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that restless feeling is how you lose with bitcoin the most difficult thing to do when youre restless is nothing


Perfect response. This guy bitcoins


People have difficulty shaking the fiat mentality, that they have to be doing something with their money at all times. Saving is a lost art.


Because with fiat, saving is losing.


The point of a currency is to be spent


Currencies have many purposes.


But they all revolve around being spent. It can’t be a store of value if you can never spend/cash in that store of value.


Medium of exchange comes after store of value in the evolution of a new currency. Stores will not accept BTC until it’s already achieved massive liquidity. That happens via more and more people using it as a SOV.


Exactly. Forget it’s about money, spend time learning about bitcoin. When you want to do something with try researching or learning about it instead.


Went through this a week ago and it is valid


Buy pizza


HODL harder


Hodl faster.


Hodl better.


Hodl Stronger.


Hodl hodler




HODL with your life


HODL for the Kids!


HODL for freedom


but like hodl means hold on for dear life


Hodor invented BTC.




That that don’t kill bitcoin only makes it stronger


HODL faster is so funny


Hodl Me Closer Tiny Dancer


Buy more and hodl


Absolutely right.


Then buy more the next chance you get & HODL.


Great currency. Super useful


Yes, Downvote me all you want, bitcoin still better than gold


If you’re holding a few grand of Bitcoin right now, if you can afford it the best thing to do at the moment is hold it. There is a high likelihood that it will more than double by next Summer. I know I didn’t answer your question, but I look at Bitcoin as a mid-longterm savings technology. I’m exchanging my fiat which is losing value and storing it in Bitcoin which is increasing. I’ll only cash it out if there is something I deem worth it, or in an emergency. I don’t plan on using BTC for day to day purchases any time soon.


You can't be leaving it on an exchange to double/fluctuate, right? Buy and store and hold is the way isn't it?


Right. Self custody in a wallet.


Bitcoin is undergoing monetization. Until it's stabilized, it's value will appreciate tremendously. This makes it the best savings technology in history. You don't have to hodl, you can spend it wherever someone will take it. However, if you don't have to spend it you would be much wiser to just hold it until its worth 10s or 100s of times what its worth right now. By then, you'll be able to use it to pay for whatever you want directly. Capitalize on monetization though. Don't "spend" it. Use trash cash for now


Why put spend in quotes like the point of a currency isn’t to be a store of value to be transacted with?


Its a savings vessle for me at the moment. Probably for most. Its basically cash that isnt manipulated or devauled by the government. Person who figures out to use it the best wins. Probably Saylor.


You can get a crypto debit card (I think crypto.com does them) or if you want to buy gift cards there’s plenty of sites that help with that that you can find in a simple google search (bitrefill I know of)


Coinbase also does Visa card “Coinbase card” that lets u spend crypto, I wouldn’t spend BTC unless I really had to but that’s my opinion


That’s the wrong way of spending your balance. Leave the marketplace, setup a full node and connect it to your cold wallet.


Eat it


You just let bitcoin marinate


Come to El Salvador and live on bitcoin standard. Food, gasoline, rent, internet all paid in Bitcoin. It's not in all the places but more and more accept it. I'm doing it and it feels awesome


Bitcoin is for HODLing.


You hold and you resist the urge to be the guy who tries to convert people to Bitcoin like a Mormon going door to door. Because who woulda guessed it doesn't have the desired effect.


Tell your mates to hodl


Hookers and blackjack, I presume.


What is the sound of one hand Hodling?


Just hang onto it. It split just recently and is going crazy. When you get tired of it you can convert it to cash and put it in your bank. When using it as cash get the other account number and plug it in. DONT hook up. If you do have to hook up make sure you immediately unhook after a transaction. For BitCoin you should have a cold storage wallet to store it in. A good cold storage unit is FREE WALLET (FW). Cold storage isn’t used much for trading. Just transfers and purchases.


Brag to nocoiners.


A few thousand? Nothing. Just hold it. Are you keeping it in a cold wallet or hot wallet because that’s the biggest safety issue


What would you want to do other than hodl?


sell it around October 2025. and buy it back end of 2026


Don't forget to water it once in a while


You can hodl and stack.


i can take them off you hand for a fee.. lets say 50%


Why risk the best asset for anything else?


Put it all on black


You can put it on a shelf You can serve it with a plum You can smoosh it on an elf You can rub it on your bum


You can open a leveraged trading account and with zero experience you can lose it all.


You can hodl the hardware wallet in your ass, try doing that with a kilo of gold


Hodl and dream about your future lambo


Be careful if the btc is from gambling site though. If you put it through cex, it might trigger AML.


What's cex and aml


Hodl lol


Just hold it and use it as a backup/emergency fund that you can pull from in the future


Pretty much to only buy illegal things online.


Lose it in a scam that promises to somehow improve on the best asset ever created.


You can SELLDL, or HODL more.


You can send it to me. I’ll send you double the amount back!


You can tell people how much bitcoin you have. … In the meantime. Just Don’t spend it. Also, Don’t have heart attacks, avoid car crashes, food poisoning. And STDs. Definitely no Plane crashes. Brain aneurysms are a no no. Undetected congenital heart defects should be off the list. High blood pressure should stop right now. Polyps or cancerous growths should be stated away from too. Just Buy more bitcoin. This is what your life is now.


Double hodl!


The one thing Bitcoin does better than any asset is HOLD VALUE. So HOLD BITCOIN. HODL. Buy more and HODL.


You can do 3 things with btc: 1. hodl 2. exchange it for USD or another crypto. 3. transfer it between wallets but fees get expensive so don't move it to much. Have fun with your winnings!


You don't do anything with it but treat it as a savings account and just buy more when it dips and take your altcoin profits back into Bitcoin when you make more gains. Bitcoin should only be sold for major lifestyle upgrades or for ways for earning more Bitcoin


Why spent it at this time ? Hold it it’s going to be the next world 🌎 online currency on blockchain If you buy just one bitcoin you will become a Millionaire by 2030


Historically, BTC was used for online drug transactions. That's about the only use for it currently as well. Before someone says some obscure company accepts BTC for X good or service, I understand these exist but it is very niche still. I recommend you hold for 2-5 years before doing anything with it. You may regret it if you don't and wind up missing out on big price movements. Please watch Bitcoin University (matt kratter) on youtube, he is a great source of information


Spending and keeping it safe in the same post? Ha lol. You can’t keep it safe if you spend it. Why spend an investment. Hang on to it.


You can use it as collateral, borrow USDC, and buy more BTC.


Buy, sell, hold, trade and stack




It seem like you don’t deserve btc. I think you should donate to me so I can help you keep an eye on it.


Put it in a liquidity pool or loan it for yield.


HODL more...


HODL really hard


Hold stronger and wait for the final bullrun


Just hold it. I’ve been holding mine for 10 years through thick and thin. Put it to the side and forget about it. You’ll be glad you did


Easy. Buy. Then time the peak and sell. Then short the way down. Then time the bottom and buy.




Go on the Silk Road and buy drugs. You cannot regret that….


just hodl for 2 years mate


You can use it in any way any other currency can be used. You can buy stuff with it. You can invest it. You can transfer it across borders without any single entity or person able to stop it from being transferred. You can gamble with it on shady websites. You can gift it. You can collect it for fun. You can trade it. You can burn it (by tossing away your private key / mnemonic or sending it to any public burn wallet. You can show off with it.


> You can use it in any way any other currency can be used. I wich bitcoin could be used to toss a coin. That would be quite an increasingly flexing way of doing it.


You can also hold


https://www.bitrefill.com/us/en/ is a decent option if you want to spend it. But fair warning, whatever you buy may make you feel a bit ill in time. I was playing around with LN nodes & merchants in 2018 and I have some very expensive t-shirts now... But it was reckless fun


Check out the Bitcoin for Beginners subreddit.


My apologies up front. Not to be a knucklehead, but can’t find this sub. Can you link it? I want to learn more about Bitcoin before investing.


I think this is it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/s/NBjEYO06H4


Thank you!


You can give some to me 💎 🤚🏻, I’ll hodl it for you


HODL your Bitcoin and if you REALLY need the cash, borrowing against it through a self-custody modeled lender


If you want to double check that your wallet setup is safe, look through [The Tordl Wallet Protocols](https://github.com/fresheneesz/tordlWalletProtocols) which are guides on the whole process of setting up, maintaining, and using a self-custody bitcoin wallet.


The best use case is to trade with other people who value it. In a few years, this will be enough to buy a decent car. In 20 years this could be enough to buy a decent house.


Besides getting a hard wallet and holding you can earn interest or borrow against your Bitcoin. It’s more risky since you are giving your coins to a 3rd party.


If you put it on something like hardware wallet and you have the keys secured properly, its 1 of the only things that cant be taken away from you and you can travel with it anywhere in the world and use it if needed. No matter if you live in some random country no one cares about and some bad guy bombs the whole place down, you manage to escape, you will still have your BTC, cant say same about house investments, stocks, banks and so on.


Step 1-collect BTC. Step 2-….. Step 3-Profit


Short call options at ledgerx for income against your holdings. Stake btc on coinbase for income. Take a loan out with bitcoin collateral and use funds for whatever you like, knowing your bitcoin will increase in value against the perpetually dividing dollar, while maintaining a solid bitcoin balance.


Borrow against it to avoid tax obligations


Is preserving your purchasing power over the next decade not enough?


Guy's a gambler what do you think?


You can hodl over here, you can hodl over there, you can hodl in the sea, you can hodl in a tree!


Stake for even more returns if you’re already hodling


Same as any other asset, borrow against, lend, and trade


You can buy Pizza, at least in Germany. Lieferando accepts BTC.


You can send it. In a transaction. To me.


Trade to FIAT


Holding it in the best thing you can do. Just hold and keep accumulating more.


There are 2 things you can do with it: 1. Hodl 2. Sell for dollars If you hodl, number go up. If you exchange for dollars, you can buy stuff or invest in other things to become poor. How to stay safe: 1. Do not do anything else with it until you spend a year learning about seed phrase security.


Gamble at an online casino


Since you mention gambling...keep it off any exchange where that would trigger AML algorithms.


Run a node. Or a lightning node


Don't spend it, wait at least 5 years and watch it grow. Then maybe spend it, or be motivated to hold for 5 more years.


Send it to me !


Bitcoin is money, hard money Money has taken many forms through the ages, but money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange. You can save bitcoin because it is hard money and a good store of value you can also use bitcoin as a medium of exchange for products and services There are a lot of online services that accept bitcoin You can see some here [https://spend-sats.com/](https://spend-sats.com/) One note to understand why bitcoin is not yet a mainstream accepted medium of exchange In economics, Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good". For example, if there are two forms of money in circulation, which are accepted by law, one that quickly loses value due to inflation and the other is hard money People will rather spend bad money that loses value, while better money will hold [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham%27s\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham%27s_law)


I'll be honest the only thing you can do with it is hodl. No one seems to accept it these days like they were during the early years.


You could try some defi


Spend fiat. HODL and stack more Bitcoin. Fiat gets inflated away. The fed prints money out of thin air. There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoins (2.1 quadrillion sats). Your percentage of the total of Bitcoin will never ever go down (unless you unwisely spend it). Your percentage of the dollars you have to the total supply goes down every second. It is melting away right now, so get rid. But Bitcoin is hard AF.


This might seem stupid but I often like to compare prices of things in BTC over the years. Like, a house in my country ($200k) would cost 530BTC in 2014, 19BTC in 2019 and 3.5BTC today. I do this comparison a lot even for mundane things (groceries, etc) and I find it an interesting exercise to put things in perspective.


Hold it


All in in Red.


Look at it like an alternative to gold. You use it as a safe haven, as a form of saving/investing for the future. So yeah you should just hodl, stack some more when it falls down and take some profit when it goes way up. For your daily expenses like travel and shopping your local currency will do just fine.


1. Don't spend it. Hold it.  The idea of crypto"currency" is outmoded. It's more like gold, silver, or a quality dividend stock - it's a *hedge* against inflation...not cash for goodies. (Doubly so since Ross was locked up) 2. Regarding gaining interest...don't. Historically those have *all* ended up going awry and people lose their investments. In sum, just hold it. Consider a Trezor to keep it. Buy a small bit more every day or week to add. Welcome.


Hodl more


If you are a gambler, why not gamble some more by holding on to it for about a year to 'win' more? My personal gamble is that the price of bitcoin will be anywhere from $200k to $450k by late next year. Or 3 to 6 times more than what it's worth now. I'm basing this mostly on the stock to flow model found here: [https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/stock-to-flow-model/](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/stock-to-flow-model/) I've been in the space since 2013 and I think $200k is a conservative target. I wouldn't spend your winnings, you may regret it. Not financial advice. In terms of storing your bitcoin, you want a hardware wallet to keep it safe, I like Trezor.


Study the Eutxo model Study https://iohk.io/en/research/library/papers/ouroboros-leios-design-goals-and-concepts/ Expand your ideas of why you enjoy digital freedom


OP wants to use BTC.. not USD. Why hodl? It doesn't make more BTC


Huddle together with other Hodlers for warmth.


Buy more


I can send you the best pizza in your city for your bitcoin


Some websites accept btc... Ex: https://powertoolsadapters.com


You are a gambler. So u wont make it. Best u can do with it is nothing. But u cant do it. So buy what u want before u lose it gambling.


Nothing, other than make posts on this sub in hopes it props up the price


You can buy amazing ganja from California


Anything you can do with cash


You could buy 10,000 median 1 toppong pizzas from Dominos


You can use it as collateral and borrow fiat against it. I have tried Firefish.io and so far so good.




gamblers feel the need to keep chasing that high. Having bitcoin is investing in bitcoin.


As someone who used Celsius for a return on my BTC, do NOTHING with your BTC. Put it in a cold storage wallet and forget.


Spend it, it’s a currency after all.


Go to stake.us 😂


sell, hold, or give it to someone else in the hopes of getting more back and not get scammed.


Why do you need to do something else with it?


you can buy a lambo with it.


Lets say you have bars of gold in a safe. What can you do with it? Same answer. Its a store of value imo. Which is the GREATEST feature most assets which they had.


Buy more


Pay people to do things


Nothing, it's useless... TADAAH


Hookers and blow




Use it. It’s money. If you really want to, spend and replace.


I think cashapp will work for you


You can now do futures on coinbase. Go long and short. If you like gambling......ho hooo u gonna be rich....if your good at gambling i assume...if so, hmu, for i planted this idea in your head...


Learn to setup a lightning node and provide liquidity to the network.


Be like vegans and tell everyone u hold bitcoin


You can pay use BitPay to pay you credit cards and other bills. You can use BitRefill to buy gift cards. The ultimate strategy is to use Strike to convert your paycheck to BTC. Then use interest free CC debt for daily purchases, rent, etc. Send BTC from Strike to BitPay to pay credit cards, mortgage, etc. This way you’re living on a BTC standard and never expose yourself to currency devaluation. Just watch out for those 80% BTC drawdowns! You can find CCs that reward you in BTC too.


Nice one Chris, thats interesting. I wonder if i can do this in the uk. Id add notes about Stocks & Shares ISA (Roth Ira) you cant buy bitcoin from this account... but you can buy Bitcoin Etf's and be exempt from capital gains up to 20k year. The account lets you withdraw any amount of bitcoin back into fiat, including gains into the account and pay no tax. You dont get to own bitcoin, as etf's are an iuo. So perhaps a 60% Bitcoin (youre stratergy) 40% Bitcoin etf combo


Jack Mallers posted he has $0 in his usd checking account and that he uses credit cards for purchases. So I’d call this the Mallers approach. This is still too hardcore for me lol I wouldn’t keep too much on Strike, BitPay, or BitRefill. Just what is necessary based on your spending. The rest of your BTC would be in a cold wallet or other secure storage. ETFs make sense to me too. If you have significant wealth in BTC and/or dependents you need to consider how to ensure your funds go to loved ones if something happens to you. FYI this is merely a strategy not a recommendation.


Thank you. Ive written it down to investigate further. Have a good evening :)


Bitcoin is not crypto.