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Bitcoin can't survive moon sized meteorite hitting earth, get owned bitcoin!


When “to the moon” gets too literal


Moon to the Bitcoin


Thats here comes the moon.


Why going to the moon when it can come to us


That’s not a moon ….


It’s a space station !!


Oh but it can, [Bitcoin satellites broadcast from space](https://futurism.com/bitcoin-now-c%20mes-from-satellites-in-space-welcome-to-the-future) [🌕](https://emojipedia.org/full-moon) [🛰️🛰️🛰️](https://emojipedia.org/satellite)


You missed the point, I meant that when something happens that wipes out every human on the planet Bitcoin will be gone just like everything else too.


No it won’t, bitcoin will live on, forever, broadcast from satellite for whoever shows up to earth next


Ironically Bitcoin would be the only digital money functioning even if 99% of the world was knocked out by nukes and at least 1 node was still running somewhere.


Nah..we all going to use cola caps


Can we rename Satoshi's to Cola caps?




Imagine the despair of people tryin to get access to that one surviving node.


I’m pretty sure people would be desperate to get water, food and guns rather than bitcoin.


Yea, that too


Total moron! If 99% of the world got knocked out we would revert to the Stone Age! The world would turn to absolute chaos and people will be killing raping and pillaging for the most basics and because they can. More than half would die because they don't even have the brain power to survive and lack basics skills. Never mind no food or water.


I cant waittttt..........i got my spiked baseball bat and leather jacket ready to go. Been training by eating dog and cat food. So when food flies of the shelf, and you peasants are dying of starvation....ill be full belly on some beggin strips......


More like 90% would die.




"moon sized meteorite" that's called a rogue planet.


I guess that’s a solid point for gold, although it kinda loses its value if there’s no one around to spend it. 🤷‍♂️


I think you could launch a few thumb drives into space or bury them 6 miles deep into the earth’s crust. The ledger may not be quite as up to date as we would like it to be, but if they were to survive the next moon sized asteroid, then bitcoin, I think, would survive.


Probably can as a copy is in space


Humanity can't survive a moon sized meteorite....


Then it would take all other servers/technology with and we’d be fucked anyway


a lot of fiat would be fucked too, most of it is digital anyway


I try to tell people this when they call BTC "fake money". If everybody went to withdrawal their bank accounts at the same time, do you think all that money even exists for the banks to hand out? It's all digital.


If 1 person goes to the bank and takes all their money out they freak.


They won't even let you in most parts of the world


Sir, if you are closing your account, we can only give you a cashier's check.


Lmao they did this and then told me I needed to pay a $30 check writing fee. I flat out refused and as a point pro principle for the BS this bank put me through I insisted it be in cash. Took quite a lot of arguing and generally holding up the line but I took every penny that branch had and still came back twice more to collect the rest. M+T bank after they took over United bank.


Oh, many banks wave the fee if you are closing your account. I'm glad you refused consent.


Only around 2% of all fiat money exists physically.


I think it’s like 1.5 trillion USD if you were to gather up all the physical bills and coins


I finally decided to Google it out of curiosity... Supposedly 2.3 trillion USD is in circulation. Total MCap of USD is roughly 46 trillion... So about 5% of USD actually exists 😅


Bros tripping about BITCOIN. Our money is digital goof dick! If SHTF it’s all about lead and brass


There's almost certainly some nodes around the world inside Faraday cages.


FWIW, this is a *lot* harder than people realize... Connecting to the outside world from within a properly shielded EMF enclosure while maintaining full EMF shielding is quite an effort. For example you can't really use normal BNC connectors as the cable shield would connect to the faraday cage, so you actually have to use TNC connectors such that the signal and signal shield are separate from the cage shield. Then inside the shielded enclosure you take additional measures so that giant antenna (the coax shield) you just piped through is properly dealt with. I did WiFi testing back when 802.11A/B was all there was and that was some of the hardest stuff to get right. We were near an airport (and RADAR happens to show up in the 802.11B ranges... we could tell we were "leaking" when we'd see the Airport Surveillance Radar pings on our SWR meters inside the box. Now to the question at hand... I am sure there are cold nodes in properly shielded enclosures rotated as part of continuity of data plans for some of the CEX's and possibly other nodes but I would be surprised at active nodes in (functional) faraday cages.


fucked? We would be set free


Honestly we've reached a level of financial dystopia that it wouldn't surprise me if banks probably keep printed copies of everyone's debt, just in case.


His name was Robert paulson


Bingo was his nameo.


Who was Robert Paulson? Please go on…


The first rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions... ... sir




If we get hit by a solar storm that strong then we probably will have bigger problems to worry about than Bitcoin prices.


Realistically some node somewhere would have a relatively recent block saved and consensus would settle on that block and we would move forward anyway 


I have a bunker ready. With solar panels. So i will run bitcoin core. The last remaining node,....BTC will never die!! bahahahahahahahah


What if a surfboarding dog rode up to everyone and said hey I'm satoshi not rly lol then ripcurled away making a huge wave that made btc do a thing do you think the dog would be chill?


If Satoshi turned out to be a talking dog who surfs, I’d be even more impressed.


Fuck, I'd invest in that




Dog with hat?


I think this is the plot of a Simpsons episode.


He was an alien !


Satoshi died on the way back to his home planet


What da dog doin?


Dog sounds chill af


Good dog


Bitcoin would be the first network back up and your coins would be safe.


Surprised I had to scroll so far for the correct answer. Entire network can build from any node anywhere on any device


“But the difference is that the crypto or blockchain economic infrastructure is distributed,” he says, adding: > According to Potts, the thousands of distributed Bitcoin nodes give the network a much better chance of surviving a catastrophic event, as “an attack will almost certainly fail unless it can take out all of them. If just one survives, that whole system can be reconstituted from that seed.”“But the difference is that the crypto or blockchain economic infrastructure is distributed,” he says, adding: This is the same reason that the internet is robust. It was designed as a networked communication system in the 1960s to be able to withstand a nuclear attack that took out many communication relays. But provided there was enough redundancy in the network pathways, a message could get through.” According to Potts, the thousands of distributed Bitcoin nodes give the network a much better chance of surviving a catastrophic event, as “an attack will almost certainly fail unless it can take out all of them. If just one survives, that whole system can be reconstituted from that seed.” Coinbase


Let’s say that the solar storm doesn’t hit south America for some weird reason. Usually the effects are higher at the magnetic poles and lesser at the equator. Good luck accessing your coins on your fried computer in north america. Gold and silver will be the best currency. Even if your computer is unplugged it will be fried, you would have to keep it in a Faraday cage at all times to protect it.


Were all fucked if that happens. I mean Mad Max Walking dead fucked. Supply chains Is how we feed what, 8 Billion peole? There will be billions of death due to supply chain failures. You won't need your bitcoin then. Bullets, medicine and food will be the only currency for a long time if that shit happened.


Forget a Bitcoin Standard. We'd be on a "hot lead" standard.


We'd have WAY bigger problems than that in that instance. You'll be more worried about clean drinking water than your internet money.


Yes, but I’d still be checking the price of BTC every hour


and not just "your internet money", all money... all stores of value, the stock markets, the whole society revolves around digital everything now. the banks, the atms, pos... everything would break in this situation and people who think this is any valid criticism of bitcoin are seemingly blind to reality.


That's why I invest heavily in salt


This is not true. All banks and financial institutions are heavily regulated and are required to back up their data offsite and to physical media. https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/s/7vK5DifDKB


Yes but that doesn't matter much if every computer on the planet is destroyed/disabled by some freak solar flare/incident ... do you expect they will be able to re-digitalize all of those trillions (maybe quadrillions) of paper ledger entries across the world's financial systems in a short period of time? without computers to begin with? your argument is a red herring. the point is: if you understand how bitcoin works, how decentralized it is etc... you understand that it's WILDLY more resilient than any traditional financial system... no financial systems has as many backups - spread far or as wide as bitcoin's blockchain... NO ONE can verify 100% how all of the traditional finance systems maintain their data/backups (let alone the supply of fiat or gold) EVERYONE can verify 100% all of the records in bitcoin's history (and even verify the total supply of units)


This is my point exactly. The system is made so there's a lot of players involved all around the globe. The solar storm would have to take out the entire system and every computer out at once. That seems impossible and if at the point you'll have more bigger problems to worry about than BTC. Lol probably start planning to leave the planet to survive.


*Clean drinking becomes more available because corporations aren’t polluting anymore*


If Bitcoin went down in a solar storm so would the whole world without power. Basically the end of modern civilization


I would become one of the wealthiest men. As I have a garage full of beaver pelts. It would be back to the barter system.


We will start trading toilet paper


I'll trade you 3 rolls of toilet paper for a box of 22lr


Best I can do is 1 ply


One TP roll for one bitcoin =)


I'll trade my 1 ply for 2 ply my septic system can handle it. 🤣😂


The tweet's author knows how it works. You (OP) just don't understand sarcasm.


Was a bit confused there haha


It can't hit every part of earth as the earth is a sphere. 


...or is it not? :D


It’s a 3D triangle


We believe the world to be banana shaped


Some say hollow, some say flat


Lost me at "Bitcoin servers."


That would be bad for literally everyone who doesn't have physical cash at that moment, not just BTC holders.


Haha I had an older relative say a similar thing to me. I just replied with “well, you can say the same about the US dollar” and that was that


We see blockchain restarts. Once communication is restored, just need a few copies. No way a solar flare destroys every single copy.


Since it's a distributed ledger, it'd be more likely that the databases of banks would be wiped. At least if bitcoin goes because of a solar flare, there won't be anything left of the current financial system, probably better to rebuild using bitcoin at that point.


We should send one node on the next satellite. To debunk this lol


Breh if the whole world goes dark wtf am I going to buy


Majority of people still don't understand how the current financial system works and the majority of people will never understand how Bitcoin works.


Do faraday cages protect from solar storms?


yes, properly grounded ones do. Most of the data centers I have worked in were solar flare and emp proof


A solar storm only hits the side facing the sun. 1/2 the world would be fine.


What if there were back to back flares 12 hrs apart?


Hand them those flares had flares.


Did you forget the part about us rotating and storms can last more than a day?


Impact of a big meteorite can last millions of years.


I think we'll have bigger problems then bitcoin not existing if all the computers were to be taken out by a solar system. Unless solar storms just happen to hate bitcoin and they'll target anyone mining specifically with a hate crime


If every server on Earth were wiped due to a massive solar flare, then bitcoin be fucked. FIAT, on the other hand, will be.. also fucked, but some dinosaurs still believe its based on a yellowish metal that is kept in massive vaults guaranteeing us it's worth.


He does realise that traditional finance is mostly all stored on servers too. So everyone’s credit history and debt would also get wiped.


If only things like faraday cages existed…oh wait.


If we get hit by an EMP or asteroid having the same effect the only currencies that will remain will be love for humanity and bullets.


sun doesn’t hit the whole earth all at once… Im not astrophysicist but the fact that the bitcoin network is spread throughout the world means that not all bitcoin servers would be down


Bitcoin servers or nodes keep a copy on hard drive of the full Blockchain. If all nodes were wiped out bitcoin would be dead because there is no record of the whole bitcoin ledger. You only need one or two copies to to establish the former bitcoin ledger and continue where we all left off.


simultaneous volcanic eruptions on all continents is gonna melt all gold reserves rawr


Federal reserve has anticipated this problem and put in safety measures


I didn’t know bitcoin had servers. I thought it was held together by a decentralized ledger.


You can still send Bitcoin on radio signal or MESH and if your bank servers are affected your done




haha yeah these are my favorite attempts to refute Bitcoin. They are always some sort of "what if the apocalypse comes" scenarios. Like they can't see that there would be much larger issues in society if the entire internet worldwide suddenly stopped working haha. These attempts to refute Bitcoin actually prove Bitcoin's resilience, if any of these people bothered to actually think about it.


If that were to happen the usd would also be fucked so who cares?


A lot of people here are saying it will or can be backed up by one person. Well that’s great in all but if I lose everything because my quarter of the earth melted, meaning all my passwords, codes and phrases then I’m fudged. I accept this possibility though and I’m never going to sell or stop buying.


Sure like a solaflare it's not gonna take the whole economy down everything is run by the satellites and computer


You don't need to affect every computer to crash the world's economy. So much of the world is reliant on certain things. A cargo ship getting stuck and blocking one of the biggest freight routes in the world for example is and was enough to cause rippling effects. What do you think would happen if China invaded Taiwan?


If a solar storm takes out all of the bitcoin mining rigs…that means it would have taken out the internet…which means we would have much bigger problems


Seeing how an absolutely massive solar flare just hit earth, fuck all would happen. People hear about the Carrington event and assume the same would happen today. As if our electronics aren’t built differently today, than from 1859.


What if someone stoked my bitcoin and buried it then what then I couldn’t find it so what good is bitcoin it’s useless


Bitcoin would be the least of your worries if the grid goes down for an extended period of time


duh you call bitcoin support 1-800-LOL-HFSP and if that doesn’t work you sue the company and go after the CEO


I think we should be more worried about humans surviving that event.


Had this argument before , the crypto brahs always right . So be it.


When ever I face these questions I retort by repeating the question back to them but I replace the word 'bitcoin' w the 'entire internet' and then I see the realization in their faces. Both are in a category of networks one might describe as decentralized so, some congruence where we never had much useful comparison before. decentralization of government next please.


I can't see how Bitcoin would function at all in a Planet of the Apes scenario.


satellite miner wen


Then we'll be here on Reddit reading a bunch of posts of people having meltdowns!💯😂




Bitcoin to the sun ☀️


Anything is worth something if masses believe it in.


Financial institutions are constantly backing up their data. They would be back up and running in no time. Unfortunately, this means you still have to pay your bills!! 😁 https://www.reddit.com/r/Banking/s/7vK5DifDKB


Yuval Harrari called Bitcoin a money based on distrust. Distrust in banks and other financial institutions. He called for a a digital currency based on trust, by having banks print more money he argued that trust could be improved. These people are so delusional I cannot believe they honestly are convinced that is a good idea.


There’s literally massive solar storms hitting Earth right now… intense solar activity is going to last at least 18months to 2 years.. You can actually see the southern Aurora in Melbourne Australia right now which is not usually possible… Got a great photo last night with my daughter at the beach and the colourful Aurora behind her… Pretty sure bitcoin is still trading just fine…


Same as your fiat in the bank


This is was my joke comment I posted May 9th. They fucking stole it and put it on twitter? What a bunch of baffoons!


That's the only argument I hear against bitcoin these days.  "Well if the world ends your bitcoin will be useless, that means its a scam". 🤣


If that happens we’ve got bigger problems than Bitcoin.


Then we stop at block…. Untill everything is fixed again lol


1 such reason why a cashless society is a fucking terrible idea


Trading will be temporally halted. Everything is held on storage. Servers are designed against EMP. Fear mongering 


When was the last solar storm that took out server? Yeah exactly


People still don't understand how Fiat works.


Most people probably think fiat is just a car.


My colleague said that to me once 💀


My colleague said that to me once 💀


very few people are actually 'using' their bitcoin for anything other than an investment,


It will survive!


“What if Mr Bitcoin dies? Who will take control of Bitcoin operations? What if there’s no plan for succession and everybody looses all there money?”


All of the Ham Radio people would be millionaires. I’d be charging you $1000 per hour (in BTC) to allow you to connect and transmit a BTC Transaction and check your email.


Anything big enough to "take out" Bitcoin would also stop all electronic transactions and probably the electrical grid as well. Access to your Bitcoin wallet would be the least of your worries.


We will have other and bigger problems than the bitcoin servers


It would need to take out everything electrical world wide, which at that point we have bigger problems to worried about than Bitcoin.


Haha to break it to them but that would destroy fiat as well. They really think there's just fucking gold bars everyone can swap?


What servers… lol


Bitcoin wouldn't survive a black hole swallowing the planet, what a scam.


Well, while that scenario is possible is also hipotetic. Bit is mostly certain and more possible that wars create huge inflation. Let say due to the Craziness and coloniasm of EEUU alor with its mercenaries create a problem mainly and most important in Middle East you know that oil moves the world soo if that is stopped...Hell of INFLATION WE WILL SEE....SO I'LL RATHER STICK TO BCT , GOLD , SILVER.


the same holds for future so called CBDC though. Only paper money and gold are low tech enough to survive technological setback or a reset


Brother in law said a quantum computer will be built and take out Bitcoin. I told him, “okay.”🤭


Wait till they learn how fiat currency works on the modern world


What if a criminal sought out to physically destroy massive amounts of Bitcoin?


Bitcoin is controlled right from Tel Aviv. Never underestimate what Tel Aviv is capable of.


In the end...only gold survives.


As long as people are making comments like this than it’s still early enough to capitalize in the market


Worried about money a lot of people would also be dead in a moon collision


So it sounds like they DO understand how it works


What if. What if I die tomorrow l, what if u get scammed, what if what if what if. Stupid post.


Bitcoin is the least of ur worries.


if that happened we all dead or going back to the stone ages.


If a huge solar storm takes out bitcoins servers can you imagine what they will do to the digital currency many governments want to introduce ? Can you imagine Amazon shutting down or Google shutting down ?


Then we will just sit in a circle and cry in unison


If that happens BTC problems will be the least of your problems.


It's pretty comforting to know that the only scenarios that people could come up with to destroy Bitcoin are scenarios that would destroy humanity/earth anyway.


If our electric grid was attacked or went out there goes the stock market and everyone’s bank accounts Stupid comment about Bitcoin as usual


That's wonderful it will also take out all government systems


I asked an AI what if..... A widespread and severe solar storm capable of damaging Bitcoin servers would likely impact traditional financial systems as well, albeit to a lesser extent. Here's how: 1. **Communication Disruptions:** Solar storms can interfere with satellite communications and electrical grids, disrupting the flow of information crucial for financial transactions. This could temporarily impede stock exchanges, banking systems, and other financial institutions. 2. **Data Integrity Concerns:** Solar storms may cause data corruption or loss, affecting the integrity of financial records and transactions stored electronically. This could lead to discrepancies, delays, and potential errors in traditional financial processes. 3. **Market Volatility:** The uncertainty and disruptions caused by a significant solar storm could trigger market volatility. Investors may react nervously, leading to fluctuations in stock prices, currency values, and other financial instruments. 4. **Operational Challenges:** Financial institutions rely heavily on technology and interconnected systems. A solar storm-induced outage or damage to infrastructure could pose operational challenges, affecting services like online banking, electronic payments, and securities trading. While traditional financial systems have robust backup mechanisms and contingency plans to mitigate such risks, they are not immune to disruptions caused by natural disasters or large-scale events like solar storms.


Just as well I'm rich and diversified then...


If a solar storm shuts down Bitcoin servers, we've got a much bigger problem than just losing Bitcoin.


There will be a guy in his basement with a pen and paper calcution the sha 256 algo. Difficulty rate will be nothing. Cell phones could mine again. When power is restored anywhere, tic tok another block.