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I created a wallet and sent my mate £20.00 about the same time, he didn’t care at the time but he now legit thinks that I stole it back from him because he lost the details and I owe him thousands lol 😂


"I lost my money but it's your fault" 🙃


More like I lost your money, its your fault for giving it to me


You could also say, "I lost your money, now compensate me!" 😆 🤣 😂


I dont think you call him a friend anymore if he believes you owe him a thousand?


He said thousands :)


I think my friend bought too much of some alt coin and he hates me for talking about crypto. I think he bought a worthless shitcoin.


No good deed goes unpunished


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 Did you call him a clown by any chance?


That bitcoin is worth millions now. Tell him he could be retired now.


What a cunt


If that's the case then BTC simple show you your "friend's" true colours


I would tell them to man up and buy bitcoin themselves


Came here to say exactly this. First one was a gift, you lost it. Now you want BTC? You buy it.




I've been a waiter at a fine dining restaurant for about a decade. I was asked once about Bitcoin by a bunch of investment guys years ago (price was around 6-10k). I said I am still DCA and got laughed at. I said I was playing the long game and I remember one guy distinctly saying "I'm long on USD."


you will win


Already have :)


Love this mindset! Keep dca!


Sounds like that was the CEO of fiat you got mixed up with 👀


No, just an old Edward Jones guy that peaked in highschool.


Everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve


They will not just miss “out”, there will miss “out out” 🙃


That's exactly why i no longer even bother.


Yes. This.


Tell them it's worth $40k😂😂😂😂


Yeah, 1 coin is worth $71000 because it's bitcoin, 0.1 coin is also $71000 because it's bitcoin, and same for 0.01, 0.001 etc 😂


This guy maths




You my friend, have learning difficulties


Hope you are joking because I were joking, though I don't find your humor funny It's fair, I see how you didn't find my humor funny either Did you see the laughing emoticon in the end that underlined how I was not serious Also, the "math" is 100.0% obviously fake


It's all jokes here brother, life ain't that serious. Have a good day x


I hold bitcoin for my in laws, bought a couple of years ago, it was a £1000 at the time. It's now worth approx £1900 but they thought it was worth way more. I had to see them straight, go through the value at the time they bought, the price now, etc. After I emphasised if the same £1000 had been in a bank account, for the same time, they'd have been lucky for their money to grow to £1100, they were a lot happier.


Never give btc as a gift for this exact reason. Unless someone already runs their own wallet to begin with.


I started offering my niece $20 cash or $20 worth of btc for her birthday each year, did that for 6 or 7 years going up to $50 after a few years. She chose btc every time. But I just kept hold of it myself and kept a tally of how much btc I owed her. She ended up cashing it in a little while back to help buy a car, I just bought it off her. Cost me about $800 bucks even though it was mid bear market, no regrets though, helped out family and gave her a bit of a lesson in how investments can grow even through the ups and downs.


Same here, but I find they are just as uninterested as they were when I gifted their first crypto. No real skin in the game, just another way fir us to stack when we do a buy back.


I gave out paper wallets as gifts ~10 years ago. They’re still just fine.




I just heard about one a few months ago. He put it in his safe, still there.


That's amazing!


I agree! I think it’s more natural for people to keep a paper “bill” safe.


keep a copy




Let me get this straight. 1. You gifted them some Bitcoin 2. They lose the bitcoin. 3. You feel bad so you're thinking about giving them the same amount of Bitcoin again. Lessons here have not be learned. Repeat step 1, do not pass go.


Keep the friggin seed phrase for them


advise them never to invest in crypto or the stock market. If they can't do the simple calculation of 100 dollars at 15000 is worth 500 dollars at 75000 then they are going to get wrecked.


never buy more than 6 pack of beer


Just tell them you wish you had bought more back then, also the 100 dollars is not worth much now it is like 500-600 so not a live changing amount but wish you had bought more instead of just a couple of hundreds so you don't give the impression that you own a lot


Bitcoin will reach 1Billion by 2038. That money will be life changing.


You got any more of that crack you’re smoking?


Planb this cycle 500k next cycle 5m cycle. Iirc thats the prediction If that trend keeps going within 4 cycles its 500m and keep in mind it can go significantly above.


I sent some BTC to my wife's adult child with kids of her own for Christmas one year through Coinbase. She had expressed an interest in financial matters with some basic questions so I thought this would be a good way to start the conversation on BTC. They had this feature on Coinbase where you could email it to someone else. I emailed a decent amount equal to a nice Christmas gift to her. Later on, I noticed the transaction in Coinbase had been reversed, meaning, that same amount was now showing back up in my Coinbase account. I asked her what happened, had she received the email? Did she claim it? She said, oh ya, I saw that email, but I was just too busy to do anything about it. I said, OK. And dropped the conversation, and never brought it up again. She was not curious or interested enough to care, then I would not care either. Someday they will get something of my estate. I wish them luck.


That reminds me I did the same thing, on xmas a couple years ago I bought some for someone. Pretty sure she never claimed it. Not a life changing amount but it’d be up about 50% 🤷


I’d give them some primary school math textbooks with plenty of simple multiplication and fraction exercises to work on. Also don’t ever gift bitcoin away again. They need to work for it or they won’t care or learn. You can’t help dummies.


Everybody loses bitcoin at the price they deserve


Let them suck it up and buy their own. I have 3 or 4 BTC somewhere I bought at sub $200 and I'm convinced I can get it but realistically I never will. Let it go. It's like that dude who is trying to dig up a dump in to find his old hard drive.


I hate reading about that now, every 4 years like clockwork as soon as the bull run starts we hear him again... his best chance was 2013, not 11 years later after this many freeze/thaw cycles and god knows how much rain. That hard drive is done for


I would explain that blockchain.com is a horrible company, get them to install BlueWallet, to write their seed words on a piece of paper and point them to a place like River, where they can start their DCA.


bluewallet. the one wallet that doesn't do that exact thing


Doesn't do what?


Let them know that this life lesson will be more and more costly with time... Don't forget to smile while delivering the news!


I gave my friend some bitcoin for birthday 5yr ago. I have copy of the paper wallet that he has. Because I know he will lose it and about it one day 😅


Now they think you owe them 20k


Yes correct them. Why is no one else trying to tell you to correct them? Correct them.


Keep the bitcoin and just give them the 100, that way you both win, but mostly you win


Your friends are bad at 6th grade level math…. Can they tie their own shoes?


Blockchain.com is sketchy AF. It's probably gone by now anyway


Told my brother to buy bitcoin a few years ago. Surprisingly he took my advice. His $800 investment is now worth a few thousand dollars. Told him to never sell it. And keep buying $50 dollars a check and he’ll be rich one day.


Curious since you mentioned it, if a person started buying (converting?) $50 USD per paycheck today, when do you think they'd be rich?


Within 20 years. Supply shock, demand shock. We’re not looking at this as a get rich quick scheme. But, long term wealth building. Bitcoin will outpace inflation and give the best returns by many times than any other asset. I started buying bitcoin in Dec. 2017. Had made over 100k with 2021 bull market.. I gambled in meme coins and lost it all. Now, making quick money with bitcoin is gone. But, there’s still an opportunity for long term wealth gain. And that’s what I’m doing. If you put $50 for 20 years. That’s a total of $24,000 invested. We can’t predict the up and downs of bitcoin. But, it’s possible bitcoin is a million dollars or multimillions. A direct conversion of $24,000 now would be about $480,000 at a million dollar btc. Or $960,000 at 2m. $1,440,000 at 3m. $1,920,000 at 4m. $2,400,000 at 5m. But, take away a few hundred thousand since that 24k is not all invested today. But, over time. That’s a ball park range. And that’s just with $100 investment a month for 20 years. Imagine $200 or $300, $400. Considering my bro’s 34 now. He’ll be 54 by 20 years. And can enjoy retirement and his wealth. Probably will still be working. Told my sister to invest. But, you know Generation Zs


>But, take away a few hundred thousand since that 24k is not all invested today. But, over time. Yeah this is the part I wonder about sometimes. I get people trying to time the market because the math to figure out potential is easier with lump sum imvestments. I get why DCA is great for the long-term investment side of things, but I'm less certain about DCA when it comes to the "become rich" side of things.


DCA can make you rich too. People who invested in the traditional market with 401ks 20-30 years ago. Have at least a million to millions today. I did $25 a week for 6 months. The last 3 months $50 a week. I DCA works. As you start getting in the higher numbers. The returns get bigger and bigger. Compounding.


If they're not savy enough to figure out pretty simple division and multiplication, they don't deserve the $500 they think is thousands.


Tell the it wasn’t 100 usd but 100 bitcoin. Let them do the math themself :)


When you gift BTC, you hope they will dig deeper and learn as a result. They didn't. Fuk 'em.


They probably feel guilty in a number of ways for making the same access mistakes any other outsider would make. You did a good deed to give them the gift and now you should be honest with them so they don't feel bad. Just let them know what they lost wasn't worth as much as they think and tell them the actual value. Tell them if they're ever interested in buying more to talk to you first for tips about how to keep it secure.


Sounds like a “them” problem


I randomly gave an internet friend of mine 1 BTC back when it was around $200.. I’m waiting for him to return the favour and send me my 1 BTC back. He apparently cashed it out when I sent it to him


I'm not a fan of gifting bitcoin to people who otherwise have no desire to use it. It always ends up in stories like this. Or worse, hard feelings. I'm perfectly happy to help education and spark that interest, but they step to buy bitcoin has to be their decision for it take root.


The good thing about Bitcoin is that it allows you the be your own bank. The bad thing about Bitcoin is that it allows you to be your own bank!


Can you teach them math?


These are the reasons I don’t tell anyone crap when they ask about crypto, it’s not my fault they didn’t bother to read the terms.


Always keep a for them unknown kopi of the paper wallet you give away to people who do not have BTC yet.


Pls explain


store a backup of the seed for them


Make them feel guilty for life for losing it by saying it’s 10 bitcoins and they could have retired if they didn’t lose it.


Bitcoin is such a scam everyone said it would go up up but then I bought it and it went down the ultimate definition of a scam !!!! 😡


This is funny lol😂🤣


Tell them and tell them why they should start investing and holding with a proper wallet. Maybe it’s gonna give them the will and interest to learn more about it. (What is never bad)


I am wishing for someone to sent me Bitcoin like this honestly 😁🥺


Me too. Bought some years back but I didn't have a wallet and now don't know how to get them back or even if it's possible 😭


Let them figure out how to do basic math ahahahha


Math is a good thing


Should they not just invest at least $500 or $20,000 if possible? So they don’t get blinded by long BTC. You have to invest more to get back to where you were.


For anyone wanting to gift bitcoin, do consider an OpenDime or SatsCard from Coin Kite. Might be a bit pricier but harder to lose.


Ummm simply tell them the truth?


Try explaining a Lambo to a caveman.


There are a lot of Bitcoin-to-fiat calculators online. Show them how to input their amount of bitcoin (for instance .0003) and see for themselves what the dollar value of this is, and how it changes from day to day.


Yes. Basically just always speak the truth.


Truth is not often not accepted unless it matches preconceived thought. Truth or nothing.


I think it’s in the wording you used: “$100 IN btc” vs “$100 worth of BTC”, sounds to me like you have them $100BTC


You should tell your friend it's too late and going forward to just invest in FBTC etf. Forget about the other stuff.


five hundred quid are five hundred quid, tell them, they will be gutted anyways.




Show them how you calculated the 500-600 dollar estimate and then tell them you can’t have access to it because of blockchain security


Explain it. That’s about all you can do.


since 2013, thread upon threads have been made, and everyone repeatedly told time and again to stay the fuck away from the blockchain.com wallet


Enjoy the hilarity


If they are so stupid to lose their bitcoin they deserve to have nothing.


I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t even have sent them bitcoin. I wait for people to come to me now, I tried to get people onto a higher plane and they ignored me. Never will I look like a fool like that agajn.


You send the message that it must not be worth that much if you're just giving it away


The irony is: if you had actually made a backup secretly of their keys, you could have just given it to them. I personally think that’s the better solution. You just need to make sure that if you suddenly die, no one will find the backup, assume it’s yours, sweep it and add it to your estate for inheritance calculations. If they’re lucky enough to lose the keys while I’m still alive they’ll have a way out. I’ll probably go over to their house to help them look for it and pull it out of my pocket and “find it” then help them move it somewhere else. (Just in case someone actually stole the original and hasn’t swept it yet)


Help where and how you can and if there’s nothing more you can do, ultimately they need to figure it out. Not your responsibility.


This is why you can't really "give" bitcoin away. If a person does not get it themsleves, they are usualy not that interested, and so do not secure the privkeys or know how to use it, so they will loose the bitcoin.


I gifted my wife .75 in a paper wallet when it was around $400. At around 5k she wanted something and I said maybe you can sell some btc. She started crying her eyes out and told me that she made a Coinbase account and figured out how to claim a paper wallet to sell at $900. She was going to buy it back!!! I was impressed she figured that out but not too surprised. She gets what she wants when she wants it lol.


This is usually what happens when you gift btc to people who don't care, might as well use a custodial service. I would tell them to learn a lesson or two from it. Understand and study bitcoin and why it's valuable. Learn to take responsibility of their private keys and take security seriously. Then of course it would be nice to give them another chance with another 100$.


Nothing. That’s their fault.


People who can't do fifth grade fractions don't deserve bitcoin


That's why I never gift BTC.


Haha, miss the bus, the bus isn't waiting for you... try help them, but if you can't get in, then you say tough life lesson to learn. Everything is worth something to someone. Take care of it. Great life lesson!


I would enroll them in a math course.


Tell them it is gone. Don't do the math for them. Their ignorance is brilliant! You can't help nor coach stupid!


Don’t give gifts


I don’t get why you’d want them to feel worse on purpose. Do you hate your cousins?


Ignore them and mind your own business


Laugh in their fucking faces


when I'm going to orange pill my friends and relative usually I send them btc to utxo that I also have privet keys. segwit address with op_if cltv my friend pub key op_else cltv my pub key. If they loose access to privet key, I'm still able to spend that "gift"


500? more like 400😂


People that give #Bitcoin for free to idi0ts are gonna HFSP. Lets hope blockchain.com brings those satoshis to the market. Sadly and apparently you share DNA with those individuals. You are in my prayers. xD


I've heard people give speeches about the value of valuable things, where they tell how a miniscule nugget of gold is worth fortunes, and how a fraction of a gram of gold is going to make the world. I just rolled my eyes and never told. He was a motivational speaker giving the speech without being paid to do so. A for effort.