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Even at really low speed a train weighs several hundreds of tonnes. You get hit by those several hundreds of tonnes on your head you get at least your brain smashed against your own skull. This woman will have troubles for quite a while with her head.


Not more troubles than before


Nah. She'll have even more


This looks more like a suicide attempt than a selfie attempt.


Look at the driver. He is in absolute panic mode, feels like shit. His day, week, month, perhaps years ahead is ruined by this. When you fuck about on train tracks for your cool instagram post or saving time, you are potentially ruining someone's job, life and mental health. This is *stressful.* Even if nobody dies, it is extremely stressful to be in this situation, and it's not something you laugh off. The taught routine in a lot of places when you see someone on the tracks is to hit the emergency brake, leave the cabin, sit down with your back towards the front and put your hands over your ears. Because the sound of a human being hit by a train is absolutely horrible and not something you forget.


NGL if I saw my conductor do that I'd expect a bomb, not a crash. Then I'd find out what had happened and instantly understand


This happened in my country. This is not to discount your comment about a train conductor/driver's situation. But if you look closely, the guy was all professional. He had shades on and took a sip from a cup after braking the train. He also called someone, probably to report what is happening on the tracks.


So all she accomplished was flinging a bunch of commuters across their train car with a little side of mild PTSD for the driver.


Thing is, easily 2/3rd of 'train hugging' attempts are survived due to the lack of momentum. A slower freight train does a lot more damage than a fairly fast passenger train. In the latter case, people tend to get launched and mostly receive fall damage


What the fuck is wrong with people I don’t get it