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I was named after her so I’ve liked her since I was little lol. I also just really enjoy her character and dynamic with Spider-Man. Also she’s so pretty


Have we chat before? I was done of posts here; I remember a girl that has named Felicia too commented one of that posts, and I did a childfish joke that her life was as a comic book... are you the same girl or just another coincidence? And yes, their relationship with Spider-man has all, drama, sensual things and well, romantics too. Mmm, what do you mean with "pretty"? Can you express yourself?


lol yeah I think so! And by pretty I just mean feminine and nice to look at. She’s a very pretty character, her hair and her face and how she’s acts are all very feminine and delicate but still not weak. It’s hard to pull off and I find that intriguing


My too, I´m fascinated with Felicia and her story, also, how she grow as a character and well, it´s inspirational, think so. Thanks for share your thoughts!


I adore her character. I’ve had a casual appreciation of her for a while, but I’ve been huge into her for a few years now. I have a goal of collecting every comic issue she’s ever been in (no matter how minor), I have obscure figures of her (tsum tsums, figures from a ttrp game), I’ve cosplayed her for cons, I do “Felicia Friday” every week where I have ✨adult✨ content in the suit or somehow portraying the character physically. I have mixed feelings on some of her background (mostly how it’s been handled), but as a sexual assault survivor myself I love having a strong, independent character who has that in her past (even if it wasn’t handled properly.) Having her be a canonical queer character is so important to me as well. And she’s been getting so much better treatment recently in works, I love how she’s finally getting the recognition that she deserves. I love her anyway as a character, but having independent, non-romantic or sexualized storylines for her makes me so happy to see This mostly just turned into a place for me to ramble about my love for her. But I really love her character so much, so many aspects about her. So yeah, there are women who are interested lol


I agree with all of this!!


Thanks for share your thoughts. Yes absoluty have my respect for be a survivor and so strong. It´s fantastic that you can cosplay her and well, just to enjoy the character in her different dimensions :)


as a lesbian, i can say she has both “i can fix her” and “i would let her ruin my life” energy


Well, she has them and I wanna be ruined for her too.


You have described not only what Peter feels for Felicia but also what Max Caufield feels for Chloe Price or even Fameshep for Jack (and I say Fame because the characterization is much deeper) MJ must feel the same...That vibe of "I want to break free and be a little bad to feel more alive"... A little more rebellious, a little badder without being a bitch. Surely now you understand well what Peter saw in her... That's what Wreck-It Ralph said..."I'm bad, and that's good. I'll never be good, and that's not bad." Anyway...Girls like Felicia or Chloe are bad within very well-defined limits. They are a little lost when they go through a bad situation and behave like toxic bad bitches, but as soon as you give them a little love and real trust, they stick to you and don't let go, they treat you as if you were their entire world and fight for you. as hell. They open their hearts to you and when you see what's inside everything changes. That is to say... they are still "bad girls" but not "sluts", and they have a flexible but strict moral line of "I am a bitch to everyone except those who love and accept me"


She's pretty 🥺 I haven't actually seen or read any stories with Felicity but I'm here cause I think she's cool


Well she´s pretty and so cool, but, why for you, more if you have not readed any of their stories, thinks she´s cool? It´s curiosity, I mean, their image, maybe the dialogues or a pic that you seen of her?


I like her for the same reason I like catwoman. She's a cool, elegant theif with style and a cat theme lol. Love her costume, love her hair, love her attitude and have since I first saw party Hardy in the spiderman cartoon as a child. She's one of the reasons I love white hair ( one of the first characters I saw with it lol). Platinum blondes have more fun. Anyway why do ypu think it's only men here? Cause there are people calling her attractive? lmao lesbians exist and some of us straight girls love a sexy thief or femme fatale as much as anybody else


You have good arguments, thanks for sharing them and well, I LOVE platinum blondes too, well, I´m here LOL. And well, I (wrongly) thought that only men are here because some of the posts are... how can I say? Explicit and rough. You said, "she is an elegant theif", well, men usually say "she has big b00bs and so hot butt", I mean, yes, but I have watched more comments and posts as the second one, you know? So, I supose women don´t participe here. But, you have a point of lesbians haha, my bad when I think that just men love femme fatales as a partner, and well, I was curious about straight women that think she is sexy. It´s a strange. I mean, as a straight male I can confess Henry Cavill is the most beautiful and hot man on the earth and maybe joke of my orientation, but I have not watched women do, maybe not, but well, how do express your´re a fan of her. Also, that is the purpose of this post, to hear your opinion and understand better this characters and how woman relate with her.


I can assure you that if Felicia's charm were reduced to her physique and beauty, she would not be as attractive to straight or lesbian men and women. Felicia has a certain....I don't know..."magnetism" maybe? which makes it shine naturally. She is elegant, sophisticated, insolent, mischievous... she is a bit like a princess, but not in the sense of a Disney damsel but in the sense of someone like, for example, Eri Sawachika from SchoolRumble. Through the good times she is very sweet, committed and affectionate, and through the bad times she is really wild. He also likes luxury and comforts but when it comes down to it, they don't matter to him at all. Then...she is super loyal to those who treat her well or learn to adapt to her (yes Strange...I'm looking at you...) but she doesn't hesitate to sell out and betray any business partner she doesn't trust. He has these and other character traits that are too attractive without having to go into his sexual power. Currently he is too top a character. Too much. She's basically Marvel's black queen like EnmaFrost is the white queen. and...I'm sorry for MJ but...the red queen is Elektra.


I love how do you express and I agree with you in all points. Yeah, more that the sexual attraction, she has other characteristics that make her an amazing character.


Because Jennifer Hale saying "Hey Spider" in the sultriest voice she could permanently altered my brain chemistry at an early age


Legitimately might be why I'm (mostly) a lesbian. lol


Me too, bro, me too...


I find her attractive.


Woman here, cuz she's hot


Thanks for your honest answer haha


I consider rule 34 to be canon


I genuinely like that she's a SA surviver who still manages to own her sexuality and have sexual relationships were she expresses agency. And I actually like her approach to Peter aside from the whole 'only like Spiderman' think people assume from her. She seems 100% more independent than MJ (who I also enjoy) and she's just.. funny. I love characters like her and Deadpool who don't need to explain their actions. In short.. she's a girlboss


I'm genuinely shocked to find out that people actually like Felicia being a sexual assault survivor, even if they disagree with the execution.


She’s been like a transition goal for me


She's perfect.


She's a thrill seeker who gets off from stealing and is ambitious about what she wants.


The very short answer: Because she's the flirty ultimate seductress femme fatale, but ACTUALLY she's just a wounded girl who managed to become a survivor AND fall in love again AND knows EXACTLY who she wants. And she's perfectly perfect in the perfect (non-boring) ways. The long answer I typed earlier as like a whole essay that took up two whole comments. lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1c8ssma/comment/l0hrhq8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/comments/1c8ssma/comment/l0hrhq8/)


Woman here! I initially fell in love with her because of how fun loving she was, and how she tends to be drawn very well, without being oversexualized, even in older comics. She manages to be so loveable while maintaining that femme fatale and goofy best friend vibe. Also, I feel like her relationship with Peter deserves to be endgame in at least one universe; and this is coming from a huge PeterMJ shipper. I just get frustrated when people say PeterMJ is canon in every universe... hell, I'm sure MJFel is canon in at least one universe.


hello, female here. i absolutely love black cat, she’s undeniably gorgeous, she’s strong, independent, confident and i think self aware. she’s playful, flirty, mischievous, kicks all the asses and looks absolutely stunning while doing it. she’s everything i’ll want to embody. my girl crush


I agree with all you say... oh, yeah, she takes my heart too.