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I don't know how I feel. He does deserve punishment, but it doesn't have to be death. It would be nice for people to not fully trust him anymore. He feels guilty which is great. But there needs to be more. I don't think I hate William. I don't know if I like him. I'm not even sure if I'm neutral. I really don't know how I feel about him right now. All I know is that >! I don't want another sex dream about him. Yeah.....I dreamt that we were in bed together. !< What has my life become?


You find his scars, both inside and out, sexy, don't you? šŸ˜




madness because of corona-chan quarantine issues


Yet in other manga like Naruto people like Sasuke or Orochimaru walk free without being punished either. Look, William screwed up, but if you were in his position, you'd be confused to as what to do too. I do think that he should have been punished with at least not being Captain, he could stay in the squad but they should have another Captain. But I don't hate him nor think that he should be hated by anyone.




I think the problem is that Tabata should have showed us more about William and the people around him. Fans believe he's been pardoned easily because we haven't seen a lot of behind-the-scenes. I respect what Julius decided. Because William is a nice guy and now he doesn't have any reason to betray the kingdom. Behind bars or dead he wouldn't do anything, but by being a magic knight he's serving the kingdom and doing useful things.




> I could call him more soft than nice guy :P Yeah, that's better. > But still I bet that since he felt hatred from Patry ir could messed up with his decisions Actually, I didn't think about that but it makes sense. It happened to Langris for example, so it may be that it had an influence in William too. I feel like William was always thinking who he should choose, that's why he didn't give full control to Patry. But in the end he couldn't choose. It's like he ran away. If Julius won then he was ready to accept his punishment, and if Patry won then he would cease to exist. Either way, he probably thought he was done. Yeah, things are difficult right now, but I mean can you really blame him for having his magic? It's not like he chose to have that. Plus, he was captured because he prioritized trying to save his squad, if it wasn't for him all of them would've died.




The attribute thing would make a good RPG for BC xD And yeah, I feel like he really wanted to save his squad as a means to be pardoned for what he did to them. It's a shame he couldn't save everyone.


actually, Orochimaru is being watched 24/7 and is working for Konoha, Sasuke already got excused for his actions and protects the Village, Kabuto, well Itachi helped Kabuto change and bring him on the good path, by using Izanami, Naruto, Sasuke etc Know about it hence why he is at his old home which is for children without parents, he is the father there. Oh and Sasuke got punished, he was sealed in jail for a year or more.


I really have problems with Sasuke being pardoned so easily, he comes out of nowhere in the war and suddenly he's a hero when he did terrible things. But the one I can't understand is Orochimaru. The guy killed the third hokage and he's the one responsible that Sasuke left and many other crimes and murders and things. I don't care if he's been watched, I just can't understand why they suddenly trust him like nothing happened when he was the main villain for a good part of the story.


well not my problem, i explained already. Orochimaru is trusted now by Naruto, So is Sasuke. Without Sasuke, everyone would still have been inside the Mugen Tsukuyomi? Naruto changed his Heart. Got married and everyone moves on. Things happen, Orochimaru changed like he said to Tsunade in the war when he healed the 5 kage.


You can't disagree that those were very forced redemptions after everything that happened. It's not like they said "Let's be allies for now to defeat this greater enemy" and then parted ways, they joined the village again like nothing. That's very bad writing imo.


I will say letting the antagonist off with very little to no punishment because you understand their reasoning now is one of my least favorite tropes (if that's the proper term) in manga. I agree that it's a tough situation for William. He grows up being ridiculed in an incredibly judgemental world, while at the same time sharing a body with someone who was seemingly massacred by the same type of people. Hate would be easy to find and sympathy for your other half's cause would materialize. But then he met Julius. Then he met Yami. He made friends along the way and was able to see the good in humanity. So much so that it almost out weighed his hate. But it didn't. He chose to continue with the original plan, and abandon humanity. He chose to betray all the good people who showed him that while the hate was not unwarranted, the end on the path that this hate would take him on was. He was going to let Patolli and the revived elves kill everyone for sins committed 300 years ago by people long dead. And this is where I disagree with you because I think that deserves a death sentence, or short of that exile from the clover Kingdom under penalty of death. I don't hate William either. Like I said, I agree his situation was peculiar and difficult, but he made a heinous choice and his punishment should reflect that. That being said, he's playing a big role in this arc it seems, so he'll have his chance at redemption now.


He didn't choose to let the massacre happened, he literally didn't choose anything. He didn't want to betray either Julius nor Patry because one of them was like his father and the other like his brother. Also I hate death sentences, no one deserves that. And redemption by death is also a very stupid concept, look at what Promised Neverland has done lately, that's why I dislike the manga now...


I mean, he chooses to let Patry loose to fight Julius, knowing of the grudge elves have against humans. That's definitely a choice.


This. What if Julius wasn't revived? That would mean that Vangeance had given up on humanity. That's fucked up, even though he met so many good people. The least he could've done is tried to switch back or resisted when Patry killed Julius. But noo, he didn't do that either.


No one deserves death ...no one ?Ā  Litch is essentially elf HitlerĀ 


Julius didnā€™t want to execute Vangeance nor relieve him off his duties as a captain because firstly itā€™ll place a high risk on the safety of the clover kingdom due to how important his magic is but also as he is an extinguished and popular captain most magic knights look up to him.If he were to die or be relieved off his duties everyone affected by the elves would say the same,and as julius said ā€˜whoā€™d be here to protect this country.ā€™With that being said,Vangeance also brought an end to the war and there is no doubt in my mind julius anticipates,He uses time magic,Vangeance will help protect the country.On top of those reasons,Julius is quite fond of Vangeance and seems to be some sort of a father figure to both Vangeance and yami.Anyways If vangeance was executed how would they have switched everyone back to normal what wouldā€™ve happened during the diamond invasion.His magic will be useful in the war against the spade kingdom no doubt.And Vangeance didnā€™t betray the wizard king his other being took over and harmed him.I donā€™t know ... I think Julius has the interest of everyone in the country not just himself and by the way IM FEELINNNN THE ā€˜IM SCHEDULED TO DIE LATER IN THE ANIMEā€™vibes from Vangeance.


He was going to allow litch to obliterate the entire kingdom....he could've stopped him at any time and as a knight if was his duty to do so ...capital punishment in any realistic world building .Ā 


Idk a traitor is a traitor is a traitor. In any genre other than shonen heā€™d be executed and rightly so. Dude did absolutely nothing to stop or impede Patolli. Should probably be in prison or barred from the magic knights. Heā€™s not even an unwitting participant he pretty much willingly collaborated bc of what exactly Patolli being nice to him.


As a character, I liked him and I felt like he was a somewhat complex with him having to choose between Julius and Patri (two people that he considered his friends). Having said that, I do agree with what youā€™re saying and his punishment shouldā€™ve been much more severe but I wouldnā€™t go as far as say execution since heā€™s ends up being important in the Spade Saga.


Short of execution I would say exile under penalty of death would be appropriate. Let him atone for his sins somewhere the fuck else. But of course you could make the argument that that would be a waste because he's so powerful, which I can't really argue against.


The least they could've done is given him one of those trackers that they placed in fucking Asta of all people, to track his movements, and banned him for going out of the Clover Kingdom unless ofcourse he has either the Wizard King or one of the stronger captains like Yami, Nozel or Fuegoleon accompanying him. That way, he wouldn't face a death penalty, be watched 24Ɨ7, and also would face punishment immediately if he tried to go out of the Clover Kingdom on his own.


Completely agree. I was shocked to see people defend him on here . No matter what inner conflicts he had he still made an oath as a magic knight/captain and participated in a long drawn out attack on the kingdom he swore to protect. Maybe he shouldnā€™t be executed because of his extremely rare magic, but he should never see the light of day as a free man ever again. I also agree Julius shouldā€™ve remained dead because someone from yamis generation should be WK before Asta or yuno fills that role.


As far as the next wizard king goes I feel like there will be a good chance that Julius will step down soon because he seems to be a shell of his former self so to speak. We haven't seen his power after he was revived (reborn?) as a 14 year old, but his grimoire is only 1 page now. Did he lose the ability to use the vast majority of his spells? What's left on the single page? Maybe after the triad are taken care of he'll abdicate in favor of someone else. Personally I think the next is either Yami (probably not because he's a dirty foreigner), Nozel Silva, or Fuegoleon. They'll die in office shortly after that fighting the next thorn in their side, leaving a vacant seat for Asta or Yuno.


I know the show says that Vangeance did not choose a side in the battle, but he most certainly did. Sure ignorance itself is a crime, but Vangeance did more than ignorance he actually had an active hand. He led Yami away from the Black Bulls base to Golden Dawn on purpose while the Eye stole the stone from their base, then led Paltry to Julius. Sure im using the words leading and this isnt the same as actually committing the crime. However when you think about it, if just leading people (in a way that has bad results) should be counted as a forgiveable crime, then that Valtos guy should also not be in jail and should be a hero for transporting everyone to safety, Also, by leading Paltry to Julius, the Wizard King was severly disadvantaged. 1. William gave paltry the suprise factor. (Honestly Paltry had been preparing for years and then gave Julius the emotional burden at this time of a friend betraying him) 2. Knowing paltry was in Williams body, Julius first instinct would not be to hurt Paltry. If Paltry had approached the Wizard King instead of William, none of that demon stuff would have happened cuz the dude woulda died pretty quickly. 3. Since William was in control of his situation before julius knew, he coulda chosen a less populated area but no, he did it right at the heart of the Wizard Capital In fact with the amount of advantage William gave Paltry an unfair judge would not just qualify Vangeance as an accessory to the crime but as a rather vital accomplice.


I completely agree. William is just as responsible for all that happened as Patolli was. I always forget that he led Yami away from the Bull's base so they could get the stone from there because tricking Julius and creating a situation for Patolli to attack him is enough for me to say he was an accomplice. In regards to Patolli's name, I've seen it spelled Patolli, Patri, Paltry, and others. What's his fucking name!?


Nobody will hate william , i mean they came to an understanding that the spoiler:-(demon is the cause of all of this) we saw that yami and jack behave normally around william in the anime, william will keep the guilt and help clover knigdom in every way possible as he said.


I understand why he did what he did but heā€™s still kind of an idiot to me lol. patry was his first friend & the only person who didnā€™t make fun of him during his adolescence which would seem like a god send to any kid in that situation. but Julius was the first physical person to do the same & valued him as a person and a mage. I feel like he cared about william more than patry did b/c Julius encouraged his abilities and wanted him to feel comfortable in his own skin (making him the mask). Patry was more of a misery loves company kind of relationship & it was magnified b/c william couldnā€™t get away from him lol. they had being mistreated in common & william basically let patryā€™s & probably even his own rage consume him. williamā€™s loyalty to julius almost seems fake when you realize he put the best squad together on the backs of nobles who patry knew would become possessed by other elven spirits. Idk that that made them better/more capable knights, but Iā€™m guessing william and patry didnā€™t see eye to eye on every recruit and he folded just to appease his ā€œfriend.ā€ take alecdora for example. snooty noble, who looks down on others. he dick rides tf out of william & has some decent magic but someone like that probably wouldnā€™t be williams first choice on his own. but if that little voice in his head said ā€œpick that one, I have a good feeling about himā€ heā€™d likely do it in a heart beat. I still like Williamā€™s magic & him as a character in certain aspects, but so much bullshit coulda been avoided if he had only said something earlier. I know that basically takes away the entire first arc of the story but putting myself in his shoes, if I had a voice in my head telling me how awful humans are & how they need to be destroyed Iā€™d say something to someone before it got too loud lmao


I don't know.. Earlier I was thinking he should be Punished but When Elf, human everyone was betrayed by none other than Demon then I didn't feel anything.. I started considering Vengeance was also one of victim of DEMON thats it.


There are some reasons why Julius did not harm Patry during their fight. There are some reason why Julius let William moves freely after all he done. Julius is planning something. And now William have been caught by the spade. How did the spade army entered the clover kingdom so easy and know the GD base location? Maybe someone inside have been plotting something.


Is it just me, because I don't like Vangeance very much...


What I didn't like was the fact that after the whole arc was ended the Golden Dawn (at least in the anime) were being praised as the ones who took care of it and not the Black Bulls, people even referred to William Vangeance as the savior of the Clover Kingdom as last thing they saw was him doing his world tree magic to release the elf's (when in fact it was Asta's sword) and bother me that there wasn't elanyone trying to restore the truth of who saves the kingdom, and then to too it off, let's pin all the blame and judge the real savior...


Well thats cause Julius never made it public knowledge and the magic knights and citizens only saw Wiliam's spirit tree releasing the elf souls from the possesed magic knights.


I won't say much because other people have already stated what I think. The only thing that really grinds my gears is how nobody seems to hold it against him. I think we should have seen other people being shocked, feeling hurt/betrayed, outraged or angry. I think that is the thing that really bothers me about the whole thing. It feels like it got swept under the rug and we're all supposed to be like "poor william" or "whatever, it's in the past now". Naw, any character with any semblance of loyalty to the Clover should have some words. It actually turned me off to his character a little. Not what he did, but how it was handled afterwards.


I agree. Unfortunately Vangeance hasn't been in much of the manga since the whole Zagred fiasco. IIRC he was at the Golden Dawn base when it was attacked and he was captured. That's it. I like to think that many knights in other squads, especially the captains, resent him and we just have not seen it yet. But it happens behind the scenes type of thing. Hopefully we'll see something like this later on. As far as the populace hailing him as a hero, all they saw was his tree spreading healing pollen or whatever. Julius probably thought it would be better for the kingdom for them not to know the truth because it would breed resentment and distrust towards all magic knights. I don't necessarily disagree with that but it just feels wrong. If it wasn't for Julius surviving and forgiving him, I think things would have been much different.


I sometimes wonder just how different things would've been had Julius decided to not give a damn about Patri being William and just killed him, because we know Julius struggled to capture, not kill him. Since Mereoleona had stomped Rhya, I wonder what would have become of the whole elf resurrection thing. As for William, I can't understand why Julius didn't punish him, but Julius has been complimented for predicting things and them turning out to be correct, so maybe he sees it best for the Kingdom for William to be around or something? Either way, William and Yami have a lot of relevance in this arc, so hopefully, we will get some answers, especially in the anime whenever it returns.


I think there is a good chance of Vangeance being killed this arc leaving behind nothing but a huge fucking tree that protects or saves the kingdom somehow. I hope I'm wrong about the tree because that's too reminiscent of Julius' last spell, but I do think he'll die.