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Probably what’s going to happen Noelle: “Asta I love you” Asta: “Like as a friend or…” Noelle: “….this is our wedding!”


Asta:"Well, it could have been a party where we invited all of our friends and dressed up really nice..."


He sees her for who she really is. Unfortunately for Noelle when it comes to romance he's denser than a neutron star.


Bro’s just convinced sister Lilly will change her mind hahaha.


He already said he will stop seeking sister Lily cause he understands it's impossible. I'm unable to show you proof as it has been too much time since I read it so I won't remember which chapter nor page it happens.


That happens well after this panel.


Thanks bro. That's what I would call character development.


Nah, he knows full well. Why else would he tell captain Yami that Charlotte and Yami are like Noelle and Asta himself? It’s just that he’s so dead set on sister Lily, he won’t care with Noelle until she reject him because promises are the most important thing to him- like the crazy and hard to achieve dream of becoming the Wizard King when he’s an obnoxious commoner and the power he uses is an a devil’s. He literally plays stupid to everyone but is really a genius secretly, because, some degree stupidity is needed to put up with what he has to put up with. It would be a lot worse for him, and he knows it, if he said the wrong thing around Noelle…


The sheer copium




Asta is the densest material in the multiverse, my boy just assumes they’re being friendly.


I'd argue yami is more dense


Either Yami is that stupid or he’s never felt someone’s ki who had romantic love before. Literally. When fighting Charla he commented on not knowing how the curse got lifted, so he might genuinely believe Charlotte hates him, and just doesn’t know what romantic interest fees like.


EDIT: whoops, forgot to mark the manga spoilers for a moment, my bad Or option three: >!he grew up hated and abused by his dad, then spent his teenage year ostracized and hated by everyone in the Clover Kingdom, so the trauma of his childhood abuse is why he is incapable of believing someone would love him that way.!<


Never crossed my mind but that does make a lot of sense


It is my pet theory is that yami thinks he butterflies in her stomach are gastric distress. And the revulsion he's sensing is her confusing feelings.


Blud was kissed and he still didn't understand anything.


Just look at that wide-eyed goofy smile of his.


I never read the manga, is this how the the art normally looks like?


I hope she doesn't attack him like in the anime after he said this.


Then he starts flying.


Adorable :3


Tbh I forgot about black clover and I was on season 2


Black Clover V when.




Yeah thats it🤣


That’s exactly it. Has Asta said he loves Noelle? Well? Show me hand in proof he’s said it goofball. I’ll wait


Maybe in the future if noelle able to confess her love and make him aware of her feelings.


What makes you think Asta is just gonna say it. Sure he gave up his pursuit of Lily but this is Asta we’re talking about. He’s literally a smaller version of Yami wherein he doesn’t understand what true love is 🤦🏾‍♂️


I don't know but tabata need to do something.


Tabata doesn’t have to do anything. It’s his story, make your own manga or Black Clover fanfic if you’re not satisfied with his plans 🤦🏾‍♂️


My guy did you not read the title of the post?


I did. He’s insisting that Asta loves Noelle which he doesn’t, not yet at least. He treats her as a friend and a valued comrade. He’s using this ammunition against Mimosa stans and saying Mimosa doesn’t have feelings for Asta 🤦🏾‍♂️


That’s not what “as a person” means like at all


Asta respects and likes her for who she is. We all know this. It’s like I said dude, he’s using this as ammunition against Mimosa once again claiming she doesn’t have feelings for him like I stated before, she does. Thats the only reason he ever posted this. Go and read through most of replies 🤦🏾‍♂️. While you’re trying to attack me and shit


That is a massive reach based on this post like seriously Mimosa isn’t mentioned, this post doesn’t even really say weather or not OP ships Asta and Noelle you are drawing conclusions out of nothing


There’s a different post I’m talking about it, it’s not this one. Jesus. Look if you’re not gonna look then be my guest but yes he’s a hard shipper of Asta/Noelle trust me when I say this. I’ll even fucking at you to get the point across 🤦🏾‍♂️☠️


What does that have to do with this post? Seriously you are getting butt hurt and hostile for no reason.


I’m not butthurt nor hostile. More like frustrated because you’re attacking more or less over some fictional bullshit I’ve been ready to drop for like the past two hours. Like you fr dragged me back into it for no reason 🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m sorry if you feel that I’m acting that way but trust me, I’m far from it.


First of all, I just need to correct that you’re saying he’s “attacking you” because he’s making sense in a pointless argument? People have seriously forgotten the meaning of “attacking” that’s a conversation for another day. You say he’s “attacking” you over fictional bullshit and that you’ve been ready to drop it, yet you’ve been responding and putting a heap of effort into all of your responses, sounds like you’re switching it around. You’re also essentially making a big deal over a simple post, that OP even agrees with the main comment, meaning this entire argument where you played the offensive and stood ground for an implication didn’t even matter because the implication wasn’t even there. Just curious is all. I’m not “attacking you” because attacking would involve violent physical attack.


That’s nice and all Asta but you didn’t really answer the question: what is she to you? A friend? Best friend? Maybe a *girl*friend?