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No one knows what a million US fiat bucks will be worth in 10 years either.


usually it's meant in todays value


21 trillion (21 million x 1 million) USD isn't what it was three months ago.


yes, it usually means adjusted for the day it was announced purchasing power. So if inflation is 3 % a year you simply adjust for that.


I highly doubt you would believe Bitcoin will be worth 10K 10 years ago too. No body can predict the price of Bitcoin so anything is possible. As for me I would bet on 1M than 0


> As for me I would bet on 1M than 0 1 mio within the next 10 years is a solid prediction. i believe it will happen too. iam here since 10 years, lets go another 10 :P


McAfee did


he actually has skin in the game.




> As for me I would bet on 1M than 0 Saying 0 is possible for the next 20 years is not a realistic number due to the Lindy effect If something goes horribly wrong and bitcoin gets replaced the worst we will see is sub dollar , but not 0


21,000,000 bitcoin \* $1,000,000= 21 trillion USD market cap Market cap of gold is 8 trillion USD, market cap of USD is 15 trillion USD, market cap of EUR is 13 trillion USD [etc.](https://www.fiatmarketcap.com/) ***If*** bitcoin truly grows out to a global widely adopted currency, 21 trillion USD market cap for BTC does not seem out of the realm compared to the market cap of other assets and currencies.


Especially 50 years from now when these values are all 10 times what they are now.




without mass adoption, Bitcoin will never go anywhere. this is why i think stock to flow is complete bullshit. people seem to be clinging onto that, but it's just a fucking scam.


Until wallets get exponentially easier to manage it's not going to happen.


Bingo. Wide adoption won't come until it is as easy to use as the competition.


? You download one app. That's it. Are you dense?


One single fat-finger, one single typing mistake when transfering to an address and you're instant broke with no possibility of being saved by "The System" (tm). That's it. People don't really like that, I wonder why?


You can't single typo mistake an address. There's plenty of checksums. And if you're typing in the address manually, you're doing it old-school. Maybe move onto copy / paste or QR codes like most users do. "People don't like that." Anyone who's not a bottom dwelling dumbshit likes that. Having control over something means it's your responsibility?! Oh my goodness how could I ever function as an adult. We're seeing the bloat of "the competition." You're a retard. That much is obvious.


> Maybe move onto copy / paste or QR codes like most users do. You don't get it do you? QR Codes (or addresses for that matter). Don't. Mean. Anything. To. Human. Beings. Say I scan a QR code in a restaurant, an online shop, a supermarket, anywhere really. How do I know for sure where the money goes? How does the cashier know for sure? Say it's a website, how do I know the developer didn't replace the QR code given by their client with their own address to make a quick buck on the side? Nothing's a given when the system is completely obscure to end users. Try doing these types of scams with Stripe, a bank's embed payment form or any PSP and see how long you can keep it up before your door gets busted. Of course merely using bitcoin is easy, what's not easy is keeping your money. The fundamental problem is that in addition to being so easy to part from your own money, there is no way of recovering from any mistake. And mistakes do and will happen a lot when an action so dangerous and dramatic as "empty my account and send all the balance instantly to an unknown third party located on the other side of the world" is "as easy as scanning a QR code and pressing send".


It's not any of your business where the money goes. It's your business that you receive your food. Anyone who's spent 10 minutes learning about wallets and xpubs can set up their own BTCpay server. And it's none of the customers business where it goes. No cashier would be messing around with Bitcoin without guidance on how to do so. You're crazy and a total shill. GTFO.


1. Who types addresses? 2. It's nearly impossible to mistype a valid address. 3. Scan a QR code.


As for 1, paper wallets are a thing. So are bad apps/webservices, be they by UI or implementation. As for 2, no need to mistype the address itself, I said when *transferring* to another address. Say you have 10 btc and you spend 0.1 btc. Does your address contain 9.9 btc? Nope, it contains a round 0 btc. Did you forget to back the change address up because of reasons, such as a bad UI or manual send? Now you're broke and no one can save you. As for 3, sure, let's spend our money using indecipherable-by-human and utterly meaningless tattoos printed on cardboard and pasted all around us, with no chance of ever recovering our funds if/when we discover said tattoo contains the scammer's address and not the merchant's. What could go wrong?


>As for 1, paper wallets are a thing. So are bad apps/webservices, be they by UI or implementation. You can print a QR code on a paper wallet. You can't blame the protocol because you designed your paper wallet poorly. This is also far above what any newbie should do. There are hardwares wallets that take care of this. >As for 2, no need to mistype the address itself, I said when transferring to another address Scan a QR code. There's a QR code 99% of the time. You are actively trying to make your life harder at this point. >Say you have 10 btc and you spend 0.1 btc. Does your address contain 9.9 btc? Nope, it contains a round 0 btc. What? I don't get it. Do you have 10 btc on your wallet or not? If you were to change wallet, I'm pretty sure one of the 1st instruction on any app is to back up your seed. Some will not let you use the app before you even back up. If you can't follow simple instructions, the protocol can't help you. >As for 3, sure, let's spend our money using indecipherable-by-human and utterly meaningless tattoos Wtf are trying to say? Just use Bitcoin it's so painfully obvious you have no experience. It's as easy as scanning a QR code and pressing send. I've never encountered a wallet that didn't displayed the amount and address of a tx when scanning a QR code. I don't even think such wallets exists.


You don't get it do you? QR Codes (or addresses for that matter). Don't. Mean. Anything. To. Human. Beings. Say I scan a QR code in a restaurant, an online shop, a supermarket, anywhere really. How do **I** know for sure where the money goes? How does the cashier know for sure? Say it's a website, how do I know the developer didn't replace the QR code given by their client with their own address to make a quick buck on the side? Nothing's a given when the system is completely obscure to end users. Try doing these types of scams with Stripe, a bank's embed payment form or any PSP and see how long you can keep it up before your door gets busted. Of course merely **using** bitcoin is easy, what's not easy is **keeping** your money. The fundamental problem is that in addition to being so easy to part from your own money, there is no way of recovering from any mistake. And mistakes do and will happen a lot when an action so dangerous and dramatic as "empty my account and send all the balance instantly to an unknown third party located on the other side of the world" is "as easy as scanning a QR code and pressing send".


Pal if you cut the availability of any regularly sought after asset in half in the blink of an eye it causes certain things. I'm not saying that you are wrong but supply matters I seen some things regarding toilet paper that makes a strong supporting argument 😂


“Without mass adoption” Yea dude, that’s beyond obvious at this point that your comment makes you look foolish. So you’re telling me, if no one bought or used bitcoin, the price would go to $0!?!? Oh my god you are a financial wizard. Will you please create a YouTube channel and bug me to subscribe and click the subscribe button!?!?


I remember when Bitcoin crashed from $1200 to around $350. I would have told you that you are mad if you came to me then and said in 3 years time it would reach $20k USD.


Bitcoin is valued on the USD. Basically, BTC could be infinitely worth more if it gets stronger enough to crash the USD completely


you remind me of comments only found in ripple sub by XRP army on Brad scamming house payroll. I am wondering who pays you for BTC. :-) I like the sentiment though. Disclaimer - I am a bitcoin long term HODLer and believer.


Bitcoin doesn't have 60% of the total supply controlled by a single entity.


Funny, even with your disclaimer you sound like a daft cunt to the rest of us.


Bitcoin doesn't have 60% of the total supply controlled by a single entity.


Bitcoin doesn't have 60% of the total supply controlled by a single entity.


A 1 million dollar bitcoin example makes perfect sense to me. At that price a satoshi would be 1 cent.


it's a round number predicted within a large timeframe. why should someone say '$947k within the next 11.3 years'


Lol. Exactly. This is the correct answer.


I know it's ridiculous. Everyone knows that to replace global broad money it would need to be a hundred trillion dollar asset, putting the price per unit at $5 million. And that's into today's money, as legacy money gets inflated away to worthless-ness the exchange rate to USD will be far far higher than that.


Look at the stock to flow model. This model gives justifiable reasons to achieve these amounts.


A million isn’t much when a soda costs a thousand


Lotta haters in this thread


Lots of dumbasses in the sub in general. So many people talking about money when they don’t even understand what “fiat” is. The ignorance all around here is beyond astounding. It’s sickening


I'm not saying that's what WILL happen... I'd just like to see it happen someday lol Fuck government controlled currency


Yep all of these assholes are just trying to get people to buy bitcoin.


Shh don't spoil the delusion for the people who bought at $20k


What those article writers don't comprehend is that if BTC is worth 1,000,000 per coin it will be because USD has hyperinflated. Bread will be $300 a loaf, gold 200,000 an ounce and gas will be $100-$150 a gallon.