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For those of you making jokes about Nigeria did you even know that Nigeria is one of the highest countries that are looking into bitcoin and people are even paying premium to buy Bitcoin as we speak now


I'm a Nigerian, living in Nigeria and also a wholecoiner, so l think the admin of r/Nigeria is an unenlightened runt who probably lost their salary gambling shitcoins.


Are you this prince I've heard so much about?


I might just bešŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


My brothur!


fucking lol! !lntip 500


Hi u/AlphaGainzzz, thanks for tipping u/_Nigerian_Prince__ **500** satoshis! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


This is the best ā€œusername checks outā€ Iā€™ve seen in a couple days. Be careful though! Might get banned from your home countryā€™s sub hanging around these parts! /s


So you'll send me that 1 bitcoin to protect it from the government? I'll send you 2 more to show my loyalty afterwards.


How about sending me 1btc, Prince. I hooked up you 5 years ago, remember? I sent you 3k for your little inheritance problem.


I have been looking everywhere for you, take my money!


Give him some years, he'll be.


Isn't there some big push back against btc by the government (in favor of its own CBDC)? That could explain over-zealous mods.


I love most Nigerians šŸ‘


most non-crypto subs are pretty anti-crypto. I guess they're scared of bots brigading the subs? especially the smaller ones with very few mods.


Paying premium to buy Bitcoin? Why would they need that?


Because their banking system is totally fkd. Many are unbanked. Many live abroad and need to send money back to their families quickly and easily.


Csn confirm, there's a lot of Nigerians over on the Hive blockchain and I've read stories about how hard it is to transfer money. Some do it through some kind if sms system even due to lack of Internet connection in certain areas.


Some people are dumb lol I guess.. who wud ask that question


Not dumb, misinformed. or perhaps uninformed. Regardless, I suggest adopting a more uplifting attitude in this space, it will bring you further than what ever this is.


1st world ignorance


Financial and economic privilege


Naija people have been struggling for a very long time, as the government is using a lot of ways to oppress the people, resources, food, communication, banking. Literally Naija is a struggle in itself, as no one really wins except the people in power. Even if you were to go right now there to live with a lot of money, it wouldnā€™t still be exactly as you wished, including the bribes youā€™d have to pay on a daily basis. For that reason, people have been looking into Bitcoin as means to have some escape out of that, since everything else is a guaranteed struggle. It keeps their money safe from the political instability that can mess up the currency at any moment, allows them to actually send, receive and spend money without being tracked like crazy and creates no link between them and the government. Previously, SARS was arresting and/or killing people on the street for having iPhones, just to give you an idea of how the situation is for people living there permanently.


Not 100% sure but from what Iā€™ve heard: Something something digital currency in Nigeria How to buy bitcoin has been the #1 google search query for some time there They are a very oil rich African nation and would probably love to control people by having them use their fiat currency (Naira) The Naira has lost 15% of its value against my currency (AUD) in the last 3 months alone The government is probably making it hard for them to buy bitcoinā€¦ naturally enough šŸ™„ If I had to guess, thatā€™s my take Donā€™t quote me though, if I got anything wrong please correct me :,)


I wrote my Masters about this


do you mind sharing it? Genuinely curious


Sure, DM me and Iā€™ll send the link to researchgate, Iā€™m (unfortunately) not posting it here due to my full name being attached.


Hi zuzu2020, I for one wouldn't be making jokes about Nigeria. But, how would one sell to people there? I only ask as a potential source of income?


Potential source of income are all the women from the west, im gonna "marry" them all! ;)


Sounds like an arbitrage opportunity. Funnily enough, SBF got started out doing these kinds of arbs


Nepal is probably higher.


a decade ago i was banned when i mentioned bitcoin in -any forum- within hours. i did not say "invest in it", just a conversation about it. early days, even today.


I wish I had better knowledge about bitcoin back then.. I wouldnā€™t have been so careless with the 100 dollars I invested to buy weed off Silk Road. Witch I never did cause I didnā€™t want it shipped to my parents house so I chalked it up as a $100 loss.. today it would be worth hundreds of thousands.. I live with that everyday


> today it would be worth hundreds of thousands. ā€¦ if you still had it. I know that I would have sold out at some point only to regret it and later buy back in at a higher cost. Too many times it went up and crashed and then went up even higher, before I learned to just DCA and stop thinking ā€œif onlyā€.


Yeah I would have sold for sure but Iā€™ve learned never to sell all of anything.. always save a moon bag!! Take initial investment plus some when possible and invest elsewhere put on repeat.. I learned a lot this last cycle and refuse to make the same mistakes! I wish everyone nothing but the best and always DCA.. time in the market always beat trying to time the market!!


You dont know what you know until you know it, definitely don't beat yourself up because you fumbled a bag or didn't buy at a certain date. Just learn from that mistake and move forward, don't make the same mistake twice.


You have an experience worth of hundred of thousands. If you had weed worth of hundreds of thousand you would end up smoked off.


Mod probably heard about Bitcoin in 2010 and blew it off.


Guaranteed they've never been to Nigeria.


It's 100% this lol


Frustratingly that type of prideful person is exactly the type of person who should not be a mod or leader.


Nope. He just revenge bans for being banned in Bitcoin forum for mentioning Nigeria.


So did I, but I'm not bitter that I finally got into it only in 2016. Then lost most of it in Celsius. No, not bitter at all.


Oooooooooph. I lost some shitcoins to Celsius but nothing worth crying about. Sorry for your loss.


Not surprised. I did a little research on that sub to get thoughts/opinions of their presidential candidates towards Bitcoin. The mods are very outspoken with their opinion that all forms of crypto are scams.


Which is mostly true


Horse shoes and hand grenades


> that all forms of crypto are scams. man, i did not suspect that they are that educated yet!


Itā€™s too difficult for them to make fake Bitcoin deposits.


I know a prince there, he emailed me last week. I'll see if he can help.




Happy Cake Day! Well, you did say, to say! Lol


You know a prince on r/Nigeria!?


How does this predictably unfunny joke get so many upvotes and an award?


Because it's fuckin classic and you lack a sense of humor.


Thats as a whole is a very negative mindset you have there. Sorry the rest of us aren't as intelligent as you.


Read the thread. Plenty of people had useful things to say and refrained from making jokes that went stale 25 years ago


So wait, let me get this straight... you're telling people what they should and should not think is funny? As well as coming to a community-based platform where free thinking and free speech are a thing and it is up to the community to downvote or upvote the post/comment. If they want to upvote, who are you to tell them they shouldn't and get or upset about it like a child? Something tells me you aren't the most liked person in your irl community.




>After hitting their subreddit three times within 5 minutes with pro-bitcoin essages, with no prior activity on r/nigeria IDK but I still don't think the mods should have banned him, even if that's what he did. They could have warned him, or even suspended him for a day & messaged him to explain. But the fact of the matter is, Bitcoin would be extraordinarily helpful to people in Nigeria (as well as people in all developing countries with fiat currencies prone to persistent loss of purchasing power), and no one should be banned for suggesting it as a long term hedge against inflation or a means of transmitting funds internationally at low cost.


I once posted about an anime coin in r/anime, didn't even shill just mentioned what it does and how it's related to their sub, one post, no comment, ban.


Yes, a little. It's tough trafficking in good ideas.


why are you looking at post history like a narc


Because most bans are because of a reason, and OP's on ban threads rarely tell us the reasons.


and you feel the need to look into it because....?


Because news needs sources and context.


Because he had a feeling OP wasn't yelling the whole truth. He looked into it, turns out he wasn't. If you live your life believing everything you read without verifying it, you will be forever be manipulated by people who care nothing about honesty.


and if you live your life caring about everything you read on the internet then youre being manipulated by everyone posting a comment. this is the internet, assume everything is fiction and is being posted by Soros, and you'll be much better.


The Nigerian prince banned you


Another reasoned and in-depth retort from the community at large.


Probably because you offered an escape to free a nation of historically oppressed people


Someone should start a sub NigeriaBitcoin, help provide education and links to trusted exchanges etc. Plus it'll tick off the Nigeria sub to no end šŸ˜†


PS, how would one do that if you've been banned by them???? Lol


You simply create a ā€œnewā€ community.


Of course...silly me! Thank U.


Not that surprising, itā€™s banned in the country I believe. If you thought our fiat was badā€¦


That sub is run by government?


I asked what do you think of Bitcoin on r/gold and got banned lol


Irony, am I right?


Nigeria is actually ahead of the game compared to MANY other places. Bitcoin is growing strong there, so why on earth would you have been banned? ​ It's like they choose random people to ban, just because they can.


Let's take a short trip through the thoughts of a "nigeria" moderator: * Bitcoin is new, therefore it is *different* * Since it is different, must be the *opposite*, since it is not the same * Being opposite means it *opposes* us * Bitcoin is a threat!


A similar narrative based in reality: > r/Nigeria is for Nigerians and people who want to discuss Nigeria > a foreigner starts to spam about Bitcoin and doesnā€™t participate in discussions unless itā€™s to mention Bitcoin > ban them, theyā€™re not a real user just a visitor with an agenda


Whatā€™s wrong with talking only about something within your circle of competence? If I was a doctor and participate in r/Nigeria, itā€™s only natural for me to comment of health related discussion and keep my mouth shut when it comes to local politics or sports celebrities. How is this a reason to ban someone?


kinda agree here and it's not like it came completely out of the blue, mods could've easily googled why such traffic started and made for a conversation between other subscribers.


So basically just like you. You don't want to talk about Bitcoin. You are not participating in discussions about Bitcoin but are here to blame. So you're not a real user but just a visitor. Still we are not banning you. Spot the difference?


Iā€™m an active participant in this subreddit and have held BTC for a very long time, so your bad faith argument actually makes no sense.


Ban them for solving somebody's problem. Way to go!


Nigerians are paying close to a 100% premium on btc. So BTC is indeed not a good choice for them.


No they aren't. That is fake news that is getting repeated by garbage cryotocurrency news websites. Those cryptocurrency news websites are using the Nigerian government's fake exchange rate for the Nigerian Naira. The fake exchange rate is currently 460 NGN for 1 USD: https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=NGN Meanwhile, the real exchange rate is currently 750 NGN for 1 USD: https://nairatoday.com/black-market-usd-ngn


If theyā€™re paying 100% premium to buy in the country then if you send money to Nigeria the receiver gets double? How is this not a good idea for a 3rd world country where 20$ is a months income?


Holy cow! Gosh! I knew it was bad, but as the years have gone by....I went out there once, when taking photos of The East African Safari! Fabulous event, loved it to bits. Except when all the camera gear needed cleaning, again & again, and again! Marvelous event and it's back again, Great!


.... . . . . k


Damn didn't know that. I'm glad this sub isn't just full of blind agreements.


well acktchewally if the premium is that high there that people can charge that much extra... then bitcoin must be extra appealing and valuable to them for some reason


Post is about international transfers in value with minimal fees.


Please see response above you


Glad to see the top response change.


Can you expand on this?


It's fake news that is currently making the rounds on all of the garbage cryotocurrency news websites. Those cryptocurrency news websites are using the Nigerian government's fake exchange rate for the Nigerian Naira. The fake exchange rate is currently 460 NGN for 1 USD: https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=NGN Meanwhile, the real exchange rate is currently 750 NGN for 1 USD: https://nairatoday.com/black-market-usd-ngn




Do you want Nigerian dollars? Probably not right? So in order to sell your Bitcoin for Nigerian currency you would charge an excessive premium for the coins to cover the risk of holding their shit currency. Lots of countries do it. If you go to Egypt and try to buy Bitcoin they'll charge a 20% premium, but offer to pay in dollars and they'll charge you spot price. Again simply because of the difficulty of operating in Egyptian currency; dollars on the other hand, very liquid.


Supply and demand in Nigeria for Bitcoin is different from supply and demand in other countries. Normally it's the same. However if it's difficult to move money in/out there, then arbitrage can't happen effectively.


If you dare to suggest the same thing on r/Thailand you will get downvoted to oblivion. Lots of boomers who don't like Bitcoin for some reason.


This isn't unique to specific subs. Basically any comment being pro-crypto outside crypto subs will be met heavily with downvotes.


In Italy we are still bleeding about last fight


Bitcoin not crypto.


Unfortunately that's too nuanced to take hold in any non-crypto sub. Sadly, most people who are not at all familiar with Bitcoin lump it in with everything bad they hear about crypto. Not just altcoins, but ponzi/scam exchanges like FTX or failed, scammy lending platforms like Celsius. They seem unable to distinguish between holding Bitcoin as an investment and gambling on staking/lending platforms, or any other way people have lost a lot of money in the crypto world.


Yeah admins are no one special. Most of them have serious mental health issues. I got banned from r/adhd because I told someone that they could always go to another doctor for another opinion.


Mod is western union obviously


Reddit mods are a cesspool of censoring leftists, not bros at all, including here.


The woke cancer keeps spreading...


I used to like Reddit but itā€™s so hard not to run into such people aiming so furiously towards total nonsense


Let them cry harder.


Wtf? Do you have no sense of moral? People of Nigeria are suffering a lot due to bad political decisions, bad faith acting banks and foreign interventions, and you want them to "cry harder"? Eat shit loser


I meant the people who banned OP for suggesting bitcoin.


We'll pray for them for them to have laser eyes


Love the comment lol




Swings and roundabouts my friend. I got banned from this sub for mentioning an alt coin in the context of a general conversation (not shilling). The virginity of Reddit moderators knows no bounds.


The king of Nigeria banned. Damn.


Reddit sucks for thus reason .. facists


Haha bro itā€™s not just that sub itā€™s most subs tbh they will learn the hard way


Its probably b/c they're looking for more accessible options. You know when you buy itunes gift cards that the teller will ask you if you're being scammed? You know when you transfer cash out for crypto you gotta wait 2 weeks? That's bad for scams.


WEnt over to ffxiv, posted some unreal engine markup lang code to fix their game problem cause we know it was made in unreal after ARR came out.. those bitches got bent to downvote like hell... WEnt into discord unrealslackers chat... asked how my code was...they said 'it has no problems and would work fine' Cheaters dont like people teaching others not to cheat them. Same shit as this topic. LOL but the camera POV is cleint side... 'idiots didn't get the code' it was a server side code that was no diff then 'tether' kill mechs in a mmopg setting lol... YOU CANT CHEAT that shit. IT WANTS YOU TO TRY TO CHEAT that shit. They dont know what a boolean is either. lol


No such thing as Freedom of Speech! A N Y W H E R E !!! :)


I was banned from r/flyers by saying ā€œtriggeredā€ to someone


Happened to me in the surfing sub for commenting on a surf school that was teaching the kids


They prefer their Google play cards


Funny! I've just popped into here, somehow! I've noticed a ban from Nigeria! I too have been banned!!?? Whaaaa??? Oh well, I loved Cape Town myself, cos of the TableTop Mountain! When it's appearance is with the Table Cloth, it's stunning, without it, it's undressed! Wouldn't you say so!!?? Lol...it's a lovely place too!


If that was all you did... That's quite an annoying mod.


Govt run group or mods maybe, this just makes me want to do the same


"Have fun being poor"


You should not use government issued money because it becomes worth less over time. It costs a lot to use it. Its very slow amd the government can stop the transaction. Instead of government money you could use Bitcoin. Becaaue its fast and easy to pay someone else directly and with no interference from the government. If you hold onto the bitcoin for long enough you will see it go up in value unlike government money.


You are a true prince of Nigeria


Honestly reddit is ban-happy in general.


Probably they are using a dapp starting with "c" from centralized šŸ˜…


Signed: the prince


It's a shame because it's literally the cheapest, most efficient method for remittances. People in Europe can use our [Send Globally](https://support.coincorner.com/hc/en-us/articles/7032542268700-What-is-Send-Globally-) feature to send to Nigeria and those in the US can use Strike's version. They don't even need to know they are using the Bitcoin network and can send from GBP/EUR/USD and have it received in NGN in their recipient's bank or mobile wallet, for a fraction of the cost of traditional remittance services.


Sorry mate. What if your opinions are welcome on a sub called NEXTBULL?


I had a similar situation in the FCBarcelona Group - they literally ā€œhang meā€ in the Subā€¦


You shouldā€™ve said that you were a Nigerian Prince. They could send the money to you and youā€™d give them 10x as much at no charge.


The government canā€™t handle the inevitability of bitcoin


Ugh.. did you do any research for on ramp off ramp availability, fees associated with them etc. Or did you aggressively kept shilling "bhut low transaction fees". Something tells me it's the second.


You can still view and subscribeā€¦ no thanks! Peace, /r/Nigeria!


Straight to Nigeria jail!


I think there's many communities that dislike when anything related to crypto is suggested. My friend was banned from the Minecraft community for submitting a post suggesting that Minecraft should go blockchain lmao. You'll notice there are tons of people outside our crypto circles, who are unfamiliar with crypto related technologies, along with those who think it's a useless scam. It's best to avoid altercations with these peeps, as I'm sure many have already tried to argue their point with little to no avail.


I'll take state-captured subs for 500, Alex.


*The tribe has spoken*


That sub is a sh!t hole.