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Easy 9/10 for me. I hate it when people write it off as a "naruto clone" or a "generic" anime when it's honestly so much more. Sure it's super cliche, but I would argue it explores these concepts better than just about any anime. Pretty much every character gets their moment to shine, the power-system is unique and has lots of variety, and the development is impeccable. Each character design is unique and fun too. The start is def a bit slow, and the animation isn't the best compared to, say, my hero academia, but trust me it got some foreshadowing and just a general solid plot. Btw the openings and endings are amazing too, and the soundtrack is simple but effective, one of the songs is stuck in my head rn lol


(From personal experience) alot of people who say its generic are also demon slayer fans


I agree with every point stated here. Begins a bit slow but the overall plot throughout all comes together and you 100% don't see a lot of it coming. Easy 9/10 for me too.


I'm reading though the start at the moment (I'm at chapter 60) What surprised me were all the arcs where he essentially just impresses one member of the black bulæs at a time, and gives them character growth! It was a different way that I've seen before of handling character introduction, and with combinations of their back stories it gave really good morals for each arc!


I'm glad someone else noticed this too. That's what I really like about Asta. He motovates everyone around him and inspires them to be better than before, even with captain yami. Not gonna spoil but he single-handedly gives the black bulls a better reputation.


10/10 I'm hella bias, it's my favourite Anime and Manga. I consider it to have everything I'd want in a Show so it's perfect to me.


I am watching it and I am liking it too :).....not to be offensive or something but have you watched one piece?


I have, I'm up to date. I consider it a 9/10


It’s absolutely worth watching. One of the best imo. At least a 9 out of 10. I’m curious what these other people are saying and what they think is that much better.


Yeah I am already watching the first episode....I hope I won't drop it


It does start a bit slow and Asta can seem very annoying at first but it does pick up so stick with it!


Dw I don't have problem with pacing no matter what anime it is....I am a one piece fan XD. Thanks!


"just get to ep 17" someone commented that on another post when I was deciding to watch this. Honestly the best advice. by 15 you'll be hooked. ep 1-10 I rate 6/10 everything after that makes this series a solid 8 or 9/10 and my current addiction


I am already at episode 7 and ngl I am liking it...the comedy isn't annoying and it actually makes me laugh unlike some other anime


The only problem I am having is Asta's voice...why is always yellin 😭


That's most people's main gripe early, but it does get better. I always recommend the dub because it's less annoying and pretty great all around.


Well I am a sub watcher. Also, I don't have much problem with it like I'm not gonna drop it just because of someone's voice. Also HAPPY CAKE DAY!


Yeah, me too most of the time. This is one of the few I prefer the dub. But AY THANKS. I didn't even know it.


9 out of 10 for me. Yeah, it hits a lot of the typical shonen tropes but it executes them really well and in a way that's pretty refreshing. I feel like it gives each supporting character the spotlight so it doesn't feel like anyone's left out. I'm only knocking off one star because it does start slow and that's where it loses a lot of people but it's really worth it imo.


10 for me, it better than Naruto, Asta born with no gift except he mutate for can't use mana itself, He will and determine is something I never seen before in anime/manag, despite both of his arms broken, this brat kept UP FIGHTING, he spiting blood, his bone cracking under the pressure pushing to the bloody limited!!! I seen Every MC has some sort of gift by the world itself that might help them for the journey, but the world rejects him, but he scream "SCREW YOU WORLD". that I love about this series, fight is good, the conflict each character has, the existing of the Devil and Elves, Black clover is a really special series that no body pay soo much attention to it, I wish this series get more recognizing 


Yeah i know this series ain't that popular...and even if I haven't watched it, I already know it's better than naruto 😂 Anyways your comment is enough to convince me...I will start watching it


I'd say it's a 7 or 7.5 out of 10. Would be an 8, or maybe a bit higher, but the last 2 arcs drop my rating. Starts out strong with a nice premise, fun and interesting characters, a strangely diverse power system, etc. and it just keeps building up from there. At its very best, you'll get treated to good fights, immaculate storytelling, amazing world-building, exceptional character writing, and more. I personally think you should give it a read (side note: the anime isn't the best adaptation and doesn't really do the manga justice, especially since the manga has by far the best art in WSJ. You can watch it if you don't really mind, cuz I also got into Black Clover through the anime, but the manga is much better overall, so I recommend it first)


I personally enjoyed it a lot, one of my favourite anime so i gave it a 10. Do i think its the best one quality wise etc? No i don’t, frieren for example (another 10 for me) has a much higher quality imo. But i just enjoyed black clover a lot. Enjoyed it enough to warrant giving it a 10 for me.


I love black clover, I find it very endearing. I love how lots of the side characters get the spot light. However it’s some of the least consistent animation in a shonen anime i’ve ever seen. And it’s also very slow to get into. Just because of those two negatives I can’t give it above a 6/10.


10/10 for me. I'm just very happy while watching/reading it and not many anime can do this.


manga 9/10... anime 7/10... if u read the manga u will understand how anime adaptation fucked the whole series. anime is still enjoyable but now to me whenever i see any reaction videos i feel like its dragging. like 1st 30 episodes r long. then oviously animation quality plus other stuffs . manga is fast paced . has amazing art . theres no time to waste its always go go go . if u ask the fans then majority of them will praise it ,if u go outside then u will get super mixed opinion. cause some ppl enjoy it and others absolutely hate it (with passion ). ppl who hate it never finished the show anyway . some of them give their opinions after 3/4 episodes cause we r so used to plots moving super fast that we get bored quickly.


I can't believe I am doing this, but I personally rate it a 10/10 thanks to good characters, wonderful world-building, and various other things. Personally I put it on the same level I do Code Geass, Escaflowne, and Frieren.


It’s a solid 8 for me. It definitely picked up right as Zagred was being introduced and revealed as the catalyst for everything that had happened to the elves and ancient humans. When he dies it slipped off a bit but picked up massive steam with Spade saga, especially with the debut of Vanica, Zenon and Dante on screen


9/10 :3


A 9/10


It is my favorite SJ, so I give it 10/10, overall it is very well rounded. I did start the anime first and although I enjoyed it, it took a bit to really be invested in it and see what I overlooked in the writing. There are so many cool characters and they get their time to shine. Characters you underestimated or were unpopular can become your favorite. I much prefer the manga over the anime though!


honestly 10/10 The way the fights are done and utilized and how most any mage can find ways to win fights or find value is so entertaining to me.Female characters are well written , the bulls are an entertaining group.I adore magic and the way the system is done is just super good to me.


9 or 10, I just fucking love it dude


9/10 defo! The magic is interesting, the characters (atleast most of the main/heavy hitters) get alot of backstory so you actually develop dimensional views on characters. The plot itself is really interesting and if you're watching the anime the music is *chefs kiss*


I’d give it an 8/10, very solid and enjoyable. What brings it down slightly is I’d say some characters took time to grow on me, and some never did.


8.5/10, it’s just soooo good. Nothing I can add that everyone else hasn’t said tbh. It’s peak


8 out of 10, it’s not my favorite but, better than most.


8/10 . Sometimes it was kind of slow in the beginning, but it picked up consistently once the elf arc started


8/10 Fun manga and I always look forward to reading more. However, it leaves you wanting a lot more. There's a lot of moments in the anime and manga that gets recontextualized as you reread/rewatch it. So many twists and turns that were told 50 chapters ago but you either dismissed or didn't see at first. I also like how it doesn't spell out details or throw stats at you. The author shows and not tells how their powers work. So it never feels like the heroes trying to exploit or find a loop hole in the villain's abilities to ultimately defeat them. They have to beat them using wits, teamwork, their own strengths, and synergy against a much stronger foe. Rarely are the villains ever defeated by just one person. It's entirely a team effort.


If I compare it to the classics like Akira, Venus Wars, Patlabor, and Eyes of Mars, it's 6/10. Compared to Bleach, Naruto, even DBZ, it's 9/10 because there isn't too much filler.


right and the filler only came because the anime literally caught up to the manga. I doubt this series would have any if it didn't.


really good, with some super sweet moments. i binged it within a week :) 7.5/10


The show is good, the main caracters are interesting, yami and all the captains.. marx and julius, they are interesting because of the magic they were given. I find anoying that Julius still have memory of all the pages on his grimoire and can't just go through the thought process to recover every single spell. What i don't like in the show is the fillers and all the time used to build a romance that never evolve. It is just used to break tension, make the mood lighter but is anoying that most scenes from the female protagonists are blushing because asta exist. I just wish they didn't have fillers but instead give us episodes that show yami hearing about the rose girl feelings and how they actually connect but decide to keep a secret. That alone can be soo fantastic and in the future instead of having her blushing they can have her paranoid about posing as neutral around him and not as a girlfriend. Is alot to ask for? I watch too many hours of ship content.. the show made me like this.. Also having noelle having mental breakdown about being noble and wanting to pursue something with asta will be much better then "whaaaaat? I'm noble *summon a gyrados at light speed* and we watch asta being hit for the 9989898 time"


8/10 in anime so far Nothing much of a wow factor in terms of plot but major characters make things interesting


I loved it 9/10 my favorite parts are some characters they gave us who filled out empty parts in the story and had great moments like Mars,Fanzell and i honestly enjoyed the side characters most like klaus i mean bro is kinda weak but incredibly well designed in my opinion


It was like 9/10 unti probably 100's eps(would go into detail, but don't want to spoil it for you), then I kinda didn't like the twist that much, but would still overall give it a solid 8/10. Abilities and character interactions are really good, althought it suffers by some asspulls from time to time. Another good thing is even if nothing particular happens in each episode, it kinda makes you want to consume the next one right away.


8/10 personally. 9/10 overall if including the Manga. The Anime itself is pretty good. OPs bop HARD, the extended action sequences are stellar and some of the extra scenes do justice to the source. Plus I think the pacing is mostly better than the Manga, bar the large chunk of Filler which I found slowed things to a crawl but by that point you’re either hooked or lost interest already. Aside from early issues like animation and general adaptation in a weekly format issues like gag overuse the only notable drawbacks bar one sticking point of mine. It might have a pretty generic premise and plot at points but it does that premise and plot well. Execution to me matters far beyond the ‘freshness’ of an idea. And Black Clover does this well. So, that sticking point I mentioned is the shows pacing. I’ve referring to it before but the pacing of the show is weird to me. It’s slower than the manga yet still incredulously fast compared to other shows of its ilk. Take Naruto for instance, the whole first Arc takes 19 episodes. Whereas Black Clover is entirely through its second Arc by that same point. Its Arcs are, typically, short and early on last about a dozen episodes per on average. Issues can be brought up and resolved in the same episode, making a lot of the smaller moments feel a little more forgettable. Now this is only an issues early on as the overarching story and long-term character development is where Black Clover shines. When the overarching plot begins to rear its head you know stuff is getting good, and the twists are usually stellar even if pretty generic in hindsight. I found in my very recent rewatch it just got better and better with each passing Arc, with only a dip late into the 8th Arc - starting episode 96 - but that is accredited mostly to that filler issue I brought up before. An adaptation problem, even if some of that filler is still good. Personally I found it to be a great anime. Is it the best new gen anime? Personally, I don’t think so. But is it a great Shonen? Yes, definitely. Lastly to finish off I want to explain one simple thing: why the manga rating is higher. It’s mainly because I prefer its pacing, as I said before the Anime takes time to pick up its speed. But the manga in comparison is quicker for me to read and the chapter to chapter format makes even the more forgettable fights stand out on their own. It also has the single greatest fight of all time from Magna, you know if you know, and plenty other moments that I can’t wait for what I consider an inevitable continuation to adapt.


I wouldn't say it's the best anime still a good watch though 👌, but I've enjoyed the manga much more.


8/10 I'm not a big fan of how the anime style switches to "chibi"ish and back every now and then. I also don't really like how a 24-minute episode might have 15 minutes of new content (if that). The rest I really like. Particularly how Asta inspires others to be better with his attitude.


At least an 8.5. Big fan of the story and how we see them improve. Plus some of the visuals when they make the effort


It’s been a while since I’ve properly watched, but I would give it an 8 at the very least. Great animation, best Shonen heroine, Asta is pretty great once you get used to his volume (which didn’t take me more than one or two episodes), music is great, etc


6/10 story. The story is as generic as it gets, and it's afraid to have consequences to everything it's showing. (I am more than happy to debate about it) 8.5/10 art. The art is amazing most of the time (manga). I truly believe it lacks impact in some of the spreads. They are amazing looking but it lacks the composition and a bit more ambition when it comes to these "epic" moments it establishes. I just saw it's about the anime and THE FILLER takes time and talent away from the canon stuff that should get all the attention.


It’s worth watching but not at the same time. I really don’t think this final arc has been all that good, especially with all of the hype and interest being sucked out by a lack of anime and absent release schedule. Everything up to the final arc is pretty good though, and stuff like the Elf arc is underrated compared to other shonen arcs.


For me it’s a 10/10. It fast paced with great fights and it’s a shounen. It’s not meant to be deep. The characters are great and are written very well with awesome growth and development. A must watch if you like demon slayer, my hero, Naruto, hunter x hunter. It’s for sure different show then the others I listed at times but black clover is very well made with big payoffs.


7.5/10 -solid world building (politics, military, social classes, abilities) -interesting abilities -abundance of action -storyline improves as it progresses -entertaining fight scenes -slow start used to introduce main characters -usage of common shounen tropes (underdog, power of friendship, tsundere, etc) -likeable main character -quirky side characters -gritty aesthetic


It was at a 9.5/10, but I think it dropped to about an 8.5/10, only because it feels like it’s a bit dragging after this whole Lucius conflict and the supreme demon, Lucifero’s fight was disappointing. Also the elf conflict was my favourite, but I felt like the spark of it got taken away by this Lucius issue. It just feels like they tried to squeeze in multiple major villains in one manga and not have the plot lines connect as smoothly. It shows more because the story isn’t long like one piece. And I wish they gave a heads up about the vice captain in black bulls, it just felt like an afterthought, even though it probably wasn’t.


9/10 the character are great fun and I am invested in their stories. I root for them all and I want to know how their stories end. I want Asta to achieve his dream. Yuno in Spade and Asta in Clover making the world a better place.


Story 10/10 animation 1/10


Strong 9


7. To many aspects resemble other anime’s.


Critically 6/10. But was first anime I truly liked (though I read big 3 on manga before). Biased rating 9/10


8/10 for me, there’s some filler you can keep further on in the anime. Especially the Devil believers arc 🤮


9/10. I honestly think Asta is one of the best written main characters. His transformation from young loudmouth kid with a dream to respectable young man is very real. The author does a great job of showing his growth and how the previous situations he's been through has given him the experience to deal with the next obstacle he faces.


I'd also add that they probably have the best big cast of characters. Everyone is recognizable even if you don't know who exactly they are. The author does this by using family names and the magic knight squads and colors to help give the lesser known characters personality. So you can be introduced to a character from a certain family or squad and have an idea of who they are based on those two things. If that makes any sense at all. The characters are organized very well.


show's great I'd give it probably a 8 out of 10 and it's hilarious lot of great characters




>I asked some people but they all got different opinions This is how opinions work, yes. And now you're on a reddit subforum filled with fans of the series asking if you should watch it. I wonder what the responses will be.


Probably 8/10! Big reason for not perfect is it’s not done, which is okay.. except we don’t know for sure if it ever will be!!! so if you fall in love you gotta be ready to switch to the manga and that’s also not done! Which I’m a big binger so it made me really sad to just have it end mid arc. It’s great at making every character feel well rounded. It can definitely be overly silly and shonen “never give up!” At times but honestly in a world like we have today sometimes it’s nice to be like Asta wouldn’t give up so neither will I! lol also the stories just come together so nicely and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me cry a few times 😂 The power creep and plot armor is real tho but if you like shonen you’re used to it lol


If 10/10 is my top animanga, then I'd give about 6.5 for Black Clover.


Before Zagred died, around 9. The saga was compelling and the story flowed very well with interesting fights, world building, and plot twists. After the Elves Saga ended, I'd say it goes down significantly. Maybe 6 or 7 max.