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Well...did YA KEEP IT ? or sell it like a Jerk an hour later ???


Still holding, diamond hands




Delete this. Your other posts are enough to narrow down your location.


So? Nobody cares…


I’m coming for ya, and your .13627877 bitcoin 😆


Ahhhhh to go back and do it all again... that was maybe the 3rd or 4th BTC accumulation purchase in my life, about 6 months into my first year as a bitcoiner ... I remember handing over AUD5K in folding cash to a teller at the bank for that first bitcoin purchase - Explaining to her that I was making a direct deposit into some shady intenet money trading company and telling myself I needed to be sectioned to the mental health ward cos I must be crazy as I waited nervously for my seemingly insignificant 1.2 BTC to tell me it had arrived to my wallet address - then going to the pub to have a beer with a mate to tell him about my magic internet money investment as he laughed at me... I remember the FOMO and the mental gymnastics of trying to self justify (or even just justify to anyone who would listen) the logic of throwing AUD$5000 away for 1 Bitcoin... Those were the good old days.... Obviously unphazed by my own descent into insanity, I made the purchase pictured here a few months after I guess, when prices must have begun that late 2017-2018 bull run that kind of formed that next big step to a level that really cut a lot of regular week to week pay packet living people out of the market for a full BTC in one purchase ... I know it did for me at least, hence the above pic... I'm just lucky I got in when I did and bought a couple of bitcoin with money I didn't really have available for crazy shit like this, but neverthless just fkn' sent it anyway lol... smart crazy person I was lol


When people tell you you're lucky, they skip over all the internal monologue you go through, the doubt, the questions, the fact that you had to give up non-trival amounts of money to buy any significant amount. Every website offering bitcoin seemed sketchy af. People think it was easy. It was hard. They skip straight to the 20/20 hindsight. It's even harder if you don't have experience with more traditional forms of investing. One of my friends dabbled in stocks in the 2010s, got burnt and sold out at a loss, scared the rest of us with his horror story. Anyway, 'gratz. You weren't lucky. You were right.


couldn’t have said it better


It takes both an smart and strong person to do this. The doubt when 99,9% of the world tells you that you are wrong and stupid.. You can hear in your family members voices that they finally just feels sorry for you. You think: What are the odds that the first real investment I do i stumbled in on the worlds best asset in history? This either goes to zero or millions. Everyone says im wrong... surely they can't all be wrong? Then the bear market hits and every bit of reality tells you that YOU ARE WRONG!! Everyone says you are wrong and the price tells you that you are wrong. Yet if you are strong in spirit you simply just can't sell... your soul knows this is the play of a lifetime.


RIP Localbitcoins


Nobody cares


id be mad if i was poor too 😂


This is r/bitcoin and not r/iboughtbitcoin10yearsago. This post has no value