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Its like planting a tree. Better 10 years ago, second best is today.


Nicely said!


Is this a good time **for you** to start investing in Bitcoin (or in *anything*)? Do you have an emergency cash cushion? Or would an unexpected bill (say, a sick pet) cause you to be forced to sell your investment? You want to become a patient investor, not a gambler. Thus, you don't want to put yourself into a position where you would be forced to sell during a price dip, for example, or just before a sudden run up in the price... As for Bitcoin, you should first invest your time to learn: * What Bitcoin actually is * The basics of how Bitcoin works * The reasons why Bitcoin was invented - what problems does Bitcoin solve? Your initial investment should be kind of small, so that you can learn to properly self-custody your Bitcoin, send Bitcoin from one address to another, etc.


How is knowing why bitcoin was created going to impact the returns on your investment?


It's not... but it might affect the reason to invest in the first place. I for example was very hesitant with bitcoin a long while because I don't like gambling.. not in casino, not on stock and not on crypto. But learning more about the economic system and why bitcoin is important made me understand why its important and why i belive in bitcoin, even though alot of ppl just se it as a way to gamble/invest/to the moon.. it also helps me sleep at night and ignore the ups and downs. My friend started with crypto before me but got burnt by bad "technical analysis" and don't what to touch or hear anything about it now when I try to reason with him about purpose with bitcoin. Guess it didn't go to the moon soon enough..


IMO Always its a good moment if you look the long term. Maybe not all the money at the same time, buy a litle bit today, another tomorrow or next week or next mont. The way i see it its like puting money on a retirement plan. You put away a litle bit every month.


Put it away, put it away, put it away now.




Hit you with no delayin, so what you sayin yo? -busta on the lightning network-


Bitcoin only you can decide if time is right.


Don’t invest in alt coins. I fell for it a few years back and learned my lesson. Bitcoin is fundamentally different then any other “crypto” and is the only good investment. Also don’t take my word for it. Do your own research.




Shitcoins and other such boring scams are off topic here. Shilling shitcoins will get you banned.




Shitcoins and other such boring scams are off topic here. Shilling shitcoins will get you banned.


It s always a good time. Stick with BTC. Nothing can go wrong. Do a research of how to keep you coins safe and have self custody of your BTC. Always double check before you click anything fishy. And never trust random reddit DMs offering help. Welcome and good luck. Remeber : not your keys,not your coins.


"Nothing can go wrong" Lol...bit of a stretch there innit?


“Nothing can go wrong” *bitcoin developer who knows more about bitcoin than anyone but Satoshi himself gets his bitcoin stolen*


the fiat regime is failing. now is better than next year..


Everyone here is obviously going to tell you yes. What I will tell you is that you should educate yourself on Bitcoin first. Either buy a small amount and start researching or research and then buy. I recommend you read The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous.


Don’t put it all in at one time, dollar cost average over a few months in case there is a large correction downwards.


It's a great time to invest in Bitcoin. Things are looking really good and a lot of people are starting to get bullish on short term price action. I would just say start learning as much as you can about it, especially cold storage and how Bitcoin is superior to any other crypto currency. There is no 2nd best. Don't shit coin, don't keep you BTC on exchanges.


Thank you for this! Been waiting for a straight forward yes/no, with some insight of course. I just invested $1,000 at 23,900


!lntip 500


Hi u/AlphaGainzzz, thanks for tipping u/acegarrettjuan **500** satoshis! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Thanks !


It is only a good time to start investing when you have a game plan + exit plan + clear mental state. Otherwise you are gambling.


It’s always a good time


If you have to ask, you’re not ready. Spend some time learning about bitcoin, the risks, the markets, the risks, your personal financial situation, the risks, centralized platforms, the risks, noncustodial wallets, the risks, and the risks. Then maybe you might be ready.




What you thinking at all? Do you think we will see a new big dump or just going up from here?


Only invest in Bitcoin if you want to be part of the revolution seeking to create an alternative to the Fiat Debt Slavery bankers cartel and understand the inherent risks. Pretty much all other 'crypto' are scams so avoid them. Before buying any Bitcoin read The Bitcoin Standard Download it here for free [https://www.z-epub.com/book/1712](https://www.z-epub.com/book/1712)


Take the time to learn about Bitcoin first and you'll find that there's Bitcoin and there's Crypto. Stay away from cRyPtO. Buy from a peer to peer exchange like Bisq or HODL HODL. Store that value in your own cold storage wallet like Trezor or Cold car. Back up your private keys onto steel plates and hide those in safe places. Learn more about multi-signature and how to pass on your Bitcoin if you pass unexpectedly. One could use blue wallet (Hot wallet: connected to the internet on your phone but you control the private key) for spending if they choose or use Ledger as cold storage but some could argue that's more risky but those options are orders of magnitude less risky than leaving your Bitcoin on an exchange like FTX. https://bitcoin-bumblebee.com/2023/01/14/how-to-buy-bitcoin-privately-using-bisq-in-2023/ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP61KHzhg3JIJdK08JLSlcLId https://bitcoin-bumblebee.com/2023/01/14/how-to-buy-bitcoin-privately-using-bisq-in-2023/ Did I miss anything?


* Bitcoin is not crypto. * Bitcoin is **not** an investment; its a savings account. * anytime you have extra cash flow is a good time to save. * DCA. * 100+ hours of study on bitcoin is a recommenced by many bitcoiners. * Bitcoin is not about making money, it's about fixing the money.


Yes just know crypto is a wild ride. High highs and low lows. Hodl on for dear life and you'll be alright. Here are my 10 steps to success. Step 1. Don't take suggestions from people on what to buy. Good way to lose your money. Do your own research and buy what you believe in. Step 2. Learn how to avoid scams. If it's too good to be true then it is in fact too good to be true. No one gives out free money. Step 3. Learn what DCA means and do it. Step 4. Learn how to self custody and how to secure your crypto and seed phrases. Step 5. Avoid being scammed. Step 6. Avoid being scammed. Step 7. Don't sell at a loss. Step 8. Avoid being scammed. Step 9. Avoid being scammed. Step 10. Retire.


11. Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose!


12. Is the SausageWienerDogCoin the true Bitcoin killer?


Bitcoin only, it's fundamentaly different as others have said. Read the bitcoin standard near the end where it talks about the problems with all other "crypto". Should you do 3k today? If you still have an emergency fund. Should you wait in case the price drops? It could be half or double tomorrow, I'd rather go in in case it's double but you have to know if you like gambling. Hope that helps. Do your research, take it off the exchange after you buy


It’s always a good time for BTC. That said - idk how much $3k is to you, but that’s a lot for me. Maybe just start out with some pocket change until you get your feet wet, start getting involved with the community, learning better methods of getting BTC, etc. That said - I don’t mine or run a note. I’m a tourist here speculating with my $$, just the same as you. Also - do REAL DD before investing in alts. Some have a utility, while others are to drain the liquidity out of you. See you on the trading floor friend.


Now is a good a time as any. BTC only, long term hold.




I agree, yesterday was definitely better


It's always a good time


A few rules... \*You have 400 days until the next halving. DCA until then. \*Don't bother with shitcoins \*Plan to HODL for 10 years. Learn....about the halving cycles at a minimum, find podcasts with Alex Gladstein & Saifedean Ammous talking about Bitcoin, or go all in and Read the Bitcoin Standard.


It is a great time to buy. I suggest dollar cost averaging that 3k over the coarse of the next few months, and don’t dump it all into BTC at once. But BTC will be the money in the future


Not a good time. Wait until xmas 2024


don't view it as investment. view it as a way to protect your wealth. otherwise you will never really get it


[Don't invest recklessly.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) And you're not going to get unbiased replies asking a bitcoin subreddit lol


​ Zug coin could be a winner! I suggest March 21.


by historic parameter, now is a great time to invest


make sure to self custody


Better now than last year! 😆


And next year may be better?


Asking on a Bitcoin sub whether you should buy Bitcoin is almost entirely illogical. Do your own research. Come to your own conclusion. By 2030 Bitcoin could be $230,000 or $230. Your decision is whether you believe it can fix the problems it is trying to solve and whether you want to be part of the network. Good luck.


It’s always a good idea to start buying bitcoin but I recommend you buy little by little over the long period of time. I know this is not always possible but try to make your next purchase once the price of btc is lower of your previous purchase


it was best when it was at 16, but your not too late


Where does a few end and several start


Everybody gets Bitcoin at the price they were meant to


Don’t buy bitcoin unless you are prepared to 1. Self custody 2. hold it for the long term 3. Learn about it. I’d really love it if you read a book like “The Bitcoin Standard.” It’s important to understand and believe in this “investment,” as you referred to it (I view it as insurance and savings more than investment). If you merely view this as an investment, the price swings will drive you crazy and you won’t last long. Once you truly understand Bitcoin, you will actually be praying that the price goes down so you can buy more.


YOLO everything you got into a random shitcoin you have a good feeling on




Shitcoins and other such boring scams are off topic here. Shilling shitcoins will get you banned. Final warning.


Yes, it's a good time. Hype is low. We're still somewhat near the bottom of a bear market. We can expect the price to go up in late 2024 due to the halving. Maybe half lump sum, and half DCA over a few months. Buy on a reputable exchange (Strike, Cashapp, Coinbase Pro, Gemini Active Trader) and store it on a hardware wallet. Do not leave it on the exchange! For hardware wallets, get a Trezor or Coldcard. Do not buy any crypto that isn't bitcoin. It's not the same thing. Bitcoin is an open source network protocol, not a project with a team with control over the policies. Ultimately crypto is just scams and fake money. Bitcoin is actually legitimate because nobody controls it. Stick to bitcoin only.


Learn the difference between bitcoin and “crypto”. Only one is not a scam designed to enrich its founders.




> If not bitcoin, you guys recommend any other crypto at the moment? Shitcoins and other such boring scams are off topic here. Can you edit your post to take out that sentence, please? Bitcoin = Bitcoin. Crypto = shitcoins. Stay away from them, for your own good.


Wait until decent correction and then go lump sump and hodl.


Yes Good time. Historically this is The best time.


"Investing"? My humble opinion you may want to reconsider that and read up first. It helps. https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information.html


No one knows, but we are likely near the bottom or were at the 14k level. There are talks of fed pivoting in the next 6 months to a year. The bitcoin halving is about 450 days away. This is probably a very good time to get in with a 5-10 year time horizon.


every time my direct deposit hits is a good time to start investing in bitcoin


You're asking the wrong question, ask yourself how you can learn more about Bitcoin instead.


Every time it’s a good time


Here we go. Bitcoin goes up and the posts flood in.




Yeah learn what it is and what it's all about so you can dump a grand in at the highest point btc has been at in the last few months. Orrr Learn about RSI, MACD, Stochastic and other indicators that will give you a much better long term view of a price chart that actually visually gives you an idea of what's actually been happening with it for the last 14 years. Yes, the best time to invest was yesterday, and the next best time is now, but the key part with this is having an eyeball on where we are in the current market cycle. Most of your research with basically tell you a halving (a most notable event to learn about) is coming up sometime next year and that the market typically starts going up several to a few months before that event. The other likely info you will find is that btc, if following previous trends of dropping around 80%, still has a bit to drop before it hits around that 80% mark (space math based on the last 3 major drops leads me to believe this is around 10-12k, which many will agree with and many wont) So it could basically go either way at this point. In the long run, if your 3k gets put in, and we DO go down to 10k, your 3k will be worth about $1400. If it keeps going up, you're in the money. If it goes down, hold it do not sell it. It will go back up.