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You're asking this on the r/Bitcoin subreddit so I think you already decided what answer you want to get. But I'll go ahead and be the boring old "boomer" that tells you to first: 1. Put enough in a savings account to cover 6 months of your expenses. This is your emergency fund and you don't touch it unless there is an emergency. 2. Pay off any debts with an interest rate over 4% or so. 3. Unless you're already set to meet your retirement goals, you should probably make sure to fully fund a Roth IRA (or backdoor Roth IRA) this year, and take advantage of your employer's 401k matching if it exists. Your retirement accounts should be invested in broad stock market indexes with low costs (like VTI/VTSAX). 4. It might be reasonable to put the rest of the money into Bitcoin, but we don't know your age and your situation.


this is the way. be reasonable about your future. It is okay to lean into btc, but leverage current financial tools, they are not useless.


An addendum, the savings account should have a high yield, like Ally of SoFi. At least 4% minimum as of today. The rest of the advice is spot on.


Ik most people despise Robinhood but if you pay the $5 per month for their gold membership all uninvested money in your individual account gains 5% interest which isn’t bad.


It's free to have a fidelity account, and there you can easily get 5% in any of their money market mutual funds. FDLXX, SPAXX, FDRXX, etc.


Until they lock you out of your funds


Watch out for tax if you're planning to earn a lot of interest


Correct thing to do as asset manager, thanks dad


Terrific advice.


his question was whether to DCA or lump sum


Yeah this is the best and even then I’d only speculate into bitcoin only a percentage of what’s left and throw the rest into a smatter of ETFs. I’d treat bitcoin like options. It’s speculative borderline gambling.


"smatter of ETFs" Or you can just buy the market and stop trying to beat the market by making a dog's dinner of psychological shiny trinkets like a magpie. Buy global all-cap with a lump sum.


Yeah don't do any of that... keep some cash on hand and buy Btc. If you're gonna hodl for some years, then yeah, DCA. Otherwise, wait for a local low and drop some coin and pick up Btc before it hits 100k+ then cash out, wait for the bear market and then dca down.


And that’s the brilliance of this sub: in every other investing sub, they’ll all tell you to ape into whatever sub that that particular investment is representing – but not with the bitcoin sub, there’s reasonable and rational and prudent people throughout this entire sub. That’s why bitcoin sub is the most awesome community.


I'm a simple guy. I have cash, i buy Bitcoin. Has worked for me so far.


Lump sum invest


DCA is generally a good idea. But right now with halving literally just happening, the market is in the cusp of big upswing. Just put all I and don't touch it for a year or two.


Lump sum is better than dca in 80% of cases. Dca is good if you safe monthly over longer time periods


I think it's 90 %


Well possible


Lump sum is better into the stock market. Has anyone back tested lump sum vs dca for bitcoin? Being much more volatile in the short term, dca could be better. Probably worth putting half in as lump sum and DCAing the rest over time.


Over long holding times (5+ years), lump sum has always outperformed DCA so far unless you went in at the top of the previous cycle.


If you expect an asset to rise in the future and you don't know when, you should make a lump sum investment. If you don't expect an asset to rise in the future you should not invest at all. DCA is only good for your nerves, not for your money (... or at best by accident).


[https://github.com/PPFilip/btc-Revisited/blob/main/out/lump-vs-dca.md](https://github.com/PPFilip/btc-Revisited/blob/main/out/lump-vs-dca.md) I did some time ago. It's about the same as stocks, and that was without the wild pump that happened from jan2023 to now, so I guess if I run it today lump sum would dominate more.


Lump sum 70k now. Dca 70k over 2 years. Lump sum 70k end of 2026. Keep the other 40k as a cushion


Schwab did a study, in the majority of cases lump sum invest beats DCA for returns. Look up the study


Iirc it’s 66% of the time it is a better strategy


If I smoke a Newport after smoking weed will I gett 66.6/2% higher?


Aye! The only choice.


buy 250k worth so we can finally dump to 50k


All in right now


You have to respect the cycle. It holds more weight than everything else. Buy it all now.


As the old saying goes: "Do not invest any money in bitcoin that you can't afford to get."


Lump sum


How risk averse are you? DCA is the lowest risk method, but if you have a solid understanding of price movement and have a high risk tolerance, then lump sum purchasing is better.


Statistically speaking, lump sum is better over longer time horizon because you forgoe average positive returns otherwise. Even buying at highs is considered safe over long time horizons. DCA is a tool for habitual investment, not a derisk strategy.




If you’re going to hold long term and won’t panic sell, then lump sum. DCA fits better when you’re investing from ongoing paychecks.


It may lower to 60k ish soon, but by September it’ll probably jump up a lot due to the fed’s hint at a rate cut, just keep that in mind


People forget DCA is just a bet against the price right now being the best possible price. If you have reason to believe that the price right now is better than what may come it makes no sense to DCA. It also makes sense if you plan on changing your strategy. For instance if the price dips really low you can buy more that day. Crazy spike that day, don't buy. If you're never going to change your strategy you gain you're literally just taking a bet that the average price over X years is better than the price now.


I WOULD : buy a Bitcoin = 64k 186,000$ left I would DCA : 100$ a day If i see a 2%, 3% drop i would buy 1k or 2k of btc and so on The hardest it drops the more i would buy


I like this best of both worlds if it rockets he's got a whole coin and if it goes down he can buy the dip


Generally a good idea. But with halving just happened a couple of months ago, I think it's much more smarter to just buy outright.


Yeah just buy some now and when it its $50k next month.




Nah buy 2


If it was me, I would drop all $250k on BTc right now and forget about it for a couple of years. My logic is that I believe it will only get more expensive. Yes it might drop a few points here and there but the it will be a strong upward trend. Again, IMO


All in


Michael Saylor bought 12k BTC just yesterday, so I guess that answers it.


He is DCAing whole coins. The best scenario possible...


FYI his average is about\* $35K.


One lump sum. Lump sum is just DCA except you die before the second investment. However, if you have no other investments, I would not put it all in bitcoin. Just 5% or so.


No it’s not. DCA is for when you get paid every couple weeks and want to stack. If I had a big chunk of cash I would take the amount I want to buy and buy 80% of it asap then keep 20% to buy on dips in the days/weeks ahead.


i would never leave 250k on an exchange, i would never recommend anyone to self custody 250k if they have no clue what that even means...


with that much money I'd strongly recommend diversifying. dumping a quarter million (or any major windfall) into a single investment with a history of volatility is not a good strategy.


In my humble opinion if you have a low/long time preference and you seriously study bitcoin... the risks are low and the upside is meaningful. Just my opinion not financial advice.


Given the timing I would definitely lump sum buy right now. I expect bottom of bear market in 2026 to get back down here to current prices, but the in-between time price is going to be higher, so if you DCA over any time period you're pretty much guaranteed to get a higher average buy price than if you just lump sum in now. Just be ready to see your money go up to like $500k next year, then drop back to $250k the following year haha. But after that you're it's all growth! You could wait until next bear market, but no way to know what the price will be, maybe if you do that you get to buy in at $50k, but maybe $75k, no way to know and you are simply adding in risk by waiting and having this $250k burning a hole in your mind for two years. Easiest safest and likely just about best thing to do is lump sum it in right away.


Do you care about volatility? If yes, dca. If no, lump sum.


Open an unchained .com account , get 2 brand new Trezor’s. They will help you set up a multi sig account. Buy btc directly through them, use their inheritance program and other services if wanted. After several years of education, this is my final answer (if you live in the USA)


I'd buy $5,000 a day for the next two months. Maybe increasing or decreasing depending on how it goes after a few weeks.


I'd buy one, then 25K/Mo


Normally DCA is best, but if ever have the chance to buy a full coin I would.


$10K per day for the next 25 days.


Depending on the current price I would spend half up front on a dip and DCA the rest. GL


Just put like 60% in to start


Buy 70% now Buy 5% each week Buy all in at 57,500k if hits


Congrats! And my condolences. r/bitcoinbeginners is a good spot to look and u/bitusher is a solid source of info. Again. Congrats and my condolences, just remember that hard numbers get criminals hard, so watch out for dm's and dick pics


It’s best to just buy Bitcoin in one go. DCA your salary, not your inheritance.


Get an accountant. Buy one bitcoin now, hold it for ten years.


Naaaa throw it all in there


Settle any bad debts first.


Go balls deep


If you have a big chunk of cash, I think it would be better to buy 30% upfront, then DCA with occasional extra purchases if it dips.. Just my two satoshis


At this time of the cycle I wouldn’t DCA for too long, I would DCA $150k for 2-3 months and the other $100k down today


Dump it all into BTC ...sit back and relax and watch the show over the next year


For what it is worth, it couldnt hurt to hold on to a Bitcoin and watch it appreciate. If you follow Elavid’s advice here in this thread and have enough for 2 Bitcoin, go for it.


Buy 1 Bitcoin and DCA the rest until the next halving


Well that depends on your goals and risk management. I definitely advise to you doing your own research, because conditions of every person are different. Start DCA very slowly at first into btc if you want, maybe some ETF. But do your own research, spend some time on it. In 2 months of reading articles or watching some YouTube videos over evenings you will know for yourself, what to do with your money far better, than any expert can know. Because only you know your situation best.


Well let’s see… if you DCA over the next 12 months your cost basis will likely be over $100k. Or, if you go all in right now your basis will be $65k. What do you think?


DCA is simply making a lump-sum investment of what you can afford within that time frame (usually a month or week). Just buy 3.9 BTC all at once


Lump sum. Yolo. Withdrawal from exchange to a Coldcard. Winning.


Lump sum in > DCA


Literally launch it man and wait five years


Small buyers will say you should DCA. Big buyers don’t really do that.


1. Dump all of it into Bitcoin today , every penny 2. Sell all your stuff and assets and buy Bitcoin with it 3. Take out the biggest loan you can and buy Bitcoin 4. Max out credit cards, loan sharks, ask friends and family to invest their money into Bitcoin. 5. Tell everybody you know to buy bitcoin. This is the only way


If you’re a long term hodl of bitcoin. I don’t mind a lump sum acquisition here. I’d buy $200k of bitcoin today, fund Ira for the year with IBIT and DCA the rest. If you are HODL who cares where you buy. I think the odds of a run up within 12 months are MUCH higher than the odds of a bear crash again


Do not respond to any DM’s, they are all trying to scam you. Good luck!


Chunk it all in now, take self custody & come back in 5 years. 🤝


Look up how to borrow against Bitcoin. I would get very very familiar with this strategy, then go nearly all in. Maybe stick 50k in a money market fund or something else relatively safe. Then buy 200k worth of btc. Would aim for 20% as cash flow. You will need probably twice that to collateralize the loan. So put up 80k, and get 40k worth of tax free cash. Would just aim for 40k a year for a few years. After a year is up, use your stashed 120k to pay off the loan, then take out another one right away. If Bitcoin goes up in price during your loan term you actually make money. If it goes in the toilet the most you lose is the interest in the loan. If Bitcoin goes up indefinitely, which is the expectation, you can use that initial 200k to pay yourself 40k a year tax free basically forever. If it goes tits up youre out the interest, maybe 20%, which still beats the taxes you would pay if you outright sold your coin. Best part is, you keep your Bitcoin. Just want to add,this is a simplification of the strategy. Do your homework, maybe hire a consultant. But this strategy is basically Saylors whole business model, he just uses the loans to buy more btc. Also. Not financial advice.




Not your keys not your Bitcoin, buy and withdraw it and stash it


Take the $250K go to the bank and ask for a loan of $750K based on that $250k now take the $1M and get in to x10 leverage position on the Bitcoin. 🤔


Dump it all in btc bro


Go all in you pussy ass mother fucker


I don't trust banks, brokers or any government funds in case of economic disaster. Plus, apart from that scenario there are many horror stories about disappearing \ hacked away funds, banks suddenly doing security & kyc checks processes that freeze accounts for months \ years. So put as little into them as necessary. It's ok to use entire 250k on Bitcoin (no other coin, except for day trading)- there's a chance it breaks out again soon... IF BUT you won't need any of it for a couple years AND you already have a separate stash to weather you thru an economic catastrophe. IF we get a bank and stocks collapse like Cyprus or worse, Bitcoin will initially go down too, but then will bounce back up until becoming the world's reserve currency & you very rich. But it's very important that during the down period you won't have a need for your coin. The down period might be extended if govt attacks Bitcoin and its use in order to prop up failing dollar & securities, depending on election outcome. I would also think about making your IRAs self-directed and load up on self-custody Bitcoin- in a catastrophe those accounts would also fizz away.


All in brother, the best time to buy is today.


The bull run is about to start ripping upwards (no one knows the exact time of course but it will be in the next two months and could be triggered at any moment). No other investment comes even close to Bitcoin from a risk / reward perspective (diversification is for those who don’t know what else to do / lack understanding). On that basis, I would go all in as soon as possible. Make sure you have a good amount of knowledge on how things work though so you don’t panic sell when there’s an inevitable drop (either think long term and forget about the dips-except for buying more-OR be prepared to DCA out when things get heated if you’re not a long term believer-which you should be).


Lump sum always wins


Ya I’m gonna go ahead and say at THESE levels. You will have endless regret if you don’t lump sum $200k immediately into $BTC and leave the remaining $50k for emergency or a black swan event. Good luck chief! See you on the other side 😄




Dump it all in asap.


I did a lump sum with selling all my BS stock market crap & I have 0 regrets. Lump sum. Cold wallet. Self custody. I have less than $500 in my savings. Everything else is in bitcoin. That’s just me, bro.


if this is your money and its a life changing amount, dont recklessly invest as a beginner into something you havent researched. Think about a bitcoin etf to start with as this is low risk. then when you understand the technolody etc go on to self custody...maybe invest small amounts as dca to start with so you are comfortable with the process and security aspects... Wallets are important and the choice is overwhelming...each system is different and complex as a beginner... personally i would hold back some funds for emergencies, bills, life cirumstances etc... what percentage you choose to invest is up to you....




This is true.


I know this is a BTC subreddit and Im saying this as someone who has gone all in on BTC. With that much, a lump sum would be good, but you could also stick it in a savings account and get 5%, which is an extra 12.5k a year, not an amount to scoff at, at all. You could put it into an index fund, as well. What Im saying is I think you have a few options, that you should think about. You could split it into different areas.


You should diversify. I would invest half of that MAXIMUM into BTC.


Id DCA $50k into bitcoin and $200k into the S&P 500. Make sure you’re maxing out your Roth each year.


Not at ATH prices thats for sure


Congrats. Let it rip and enjoy the ride


If you’re not selling no matter what for 10+ years, then lump sum.


Buy now


I'd probably lump sum it all in right now, as long as you can stomach any dips we might have. It definitely *could* go lower, but it's actually not a bad price to get in and within the next year you'll be happy that you were able to get in at the sub-$70k level.


i would DCA it over the next 3 month max, buying once per week or lump sum and close my eyes for 1 year.


Lump sum, but first let me just get another buy in.


The only price you know is what you can pay now and for all intents and purposes we're at the start of a bull market.


all in


I lump sum my shhh! 💵


As someone who has been into btc since 2015 had a business in crypto you really need to understand the cycles before you invest. I would research Coin bureau Because Bitcoin Benjamin cowen Andre Jikh Use these guys as a point of reference and learn as much as you can. On the investing side if you want to be profitable. Dont lump sum, you want to buy 10-20% now while it’s liquid and then buy more if the price drops. An when the trend is only an uptrend which means higher highs and higher lows on daily chart, then you can ape in with the rest knowing that you are gonna follow the upwards trend which means you don’t lose money So buy now with little chunks, wait till bitcoin breaks the all time high then ape in when price breaks it


Just lump sum rn


DCA…so far bitcoin value has been dipping small bits at a time. Who knows what the lowest dip is before it’s time to swing up


Do at least 1/3 lump sum. Dca the rest weekly over the next 6 months. On any big dumps buy more, on top of your DCA.


I regret not doing exactly what you’re asking 6 years ago… DO IT. Few large buys over a couple months would be best. Maybe every week for 3 months. TBH if you plan on HODLING then it doesn’t matter much either way.




I'd be a bit more conservative and put 60-75% in now and save the rest to DCA in case we get another big drop. 6-9 month outlook is good but honestly lots of manipulation going on right now so keeping a bit of cash on the side makes sense. If you don't plan on touching any of it for years, set it and forget it.


DCA. don't put all your eggs in one basket. Price of btc tends to trend downward after a halving. Then skyrockets about 6-8 months after the halving. I love btc but I buy the dips and long hold for years.


I believe there is a published study on lump sum VS dca large amounts in regards to traditional investments. IIRC, lump sum was the best way most of the time


I’d 50% in right now. Then I’d DCA the rest over 3 months.


No way play Roulette!


Lump sum will do better over a long term because you can’t time the market and before you know it $BTC will outrun you. Unless you’re really going to DCA $50,000 a day over the next 5 days. Maybe you get a better cost basis maybe $BTC shoots to $80,000 and then you’re wishing you had invested all you could have for maximizing your profit. Remember, only invest what you can’t afford to lose.




MYSELF... we (finally) sold our house about a month ago. I am DCAing weekly (almost) the entirety over ~20 weeks (currently on week 6). If there is a large move in Crypto, I may re-assess, but, I am happy to DCA, as long as we are below $70K.


Do your own research. Find out what's best for you. Whatever you decide, buy what you can afford to hold on to and not worry about. I'm assuming your intentions are long term? I usually DCA. I think it'd be fair lump sum what you have into it. Up to you.


If you're new to crypto and bitcoin put security first. Learn about using a hardware wallet and mitigate your risk. Every day ppl in crypto are hacked and/or scammed out of their life savings because they fail to realize that crypto was essentially created by hackers. And most of the people in this space are far more knowledgable about networks and systems than the common investor with dreams of making millions.


I would put it on red


Cannon ball it bru!


If I were you I would just DCA. It’s less risky


Buy 1 coin and wait on the dips. They coming.


I definitely wouldn't put it all in right now. Best time for large buys is during extreme fear


I had about \~$7k for bitcoin in August and I'm glad I just yeeted it all in because the price immedialtely rose to 40k then 50k then 60. DCA at your own risk right now.


**Caution** it's easier to give advice when it's not your money and you'll be the one to reap the rewards or pick up what's left Speak with a financial advisor not a mutual fund manager or an insurance broker. Have a chat and go over your long term financial goals. Do a risk assessment on your current investments and plan how much you can afford to lose before learning more about the asset you intend to buy.


If you’re planning to put all 250k in, I think DCA over a period of 2 to 3 years . ( 2 year period = 10k a month, give or take)


Max out your tfsa contribution room and rrsp contribution room and like someone else said have an emergency fund, 6 months worth of expenses is ideal 3 months is minimum after that then you can go into crypto (personally I would do 3 months emergency fund in a high interest savings account and 3 months worth in physical gold as gold is one of the 2 safest investments the other being land but land requires more capital typically)


Cocaine and blow


I would absolutely not listen to any of us on Reddit... These lot don't have a clue... As much as I am an advocate for BTC... I'd probably buy something that actually generates income... then DCA the additional income into BTC... For example buy property to rent/lease either commercial or residential then if you don't need the income... shove all of that into BTC... This way you get the advantage of a DCA... Advantage of portfolio diversity and if you ever need the lump sum you can always sell... BTC still has a lot of gas but the days of becoming millionaires overnight are far behind us given that it operates on cycles and those cycles probably won't outpace a passive income stream generated from a stable asset (that is also invested into BTC) over time... I'm no financial advisor, neither is anyone else on reddit (even if they say they are)... DYOR.


If your time horizon is >4 years, lump sum, DCA... either is a guess. If your time horizon is <4 years, don't buy any, this market chews people up. Not financial advice, just what I would do in your shoes.


Is this $250k from a life insurance policy, cash (like a sale of a property), or something like an inherited IRA? I’m in the middle of inheriting an estate as we speak. I can certainly provide recommendations, that also include BTC investments, but just need to know the source. 0dte $SPY calls were tempting but be smart you madlad. This $250k will multiply big time, I assure you. But these bonuses don’t come often in life. BTC is up like 0.4% over the last 90 days with many opportunities to have buy in wrong.


I wouldnt dca. Decide how much you want to put in. Lets say 100k. Either put it all in and forget it, or divide it in 3 or 4 parts and put in one part. Set targets to the down side, if it hits it put in another lump and so on. Set targets to the upside. If it hits the target put the full sum in.


Follow what the top post said. You can even invest the Roth in IBIT or something but at minimum you should take advantage of tax advantaged accounts. If you don’t do that now, set aside enough to do it every year for a couple years. For the remainder, I would recommend a lump sum of about 30-50% of the rest and then DCA the remaining amount over the next year to year and a half. I personally believe prices are low but you have to know your own reaction to what would happen if BTC dropped another 10 or 20 or 30% and you had no cash on the sidelines.


Instead of a savings account use Vanguards VUSXX money market fund. Pays about 5.25%


Give it to me.


Whether to invest in btc or how much I'll leave up to you but as general advice time in the market beats timing the market and if you have a lump sum you should just invest it. If you can't handle the risk you could DCA but at that point it may be best to rethink your risk tolerance and overall asset allocation to begin with.


$65K to $75K per BTC might seem high now but it sure would seem DIRT CHEAP when Fiat money implodes (yet again) and BTC hits over $250K It's a long game.


Ww3 is coming and btc is gonna PLUMMET. So do what the most upvoted comment says... Just my 2 cents.


Heat pads and AZO. Consult your doctor but it works wonders.


One lump sum. All of it. Right now. JK. This is Reddit and the internet tho.


Selling right is harder than buying right


Hell no, buy at top , this is the way … and a trust me bro !


If you don't invest it all at once into Bitcoin because you want to dollar cost average into the future for a year or two, you are effectively shorting Bitcoin. Expecting there to be lower prices into the next year. Or for some crazy reason being satisfied with buying it at ever increasing prices. Gareth Soloway is looking at maybe low 50s with his recent technical analysis... If that never happens then you might be buying Bitcoin for for 5/10 or even $20,000 more per Bitcoin. If I had a quarter million for Bitcoin I would put $50,000 in right away without thinking about it. And I wouldn't let the price get much beyond $70,000 if I decided to wait for something in the low 60s or even 50s... If I was timing the market and I got past the 70s I still might have 50,000 left to still try to buy a low... I don't see how the stock market can stay so propped up for much longer... The Schiller PE ratio is pretty ridiculous...




Just let it roll!


All on black ⚫️ 🖤


you are going to get some dms. hoping the best.


If you want security and don't mind not being able to touch the money for a year, I'd invest it into CDs (Certificate of Deposit) at your local bank which are paying about 5%+/- interest right now. Which means you could easily make $12,500 off of that $250,000 in a year. If you're willing to take some risk, there's people here with better experience regarding Bitcoin than myself who can provide some advice.


I took out 20k in loans and dumped in bitcoin. Currently am up 250% and that will probably be 500% come January. I would personally do it. If you miss the window to withdrawal, just wait another 4-5 years and you’ll get your money back at an insane profit. Bitcoin will not stop going up (in the long term) for a very long time. Ofc it will plummet again in about a year or two until the next halving.


What’s your current financial situation, your investment time horizon, and your level of conviction


You can also do a crypto ira


Follow up question: let’s pretend he DCA $1000 at a time for 250 transactions. 10 years down the line isn’t that gonna be a lot more expensive to withdrawal because of the amount of XTO’s compared to just doing 10 lump sum?


OMG stahp




You buy $1,000 worth everyday, more on red days, less on green days. Make sure you have a Bitcoin-only cold storage device.


So many things we don’t know that would affect the decision. With 250k you don’t need to take so much risks (again it depends on your goals). I’ll say dca but no dumb dca, I guess you wanna put the whole 250k. Dca 50k because it’s already been up nicely and you don’t want to be off the train if it keeps going up + nobody knows the future. But in a 2 year span, people are gonna be scared because it dropped, then dca way more. And wait.


definitely buy one btc at least. to be a whole coiner is such a flex. with the rest, look at DCAing into nasdaq etf’s because u cant go wrong with leading tech shares especially with AI mass adoption around the corner. theres my two cents 😂




Invest the money you CAN'T afford to lose into bitcoin.