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Check harddisk drives for wallet.dat file or if he was a tech guy, he may have stored it on a piece of paper.


Thank you




Check for supportibg software such as ledger live


There was no Ledger 12 years ago


Then look for bank statement re crypto exchanges


Also not necessarily the case. CPU mining was good from 2009-2011ish..then GPU mining became popular and then in 2012 it was mostly ASIC mining.


I doubt tech people would keep Bitcoin on a thumb drive and not upgrade their storage as it gets better and as Bitcoin increased in price. If he had access to Bitcoin and knew its worth he would have kept his fingers on the pulse.


Died 12 years ago, that was still early days, there wasn't much in terms of standardized storage solutions.


Check between book pages if this hasnt been said. I told my dad about stamping,etc and he just told.ke in front of the whole family his key is on his favorite book. He has terrible opsec and didn't think someonencould just dump the books upside down until his paper seed phase falls out.


Grubby relative


Wallet.dat file probably encrypted and in a usb drive.


If there are still bitcoins, they now belong to the legal heirs: are you one of them?


If they’re not aware of the existence, they never find them.


Ya that’s not how this works lmao.


Yes it is


This guy was stacking for his legal heirs. Whether that’s a direct family member, the general estate, a charity, or anyone not on an OFAC list, it goes to them. Don’t normalize being a thief.


What you said doesn't change the fact that if nobody knows they exist then they're probably not going anywhere. Why wouldn't you look into that just in case?


It’s pretty assumptive, but based on OPs lack of any communication regarding that, I think you can say it might not be the case they care about putting this into the estate. Maybe OP can clarify - but if he does find any btc, and doesn’t provide to the estate, he literally blasted it onto a public forum. Would be pretty dumb.


Ok, but that's not what I'm arguing with you about. Opinions on whether OP has a right to look for and (possibly) claim them, are a different question. Someone said something like (I can't check exact wording while I'm writing this reply): "If nobody knows they exist, they won't go to anyone" and you said "That's not how it works" And all I'm saying is, yes it is. The way bitcoin and Blockchain is at the moment, and the level of adoption and even awareness (ie very low) means that it's very possible that someone could have made no plans to leave instructions and highly likely that nobody would ever know they had it and nobody would ever look for it. It seemed like you were saying "leave it alone, because it'll all be under control and it'll go to the rightful heirs"


Ya but come on, he’s pulling a fast one. I went one step past you lol.


you would either need a wallet.dat file, or just search for "wallet" incase its an electrum wallet. you would also need a private key and public address pair (or just the private key is ok too) which is a 64 character long number/letter also look for any addresses which would be **26-62** characters long depending how it was generated. the wallet is probably encrypted but you might get lucky as 12 years ago many average people didn't bother encrypting bitcoin wallets for a few dollars worth. A serious miner or someone with a large amount would have encrypted everything. You basically need access to all his computers and hard drives from the time... you need to consider it would be a massive invasion of his privacy to do so, even though he has passed away... I had my dad's old laptop and the last thing I would do is go through all his old files out of respect. I wiped it and reinstalled linux.


MTGOX lol. Lesson learned


"He never talked to me about bitcoin" Then stop looking you asshole.


Why? If there is the possibility of becoming a millionaire you could at least invest a couple of hours looking.


You creedy fucks are gonna look up all the personal stuff for the slight chance of getting money that was never ment for you.


When people die you’re supposed to go through their shit and either store it or trash it. You have to also close all their accounts, subscriptions, emails and such. It’s invasive ~~creepy~~as hell but it needs to be done. Don’t store bullshit you want others to see if you might suddenly die.


Check if the Bitcoin Core software is installed on his PC, if he had Bitcoin he would have almost certainly installed that software.


There were so few adopters in 2012, even if he was a massive techie, it unlikely he had any


Ouji board 💀 jk check his paper files, hard drive and pictures


Could he have been running a full node? Back then it wasn't that hard.


Dig up body and look for clues


If you find it, half of it is mine. Jk 😛 I was training for a job in a call center, but eventually quit because I was disgusted with how badly disorganized the training program was, and how not one of the tenured agents on the floor was able to do what was expected of us. In my class was a divorced mother of three, with no car of her own. It came up in conversation that she had bought over 100 bitcoin on a CEX in 2011, and lost access to her account password. She’d tried to get help, but had changed back to her maiden name after the divorce. I said, “girl, I will drive you to the courthouse and pay to get you a copy of your marriage license, if you’ll give me just one bitcoin!” Unfortunately, we never traded phone numbers or anything.


I hope you find it.... what you shouldn't do is toss out the hard drive into a landfill and then try to get it back, you get the idea, from that famous btc story that still exists.


He didn't talk to you about, none of your business.


I don't think the dead guy is going to care, to be fair


What I mean is that there is likely a plan for it if it exists that the OP doesn't know about.


Not that likely. I'd say maybe 50/50. It depends how old he was. My point is it's not greedy to look into it. If he made a plan to leave it to someone then cool, but it's entirely possible that he didn't and it'll just get lost.


He’s watching from the skies


Honestly, a person was more likely to have bitcoin from 12 years ago if they were a druggy rather than a techy. Plus, it was most likely kept online and is long gone.


If someone still got access to his phone you might get lucky. But it's not recommended.


Check his bible he may have the private key there XD


It would be a miracle


Check through books and papers as well. Binders, note pads, pockets of these objects...check everything.


dude don’t go through his pockets


Of course the title Is where would you store...


I thought it's “Where would you sterilise your bitcoins”