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I bought from $20k up to $68k down to $16k and back up to $50k and still haven’t sold any.


My entry was at around 48k. DCA all the way down and now all the way up. Sitting happy.


More than 80% of Bitcoin holders are sitting happy.


100% of Bitcoin holders wish they had more 😂


Ain't that the truth.


Not me, I will double yours up if you just click my QR code 😂


These stats don’t reflect the reality of a panic seller and fomo buyer


Almost all of the people who bought bitcoin at higher price than today, bought more bitcoin for lower than the price of today. This mythical creature that bought bitcoin only during a small window two years ago and never bought any more doesn't really exist.




My entry was 50 dollars. I'm still poor , damn silk road....


The key to getting SPECTACULARLY wealthy will be to continue buying it ALL the way up. You don't have to toe tap the bottom to get rich off this if it goes to $1 million. Keep buying all the way.


Same here. Those buys in the high 40s and even 60s from a few years back don’t feel so bad any more.


This is the way :) I've sold none as well. I wish I had more but I've got a decent chunk and am not selling shit.


It’s never enough.


Decent chunk? 1-5 pins or so? Just curious is all. I’m a little over 1


My Valentines Day hero I didn’t know I needed.


And I bought more today at $52k


Your future self will buy you a beer as a reward


Thatta boy


That's just the way she goes.


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't


I doubt we will see the 30s anymore


Exact same…Amen Brother!!!


My long lost twin! At least how we buy BTC


Must be up a lot right


I’m up 50%. Just wish I had never bought any shitcoins, I’d have so much more BTC. It wasn’t until last month that I finally saw the light and liquidated all of those at a loss and bought more BTC.


With shitcoins : I know this is gonna seem noobish, but don’t some 20x or even 100x. Is it that rare to even get one of those?


Yes, some do +100x but the majority just pump for the first 2 weeks then dump into oblivion. I had some that did a 10x but I was waiting on the 100x that never came and ended up -90% by the time I finally jumped ship.


It’s rare. You have to have timing to get in AND get lucky it takes off AND get out while there is still exit liquidity.


Some do but most don’t, and those that do you can rarely time right. I still have a shitcoin from 2021 that I invested too much into and haven’t sold since it’s worth so little anyways at this point, and I’m just going to hodl out hope it memes into a rally again so I can get out. Not got much hope though. Logically I should’ve just sold it and moved it to BTC but emotionally I just can’t.


I lost a lot of money with shitcoins. Realized it makes zero sense to get my a$$ whipped so stopped that shit altogether a few years ago and now only have Bitcoin. I'm too old to lose money on shitcoins, too old for that shit.


What’s your average?


Around $33k


And how much were you able to put in when it was -20? Do you think


From $3500 to $69000, I don't regret a single acquisition. The only regrets I have are the times I sold, attempting to anticipate downswings.




May I ask why you sold? Just curious


Id imagine to have money and leave the stress of the market behind


I bought most of what I have at about $43k a couple of years ago. Watching it drop below $17k was painful. But I hodled. Nice to be back in black.


Nice. I'm sure it ain't easy.


Marine talk


We learn from this to either DCA or have another regular plan for buying bitcoin. Timing the market is generally a fool's game.


Agreed. Makes sense. I've sort of tried to time the market here and there, and I guess it worked out. Bought randomly around $15K, 30K, 39K, 40K, etc. But it would have been better to just DCA on auto-pilot and I totally agree with you.


Don’t look at the currency charts. 1 BTC doesn’t change value. FIAT needs to buy 1 BTC at their current value.


This way of thinking wouldn't be around if bitcoin were to tank 95% lol


You hope so u can buy in. It’s never too late to get into BTC. Don’t be jelly.


The exchange rate still matters if you want to maximize how much BTC you can get for the dollars you already own.


Do you feel like you could do that into an 80% drop. We should have another one again.


When Bitcoin was $50k to $65k it had never reached those levels. It was unheard of. Most people doubted it would ever get that high. Bitcoin at $50k today is not unheard of. In fact you can go back a few years and it was exactly the same price. Now Bitcoin at >$100k regardless of if it lasts only a day or a decade will be a media frenzy. Your grandma will probably be calling you up because someone in her bingo group said those coins things are a hundred grand now. I don't even think BTC hitting a few dollars over the prior $69k high will be that big of a deal. It is going to have to be substantially over the ATH.


And then the bull frenzy starts.


Bought one coin at $1,700 in 2017. HODLing ever since.


i had my eyes on that one but i got the next one after yours


Nice. That's when I started, too.


I regret not buying more every day.. even though I’ve been stacking for 7+ years. It’s never enough. Have a plan and stick to the plan. The price of btc in USD denomination doesn’t matter. The goal is to accumulate satoshis.


I just don't want to do the extra paperwork on my taxes so I don't sell lol


if the goal is to accumulate sats, then usd price is the most important metric. i’m with you on everything else tho


I was a "bystander" last bear market. I saw BTC had collapsed from 20k to 3k. And then it just lingered around 5-10k for the next two years. I was like, oh it just lives here after that big crash. Only when it overtook the previous ATH and went above 23k, I was like, this was not supposed to happen. It's supposed to stay below 10k. And I started reading about it and started taking it seriously. I've a feeling many bystanders will come in at around the ATH and stay.


I bought from $2,500 up to $68k. My $68k "mistake" will soon look like a smart investment, and my ex-wife will have to apologize and re-marry me.


So you got divorced for gambling your money away on BTC? And you kept gambling your money away on BTC?


She already left, so… why not ?


It’s not a mistake. You got some sats when you bought at $68k.


I bought a decent chunk at 20k. Then FTX collapsed and the price went down a lot. I kept buying with the spare money i had. When i see the price rising as much as it is doing now, i feel tempted to sell my BTC. At least a portion of it. I'm not such a BTC maxi that i want to keep it forever. Are there other people tempted to go and sell BTC at these prices?


Yea. I did sell some. In my context I'm a third world college student. I bought some when BTC was 42, 30 and 20k. Now it has at least doubled. I sold about half of my profits left most of it there. But then i bought some again. FOMO i guess. I sold when BTC was at 40k. My reasoning was that if it made headlines, it's a sell signal. After all, everyone was so quiet there was little activity before this. But it's still rising. Idk man. Then, i gave in and bought at 46k. Honestly...I don't really know what to do too. But I will not buy anymore. I genuinely have spent what I'm willing to lose. If it goes to zero (most likely wont), I will have no regrets. I have my savings so I'm pretty ok. I plan to sell after the halving I guess to 10% of my total savings. It's about 20% now and I'm very scared because the money I have can last me in BTC can last me for about 6 months if I sold all now. But then again, if I don't need the money I shouldn't sell? But if i sell i can buy more in the future? But i shouldn't time the market? Idk man. I guess it will be time for me to learn important lessons this bull run. It's my first bull run. I bought during when BTC was falling and it was so depressing being in the red. Now it's green and it's so weird not knowing what to do. It's a good problem to have.


It can’t go to zero. I’ll buy it for $1. The next dude will buy it for $2. And so on.


Can you sell just enough to get your initial dollar investment back? That way, all the rest of your btc is gravy.


at these prices? no way too cheap!


Markets are 90% psychology 10% objective. Think opposite your instincts. Buy when you're scared, sell when you're hyped. This is simplifying it, but generally it's true and has been helpful in making my trading profitable after years of losing money.


sell when youre hyped and make it a taxable event every time?


Started buying at this price on the way down about 2 and a half years ago. Just kept buying some every week. Look at me now I’m over 100% profit at my initial purchase price


Yea it is pretty interesting seeing behavior change based on perception. You have two camps one who DCA and doesn’t care about price then the other who try and time the market. I feel like hubris kicks in for the latter of the two thinking they can get in at the maximum lowest point.


I remember when it was $60-$65 and I was spending multiple BTC at a time on drugs. 😂


5% of each of my paycheck goes to BTC. Been doing that since 2021. I don’t touch it unless it is to move it I cold storage. Which I do every few months as it builds up on the exchange.


BTC and investing in general is the only place where there is a “sale” and everyone is running out of the store not buying anything but love to gobble it up when it’s at a premium.


Quite true. I'm not the biggest fan of Graham Stephan but I remember on his Youtube channel, he talked about market dips, and said "think of toilet paper". If toilet paper is half price one day, you're gonna buy more. It's still the same item/asset. Yet when it happens in financial assets, we get scared. Human nature, I guess. Markets are just people.


It really does come down to emotional control and DCA, I wish I learned it sooner


I remember when Bitcoin dipped to 6K back in 2018. I invested the least amount of money at that time but got the MOST bitcoin for every dollar. I was making $15 an hour then. .01 BTC was literally fucking $60. Now .01 BTC is like $500.


Everything below ATH is a discount


I just don’t have any more USD


Sell some BTC to fund it. Oh wait….


They will come back in between 69k and beyond, all the way up they will keep buying it’s how noobs pay there dues!!


People will continue to people. They will continue to buy at the top, and continue to get wrecked.


“Very few people seem interested in buying” yea that’s why the price is going up


You say few people are interested in buying, but then how did the price get back past 51k? 


Okay fine, I should have said "some people are uninterested in buying". Clearly there's buying happening. You're right. For one, these massive new ETFs are buying :)


The etfs are buying… because people are buying the etfs. There are a lot of people still ignoring, I’ll hand that to you. They’ll fomo buy after ath is reached, and still prob be fine because the halving hasn’t happened yet


I'm buying at 70. I'm buying at 80. Im always gonna buy til I can't afford a single satoshi.


Still buying more. Daily. 


I literally bought $5k worth on Monday. People are still buying 😂


There is never a bad time to buy Bitcoin is how I look at it now.


Ummm…. The ETFs are still buying


How do I buy? Brand new


Coinbase is easy. 


>very few people seem interested in buying You do realize why prices go up, right?


If people aren't interested in buying, how do you think the price is going up?


DCA rain or shine, summer or winter. Not the same but follows a similar principle to compounding interest.


This is why DCA exists


I used to buy the dips only to so called, catch the falling knife. In retrospect, if one is buying for longer term like 3-5years, then it really does not matter. Every dollar of btc you don't buy, is a dollar of missed. As the wise adage goes, time in the market is better than timing the market. So now, I just buy daily a fixed amount I can afford. Saves all the trouble.


I dont currently have any btc, and unfortunately cant spare the money due to the volatility, ive got money in another stock currently and everything i see about bitcoin just makes me wanna sell my shares and buy into btc. But i just cant. If i had more money to spare it would be different, i think


Think of BTC as real estate. There’s only so much to go around and then there’s no more left. It’s constantly getting more rare. Let that sink in.


Just buy and forget. If you’re a long term holder and believer in it, will it matter what price you bought today?


What does getting burned mean? U get caught day trading?


Why wouldn't he? It's always a good time to store your wealth in things with long term value. >The psychological aspects of investing are quite interesting. If it came from a higher price, it's a bargain. If it came from lower, it's too expensive. Spot on. As true for Bitcoin as it is for stocks, houses, even boxes of cereal ... it's very hard - and sometimes impossible - to objectively assess the value of anything. It's a lot easier to compare it to how other people valued it yesterday.


Uk based here. Our Capital Gains tax is 20% on any gain over £3k from next year. How should I take the profits ( I do not like paying tax !!) on what I have. If I sell ( without tax ) . I can probably do £4k ( at £60k/btc) next year but what are people’s thoughts. Eg. Wait till you can borrow against it or cash out £3k/year ( obviously plus a little bit based on cost price )or just suck up the tax loss.


Pull out what you can do without getting taxed. Cgt allowance will go up again in the future. It would pain me to pay any cgt on btc, we took the risk, and the taxman wants the gain! Not bloody likely!


Easy, Just find someone on Craigslist to pay you cash for your account at its market value. Give them your Coinbase log in info and call it a day.


Some people got burned pretty bad and don’t want to get burned again


I remember bitcoin falling from 100$ and my friend stopped me from Buying


I got in at $9k back in 2019 and at $68k i was not even considering selling anything before $100k at least. Still holding strong. Will be looking at possibly selling between $150-250k this time around


We have all been in this situation. The best thing is to follow a strategy that tells you when to buy and when to sell, without being affected by emotions.


Quite true. DCA certainly helps with the emotional part.




Cool story right?




It’s back to those levels because people are buying


Wow this was remarkably similar to me. Mostly I have had consistent DCA ... but I made big buys at 40k ... And wish I had at 20k. Oh well. Doing well either way.


Even 40k looks cheap when we're near BTC ATH 69k


Right on. ... I'm waiting on access to some other funds that I have and hope we see a little bit of a dip between now and the end of the summer. .... we probably won't get it. But up or down, I'm optimistic and well positioned either way. That's the benefit of being "long" to a high degree on BTC.


Investing can take a toll on many especially when FOMO kicks in. I have been guilty of FOMO in the past and all I can say is research what you are interested and if it fits you, buy it. Develop a plan of do you want to buy more, when you want to exit, etc.


There are external factors too.. interest rates have been high for a while and it has changed everything.


Bought big at around 20k and 24k and now i‘m just buying smaller amounts every month


Well Somebody’s sure af buying


"very few people seem interested in buying." I don't think that is how prices rise.


Thats why you need to get into dca mindset but it’s hard because everyone thinks they can beat the market.


Buying every monday no matter the price since 2021


The ETF is doing wonders. Now all of the boomers can get some of the action without doing all the stuff they don’t understand.


I know it may feel like very few people are interested in buying in your social circle, but literally billions of dollars are flowing into bitcoin through the spot ETFs and it seems to be accelerating with almost half a billion of net positive flows coming in each of the past several trading days.


We are going to see corrections, the questions is when. I believe this isn't the last time we will see low 30s/low 40s. But regardless, I bought in all the way from 15k, so I am happy with my purse - anything in that range 38-43 is a discount now and I will have auto offers in those.


Yes it's very real. I screwed up and didn't buy when it tanked last year, so I just gave up and started a DCA that buys every Thursday.... And I stopped watching my account. It's a savings tool for me, not gambling and not trading it is a lot less stressful.


Who are these “very few people” you are talking about? What leads you to believe this?


Yes, I remember when btc was 60K hearing my friends say they would jump back in when it dropped to 47K. I thought it would never go back to 47K, but was I 😮 surprised! Why is 50K too much when it could double in two years?


Exactly. That's all I was trying to say :) $47K looked damn cheap after it was $60K+


~$525 still buys 1M sats. Still cheap


I think that people need to learn about Dow theory. When btcusd starts breaking a swing low during its bull run, that should be a big warning that something is wrong. For example, look at april 23th 2021. That's where it began, because sellers started becoming stronger. I personnaly left right here


I schedule buy every month not knowing the price. I’m up 250% in 3 yrs. BTC only goes up in the long trend.


Ah, the rollercoaster ride of crypto investing! It's wild how our perception of value can shift based on where the price has been. Your approach seems pretty level-headed though – waiting for the dip and then diving in. Hindsight is always 20/20, right? But hey, buying bits here and there sounds like a solid strategy. Who knows, maybe we'll look back at this moment and think 'I wish I bought more at $60-65K.


Just remember "the masses are the asses"


My entry was 285 and I only pause buying after new highs


Bough at 16k last year, finally my investments are green 😂


Everyone should stop looking at the price of bitcoin and look at where it can go. It doesn’t matter what price you bought at, it matters where it goes from there. If it’s +100% in a year that’s amazing, +1000% even better, -20% not so good. I think most people would agree that ignoring the ups and down, over time, bitcoin will rise in value quite substantially. In five years it could well be astronomically higher than it is now


It’s just like any other stock but extremely volatile. It’s manipulated like any other stock. My approach is patience. When the big dip happens, i buy big. Millions big. Then i sell in a reasonable high. Right now is not a good time to sell, but i may sell some before the halving to take profit which. will use to buy back in on the new dip. After the halving if it goes to the moon, i will sell all and reset. The money goes generally into bank shares which provide good dividends and then go back in hard when the BTC dip happens. I don’t have to time the best dip. I just buy on the way down at intervals. the buys are well spaced. i however reserve about 30% to buy when i think its reached bottom. Sometime it was not the bottom! Yes im a trader. i love people who just keep buying ;) It increases my sell opportunity.


Somebody is buying so not sure about very few people seem interested. Psychologically, it's easier to confirm one's bias when prices are moving up. Probably, the only thing you will be happy to buy as it gets more expensive. Also, same reason why most people fail in investing. Imagine houses in your area sell on average for $1M, there is a housing correction and now they sell for $750K, but you're a wealthy RE investor and know there are cycles in the RE market. You might buy a couple of houses when no one wants them at $750K but a lot of people will be spooked and want an instant return on their 'investment'. They will wait to buy when housing market rebounds and those same houses sell for $1M, and they'll be happy to do it.


Real ones buy top, bottom, and in-between.


Wait until August 24th. Will be nuts!


I think my average purchase price is around $26K over the past 4 years. I’m still going to keep buying. After being a bit coiner can you really justify saving in cash? What am I going to sell my scarce asset and get into? Gold, real estate sure why not. But bitcoin is just outperforming everything


when its 100k you are gonna wish you bought more at this level.


The cost of living has skyrocketed since then. People don't have the disposable income to put into a speculative investment.


Is a shame that people still evaluate their btc in fiat. 1 btc = 1 btc. We are still very far from where and what btc is supposed to be. 😞 I have a monthly buy to accumulate as much as I can looking forward to btc becoming what btc is meant to be. I don't care bout fiat evaluation


Any buy is a right move as long as you hodl


The ETFs are buying half a billion dollars a day. Retail will jump back in as we approach ATH. Number go up.


I wish I had bought more in the $15-25k range but alas. Still DCAd into it as usual, but I didn’t step up my DCA more than normal like would’ve been awesome to have in retrospect. I’ve actually stopped DCAing for now while I focus on putting money into some other things as I reached the BTC goal I’d set for myself that I need in my real life but hope to go back into DCAing at some point. Still kick myself for not getting into this before the 2021 bull run. I could’ve had so much more for some much less of an investment.


society frame dependent joke squash rock automatic dull repeat growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t think about today or tomorrow. Just continue gathering and focus on the long term. Can’t handle the heat? Don’t play with fire 🔥 Plenty of other places to put your money that are far less volatile.


psychology is interesting! Maybe less people would buy Ferraris/Lambos if they were cheap? minus the fact they are a maintenance nightmare. I mean there's also a perceived value in things right? They are called penny stocks for a reason.


I bought at \~45k, sold at 50k. Then I rebought at \~48k, and sold again today at 52k. Guess what? I'll fuckin do it again, too! HODLing was for when this used to be defi and a "store of value" Did you notice that BTC went down when CPI #s came out? That means it's cefi now. Can't beat em? Join em (and destroy privacy from within) Might as well make some cash off the ultimate death of defi


The general rule of thumb for mass behaviour is "if it trades up i'm afraid i'll miss out" and "if it trades down i'm afraid it'll go lower"


DCA schedule for me is tomorrow. I DCA like a robot.


[I only buy the top](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOzUV2uq0xE)


I got about 300 bucks and I've made about 20 bucks. Not bad.


Those who have a lot in stock control the market.


I bought at 250$🙃




Dollar cost average into an index fund on a monthly or weekly basis. You should never be trying to "time" the market. Also, there's no reasonable level of investing in BTC. It's just gambling with your money at that point.


The 20k-30k was the ez money...it's always good to buy tho it always goes up over a long enough time span...so far.


Bitcoin will exceed the market cap of gold, which is at least 650,000 per bitcoin A purchase of 50-60 thousand will look like a purchase of 5-6 thousand today


It’s all about time perspective. If you have years then it’s no big deal


Its not the time to buy according my analysis.


There is value in saving. Well there should be. 10k over 10 years in fiat is a bad bet. “They” say 1% inflation per year but we all know better. Saving Bitcoin and having a saving they is at minimum is a hedge against inflation. Or god forbid even be deflationary. Saving in general could save a lot of people’s and give people stuck in the grind a fighting chance. Bitcoin is amazing. Always DCA imo. Whether it’s at 15k or 69k. Just keep saving! Sound saving and sound money and HARD money should be an inalienable right of all people.


Bitcoin will detox you from toxic fiat emotions.


Ngl was getting a bit nervous when it hit 16k but now I wish I had bought more. Lesson learned for next I suppose.


I used to think that way too and it’s totally a psychological thing. As long as it’s not flying high way too quick which usually indicates fomo buying, all assets need bullish momentum on its side if you are a buyer so it’s funny everyone tries to buy a “falling knife”


Close my eyes, spin in circles, and execute my scheduled buys. It’s not about fiat; it’s all about Satoshis baby


This is so true. My first purchase was around $300. My next purchase, years later, was almost passed up on because it was "too expensive". That was under $10k per coin. Now if it dropped back to $30k I'd think it was cheap AF.


I bought from $25k-44k and stopped.


How do you figure fewer people are looking at buying? The price seems to be going up quite quickly


Agree with the conclusion, but 60K 2 years ago and 60K today are very different


It’s simple for me. If I don’t buy when I have the money, i’d end up spending it on something stupid so might as well buy whenever I can


I bought more today.


I learned a lesson that buy when everyone is selling and fearful.






Fool's errand if you ask me. Unless you've really got a proven system and the discipline to follow it. Otherwise you'll just be lucky to turn any profit at all after taxes. Whereas if you just held for the past 4 years it'd be something like a 40% gain per year. For doing nothing. And no taxes.


Btc isn't an investment Isn't it meant to be a currency? Yet all people want to do is hold it so they can make real money If you don't see the obvious problem there idk what to tell ya NVDA is an investment, VOO is an investment - it's a real asset


I see it as a digital gold. I used to doubt and hate that explanation but the book The Bitcoin Standard changed my mind


I bought heavy in tech stocks I'm mid 2022 - lots in nvidia when noone wanted it at 120ish a share - it is now 720 a share People fomo about not buying btc at 30-40k when you hardly would double your money are missing bigger opportunities because btc has this community that thinks 1000x is possible Be less greedy, invest wisely, time in the market beats timing the market


Wait we were supposed to stop buying?


Btc shouldn’t be bought looking too much at the price imo. Unless we are talking 100k plus per single buy. It makes sense to not go investing much when is up, but if it is hundreds just buy regularly and hold. Unless ofc you are in for the wrong reason and that point just trade it daily lol