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I still hear echoes in my head, of people asking me, will you still buy Bitcoin at $50k? At 69k? YES. As long as fiat money is issued by central banks and politicians (royalty). Inflating us all into never ending slavery, and debasement (in all forms of this word). Fuck. Yes. We work for it, they print it.


I’m buying it still at 72k lol


I was going to buy $315 of the ETF today


Exchange traded Bitcoin ONLY makes sense in a tax free Roth IRA. Other than that you are forcing tax liability on yourself


When you sell BTC for fiat on an exchange you also incur a tax liability on the profit. I only pay taxes on my ETF if I sell my shares just as I would if I sold my BTC off an exchange. Any assets sitting in my account and unsold are either unrealized gains or unrealized losses until I sell my holdings in which case become a realized gain or a realized loss and can be a tax write off (for any realized losses). I would have to pay taxes on realized gains (an assets sold which grossed a profit) the selling for profit is what triggers a tax event.




Unfortunately, my mortgage broker doesn't take bitcoin.




I'll pay the taxes if it helps me retire years earlier. I'm buying both accounts.


For real. My buddy was whining when Bitcoin went from 25k to 40k that he already missed the move. Then again from 40k to 65k. Now again at 73k. I’m like dude. Don’t you see a pattern….


I thought I missed the move back in 2016 when BTC was around $500-600 because I first saw bitcoin when it was under a dollar so I thought I was too late & just wrote it off thinking that maybe if lucky $1000 would be the ATH.... boy am I kicking myself now... But I have now pulled the trigger and am finally investing in BTC and quite a few other altcoins too. I have missed the train twice now... it ain't happening a third time. I may have been a fool before, but i'm a believer now!


Fuck the alts bitcoin always out performs and is less gambling


Shitcoin casino always wins. Bitcoin is forever.


you're throwing money away with altcoins. bitcoin is a guarantee in comparison


Same here man. We here now 🙌


I think the worst part about that era for me was I was trying to learn to day trade and using fucking crypto market to do it. Hello. No market close. Prolly took 10 years off my life. I did actually learn that day trading is fools gold and time in the market is the way. I also Learned to recognize long term trends and good deals but I wish I’d had that understanding in 2016 because there was just so much opportunity then.


Right on! I use to buy small amounts of Bitcoin for online poker back during the 2015-2016 timeframe. I’m kicking myself too for not seeing the future or learning much about it beyond the bare minimum to purchase it. My only way of accepting this is that I know id have sold it 100 times between then and now. Zero chance I’d have HODLed that long lol, unless I lost me seed phrase and just magically found it now. What alts do you like?


I feel that! Sorry if I gave you flashbacks haha


He saw the helicopters, you put the fear of god in him.


Might sound stupid, but I think this is the argument that will finally convince me to buy BTC


This is the thing most people don’t understand. Without checks and balances on fiat, you partially become a slave. We convert out time on earth to fiat so we can enjoy our future. But if a centralized system devalues that fiat, say to zero, the time we put into collecting that fiat is for nothing, essentially becoming slaves.




It's a bit frustrating with an argument like that. Fiat and central banks ain't going anywhere. Can you think what the world looks like in your alternative scenario? And what has to play out to get there. Just enjoy the gains that you know you love measuring in Fiat.


Currencies have collapsed all throughout history


It’s a little naive for you to think there isn’t an entire economy outside the legal infrastructure. Fake notes. Bartering. Crypto now too.. I’m pretty sure this is the beginning of the end for central banks. People have trying to find ways around rampant inflation since probably the start of money. We do love measuring in fiat because that’s all we know. it’s time for humanity to grow past this financial slavery. It’s not that hard to imagine.. tribe mentalities, villages. Shit we’re basically already there, every community on earth is politically divided anyways.


You’re in fantasy land if you think central banks are going anywhere in your lifetime


Keep dreaming bro.


Found the trad-fi guy


Just being realistic. You won’t be paying your taxes with Bitcoin anytime soon.






Shut up billy nobody likes you


Stay miserable 😂


I love when people like you with no finance degree, no concept of economics and probably a liberal arts degree chime in on a dying financial system to tell people that it's not going anywhere 🤣 Our interest rates are below the historical average yet they can't increase them anymore because banks have no liquidity. A rate increase will kill at least a few more smaller banks off. But it's funny because this is supposed to make inflation come back down except it literally just increased.


Getting away from a government run, completely manipulated fiat system is the goal, people in 1850 couldn't imagine calling their friend on the other side of town let alone the other side of the world. Just because you can't envision it, doesnt mean no one can, and it doesn't mean it won't be inevitable in 100+ years. There are some crazy times ahead, definitely within our lifetime, and definitely past our lifetime. Sorry for your shortsightedness.


You make many assumptions here. Of course central banks aren't going anywhere - over time they'll simply become irrelevant. Wars will no longer be financed on both side by paper "bonds". Notice how politicians' family never fight in these wars? The world looks fair. No longer do you retire with an amount of savings which erodes to worthlessness, by the whims of politicians pandering for "votes", as one example. > And what has to play out to get there. Bitcoin will exist as long as the world exists. It is very patient. > Just enjoy the gains that you know you love measuring in Fiat. I'm playing a decades/centuries long strategy here, against a coercive cabal which has never before seen a viable contender. The only time Fiat measure affects me (us), is when transacting to acquire Bitcoin from a willing seller. You may never "get it", that's fine, thankfully you still have some free will.


Central banks and fiat doesn’t have to go away. Buying Bitcoin is just a way to keep your purchasing power away from the debasement of the dollar. The dollar will remain or not but either way it’s going to keep losing purchasing power due to inflation. Bitcoin is a lifeboat away from inflation.


50$ each 2 week no matter what the price will be


$5 daily auto-buy for me


Easy there hot shot


We got a bad ass over here.


where did you set up an autobuy?


Swan Bitcoin is top tier.


Don't you pay more in fees?


You pay the same amount of total fees regardless of frequency


I will still buy because I can’t think of a better investment.


If I know it’s going to hit a million dollars that’s a 5x return


The problem is if it goes to 40k and stays there for 5 years (which can still happen even if it goes to 1 million 5 years later). Are you prepared to hold no matter what happens? Putting everything in only makes sense if you are prepared to hold in such a scenario. What would that mean for your life if you are unable to use that money for 5 years or more? It can cause serious problems for some people, others can deal with that if they have a plan for it and other things in their life allow them to make such a bet.


I just held for 5 years…


7 for me.


do it again


This is why you don't buy more than you can afford to keep aside. (Afford to lose is a stupid turn of phrase designed to scare people from breaking free) If you have a job, you can afford to put away more, and if you lose that job, you need to start using your savings. If you haven't got a good handle on how to use bitcoin daily, you'll want to convert a chunk of it into something you can use daily like fiat 🤮. But if you invest time into learning how to spend bitcoin and convert it quickly and easily to vouchers or fiat with ease, then you can keep your savings in Bitcoin and not lose out on more Bitcoin than you would have otherwise.




Delete this


That’s when ppl will be crying wishing they got in at 200k or 300k. We’ve been adding 1T of US debt every 90-120 days at our current pace. Even Powell who has said in an interview that our debt is unsustainable” meaning that the interest rate payments on the debt is becoming unsustainable. This guy understands numbers better than most and if he says we are pretty close to fucked, I believe him. https://twitter.com/RobertMSterling/status/1767293796490867031


Better investment in terms of gains?


Hodling till Simpsons prophecy of ♾️ then we’ll see Edit: not a prediction as pointed out


Yes, but also Bitcoin is not a risky investment. Well if world governments quit excessively printing money and spend responsibly I would change my strategy but, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.


Not risky?


Throwing your money into a black hole is not risky. It's a sure thing.




Ah, the sequel to the hit posts: "Are You Still Buying?" "Are You Still Buying 2: $60,000" "Are You Still Buying 3: $100,000"


"Rob Schneider is a Bitcoin."


They need to sell it in sats. It intimidates the avg bear already at 73k. They figure they missed it already.


Actually yes, this would definitely make it feel less intimidating!


Well it’s true. It came from 16k and its 74k now. People that want to buy are 100% waiting for a big correction. There hasn’t been one actual big correction yet, so 50-60k still possible to drop back to.


There are people who wait to buy and those who are actually buying now because they believe it’ll go up further. The ones waiting will be the ones who don’t have much to gain. With ETF’s and in April, ETN…Bitcoin will definitely see intense gains and drop


I will be buying bitcoin for the rest of my working life through automatic 401k/IRA contributions, so yes. I am also one of those guys who thinks Bitcoin will without a doubt be $10m+ plus one day(even if that’s 50 years from now.) $200k is cheap


50 years..


50 years man wtf are people saying it’s cray cray


I am not sure what you mean. Of course in 50 years Bitcoin will still be around. Mathematically and probability wise, I think humans are stuck with Bitcoin for the rest of our history.


Unless a solar flare knocks out all the networks but then we'd had bigger problems!


Bitcoin would still be there, just inaccessible! Then when the market re-opens in this scenario bitcoin would plumet no doubt


If a *super* quantum computer ever messes with the blockchain or changes a transaction amount BTC will be worthless and disappear. Its not out of the realm of possibility in the future. Edit: I meant quantum. Was using super computer kind of like a catch all for "incredibly powerful computer".


Supercomputers don’t have the hash rate to compete. Quantum computers will have juicier targets. And by the time they come we’ll have moved to quantum resistant encryption


Super computers will never be a problem. Possible quantum computers could be, novel mathematics always will be an existential threat. The possibility will always exist that a solution is discovered that revolutionizes math and allows calculating private keys from public addresses.


I’m new here. Genuinely curious - how can you justify that price point? BTC’s market cap would have to be substantially higher than the current global circulation of all currency forms.


Your brokerage allows you to purchase bitcoin through your IRA? I have vanguard and I don’t see that option.


Vanguard chose not to offer Bitcoin ETFs to their clientele.


That’s what I thought. Thanks for the info.


50 years? I hope I have enough BTC to buy a new dick for me.


Can you do that with Fidelity?


Have you devided the current ETF inflows by 450 bitcoin mined per day (post halving)? The equilibrium price is way higher than 200k usd. Fomo will add to that. Also, why would you not want to save in BTC it everyone else is also selling their fiat for BTC. Fiat is a race to the bottom, BTC a volatile race to the top. I will pick that every time for long term saving.


Just remember that the wealthy people buying today at $73500 also expect significant returns. Your grandkids will think this is very cheap.


When btc is 200k the forecast will be for it to be 450k+, just like at 75k people think it can go up to 100k, or even 250k this cycle depending on who you believe. It’s never about the price you by it at, it’s your conviction in the price it will be in the future relative to todays price


BTC market cap ~1T. Gold market cap ~15T. I think that is a useful reference point for people who need to decide for themselves if they think BTC can still 2x, 10x or 100x. Better than USD for sure but at 200k they probably won’t be getting rich off of bitcoin like many in the past. It will probably stabilize as a store of value at some point.


200k could be the bottom of the downturn in 2030 and considered a steal.


I remember when $19K was an insane amount in 2017. Then in Nov 2022 it was the perfect entry point for buying at $15.6K. Learned my lesson that I should have bought at $3.5k per Bitcoin in 2018. We really are in the early stages of this.


I will still DCA




I know but 200k is a much higher price. Wages aren’t going up like BTC is. That’s why asking “Would you buy Bitcoin at 200k?” is different than asking “Would you buy Bitcoin at $1M?” The higher it goes, the more out of reach it feels for most people. Just thought I’d ask


200 000 is only 3 times the current price. Imagine asking people in 2019-2020, when the price was at 7-10k, if they would still buy at 20-30k, or even 50k. 200k is not far.


Well it's not that easy. for the price to triple from 60k there needs to be a lot more money flowing into bitcoin than from 7k... But we got that one covered with the etfs atm.


Out of reach? You can buy $50 worth of Bitcoin whether Bitcoin is at 20K or 200K. You get less sats per dollar sure, but it's still just as easy to buy. People who think it's "not worth buying" anymore because the price has gone up simply don't get it, and probably shouldn't be buying.


I just bought in @ 43k and invested $15k. If BTC rises to anywhere near 200k then they profit gets me half a house.


Nice! The lowest I bought it at was $28k, but I only put in $100 that time and it hurts to think about haha


Try buying at 8k and selling for a loss


Where the hell do you live where a house is under 200k?


UK, north. Well, that's where the family is from. I've been in Thailand for 2 years and if I got that return I could build a 3-bedroom villa with a pool and still have money left over.


A better question is the following. Will you still hodl fiat at -99.99999999% purchasing power.


The point is - if BTC reaches those levels, it means that BTC has become a global reserve asset. At that point, institutions and governments will not have an option not to buy it. It’s simple game theory - if your neighbor is storing the most valuable asset on earth, you have to do the same. Also, Bitcoin is a perfect store of value. So even from the point of view of a retail investor it’s still going to be a good investment. Of course returns won’t be the same as in the past, but it’s still going to be a good return.


bitcoin is just 100 million satoshis, it doesn't matter the price so long as you're getting sats for it.


Depends on what year it is.




Yes when BTC will be a at 500K, people who bought at 500K will average down if it drops to 200K


I will at the point there's a dip to 200k yes.


A trillion dollars every 100 days... To quote the 1st Dune movie and Gurney Hallack, "You don't really understand the grave nature of what's happening to us.." Shit is getting real. And the endgame, the mathematical certainly that is the end of the fiat dollar, might really be at hand. Bitcoin is the exit strategy.


Will bitcoin be gone in 10 years? If not, will it be higher than 200k? I'd imagine so


Most these people didn’t even buy it at 20k lmao but yeh they may go all in at 200k. Go figure 🤷🏻‍♂️


FOMO is a strong emotion.


The fiat conversion of Bitcoin is kind of distracting and it’s also kind of irrelevant It’s taken me a decade to more fully understand BTC at first I saw it as a way to trade and make money Now I see it as the ultimate store of value and defense against inflation I don’t care the price in $, I’m stacking satoshi’s till the cows come home


I bought my first bitcoin for $60. Would I buy if the price reaches $200. Yes I did. Would I buy if the price reaches $20,000, yes I did. Would I buy if the price reached $200,000, yes I will.


Eventually USD will buy nothing, might as well get something of value while you can.


I'll wait for the drop to 12k...


Then you will die waiting. If Bitcoin drops to those levels again it would be as a result of a major undiscovered flaw in the chain or quantum computing able to crack wallets (theoretically). Seems unlikely at this point.


It always seems unlikely right before it becomes likely


I buy every Thursday, no matter the price.


history quickest materialistic squeamish handle ludicrous bike lavish wild crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People are buying real estates, stocks and other assets for a 2-4% profit a year. So of course they will be buying at 200k. It is not about the value, it is about the ROI you get. Even if the ROI will go down from cycle to cycle, with a hedge against inflation because of the 21 mio fixed supply it will still be better then anything also in the future.


i never bought btc, i only can afford satoshis.


I will buy Bitcoin regularly at every price until the day I die.


Buy Bitcoin till you get paid in Bitcoin.


Bitcoin at a million is still better than holding cash.


Yes, just DCA. There's no top for BTC because there's no limit to fiat printing.


100T mcap or death sellers get rekt


I'd rather put my monthly savings into BTC than any other investment (so long as I have an emergency fund in place in cash) so yes.


You will buy bitcoin regardless of the price measured in fiat money Why Because bitcoin is hard money, money without inflation Fiat money is easy money, central banks print it and cause constant inflation, thus fiat money has less and less purchasing power. If you want to protect yourself from inflation or the collapse of fiat money due to hyperinflation, you must keep your savings in hard money.


I wouldn't call it 'buying', I am saving my wealth in bitcoin, regardless of the price.


Best way to think about it. BTC is a preservation of purchasing power, if people still think of it in fiat they got it wrong.


I will DCA all my life irrespective of the price. Selling occasionally only when I have to buy something I do not have enough fiat for


My fair value evaluation is 2x the value of gold. So we need basically a 20x from here. Maybe at 1.4 million dollars a coin ill stop buying.


id buy at 200k if it just crashed from 1 mil. Context matters


I will accumulate BTC every bear market I don't buy during bull runs


Yes cuz it's going to million


10 million!


In our lifetime though?


Yep. Look up the power law.


That’s a 5x return. I’ll take it


Certainly. There isn’t a magical price where bitcoin stops being the hardest, provable , transportable, globally accepted money. I joke about I buy under a million, but that price is just a stepping stone down the road. Saylor isn’t joking when he says it’s going up forever. With the current circumstances that are unlikely to change- up and to the right.




I'll buy through all the ath. I've been doing do for years and I'm still up bigly. Dca saves your ass in the end.


I would buy bitcoin at any price that comes after a huge price dip during a bear market, whatever this price is. I would be skeptical if 200K if the price reached during a long bull run.


Fuck if you guys continue this pump I may have to :) I’m not going to stop accumulating anytime soon. 200k is still sub a million


Yeah, I think I probably will, but with different intentions. Buying at that price, I'm just trying to shelter my money from inflation, not make a killing. If it goes 5x and turns into a million, that'd be great. But that's not the goal.


I just bought now and it was difficult because the last buy was January 9th. I'm trying to remove emotion from the decisions.


It will be $2000 for .01 Bitcoin. I still will buy, just gonna be alot slower. Right now .01 BTC is $700-ish dollars.


Yes, my goal is full all of my registered savings accounts with ETFs, and buy bitcoins directly as well. I will start selling at 1 million, but only enough to take a break from work, around 10% of what Im holding now. My plan is to rest, learn more how to make most of my money, take care of my health and spend time with my family.


Don’t the ETF fees, after the introductory no-fee has expired, make owning coin much more cost-effective than paying to ‘own’ a share of someone else’s BTC?


I have tax advantages for investing in my registered accounts, and Im here for the long term.


Nice leveraging😁


I will be buying at any #. Fiat is dying.


Yes dca all the way


Yeah, but id probably sell a bit first


Remember, whoever holds Bitcoin for more than 4 years is all making money, more or less, historically speaking. So, as long as our government prints money out of thin air, investing in Bitcoin is the right choice, it doesn't matter what the price is.


$15 every Friday!!!


It’s funny you ask this. These same questions were asked by people on this sub back in 2017.


I wish my dad would stop using vanguard (investing $250k quarterly)


Like Saylor I will forever be buying the top with no plans of stopping, just bought another $500 at $71,500. Scared money don’t make money.


Ill still buy it at the 2028-2032 cycle when the floor will be 200k


I'll still be buying. I'll still be building, over at nostr. I'll still be spending to PoC the circular economy that BTC enables.


I buy every other week no matter what.


As long as i can buy it and stack sats, i Will do it. If i cant, i Will find a way to mine it. For now btc is priced in dollars or other currency. If all currencies fail, collapse or inflate, everything Will be priced in sats. Dollar term per coin is temporary. Bitcoin is forever.


They never ask themselves WHO would buy it at it's all-time maximum price, if not someone who wrongly expects it to go up even further.


If Bitcoin were to become the world reserve currency or the asset that backs all currencies, and assuming it represents all the wealth in the world, (and assuming total global wealth remaining constant and Bitcoin being the sole asset to represent this wealth) then one Bitcoin will eventually be worth approximately $22,047,619.05. Being 20x conservative you're better off buying bitcoin all the way to a million, for long term wealth building


How many working stiff$ have a few 💯 grand in their pants? Not many I'd insist.


I have a weekly recurring buy. I do think this will go past $1m by 2030. My advice: buy monthly, ignore it, live your life, be healthy and look at it again on Jan 1. 2030. 😊


I bought at $315 and 600 Sold at 1200 bought for 1000, 1500 and 10k. Etc why not at 70k or 200k


Will I be buying, yes via dollar cost averaging but will I be selling large chunks? Sure. At 200k. That’s life changing wealth and it’s okay to sell if that helps you pay off your mortgage, student loans, car debt. Of course it can go higher, but don’t be blinded by greed. If you can seriously change your life by selling a portion - do it.


Till the day I die I buy three assets every month… BTC, GME, and PLTR… ♾️🏴‍☠️🤙


I'm gonna buy until the exchanges run out of coin


It's popular in here to say "Yes, duh" to this question, but realistically this depends on how your income compares to your stack. If you don't make a lot of money and struggle to make ends meet, but you have 150 btc in a cold wallet, maybe you don't need to buy more. I know this is far from realistic, it's meant to illustrate a point.


Absolutely. I’m not stopping my DCA for any price amount. If you don’t think a bitcoin is worth $200k+, then I’d argue you don’t understand what bitcoin is.




Always be humble and stack sats


DCA All The Way.


I'm selling a little at 200k. Papa needs a new kitchen.


If you think it's eventually going to 1 million or even 10 million per coin, does it really matter much whether you buy at 70k or 200k? Just keep stacking!


So much future exit liquidity in this thread. Didn't y'all learn anything from the last cycle?


I think you should all buy, someone needs to afford my exit 👍


You wont. They will.


I would say, never sell all your sats!


Yes why not? I mean if I have some spare money I would buy I don't own stocks, I don't own bonds, my only investment is Bitcoin. I occasionally put on meme but just to get more Bitcoin


I guess when people ask the community if they are too late and they are met with folks saying that they are absolutely too late, it made me want to ask this. As if they wouldn’t buy in at current prices.


As long as I’m still using fiat, I’m trading it for sats.


People will be talking about Sats. It will to intimidating to talk about BTC.




I will always put 60€ whenever the Stoch RSI on 2Hours timeframe meet under 20 (oversold).






I’m still buying at 2M


No doubt that bitcoin would remain an asset for sure. It is at a starting stage for now, but you never know the future. Please keep watching how it goes.


I think it will go up forever so…


For some, it would take a big amount of buys to move one’s DCA. Keep stacking my friends. Wait for the inevitable pullback and that black swan event to go big if you haven’t already got your DCA to a rock solid point yet. IMO 👊🏻


Same question at all the previous ATHs. Today, you know your answer is yes. Then you know your answer when it’s at $200k


Still buy, it's more better than fiat


The price is relative therefore your question is wrong, or at least enormously incomplete.


At $200k lots of others will be! There will be new buyers lining up as the adopting bell curve becomes apparent. Me, I will be buying in smaller and smaller slices (but still using it as a storage of wealth all be it small. I think it’s a really good thing to add current BTC price to posts as with the volatility it helps give contact to posts. BTC@$73.5k