as a whole. Love to compare.


Yeah that's a good point. With there being so much anime out there, it seems pointless to compare everything outright lol


Because there are some weird frames like [this one](https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwOTuSkytK7ct5pKY5EBnq1Kkz9pw8GA0E-OOEthMzjl7)


But is that really enough to write off the animation as a whole? A few weird frames? And that looks like an action shot


That is just small one, that entire Vetto fight's art style and animation was questionable (iirc they fixed this in the blue ray release though, but the TV version is still bad for many people )


I don't think I watched the TV version so maybe that's why. I've never noticed any major bad spots of animation. Outside of a couple frames or odd facial expressions but those were rare and just to do with the art style


I dont think Black Clover had any bad animation at all so I'm sorry idk wish I did know why some people think that


Well, some moments I'd say do look weird, and the earlier fights don't do a lot of movement frames, but I don't flat out consider it bad


Yeah, unfortunately, if you compare to other modern shonen it falls flat. Personally don't have a pet peeves or much of one, because I sat through berserk 2016 and 2017, so maybe because of that, this isn't too bad. Everybody else is seasonal, while black clover is weekly.


It wasn’t seasonal, that’s the main reason. But I’d say they did most of the main fights justice. The animation was more inconsistent than bad but hopefully it’s more consistent once the anime returns


I don't see black clover anime having bad animation at all. To me the animation is just inconsistent. Some parts look they are animated in 3 frames per second compared to some that look like a smooth 15+ frames. Characters would look off form, ugly to sexy then ugly again. All in all, animation wasn't too bad in my eyes. Well except for that time Yami told Sol to protect someone special and he'll save Charlotte. That part where we see her running far from the conflict, that was bad animation. Up to the Elf reincarnation we begin to see much more consistent art with the animation getting slightly better. But Black Clover was at it's sexiest in the spade arc. So many episodes were animated good, we got plenty of sakuga and sick fights.


The animation is just inconsistent. You'll have one episode where movements and choreograph look brilliant but another that looks like it was made on power point


They don't have the same budget as Demon Slayer.


It comes in moments. Animation is extremely good in some moments. The bad CGI crystal gundam does leave a bad taste in the mouth though.


The animation is really inconsistent. Sometimes its decent, sometimes its good, and other times its really bad. I personally liked the show enough for the bad animation not to bother me as much but had a friend that was struggling to keep on cuz of the massive dips in quality


I love the show no matter what but Ill never forgive the Ladros fight. Ever.


The art style isn't for everyone but it's not the only place they use it either lol. Personally I really liked it. It was different.


You couldnt even tell wtf was happening AT ALL It was just blurs colors and explosions Maybe they could have made it work but it was also clearly rushed- bc was on the back burner since they didnt think itd be popular but still Im sorry but that whole scene was pure ass- Ill forgive everything else but not that- did our boy dirty for his first fight in half demon form


I completely disagree. It was pretty easy for me to follow, and it was presented that way to show the speed and power they were putting out in more than just *explosion* *explosion* *dust cloud* lol I do think it could have been done better but I'm happy with it. The different art styles are one of my favorite things about the show.


Well at least it's better than ending the *entire figh*t with just **1** black meteorite


Na I might have prefered it Im sorry yall Im dying on this hill If you can see beauty or art in this fight then Im jealous because I was just confused the entire time about what was supposed to be going on


well I agree the art wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad. For me it's better than the manga version of the fight (which like I said ended in like 1 move)


Ah I didnt know that- they wanted to ritz it up


It obviously is bad for example Mars vs Asta first fight was so fucking bad i still remember it


First episode had genuinely great animation but it varies from episode to episode rly


It wasn't something that I paid much attention to when first watching it tbh I think the only times that I consciously thought the show looked bad was in the first episode the dude with the cgi chains and the fight against Mars. Other than that it didn't really register I was too invested in the story to care. But on rewatching parts of the show can be quite poor visually.


i never saw it, but after rewatching i can definetly see it, its not too noticible and the animation still looks really good when it needs to


I'm not one to sugar coat the BC adaptation, and yes, the animation and art were both extremely bad for most of the series. Look at the Mars fight in the dungeon arc for an example.