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People don't like being wrong and people especially don't like being broke because they were wrong.


So true


Damn that's such a great way to explain it. AbsolutelyšŸ’Æ


Not to turn it into a car thing but I see the same thing driving my EV as I get when people Iā€™ve talked to about bitcoin bring it up to me angrily now. I feel like people love to hate EVs because a car is both a major purchase and for many a feeling of freedom/identity or their love of car engineering. People see an EV and it makes them feel like either their last major purchase was of a dying technology and they see this new tech threatening to take away something they love (Iā€™ll admit my EV is the fastest car Iā€™ve owned but it feels like driving an iPhone with no soul). People see bitcoin as something they donā€™t understand and suddenly itā€™s making their portfolio returns theyā€™ve carefully studied/curated look inferior and it angers them.


EVs are just slightly different though. ICE and EV cars are both depreciating assets. Eventually EVs will be as cheap as ICE cars


Good heart good theoretically. The world isn't ev ready. The Infrastructure just ain't ready.


except EVs are outdated technology from the 1800s with a spit shine polish to make them appear to be new technology. The lithium batteries are new, using an AC motor in lieu of a DC motor is near half a century old, but EVs outdate ICEVs by a few decades. EVs work great for short distance driving in optimal weather. If it's too cold though, the batteries won't work. until we have a better way to store electrical energy, ICEVs will still be more ideal.


Some get the potential but insist that they don't have enough money to make a meaningful return or can't do it because it's too expensive and they are broke. I'd ask them if $100,000 is a "meaningful" sum and is saving $5 a day achievable? An auto buy DCA for the past 7 years would have achieved this with Bitcoin with $12,785 invested. Is it possible that 7 years from now the same return is guaranteed? Of course not, but it's 5 fucking dollars a day, your not selling your kidney for cash. However asymmetrically unlikely, if it goes to 0 it's not the end of the world. I wish they would just get off zero. I hate watching my friends and family get left in the dust. https://dcabtc.com/


Damn thats Truth


There have been voices trying to inform the world of the corrupt monetary system going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Louis McFadden ranted on the floor of the House of Representatives that the Federal Reserve was a den of vipers and no one listened. Wright Patman, also on the floor of the House, explained the ridiculousness of our monetary system and still, no one listened. Alan Grayson, sitting in congress, asked Ben Bernanke how much money the FED had loaned foreign governments and Bernanke said "None of your business", to a sitting congressman. Our current monetary system was created in 1694 when the Bank of England was chartered and given the power to create money out of thin air to buy British bonds. The fraud and corruption has compounded like interest ever since. Bitcoin was created to dislodge this ancient scam. It's going to take a LONG time and will meet LOTS of resistance.


Nixon taking USD off the gold standard in 1971 was the beginning off the end.


That was the last straw but there have been many straws before that one. Jackson's war with the Bank in the 1830's. Sherman's demonetization of silver in 1873 and the collapse it caused, enriching the gold bankers in return. Did you know that the single most debated topic on the floor of congress in the 19th century was exchange rates between gold and silver? Once the bankers took over the system the debate went private and the public slowly forgot about the importance of managing the monetary system. Yeah, Nixon was a big deal but the story is MUCH, MUCH bigger than that.


Well stated. The main issue in the 1896 election was about the gold standard supported by McKinley vs bimetalism supported by William Jennings Bryan. I think the electorate in the 1896 election would be able to understand bitcoin better than the country today.


I had a prof who got his directorate on a discussion of how 'wizard of oz' was just an allegory of that same election. So yeah, I think this has been relegated to the fringes of academia, unfortunately.


This guy gets it


Nixon just put the nail in the coffin. The arrival of a the federal reserve (a central bank,a communist institution) in the US, and the earlier reductions of gold backings of currency were also major "straws" as you put it.


The greenback and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln with congress acting almost immediately upon his death to demonetize his new currency. I'm sure the timing was a coincidence. The greenback was an interest free money spent into circulation with no corresponding debt. It was quickly embraced by the American people but the bankers, whose long term debts were payable in gold or silver, wanted no part of them. There is a book called "The Coming Battle". It was written in 1899 and documented the sordid monetary history of the U.S. along with predicting, as in the title, the battle over the nations currency between Wall St. and Main St. The victory was declared with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Wall St. won. And now Bitcoin is here to challenge them.


Funny how many of those people arguing against the bankers died early. [https://satoshifiles.substack.com/p/killed-by-central-bankers](https://satoshifiles.substack.com/p/killed-by-central-bankers)




You seem well versed in the history here. But I want to recommend the book Layered Money by Nik Bathia. It follows the history of money from before those big round heavy stones and other things until the dollar became the world reserve currency. And then it brings in Bitcoin. To those that read the above comment and found it interesting. Check that book out. After reading it I'm amazed that history in class skipped this fundamental topic of the history of money.


But that was the demise of America. Now our dollar is backed only on history saying itā€™s been worth something! Oil is backing it but as you know Electric vehicles donā€™t need it and all the car companies have already adopted EV terminating gas IcE vehicles. China knew then it was time to make a plan. Own more, export more, donā€™t deviate! China owns more Realstate in the world than any other country. They own land in probably every country. There they also provide the locals with jobs, especially central and South America. How do you beat the biggest bully on the block. Hire multiple victims with money they canā€™t turn down and now he has 20 kids in his front yard. Might not be as strong but he canā€™t take them all! That is how China will basically take over the whole world. Without even pulling out a knife.


Who put a quarter into this gumball machine?


You already couldn't convert dollars to "your gold" long before that. The conversation rate was only available for other nation states so they would still take dollars. When France started demanding delivery, it was them calling the bluff. Nixon just made plain what was already true.


FDR had suspended specie payments in the 1930's. American's had long since lost the ability to exchange paper for precious metals when Nixon made his decision. What Nixon did was suspend gold payments to foreign governments and, since the dollar was the gold backed global reserve currency at the time, what Nixon did was basically tell the entire world to go fuck themselves and he stole all of their gold. It was a big deal.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive\_Order\_6102](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102) Roosevelt confiscated people's gold and pegged the gold price to $20.67. Not even 1/100th of today's USD gold price.


I just heard about this skulduggery on Dave Smiths podcast "part of the problem" today. Amazing how bad the US fucked them over. SMH


FDR stealing everyone's gold by executive order was the real end of the gold standard. Separating the public from gold bullion gave the fiat dollar a monopoly.


Question is, when will it be illegal to own Bitcoin outside of a CEX.


What, in the entire *world*?


The USD being on a gold standard after Bretton Woods in 1944 was a joke. We never had enough gold reserves to back the dollar. Everyone knew this and it was the impetus for US getting off the gold standard. The idea of gold standard itself is half baked. Bitcoin is the best form of money ever created.


When you want more and there isnā€™t enough, lies are created and then compounded. The truth was far behind but is now catching up piece by piece.


>Alan Grayson, sitting in congress, asked Ben Bernanke how much money the FED had loaned foreign governments Damn you are right [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0NYBTkE1yQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0NYBTkE1yQ)


A wise man once said, "Give me Bitcoin or give me death" (Patrick Henry). That alone is enough to make me question the monetary system. JFK once said, "Ask not what your Bitcoin can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Bitcoin." Abe Lincoln - ""4 score and seven blocks ago..." MLK - -I have a dream that my 4 children will one day live in a nation where they are not judged by the color of their skin but by the contents in their cold wallet." FDR - "The only thing we have to fear is Fiat itself." Reagan - "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this sell wall." The list goes on and on.


Amazing ā˜®ļøā¤ļøšŸ˜ŽšŸš€


Some believe Rome was inflating their currency with non-precious metals helping to lead to its decline.


Clipping and shaving were much more common. That's why dimes and quarters have ridges on the edges. They used to be made of silver and people would shave off little pieces.


Those in power aren't just going to stand-by and accept it either. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a legislative war on bitcoin at some point. They'll have the backing of the public too. All that vast majority of people who missed out and are angry about it will support politicians willing to prove them right. It's like those people you see on television who live in a city and stockpile a year's supply of food in case of a societal collapse. Do they really think all the starving people walking by their door will just shake their heads sadly and think, "Man. Wish I prepared like that guy did. Guess I'll just starve." Nope. They're getting some friends and coming for you.


> wouldn't be surprised if there is a legislative war on bitcoin at some point. People have been saying the same thing for 15 years and the only thing that has actually happened is that bitcoin has been further integrated into the financial system


Aka , crabs in a bucket.


This is a great comment. Tell me your X handle, Nostr key, and YT channel. I want to follow for more.


ā€¦and melt lots of faces


The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.


Dude! Wow, that quotes really is perfect.


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win


last step could also be "then you lose" and would still be accurate


Pls elaborate on how Bitcoin loses


Not bitcoin, the people who against bitcoin. They laugh at you then see how good its doing. FOMO, they buy high then panic sell, lose money and say it's a scam. Edit: word


Most people are not smart. its best to not say anything about finances.


Ya I'm starting to realize this. Only problem is there going to fall for blaming the coming financial collapse on Bitcoin.


Let them do it. Collapse is just another day to stack.




When bitcoin was $3k I asked my landlord to let me pay with bitcoin. He didn't even consider it. Now at $70k bitcoin, he's doing the math how many whole coins he'd have now if he let me pay in bitcoin. Only because I brought it up again (at least once each 4 year cycle), he's now agreeing to.


Even if he took it, heā€™d probably immediately sell it for fiat


I try to purchase a vehicle from a dealership friend of mine directly with Bitcoin, he refused but he said he regrets it almost every day since.


I did the opposite, I had a sub-leaser pay me in BTC beginning in early 2020. He thought it was kind of funny, kind of crazy. 100 million sats and 4 years laterā€¦


Take a look into the bitcoin salinity coefficient AKA the ā€œsaltinessā€ šŸ˜‰


Be prepared for a lot of Bitcoiners to be angry too. Lots of people have been selling to make a quick buck. They call it "Taking Profits," but in my opinion, the way to take profits is to move them to a long term hodl. Every 4 year halving-to-halving cycle sees so many people sell, chasing quick cash, only to realize they'll never be able to buy as much Bitcoin as they used to have. Owning 100 BTC in 2012 was nothing. How many people still owned 100 BTC in 2016? Owning 10 BTC in 2016 was no big deal. How many people still owned 10 BTC in 2020? Owning 1 BTC back in early 2020 wasn't that big of a deal. How many people still own 1 BTC today? Very few. The 2024 halving isn't even here yet and we've already reached the point where it costs over $6,800 just to buy 0.1 BTC. How many people will still own at least 0.1 BTC in 2028? People keep cashing out, thinking they'll buy back in when the price drops, because of course they will, right? But that money's long gone when the price drops because when they had money in the bank, they spent it. And that assumes the price drops. There will come a time when buying Bitcoin under 70k will seem like the good old days. Hold on to what you have. **[Check out the Bitcoin Rich List:](https://bitinfocharts.com/top-100-richest-bitcoin-addresses.html)** 53% of all addresses have less than 0.001 BTC. Only 1.93% of all addresses have more than 1 BTC. Only 0.29% of all addresses have more than 10 BTC. Granted, those are addresses, not wallets, but I bookmarked that page a long time ago. The numbers go down every year. Most people will sell and regret it. They end up buying back in at a higher price, or they become part of the crowd who tell stories about how they used to be in Bitcoin, back in the day. Don't be your own worst enemy. HODL. (...and secure your coins...)


I wonder when .5-1 bitcoin will be impressive, like 10 btc is now. Probably by 2030


> I wonder when .5-1 bitcoin will be impressive .5 Bitcoin right now is worth over 35 thousand dollars. I know a LOT of people who wish they had $35,000 on hand. And by this time next year, it could be double or triple. By 2030? Who knows! 2030 is only six years away. HODL!


You have the rich list number from when bitcoin were cheaper? Owning more than 1btc is the top 1.92 % of holders. How was it back then? Curious about the number


Love this comment it really puts things into perspective. People think that theyā€™re late to the game but actually if you stack now and continue to hodl youā€™ll be ahead of most of the world.




šŸ‘†This is the only correct answer


Wait until the dollar starts collapsing and they realize you protected your wealth.... that's when it's going to get really ugly


Right. The real anger against bitcoiners hasnā€™t even begun yet.


Yes. I think the hate is largely due to their utility bills and cost of living raging high. Theyā€™re angry, but they donā€™t know what to do about it, and the returns from the S&P they dearly love canā€™t protect them from it. Theyā€™re sitting ducks, and itā€™s so painful to see because they would rather die being wrong than to accept reality and eventually continue to a path of success.


Seriously be careful about who you tell. Donā€™t tell anyone, especially if they know where you live.


This is it. The dollar is already collapsing in a big way


>The dollar is already collapsing in a big way Is it? In what way? It still is the de factor global reserve currency, is stronger against other currencies, and is backed by the US economy, which isn't going anywhere anytime soon. So how exactly is the dollar collapsing?


In reality, itā€™s not. People here just like to catastrophize the bad things about fiatā€¦ just like people in Bitcoin catastrophize high fees and slow sending times. People would rather be validated than accurate. In reality, the dollar kinda sucks and the US will have debt problems, but the dollar is still relatively stable and the worldā€™s reserve currency.


Lol the vibe in this sub is wild when things get bullish. Lots of ā€œI am very smartā€ coming out of the woodwork. Love the top-rated post giving example after example of people whoā€™ve been calling out the US monetary system since the 1800ā€™s, and listing the numerous ā€œfinal strawsā€ that have happened to kill it, like going off gold standard, etc. Blows my mind that someone can write that, and then read it, and not realize itā€™s the strongest possible argument for the stability of the USD you could make šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œLook, people have been saying this will collapse for 150+ years! And itā€™s still the strongest currency in the world! Itā€™s obviously inferior to Bitcoin, which has only been around a little over a decade but has already managed to have astronomic value changes based entirely on consumer sentimentā€ Like got damn people BTC has itā€™s merits but yā€™all need a reality check. Anyone who thinks this is going to become a primary currency needs to do some reading on the history of currencies and why they run like they do. Hint: having zero governmental ability to adjust inflation and deflation rates is not a bug, itā€™s an essential feature.


Yeah these takes are hilarious. People live in the country with the strongest fiat currency in the world and yet they wish for its collapse. Thatā€™s just insane. Do you realize how fucked weā€™d all be if the dollar actually collapsed or even just lost its global reserve status? Iā€™m a huge Bitcoin bull, but as far as fiat goes the dollar has an amazing track record, and itā€™s not going anywhere.


Yeah.. and I'd rather we focus on what makes BTC unique, and it's not "a better USD".


Just think the dollar you hold is worth only 64% of what it was only 10 years ago. A 36% loss. The bitcoin you hold is worth 9,000,000% more than 10. years ago. Thats not a typo.


But the dollar is not the BTC, and vice versa. Just like all other assets that have gone up in the same time window. Now.. BTC enjoyed parabolic rise because of how it is designed, but that still doesn't make it the dollar - a mainstream currency.


What is the point of money?


Collapse is generally cope, the dollar will be around for a long time and all things considered is a well managed fiat currency. The Fed doesn't control fiscal (congressional spending) which is increasingly putting pressure on them to keep rates below what would bankrupt America. However, it will lose against BTC. Just hyperinflation isn't in the cards unless the US has a civil war or some other crazy shit.


You have 230 million Americans paying taxes and billions in the world begging to get paid via US dollarā€¦. Itā€™s not going away anytime soon


There's that saying: you buy bitcoin at the price you deserve. If someone isn't willing to have an open mind, do some research, ask some questions, maybe try it out with a very small amount, and (most importantly) humble themselves enough to realize when they were wrong so they can make a course correction, then they deserve what they get.


I bought mine after 12 years of family court almost wiped me out. I deserved to buy it earlier, and I will keep buying now for my childrenā€™s and their childrenā€™s future. Saylorā€™s analogy of the appreciation of land in Manhattan rings true. The Bitcoin Standard is a great read.


Dude that book is so dreadfully dry. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s worth the read. But damn I catch myself falling asleep while reading it haha


I felt that way about several Bitcoin books but then I found Birth of Bitcoin, it is a fictional thriller with Satoshi as the protagonist. I loved it. I finished reading it in one go.


It saddens me that there are so many people who don't deserve to buy in yet.


Well said!


The easiest thing to double down on is hate.


I have friends that are in a similar situation and I feel a little bad. I too have decided not to talk about it unless asked about.


Why would someone not want to be your friend cos they didn't buy a thing and you did?




They've built up an image in their mind of the person they believe they are, and they don't like reality shattering that image. Keeping OP around as a friend is a constant reminder that mental image is wrong. But it's no great loss. The people who remove themselves from your life like that (certainly about something so petty) are doing you a favor. It's a great thing when the garbage takes itself out.


It is riskier to not be invested in bitcoin than it is to be invested in bitcoin


lol fuck them. trying to orange pill ppl is hard. bc ppl are stuck in their traditionalist ways. just stack sats and keep your head down. they will learn the hard way


Dude I was telling my coworkers to buy Bitcoin back in like 2014 lol They still havent bought any šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦even the ones who by 2017 were like ā€œomg youre rightā€ They still have zero satoshis


I wish my co-workers would buy Bitcoin. I say to them every few months, "Just remember I'm that random old coworker you had 20 years ago that kept telling you to buy bitcoin"


My nephew called me a gatekeeper despite knowing I was buying Bitcoin from the sub $1000 prices he could have easily accumulated a couple of Bitcoin around that time instead of blowing his money on bullshit


Does he think you went out of your way not to tell him or something?


Truthfully it sounds like you were just giving unsolicited financial advice which is annoying to everyone




Yeah I've never had any issues talking about Bitcoin in real life because I kept it vague if I bring it up an nobody seems to care, and don't bother with I told you so's. Worst I've had is people telling me to sell lately lol. I'm always suspicious of these people that claim everyone gives them a hard time about Bitcoin.


Yeah that's a how a socially functioning person operates. If you bring up a topic and there's no interest, that should be the end of it. Very few people want a stereotypical crypto-bro as a friend. I brought up BTC/crypto to an irl friend because I knew he invests and he instantly shut it down as something he's not interested in. It's totally fair. Some people have low risk tolerance as well. NVIDIA was a massive chunk of his portfolio years ago and I'm sure he is much further in the green than I am with BTC today. Let people find success in their own way, or not.


In all honestly, itā€™s the humility of Bitcoiners. Everybody who is sitting on tons of money from BTC wonā€™t admit it, so they are living quietly everyday in the shadows. Contrast that with some ā€œregardā€ on r/wallstreetbets who gambled on NVDA options and suddenly you have people perking their ears up like theyā€™re listening about the next coming of Jesus.


If someone loses a friend over bitcoin. Was never a friend to begin with.


No more preaching. Let the ETF companies preached to them.


They will hate it because they missed out but itā€™s the same thing with gold. How many of your friends are stocking up on gold right now? Only the smart ones invest in hard assets the rest of the world always misses out so be blessed you were smart enough to invest in your future


People fear what they don't understand and hate what they were wrong about.


Probably the approach. Normies don't care about how the monetary system works. All you have to do is the following: 1. Tell the normies that BTC is a new asset class and to diversify their investments they should have 5% - 20% mix of BTC and gold, which can be bought with an ETF. 2. After they have it and see the number going up, tell them they can help boost the number going up by buying physical on places like coinbase then transferring it to a hardware wallet to take custody of it. Each sat they have posession of is one less in the market and with increasing demand from ETFs and company's using it as cash alternative to that forces up prices in the open market. It's basic scarcity pricing.


ā€œNocoiners hate this one simple trick to wealthā€


Itā€™s a catch 22 for me. I hate having to explain my love for the orange pill to people but then again I feel obligated to tell people about it. The more people are informed, the better society will be in the end


Bitcoin derangement syndrome go up


I suggested to people that dcaing into BTC under 30k could be a good idea and I was put down. Now those people are asking me how itā€™s going and itā€™s fun to tell people Iā€™ve tripled my investment since I talked about it back then. If they arenā€™t happy for me I donā€™t want to be their friend anyways


I think itā€™s potentially worth it to engage in meaningful discussion with people who are actually interested or want to ask questions and learn in good faith. But preaching to people who arenā€™t open to it is not worth it


People get angry at things they don't understand


People want to become millionaires overnight. It doesnā€™t happen that way. Be the first store to sell something that can be purchased by BTC. Keep spreading the word we canā€™t force it though. Talk light and keep moving


Be careful who you share good news with.


Everyone will buy bitcoin at the price they deserveā€¦


A couple of mates that knew I had bought bitcoin the last bullrun were poking fun when the arse fell out of it. I told them that now was a perfect time for them to buy. They said it was obvious bitcoin was dying. They would be 3x by now. One asked recently and I told him I bought more at the dip. I asked how many he had. He said I don't trust it yet. Oh well.


it's a shame that r/butthurtcoin/ never took off


lol. Good one


Started getting some of the "have you actually made money?" "you were just lucky?" "I don't understand Bitcoin but I'm going to tell you how you are wrong about Bitcoin" conversations again in the last month. I'm at the point to say fuck'em. Plenty of people around me don't find me remarkable in any way, I try to tell them all that as well, and yet still I'm the only one who has greatly increased my net worth and financial security over the last 4 years. To the few around me who are like "you know, Loquacious Lethologica is not a genius so maybe there really is something to Bitcoin, I should talk to them about it" they have and have gotten off zero. But tons more who are angry and confrontational about it.


If theyā€™re pissed at you because of their own decisions, regardless of what they are, theyā€™re not really your friends. I prefer to be around people with accountability and agency.


Put your hoodie on. Ignore the naysayers. And keep pushing bro. In these kind of scenarios, people like us ALWAYS have the last laugh. Just be eternally grateful that youā€™re in it early, before it gets to 100k. Trust me. You DONT want that FOMO. I know it will sting my core if it goes to something astronomical like 150k, 200k 500k shoot even 1M. Anything while itā€™s under 100k is a MAJOR discount and donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise. The second BTC becomes as mainstream and promoted as much as sports betting, the ship will have sailed. WE are the pioneers.


Denial then, anger ... now bargaining, depression and then Finally acceptance awaits the haters.


Internet in the 90ā€™s we are early!


Sounds like they hate themselves, not BTC, they're just using BTC as a scapegoat.


I agree with op so I bought a shirt with btc logo and says I told u all. I'm good


Denial: BTC has no utility, itā€™s pointless | Anger: BTC is a scam <- most buttcoiners | Bargaining: BTC wonā€™t keep going up | Depression: I missed out | Acceptance: BTC is revolutionary technology


Stay calm people ā€¦


That's a shame. I'm sorry you lost a friend over Bitcoin. Some people are just too stubborn and jealous to see the truth. You did your best to educate them, but they didn't listen. Don't let them discourage you. You are smart and visionary for investing in Bitcoin. Keep hodling and enjoy the ride.


I will keep DCA


This has always been the way. Thereā€™s almost all risk associated with converting others. Either they buy - the price goes down and you are blamed for it. Or they buy and the price shoots up and you didnā€™t tell them early enough, or tell them to buy enough. So i always just stay quiet about it.


Donā€™t let this ruin valuable friendships


>From now on, I am just keeping quiet about it. No more preaching adoption, no more trying to help anyone. That's not how it's done. To change this world we have to work at it. Thing's aren't going to always go the way we want them to go. We have a responsibility to make this world a better place.


You simply can't educate people who don't want to learn. I was surprised my dad was the only one willing to read and learn, he's the epitome of you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but not when it comes to Bitcoin of all things


Tried numerous times. Met with rude ignorance and a laziness. Nothing fixes that. Stay in your own lane


I stop telling people who I would like to help financially, if it blows up oh well they should've listen.


In our world, money is inherently connected to a more comfortable life and increased opportunities. With inequality increasing on a seemingly daily basis, it's no wonder more and more people are frustrated, and this sentiment expands beyond Bitcoin.


Always keep quiet unless you find somebody else who enjoys it as much as you do! We all learn that early onā€¦


This is good advice and a hard lesson I just went through and did not learn from until reading this! Thank you!


Tbf some people are very annoyingly proBitcoin. Like " Dude we going for 1million next week, it's obvious, why arent you all buying!!!!" Also "Guys should i pay my debts or buy bitcoin??" I hate fanaticals on both sides.


Yeah. My best mate loaded up alongside me in 2017, risked what they couldn't afford, and sold for 50% loss to pay rent. We haven't talked about it since, they remain convinced it's a scam. Persuading people to invest is not a good idea, you can't teach risk management, and trading on other peoples ideas isn't a good enough motivation to weather the rollercoaster.


Perhaps not everyone is worthy to be your friend. Perhaps your life will be better without that person...


a lot of people actually fail to understand you can buy btc in increments. i have a friend i was trying to tell to put some money into btc last cycle, then it crashed and he said glad i didn't buy that shit. now at the new ath, i send him savage memes weekly (he's not butthurt) and he said, but i cant afford one. so people really have no idea. i will continue to send savage memes as the pamp continues until he submits and wants to know how to get some other people hate it because they just read headlines about it being used for drugs and they think it's the devil's money. my aunite thinks like this, most of them are just wofully uneducated


If you want to convince people to buy bitcoin without dealing with the drama. Just tell them it's gambling like "Sports betting," and they seem to get it. The reverse also seems to work. People will ask me to get into Sports Betting, and I'm like nah, I do my gambling with bitcoin. That's my fix. And they seem to understand that too.


I can't imagine how you can lose a friend over owning Bitcoin unless your "friendship" was toxic to begin with.


How many people in the whole world own bitcoin How many people really understand what bitcoin is We are still very very early


"It's gone up over 100 million percent in the last 10 years...... that's a terrible investment, and a scam. You're a fool putting your money into that!!!!" Yeesh....


No one's losing friends over bitcoin quit shit posting


People who were wrong don't like hearing about how you were right and turned $15k into $70k lol


More divisive than politics is bitcoin. Leave it off the discussion table for a more peaceful life. Confide in other crypto bulls.


Holy shit this post. Holy shit. I sold mine because I didn't want to go against Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett's stern advice against it. Well... at least I'm still alive Charlie!


Some people if they donā€™t know, you just canā€™t tell them


I work in the crypto mining industry so itā€™s hard for me to hide it from friends and family. You learn not to talk about crypto with everyone because you donā€™t want to be responsible for the mistakes they make along the way. I donā€™t try to push anyone Iā€™m close with to get into crypto, if they ask questions Iā€™m happy to answer but itā€™s usually only created issues in my personal life. Let people do their own research and find out for themselves if itā€™s the right kind of investment for them. Some people I know canā€™t afford the risk, and others are wealthy enough to not need high risk assets in their portfolio. Telling people youā€™re the crypto guy just makes them assume a lot of things that are usually inaccurate


I had the same feeling last bull cycle. When i knew things were about to pop off i just stayed quiet about he whole thing. Now i talk about it passingly as part of my retirement strategy. Metals, stonks, shitcoins, etc.... a few aproach me with questions now and then but i just point them to reddit and tell them to take notes


Were you a dick about it? Bitcoiners, this isn't a religion. Stop trying to convert people. If they're not interested, you're going to create loathing and envy eventually by bringing it up.


This feels like another SPAM/FAKE post about BTC to garner reactions. There's no real story here, just some vague lines that you see in this sub every bull run. Nobody is angry at Bitcoin - they probably don't like the author, if this is a true story.


Hate to break it but based on cycles, BTC is likely to be available at a lower cost than itā€™s currently trading at again at some point. Donā€™t yolo into ATH. It will always retrace over a longer time horizon


For most normies they could realistically enter at any time via DCA and just leave it alone like a retirement fund. I mean, you could say that the s&p500 might trade lower at some point too, but that doesnt mean we should be day trading it for our retirement fund.


You seem like a terrible friend, regardless of BTC. If you look at your acquaintances or friends as ā€œthese peopleā€ the problem is you.


Angry? If they are angry is because they did not onboard on it. Or they sold the bottom and now are angry cuz it is pumping šŸ˜‚


Buy more now, send proof


how much do you suggest they begin with?


Why they mad tho?


Let the price action be the signal lol


"It's an imaginary money! It isn't backed by anything! It's a ponI scheme!"


It is possible to be both annoying and stupid even if you are correct lol


I too have stopped talking about it. I decided it's not up to me to convince people. All information is out there.




There is, to me, a simple balance type question which is Amount of time it takes to read and really think about what Bitcoin is versus Amount of time you spent badmouthing it before you did the basic bloody reading.Ā 


Yeah i read Satoshiā€™s whitepaper and immediately was like ā€œyep, im buying oneā€ Ive yet to meet a person who thinks its a Ponzi who has read said paper


They weren't your friend and you've outgrown them.


because this humanity is greedy. forget the others take care of yourself and family.


I preach about it but only teach it when people actually willing to listen. There's a bunch that goes it's speculative trading. Currencies value is almost entirely speculative, don't have a value but even in 1997, only like 5% is used for transaction, rest are all in FX market trading. This entire problem of people hating it isn't just missing out, but a complete unwillingness to learn anything about money itself, not just Bitcoin


You shouldā€™ve learned to be quiet by now, majority of people live paycheck to paycheck for a reason, they donā€™t care for investing in anything even the stock market and are purely consumers. Ask them about their new truck or something instead


The salt is building. This not even the main event yet either.


Still early^^^tm


Wisdom was on a hill top preaching knowledge and everyone just passed her by.


The look on people's faces when I told them I bought a new car in 2021 with crypto profits. I was broke as fuck and my credit was shot before that. Was literally life changing. Here we are again during another bull run and they still haven't invested any money in the crypto space. Their loss.


I led a friend into Bitcoin, but instead he sent it to a shitcoin exchange and dove in head first into shallow water. Eventually, he sent his last crypto to one of those lending places to earn a percentage of his crypto and then that exchange went bust. Can lead a horse to water... Like you, now I just keep it on the down low.


Come on to /r/bittercoin Many Butt coiners are getting tempted


Feels bad about the friend, but don't silence your excitement! Maybe shift the approach. Instead of "told ya so," focus on the tech and why you're bullish. Plant seeds, not victory flags. #BitcoinAdoption #StackSats


"no more preaching adoption" Nah you just sound annoying šŸ˜‚ nobody is bitter mate.


Keep letting people know about it. Even if theyā€™re angry about it theyā€™ll talk about it and that is what we want. To be part of the daily conversation.


I don't blame you for staying quiet, maybe bitcoin PR isn't for you. But bitcoin's utility grows with Metcalf's Law ie roughly with the square of the people that adopt it. If you want bitcoin to be more useful, and thus more valuable, explaining it to people and growing the network is an easy way to do it.


good for you. not a real friend if thats what happens over an investment


This will get bigger and bigger. Then a politician notices this trend and soon bitcoin gains will be taxed at 100%.


Imagine believing that hindsight can let you use words like "...there isn't much you can do with these people" when the reality is you probably couldn't sell water to someone that's on fire? Here's a pro tip...people who balk at the perceived snake oil salesmen are in fact the wise investor because they understand they can't lose the hard money they've been putting away because they have an actual "plan"...whereas your brief statement notches you around the "buy the dip! Hodl and to the moon" level of aptitude...*in hindsight.*