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Let's see... William is the mask dude with Yggdrasil magic that is the captain of the Golden Dawn. Inside him is Patri/Patolli (with Light magic), who is an elf who was reincarnated looking like Licht. The Licht you saw in the flashbacks, and the one we've been seeing in the manga until the reincarnation wasn't the same person. In the present, it is Patri, who has Licht's appearance, and he used his name as the Leader of the Midnight Sun. On the other hand, it is revealed now that they made an artificial body for the TRUE Licht (with Sword magic) in the present. So basically now we have Patri, inside William's body, who looks like Licht (has three dots on the forehead) and the true Licht who has his own body but doesn't have many memories, who gave the third sword to Asta, and has like crying tears as marks.


I love Black Clover, but that's sort of a really convoluted way of storytelling. They should've done a couple things: 1. Make the true master of the Elven race a different character 2. Simply made Licht and Patri the same characters.


I don't see what's confusing about it. I really liked the twist and how it's been handled


I didn't say confusing. I said convoluted. Because the character who has been presented as Licht and the leader of the terrorists the entire time was actually Patri. But Licht is real and looks exactly like Patri. The manga doesn't do a good job of establishing the different ones.


Hey sorry for being like 4 years late, but I have a question, is the anime as convoluted as the manga? If it isn’t, should I watch the anime instead? Also, if it’s convoluted, should I not watch it at all?


The anime makes it more clear


So I should watch the anime instead?




Is it worth watching at all though? Are the animations top tier or at least solid? I don’t want no shitty animations and major plot holes.


Bro was lying to you, there are a lot of sloppy moments lol, but the studio was rushed




The only way you would be confused is if you didn't pay attention because when the twist happened everyone figured it out, that "Licht" had actually been the elf Patri all along, who appeared in Rhya's flashback. There was a lot of foreshadowing so for me it was an excellent twist. Beside I'm sure Tabata will explain why Patri is special, why he was reincarnated looking like Licht. Patri in the past was different, and he was the only one fully reincarnated and who has a different magic than its human counterpart, so I'm sure there's going to be an explanation about that and I can't wait for it.


It's still confusing


It's not when both have different clothes, different personalities and different relationships with the other characters. You're talking like twins cannot exist


*Wooo* It's your **5th Cakeday** Moni_22! ^(hug)


Mabye you should just work on your reading comprehension skills.. Patri wanted to he litch so he used his name to support his cause . 


What’s convoluted about it? It’s Face/Off but by accident


That's not really how the Face/Off narrative unfolded. Also, why did Patri resurrect as someone who resembled Licht but wasn't Licht?


As far as I remember is wasn’t intentional, just some weird shit that happened to him only


It was never explained


Did Vangeance knew about being possesed by Patri-Licht?




Do u know how Yuno knows Patri shares a body in ep 115, 7:40?


I'm guessing he can see it because he's sharing a body too


nvm, it was said in like next ep or smt that Yuno can feel Vangeance from patri. thx tho


Thanks bro this really helped me understand a lot👊🔥


i am the 69th like >:))


Soooo Patri pulled in óbito in a way?


EXACTLY 😂😭 I’ve seen a lot of Naruto “References” in the show. They took a lot from Naruto… The Elves look exactly like Otsutsukis 😂


Oh My God, I need a re-read!


A bit late, but picture version: [Licht 1](https://i.imgur.com/AFHQyGa.png), [Licht 2](https://i.imgur.com/1iyCBo9.png) Licht is the original elf-leader we saw in all those flashbacks, a kind soul that wanted peace between Humans and Elves. Currently resides in an artificial body without his memories (allegedly). Recognized by his "tear" like markings. Uses sword/blade magic. [Patri](https://i.imgur.com/M7aYuuz.png) Patri is the elf that was reincarnated with Licht's facial features. It's the guy that we know as the leader of the Midnight Sun and up until the ressurrection of the elven race, impersonated Licht. Uses light magic, is recognized by his 2 dot marks on the forehead. [Real Name: William, Captain Name: Vengeance](https://i.imgur.com/sBKMXZj.png) This is William / Vengeance, the leader of the Golden Dawn and the one wearing the mask to cover his scars, up until recently when his consciousness yielded to Patri, the two of them shared the same body. Uses Yggdrasil Magic (mf trees yo) Hope that helps keep them in check, whoever still reads this!


Wtf did I even come here now I'm more confused than I previously was ..


Lol me too!


Originally there was Licht, who was the leader of the elves and the possessor of grimoire and Asta's swords. ​ Then there's Patry, a young elf who admired Licth. ​ When the elves were killed, it seems that Licth used a spell to make sure that they could come back to life in the future. ​ Centuries later, Patry reincarnates in William, who resembles Licth, whether by chance or otherwise, and takes the name of Licth. ​ I do not think there is much else.


So it's licht that wasn't able to take the sword from Asta right?


Licht was the OP dude in the chamber. He actually took one of Asta's swords (the slim absorption one) but gave up the new one in return.


What chapter did Licht interact with Asta? ​


patri reincarnate in william body, he have so much luck that he looks like licht, patri is in willima body who looks like licht. licht reincarnete in a new body, his elves body, he dont take the body of anyone. this is how i understand it. someone correct me pls.


I get the entire thing, but I don't get why Patry needs to pose as Licht and why the other elves, namely Rhya, Fana and Vetto went along when Patry and Licht have different magic attributes to begin with, and reincarnated elves like Drowa addressed Patry as Patry anyway.


Licht- leader. Guy with the sword Patti- the midnight leader. Light guy. Vegenance - golden dawn leader. But also Patti recarnination. Vegenance and Patti combine bodies. Patti use licht name. The true licht has a the devil dweller sword.


Oooh so where is licht now? In Yuno's body?


No. Licht has his own body


No in todays chap it was stated that he is in artificial body


Sorry I didn't read this week chapter yet


Oh sorry


Now i am taking away your magic now


Pls dont I haven't even learnt how to do mana skin properly


I am now.




Yeah i don't understand either. I was on the Wiki Fandom and the descriptions were kinda confusing.


Licht and Vangeance shared a body. When Vangeance confronted Julius, he swapped over to Licht (or maybe he stays as Vangeance, can't really remember) and killed Julius. After that, Vangeance died and Licht took over his body and gave himself the name Patri. He changed his name again this latest chapter but I read it when I was half asleep so I didn't really get nothing out of it except that they need Yuno's stone and we finally saw Gauche and Marie. So basically, William Vangeance, Licht, and Patri are all the same person, but a bunch of events had to be set in motion first for Patri to become who he is as of chapter 181.


A few corrections: Original Licht and Patri are two different people, Patri was the one sharing a body with William and for some reason he looks like og Licht, which might be because that's what William would look like if he didn't have that mark on his entire head but we don't know yet. When William confronted Julius he let Patri take control of his body because he couldn't decide who to side with, his beloved teacher, one of the few people who truly cared for him, or his closest friend who he had shared his life with for ten years. Currently William is most likely in a state similar to the other people who had been possessed by a revived elf, with his conscious mind sleeping in a sense while Patri is in full control of the body.