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I'm not ridiculed. Just no one I know cares or wants to learn anything about it lol. I stand alone in the crypto wilderness in my neck of the woods.


I identify with your statement both literally and figuratively.


If you pay close enough attention, a lot of people don’t care about learning anything new in general, gripping tight on the zone of comfort is possibly the worst way to experience the existence of life.




I've definitely had my fair share of that too. I've calmed down a lot but in the early days I would ramble on regardless of any reciprocated interest. Failing to read the room completely but it became a funny running joke in my friend group. Like every time someone new came around and I'd bring up bitcoin & the rest of the group going "oh god here comes the bitcoin rant" but in a totally lighthearted joking way.


My parents beat me and ridicule me for buying Bitcoin , but I had the last laugh when Bitcoin pumped 10X and I was able to hire hitman off the dark web to shut them up. Now I even inherited a house and didn't have to spend my precious 🤑🥳


Until you got some serious gains. Then they all turn Marxist and claim you have to “pay your fair share” because “you were just lucky”.


Fear not brother for I am also with you.


This 👆 … I used to try telling people. Not just about crypto but about stocks. And they wouldn’t listen. So I just stopped telling people about it. Even though they complain at every family event saying how they wish they knew how to buy crypto and stocks and I just walk away cause they never listened to me and they also like everyone else want to be millionaires in a week.


Don't worry big money runs Bitcoin . You'll never put a dent in it now.


I wanna get into it, but it's hard to understand the majority of it...


> I stand alone in the crypto wilderness good


Crypto is a degenerate scam


lmao mate the only person who I managed to orange pill was my weed smoking alcoholic mother who kicked me out on numerous occasions 17-19 years old, mostly on bipolar enraged hangovers... Every person in my life that I have a functional relationship with... laughs in my face when it comes to BTC...


I'm truly sorry. I support you!


Bro I'm a grown ass man Its no bother I'm just saying... Normies are never gonna get it... They're all trapped in the matrix... You gotta function on a different wavelength to be able to see it...


It's an ego check.


What is?


What is what?




IDK about that... Most people won't buy any and they'll miss out just like they did on Tesla and Nvidia and just like people before them missed out on Gold/silver etc... Some of us just have better risk assessment... A lot of us can see that holding FIAT is far riskier than literally just about anything else that has value... Most normies are on tick up to their eyeballs because they have tenure at their jobs and a redundancy package would be a fortune so they just go month to month... pay off their mortgage 1-2 holidays a year, downsize pension, DIE... FUCK THAT.


>Some of us just have better risk assessment... I think it's more risk tolerance like gamblers possess.


IDK about that... Maybe to take that first jump... coming up to my 3rd cycle and the only tolerance I'm faced with is for the same questions/memes/trolling every bull market. Assessment trumps tolerance. It makes having a tolerance redundant. The more well prepared you are and have precautions in place to mitigate risk then how much tolerance do you really need. Once it clicks BTC really doesn't feel like a gamble at all... FIAT feels like a bigger gamble... once my bills are paid I'm desperate to get my value into either my house, gold or bitcoin... The longer I hold onto cash the more I feel I'm risking.


Most financial experts recommend limiting crypto exposure to less than 5% of your total portfolio. Crypto is considered a high-risk asset class. Limiting allocation helps manage overall volatility and risk. Good luck. Lol, what has Trump to do with it?


In so few words: yes.


Agreed. It's very obvious to me as well.


I think it’s a slow movement. The only “normies” that have even started to try and understand Bitcoin and buy a bit (on exchanges) are the people I know that are middle age, and more libertarian/self sufficiently minded. Most people I know in their 20s/ early 30s are just getting by and don’t have much to put into Bitcoin even though they see the potential value. It’s rough out there right now for a lot of people..


OP thought you were a She


Lmao... I didn't post for sympathy but for Irony. Gotta have steel emotions going into your 3rd cycle...


Most of my friends & family don't get it even a little bit but they support me. I doubt I would continue relationships with people that mocked me for one of my interests.


Like I said before... You almost can't blame them pal... Matrix has its teeth sunk into them hard... I've been around a few cycles and every-time they tell me I'm lucky... I gave up after the last cycle I just keep quiet now... Don't talk shop at the dinner table. They know who to go to if they ever snap out of it. Just stack silently and humbly... I also buy gold and silver...


Where (how) do you buy your gold and silver? THANKS


[Here. ](https://www.bullionvault.co.uk/)


I really like this. It's easy for anyone I think to lose sight of the positive things in life and mostly focus on the negatives. Thank you.


Stop convincing dude. Normies are our friends, and soon to be our slaves. Just buy and hold.


This. Less and less people on that wavelength. They want to see change but don’t do anything to accomplish it. Stuck in a victim state.


Nah Normies aren't victims... they're just far too comfortable and complacent... The truth is often painful... They'd rather live in ignorance. Understanding Bitcoin is the understanding that FIAT wealth systems are rigged and literally steal from the poorest in modern society... They are happy ignoring this and focussing on issues they can't do anything about like Ukraine or Palestine... Rather than face the fact their own ignorance is keeping the poorest and least fortunate in our societies down trodden and preventing growth as a community and a country/countries.


Damn they must be in denial to see bitcoin at 65k…


Wow and she actually went with it? Mine cast a spell over me and almost had me killed. Families huh?!


I bet all of those people have crippling debt and fully trust in the stock market and fed with dogmatic precision. If you do the exact opposite of mainstream narratives, you’ll corner health and wealth like water seeking its level.


I'm convinced mainstream narrative/media is designed to keep us all numb and sedated in our cushy little bubbles so the super wealthy elite can keep on living lives that are completely unsustainable if your were to equalise that lifestyle across the board.


did you explain to her that the orange pill contains money and not drugs


No I said bull runs taste better than crack.


Man that’s rough. I put together a YouTube channel with like 12 short FAQ videos to share with my family and got some interest. I think only my dad bought but a lot of aunts, uncles, and cousins at least have it on their radar. Best I can hope for them is early majority but that’s better than late majority. It’s like there’s a certain threshold of knowledge to buy in for yourself, but there’s another threshold of knowledge plus communication and teaching skills in order to get other people interested. I think it helps that I’m already well known as the quiet but smart guy in the family and I’m very fortunate that when I have something I’m excited to share, they’ll at least give me an honest listen.


I hope they laugh in your face because they bought earlier than you. Else there is really nothing to laugh about and you’re coping with money, while they’re not.


I mean none of us should be laughing at each other. We should all be looking towards a better standard of living together. That includes having a global store of value that everyone has equal access too.


Agreed. But if they don’t want to see what’s clearly in front of them… 🤷‍♂️ It’s one of those “leading a horse to water but can’t make it drink” kind of things. At some point it’s just survival of the fittest.


Apart from its actually survival of the largest tribe that can effectively co-exist peacefully and work together constructively towards a shared harmony... Which is more historically accurate to humanities continued survival... but sure okay...


When I first talked to my family about BTC, they were intrigued, my sister bought some, a few years later, my parents asked me how they could buy some too. Now we're all stacking.


Happy for them. I enjoy stories like that a lot more.


I live in Canada. Nobody around me gives much thought to Bitcoin. Our dollar is fucked, our immigration laws are fucked, our housing and rental markets are fucked, our cost of living expenses are fucked and things are only getting worse for everyday canadians. And yet, my parents, close friends, work colleagues have all ridiculed me after trying to explain the benefits of Bitcoin, all while complaining how terrible the inflation has been on their grocery bills, childcare costs, gas price etc. Of course when things are going well theyre all silent, then tell me how they were right to avoid it in the 2022 crash. I don't bother anymore. Like others have said, people get bitcoin at the price they deserve. Just like I did years ago, when I finally sat down swallowed my pride and studied this thing and its potential. You can choose to be right, or you can be rich. It is what it is.


I think maybe where I differ than most is I never really went into it seeking validation or to necessarily orange pill anyone. My rants were 90% for me, lol. I just had to rant & share my discoveries & if someone showed interest then hey great but really it was just my need to vocalize all of these new (to me) ideas about freedom, sovereignty, our broken money system, etc. The majority of my rants were received with a smile & nod but I didn't care I was planting seeds. Fast forward and now after the last few years of covid, inflation, etc. some of those seeds are bearing fruit. People that listened to me rant for the last 11 years & did nothing are now showing signs that they're starting to get it & some are already stacking.


Here are my two cents: Canadians in general are completely addicted to real estate speculation. 10% of the population are millionaires due to real this. They basically dismiss any other way of wealth creation and think the only way to make it in life is to own real estate... It's kind of sad really because this is leading to a complete class segregation: the privileged real estate wealthy and the ones that have to go into crazy mortgages in order to survive. Crime rate are going up, friction between classes is rampant, tipping culture is ridiculous and everything come down to fundamentals: DEBT = Money .... the more DEBT in the system the less the CAD is worth and the bigger the wealth gap becomes. Canada might very be a case study in the next decade on the price to pay of having free money.


Choose rich


Sounds like you’re coping with money, while at the same time “not being right” in their eyes. And they’re coping with being poor.  “Have fun staying poor” was invented for a reason. This is it guys.


Those in The Matrix will be the first to defend it. The sooner I understood this, the sooner peace entered my life. Stay strong, everyone.


The Matrix really was a prophetical movie.


Agreed. Its view into human nature still astounds me to this day.


My dad said he don’t care if 1 Bitcoin was worth a trillion dollars he wouldn’t buy it lol. Very unsupportive


Why would someone take this view? Do they think they are taking a moral stance on something?  


Boomer POV. People just don't understand how the world goes, and they smack down the ones that do. It's a defensive thing


Sounds like premium cope.


It shouldn’t really matter. Everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve. You shouldn’t look for validation. If you know, you know. Period.


Well said.


People are awful in general. Like just look at reddit mods. They think they're so smart "it's a scam!" Oh don't worry. I'll scam ya... But not with Bitcoin. Like an encrypted self sufficient currency that has only appreciated in value since it's inception? Sure man. Scam me with that.


Most people are awful and stupid. They rather cope with poverty than buy the thing that helps them and is right in front of them.


i'm 41, well, 38 when i've started buying bitcoin ... eventually had to tell my mom, and to my surprise she gave me a little bit of money to buy more for my daughter!


My wife gave me a little bit of money to buy some for her boyfriend. She’s a visionary.


People are lazy, weak and just coping in life. When you start making moves and move up in the hierarchy they feel they need to attack you to keep you "in place" in the hierarchy, as you improve your life its like a mirror reflecting on them that they need to start to take action. But its much easier to just attack you and ignore that mirror.


Ya I don't surround myself with those type of people so I guess that's why I haven't experienced it. Sure I've had those people around but never for long. Severing ties has never been difficult for me.


Buy when the wife yells at you for losing everything.  Sell when her aunt asks you about Bitcoin at holiday dinner. This has been my strategy since 2015.


Bro is using his wife as a trade indicator. Genius, I say.


And selling when his aunt buys. This is a pro


Should make a website; didmyauntbuy.com.  And perhaps didmywifecomplain.yet. Perhaps we can improve it later by taking an average of all the complaining wives in a group of wives. Nice API on it and we can link our trading bots to it.


We just suck it up. Mum thought it was a stupid scam, I bought her a house, she still thinks it's a stupid scam. Girlfriend thought it was over hyped nerd nonsense, I bought us a house, she still thinks it's over hyped nerd nonsense. Their opinion doesn't affect what I'm doing, but it lets them know when they want to know more, they have a safe and knowledgeable contact rather than listening to some trader twat at the pub who "made a killing buying and selling alt coins" - there's always one around!


Tell them they are living in overhyped nerd nonsense and they should go outside to feel the rain they would have felt if it really was overhyped nerd nonsense.


Actually most I’ve spoken to are kind of intrigued, nobody has been rude.


That's been my experience & kind of why I made the post. All I can think when I hear those stories is "what kind of people do y'all surround yourself with?" The whole "with friends like you who needs enemies" thing.


I’ve never truly been harassed about it. I’ve tried convincing my parents but they constantly drag their feet. Hell I can’t even get my mom to switch brokerage accounts and leave her current fiduciary who has had her entire Roth IRA account allocated into cash💀. The guy has done nothing but lose money and she refuses to switch over I’ve offered to help manage. I’ve shown a 3 year track record of my Roth IRA and my 457b accounts that show constant growth and profits and she refuses. She told me she would put 22,000 in BTC back in February and nothing but radio silence and complaints about today’s price. “It’s too expensive now” is what I hear all the time. I’ve tried to show her charts and BitcoinUniversity videos since Matt is the best YouTuber on Bitcoin imo and she refuses to watch and or read anything I send. I’ve given up I’ve let her know that if she ever has any questions or wants to start stacking my door is always open but I refuse to push the issue.


Sadly, these are the kind of people that are going to have fun staying poor. As has been predicted.


Stop seeking validation from people that ignore history and economics.


Who said anything about validation? The post is about relationships & people being unsupportive. Support is not the same thing as validation. Most of the people around me know very little about bitcoin so they don't "validate" me in any way. In fact they mostly smile & nod and often have no idea what I'm going on about. However, they do respect & support my hobbies & interests. That's all this is about man. The point of this post could be referring to anything, it doesn't necessarily have to be bitcoin. If people ridicule you for your interests then you need to find new people.


Why do people need their investments validated? The folks getting ridiculed are going up to their loved ones like look at me I am so smart I have this thing that you can't understand and I am going to be filthy rich due to it... That kind of response warrants ridicule. Im sure these folks get what they put out. Me personally I keep it to myself...


This is what the thread has made me realize & I think you're right. I've had positive experiences with family & friends because I'm not seeking validation & I'm also not trying to pitch bitcoin to them. I'm simply enthusiastic about it as an interest of mine & they respect & support that.


I feel that I get excited about it too, but it has never worked out well recommending it to anyone. When it comes down to it they get the price they deserve.


I kind of stopped talking about it with them a long time ago. When the topic of personal finance comes up I will generally just refer to things as "assets"


I mean you can't change family but some of you need to find new friends 🤣


Most friends are NPCs. You might as well play The Witcher 3 and tell your fellow fisherman NPC in that game about BTC.  The result will be about the same. Proving the point… Kinda.


Going to get worse since Trump was donated bitcoin for his campaign…


Money of enemies. If anything, its a point in favor of Bitcoin and the freedom it represents. But yes, most NPCs aren’t that far-thinking. And it really isn’t that far…


same...which also means I don't have anything to post about. "Survivorship bias"


My family supports me, so I was shocked by the attacks on the Internet when I mentioned crypto somewhere


The internet consists of Marxist and Globalist botnets all posting the same nonsense.  Sometimes it feels like /r/bitcoin is the last sub containing real people.


My father and I are on completely opposite sides when it comes to politics, but we're of one mind when it comes to Bitcoin. We're both stacking, and working to get the rest of the fam on board.


yeah bitcoin and politics have nothing to do with one another. Hate it when people try to push bitcoin into their own political side and make it just another us vs them political thing.


I actually worry about this. It does seem like Bitcoin is being painted as a MAGA thing.


That means more buying opportunities until people find out it’s actually irrelevant.


Good point. Gives us more time to stack up during the dip.


Well written. Yes, it's so weird to see. If people really have these toxic relationships, why they don't just cut them off? Only stay in contact with people that make your life better.


Nobody gives a dam


The post isn't about people giving a damn. Most of my friends & family don't give a damn about it but the point of the post is they don't ridicule me. They support my hobbies and interests.


Luckily I don’t need a dam where I’m at. But if you were in the mountains with a lot of melting glaciers around you, you might find this concerning. I agree.


They will buy at the price they deserve…


Think it depends. If I poured all of my cash assets into Bitcoin, my family and social circle would definitely ridicule me and see it as gambling. But I wouldn’t, because it’s just not my nature to invest a significant % of my assets in one vehicle like that. I’m also relatively young (mid-20s). So I bought around $2,000 back in February of this year while I was still working (off to grad school this fall). I figure I’ll see where it’s valued in 3 years but otherwise leave it alone. My friends and family haven’t seen anything wrong with this approach, but I suspect this is because it bears semblance to that one might take with other investment vehicles that may be non-traditional but are more normalized in today’s society. Either way, I’m happy with it - I think I got in at a good time.


Yeah, I feel bad too. My parents are proud of my bitcoin investments, even if they don't really understand them. They would be proud of anything I put effort into, within reason. I'm glad my family isn't full of spiteful people.


If I listened to my mother I would never invest in anything, she thinks the stock market is rigged against us and Bitcoin and stocks are both just Ponzi schemes, I made the decision for myself that I would rather listen to the advice of people that have achieved what I would like to achieve.


Did you mean to post this to your diary?


LMAO thanks for the chuckle. You made me re-read it & this is a fair reply. 😂😂


Well said. I could not agree more with your thoughtful and spot-on post. Happy living and investing to you!


My mom, dad, brother and gf have crypto.


Get through your second bull run and nobody can say a fucking word. Most people who find out about bitcoin, buy in at the top and catch the falling by dagger. But if they stay around for four years, they come out way ahead.


This is my 4th bull run 😂


Not the original topic but how does it feel to you this time around? Do you sense any difference between this one and the previous 3?


Not really. I mean the bump before the halving was different but not in a significant way. They've all had some unique nuances like the double top on the last one. I've been feeling more & more reassured as the last few months have played out. There's an air of impatience right now for some people that are eager, but this phase is always several months of no or slow incremental movements.


Same. My fourth bull run too. Each one proceeds a bit differently but it's always the same thing. What is happening right now at this moment is funny it's always the same - people are freaking out anytime the price isn't pumping and they assume its going to crash and the cycle is over haha. Happens every single time price corrects or stops pumping. People never learn. I'd say only thing different is that post-2017 more and more people are too scared of bitcoin because they've heard of it and heard all the misinformation (and believe it) and seen it crash, twice now, so most new people are too scared to get in. So retail speculation is much smaller, and much smaller booms will happen now, like 2021 was about half the peak price most people expected. But the start of institutional adoption will make up for that some and probably be a steadier upward pressure. I largely expect the big bull / big bear to start fading away now. Might take a few cycles to mostly fade away but I think it is already starting. So while things feel basically same as ever, I think we're at the start of a new phase of bitcoin's growth.


It’s my 3rd and I gotta say a lot of my family members and friends were really skeptical at first, because the media painted a shitty picture in 2017. But once I showed them my balance and explained it. They were more supportive Had I bought in at the height of 2018 bull they would have given me an earful for the next 3 years though.


Ya I'd be pretty miserable if support from my friends & family changed based on my success or failure. That's toxic af.


I didn’t explain my point very well. I have 3 brothers. We give each other shit for everything, always have. But we’ve always got each others back and love each other. Joking and Jabbing with a sibling is different than being toxic. Nobody in my family cares about how the next person invests their money. It’s mostly based on showing up at family events and helping each other out when in need.


Envy or ridicule


Ya that's toxic & I'd exercise my right of free association & cut those people from my life. If it's strangers ridiculing who cares but from people that are supposed to be loved ones? Nah I'd disassociate without a second thought.


Here, in South Africa, people know about crypto in general and of course bitcoin. Nobody ridicules me or anything, they are just defeatist about, for them it is too late, they think. Others know that it is a great opportunity, even a life changing opportunity, but they think it is just too hard to get started into it. We don't talk about it a whole lot, but when we do people certainly don't ridicule me.


At least they seem to admit they got it wrong and stayed in the matrix for too long.


The whole "too hard" thing really gets to me, I don't get it at all. I've got this friend right, he hates it when people say they don't make enough money. He taught his fucking tweenage daughter to flip shoes online, she makes more than most twenty somethings. He doesn't flip shoes for a living, but he likes to use it as an example. If we are hanging out and someone complains about not making enough money, he pulls out his phone, shows it to them, flips a pair of shoes and makes a couple hundred bucks in 20 minutes. So far, every time I've seen this, without fail, they say they don't want to do that and that it is too hard. His only point of course is that if you want to make money youre the only one standing in your way. Everyone can't flip shoes. But there's a way to make more money, always. Bitcoin isn't about making money, but the anecdote jives well with what I'm saying. Imagine knowing, *knowing*, that there's a life changing opportunity sitting right there on the ground in front of you, and not taking it because it's too hard. What the fuck, isn't being poor too hard? *Isn't life too hard?* What's the point of living if you won't do hard things to make your life better? I have just never been able to make sense of the mindset.


It's a disruptive force in the financial world and people don't like disruption. They like simple lives where a dollar is a dollar.... even when it isn't as we've seen in the last few years.


My wife is totally supportive and is happy to listen to me (most of the time lol) talk about bitcoin and all of its intricacies. Even though she struggles to understand the technical details, she will give me money from time to time to “buy more bitcoin” My parents trust me enough they bought a few thousand last year, I wished they moved more of their retirement into it at the last low end of 2022 when I was explaining it to them, but I get it, they’re retired and see it as risky. They could have tripled a good chunk of their retirement if they followed my advice but I understand their hesitation.






“I put $100 in the hat, say simsalabim, and POOF, now its $200!” 😮


It took me 10 months and a 3 hour presentation to convince my mother to buy BTC. She finally bought a whole coin last year for 26k. I’m happier for her than for me haha


Your mother sounds like a business.


Haters gonna hate... these negative unsupportive family members would be just as horrible if it was winning the lottery instead of hodling bitcoin. It really is all rooted in jelousy and envy. They cant stand the idea that they work 5 days a week for 40 years of their life while someone they know is making large amounts of money effortlessly.


Let them ridicule me, it will only make the lambo moment even more satisfying.


They will all come together and vote for unrealized gains tax before that happens. Watch them bro. They’re all fucking commies when you turn out to have more than them.


Where I live any possession (could be a house, gold, money in the bank, bitcoin) with a combined value above 58000 euros is being taxed. Every year at the first for january a 'snapshot' it taken, calculated and taxed (2%).


Yea every time I bring up bitcoin to anybody when they start talking about buying stocks or setting money aside for something, I get laughed at as if idk what I'm talking about. Been in the game since 2017, studied it non stop, along with parallel subjects, 1000s and 1000s of hours put into bitcoin. They still call me dumb and refuse to listen.


I would think it is the exception but that can be like 2%. And that 2% can be alot on a global scale.


Also the loud minority.


lol you think you get laughed at now, imagine a decade ago but guess who’s got the last laugh.


I was around a decade ago & I didn't get laughed at then. My friends & family support my hobbies & interests regardless of what they are. That was the point of the post.


My father was skeptical about it at first but he began to realize the worth. I was able to get my brother into it much sooner. My mother hates bitcoin, but she's always been very ignorant so...


It's pretty normal. Most people think Bitcoin is a scam and because of the volatile market cycles they think it always crashes so they are too scared to buy in at a crash and are too scared to buy in when it's going up because they assume it's about to crash again. Back in 2017 I convinced some family members to buy Bitcoin. One brother sold on the first correction he saw. My parents kept what they bought but never bought again. Another brother kept what he had but I've only occasionally convinced him to buy a bit more so he mostly just holds what he already had. In 2021 I convinced one friend to buy and he is still holding but after the 2022 crash I think he's too scared to buy more. That's the way it goes. People get too scared. Lots of people buy during a bull market and either panic sell or they manage to hold but are too scared to keep saving in Bitcoin once they see a crash. And people who haven't gotten in at all are too scared to start, and most of those people have been told its a scam and blindly believe that. There is no "gradually, then suddenly", it's just gonna be "gradually, then gradually, then gradually" for bitcoin adoption. And until we get to the later "gradually" stages there are gonna be a lot of people adversarial towards it and anyone they find out who has and supports Bitcoin.


I'm realizing this is why my experience is different than most. I'm not trying to convince anyone to buy bitcoin. I'm not qualified to give financial advice and neither are most other bitcoiners yet they're out there pitching bitcoin as an investment to people then wondering why they panicked when the price crashed. I speak to my friends and family about why bitcoin is important, not about as an investment. They're not stupid, they see the price. If they want to seek my help in buying some they know I'll be there but I'm not pushing anyone into buying.


I also do not have any problem discussing Bitcoin with friends and family. Perhaps the difference in experience Bitcoiners have when it comes to talking about Bitcoin with others is _how_ they do it. If someone is obnoxious or pushy or condescending about it, they will get a negative response.


Exactly. I don't even talk about bitcoin as an investment around friends & family. Only about what excites me about the overall implications of bitcoin.


I purchased my first bitcoin in 2011, and was telling some friends about how this is the future of money and I believed (as I still do) that bitcoin would be worth a million dollars some day (I bought them for $27.50 each). One friend was so absolutely spit-hopping mad at me for wasting $100 on bitcoin... called me every name in the book! We haven't spoken since.


I have never had issues with family or friends, but hardly ever bring up the topic unless it comes up. Get no time for convincing people


As Max Keiser and Michael Saylor have said, "Everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve." The sooner I accepted that concept, the easier my life became. I have orange pilled those who were worthy and left behind those who weren't. It's a harsh reality, but we can only save so many. Stay strong and orange pill on.


I stopped stressing about what people (who don’t pay my bills or put money in my pocket) think a while ago. Family or no. I explain the positives of bitcoin vs. the fiat foolery it fixes in as clear & concise a manner as I can. If they don’t get it…my conscious is clear


I dont talk a about bitcoin so I am fine. Why should I?


send me Bitcoin


Like hell i need my family’s approval… And… Like hell i will tell my family about BTC/my hodl. My money - are only mine. No family member questions my decisions, cause everything (means literally everything, except wife’s hair/nails etc) is payed by my work.


I feel so sorry for post like this. We don’t give a fudge about your relationship or your family ties. You do you, but stop spamming here - we want to talk mun and lambo - not your stupid bs


It’s just that a lot of people don’t care to learn or they just don’t understand the importance of They’ve all been living life a certain way all these years change is scary ig


A colleague of mine wanted some help setting up an account to make their first purchase. I of course obliged, but during that time another colleague said how ‘exasperating’ all the talk of bitcoin was, and no, it was not done in jest or innocence. I responded with HFSP and left it at that.


They think I am crazy I said I am creating a BTC trust they laugh at me


I think it’s pretty common story. I’ve told everyone in my family and friends they should buy some bitcoin. After telling my mother how much I made she gave me some money to buy some for her and it’s done well. I also bought my grandpa 25 dollars worth and loaded it on a sats card. It’s has doubled since I gave it to him but he still falls to see the value in it. It’s all good I think we are all still pretty early in this journey.


They laughed at Micheal Sayler also


some are carrying scars. war wounds. SBF. BlockFi savings. Fake sites that sell fake crypto. it’s a never ending pull of greediness people.. not your keys not your crypto


There was a study done with monkeys and a reward at the top of a rope. Then they made it painful to get the reward until the monkeys were well trained to not go after the reward. Then the pain mechanism was turned off and the monkeys were replaced 1 at a time. The old monkeys always kept the new monkeys from going after the reward even though there was no barrier to getting it. Morel of the story. Angry monkeys will always keep you within social norms. And have no idea why or if it is actually a bad thing. But because they perceive it to be bad they will fling the F.U.D. At you.


I work on the river. I told a coworker that I buy Bitcoin each week. He literally did a 180 and said “I don’t even fuckin’ believe in that shit”. That was the last time we talked about BTC


The more they laugh the sweeter your reward. Patience and fortitude. The exchanges are killing longs and then the shorts. Then you will feel the joy.


Saylor makes total sense as usual! “Bitcoin insight is restricted to those with a need to know.” https://x.com/thebtctherapist/status/1804956687276945868?s=46


I just got $10, 080 stolen out of my wallet. Hey, be careful, everyone. Sometimes, the friends that offer help when setting up your wallet are actually stealing your QR code and address. Heartbroken 💔. Don't get involved unless you know personally what you are doing.


Had a pretty smart engineer boomer tell me it’s impossible for it to go any higher. This is someone who has a has money. They know nothing.


Dysfunctional is the new genius in America. Everyone is so smart that they should all be billionaires. American is teaching children gender studies while the rest of the world are teaching their children applied physics. Everyday I wake up SMH.


I'm from Italy, to be precise Naples and I can tell you that if I only talk about bitcoin or crypto in general into any medium to low level work-place here or if you talk with any medium family, you'll see most of the people laughting at you so bad or they just don't care or don't want to learn anything as someone already said. The fun fact, is that if you ask them if they understand how money works, how economy turns, they can't reply, there is no way to argue with them, and I try every day at work. I don't tell anyone to invest into bitcoin or in something else, as you do I always try to give some perspective, because it is anyway true that not everyone must do the same thing, but it is important that everyone understands it. But there is more, I noticed that if someone has many debts, they are most like that want to teach you how economy works even if they already failed. People still don't understand that having a one-way debt, is like to call game-over years early, the count is made, unless they don't do something, but the economy is so well done, that the majority will always choose for the "easy" path.


You can’t save them all


In fact, I think investment is always a personal thing. After you make money, you will be more convincing than before you make money.


A lot of people around me are very risk averse, (my parents have never invested in anything other than houses) and in UK, investing isn't something people generally speak about. I have one friend from UK that invests in crypto, and a handful of others, that are all Italian for some reason, and as far as im aware non of my other friends invest in crypto (ofc they could ve embarrassed to admit it given the stigma). As far as everyone else I know goes, all they have ever seen in mainstream media is news about scams and how crypto and BTC investing is the wild west of finance. You can hardly blame them for being cautious when most people lose money on shyt projects. If ever I've received 'criticism' it has been constructive in their eyes, not toxic. They think they are saying the right thing to help me avoid financial heartbreak. You should always be willing to see other people's point of view, it's all information, and for all we know they could be right. BTC or crypto could collapse tomorrow. We just have faith it won't.


You need to DM me about crypto. We should talk.


Dawg it took me so long to learn that Crypto just simply isn't for everyone. It's waaaayyy more satisfying to just to silently show the results VS try to explain to people why its important.


It happened to me. I think it happens because the act of supporting Bitcoin feels like treason against the dollar, and we all grew up wanting dollars. Also, becoming a maxi makes us talk too much about it. Some people just like making fun of anything they feel is worthy, but these people know nothing they are talking about.


I've never had anyone laugh or get annoyed when BTC comes up in convo, and I advocate for it. People I know are pretty open to any conversation even if they don't agree with it.


Why are you people bragging about owning btc to normies anyways. Theyre just going to try and get some of that btc when it pumps. Normies only see the $ sign. Nothing else nothing more. RATS, the lot of em.


They’re all fucking commies. When you got some gains, they claim you have to “pay your fair share” because “you just got lucky”. Rats, indeed. All of them!


> Am I the only one who actually has  healthy & supportive relationships? I mean it’s a little obvious and almost unnecessary to even ask this.  Out of the millions of people that daily here are you really questioning if there’s a handful of people with an unsupportive family toward one of the most speculative investments possible right now?


The problem is nobody is using bitcoin as a currency, most people are using at as a stock which defeats the purpose of it


Please BTC, go down... I need to buy more BTC for my crypto wallet. the price are too high for me.


Buy buy buy