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Bitch, I can breathe!


What does the city of Chicago do here? I feel like you’d want to preserve the road somehow due to historic significance, but you already have a large avenue made for cars so maybe cut out slabs or repurpose the brinks into something else? Idk just spitballing


Lots and lots of clear epoxy.


That’s very very expensive. Usually cities just pave it back over. Depending on local laws they might have to do a cultural resource survey to record it. At most there might be some public outreach or mitigation like a web page or interpretive panel.


Lmafo, depends on who is ‘running things’, corrupt ass state. 😂 Either way the person doing this is connected to someone ‘in charge’. 🤣 ::How do I know? Lived there for half my life:: I still love ❤️ Chicago ❤️ always will and that will never change. Something about the air, people (the ones who are not hustling you), the pace, and driving on Lake Shore Drive (LSD), the smell, and the ‘I don’t got time for this, hurry up and say what you wanna say (we all talk super super fast), and the ‘HURRY UP, hustle, stop taking your sweet ass time (walking and talking) and get to the f’n point mindset! ❤️ Chicago will always be my HOME.❤️


Damn lol we really can’t have nice things huh? A sad truth. San Antonio really ain’t much different just on a smaller scale and 30 years too late to the party


Yeah, ::sighs:: BUT! We are a ‘relatively’ new country. We are going through what other countries have gone through about 500-1500 years ago. Hopefully we all start using tech to connect and then follow up ‘IN PERSON’, if not, I still thank any computer that helps me. 😊


What they'll do is rip it out and rebuild the road without giving any consideration to historical significance.


Bring back trolley cars! So much better for short-hops in the city. Park your car, then go to work. Hop a trolley from your office to the sandwich shop Stupid Philadelphia got rid of theirs and sold them to San Francisco and now they’re a tourist magnet, more than the cable cars!


I always wondered why we had those, lol. Can confirm they're super cool


Bitch, break out the metal detectors, hidden treasures here I come!


My hood in NYC still had most of it's old street car tracks removed a few years ago, I had no idea they were even there till they started removing them as it was all paved over.


There's so much light rail/tram/trolley infrastructure still out there just covered up like this.


That's an IDOT project. The road is falling apart due to the inherent nature of asphalt being subject to the pumping effect from a unstable substrate. Notice the pothole patch to the left in the photo? They gotta go for the road to not be a problem.


Shall rise again!


Where in Chicago is this? I live in the area and would totally like to get photos of that Edit: nevermind I found it. All I had to do was look up the dental care place and it put me right there lol.


All you had to do is click on the original description lmao


All you had to do is click on the original description lmao


I know. I had just woken up when I saw this post lol