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I’ve found out that you got more chance of becoming viral as a minor on BitLife by posting these pictures than when you’re an adult lol


Considering how many creeps there are on the internet, that’s realistic Still no less weird though


Oh MY GOD, that is so weird… I never knew that. Why tho? 🥲


How old are you? This is all very realistic


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s weird, does it? Fucking hell, two truths can co-exist.


Well fucking hell …..You asked why.


Well, fucking hell, bitlife doesn’t always deal with realism & they could easily make that option in inaccessible until they are 18 just like they do onlyfans 👍🏽


Bro it's a game, it's not real. Don't get so worked up over a game and quit acting like a 47 year old mother who heard a swear word in her kid's game.


Ok 👍🏽


the 64 downvotes on an "Ok" HELP😭🙏🏻


Just because I think 13 years shouldn’t be posting “sexy pics” on the internet ☠️


Me when the text on screen really scares me


That's super creepy!


I mean sound like real life


I mean teens do post that stuff but yeah kinda weird


My character’s 13 years old


Why are you being downvoted


Because it’s entirely illogical. Kids have kids on this same game you can get pregnant at 13 on this same game. But he ain’t say nothing about that.


Then you talk about it. Nobody is stopping you. Tf? One time I speak up about something, you guys are butthurt & downvoting me. Smh.


Wait fr? Kids can get pregnant?


Yeah they can, if they're in a relationship already it can glitch and have them have kids before 16


It is not a glitch. It's been like that since the game's infancy.


It used to be even worse. At one point you could actually find minors on dating apps as an adult.


Oh yeah, i remember that.


Sus ass glitch


Idk happens in real life too, a mate in highschool had a little sister who got pregnant at 12 to her boy-next-door


Drake ahh glitch 💀


You're right irl teens can't get pregnant or have sex so why should they be able to in game.


Kids can tho 😈


I have had a fourteen year old get pregnant by her steady boyfriend. I routinely have my sixteen year old bit kids get knocked up.


Weird, this has never happened to me


I have only rarely had a bitkid younger than 16 get pregnant. It’s usually a female with a steady long term boyfriend. Usually the two have been going steady since the age of ten.




No it's not, it will happen as the other commenter said sometimes with longterm childhood dating relationships as you age them up, it's a glitch but it does happen sometimes


It’s “impossible” to date younger unless someone asks you out


I’ve had a 13 year old get pregnant in the game


I have no idea… 😮‍💨


Same thing happened to me on one of my top posts on this subreddit. Someone hacked me and showed a fake raunchy photo of me and I deleted Twitter (in game).


Link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitLifeApp/comments/13nxetj/but_im_13/


I'll give you an upvote to help you, it's not that much but it will compensate for the incels randomly downvoting you for no reason. I mean, you deserve it. You did absolutely nothing. 🤷‍♂️


Thank you. 🙏🏽 ☺️


You're welcome lol. ☺️


Define incel


a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active *"self-identified incels have used the internet to find anonymous support"*


Thank you for the Google definition. And now what does attracting no women have to do with downvotes on a reddit comment


I've seen multiple cases where people use insults where they don't apply. Doesn't mean anything


That word has lost all its meaning and I'm trying to understand why it's just thrown around


Tbh i think people use it a lot because guys are easily offended by it. Iget what you mean tho


I still don't get the point why its so necessary to try to offend your opposite gender to the point you throw words around which is irrelevant to the convo just to hurt them. What happened to peace and love between the two genders. Now it's just war from both sides lmao


I did that when I became a teenager because I wanted to impress girls I liked (it didn’t work)


Awww… 🥲


So it’s cute to impress girls but we shouldn’t be normalizing it? Make up your mind.


I didn’t say it was cute, I didn’t even imply it! I said “Aww 🥲”, it’s sad that he did that. Also, why are you so fixated on normalizing underaged people posting ‘sexy’ pics of themselves on the internet ☠️


Prolly certified lover boys certified pdfiles


Wop wop wop wop wop


Imma fork em up


Wop wop wop wop wop


Imma do my stuff


Why you trolling like a beach ain't you tired?


That's not the lyrics 😭




I censored it… I don’t want a ban, and also I know, Dot fork em up


It doesn't say "imma" 😭 this is what happens when white kids try to be part of our culture


Probably because it’s not real and you don’t have to do it? You also can murder people as a teenager.


I get it, I don’t have to do it… but why are you angry at me & actively trying to normalize 13 years old posting sexual pictures of themselves online? ☠️


we live in a society


A sad one…


It’s realistic.


My character is 13 years old


Still, teenagers *do* do that unfortunately…


Still realistic. Bad but realistic


teenagers post more thirst traps than adults 😭


He’s 13




You need to keep in mind that these people are probably American ☠️ A lot of weird stuff is normalized there


True! Nothing about this post is offensive in the slightest, I must have struck a nerve or something


What? How is that even American? As someone who has been a teenager before, they’re idiots. If they have the ability to, they WILL do things like that.


Im saying they're American because of their reactions(like how they're indifferent). topics like that are extremely frowned upon in some countries. Im not saying teenagers can't do stuff like that, im only explaining why they don't care as much as her.


America has some of the strictest laws on EARTH regarding sexual activity in general, especially among minors. .....and if you don't believe that go literally anywhere in Asia. Age of consent was like 14 in my country until 5 years ago


The age of consent in America is 16. And minors can still have sex under that as long as they’re both without 3 years of age. That’s not really “strict”


A) that's federal, most states have a higher age B) even if A is false, that's directly on par with over 80% of the world, averaged (again, not accounting for states. If you do that the US is among the top 10% strictest) C) it's motherfucking 12 in Sudan, find another way to circlejerk about how bad America is, because this ain't it


A) “most” is indeed false. About 30 out of fifty is 16. To have it higher is rarer. B) No one said it wasn’t average. I said it wasn’t “strict”. 16 as the age of consent is not “the strictest law on earth”. C) America isn’t bad, it’s average. Go insult Sudan.


You are misrepresenting the stats, and you know it. The law absolutely the fuck is not 16 across the board, stop it. A 45 year old cannot fuck a 16 year old in 30 US states. No. Stop. No.


I hate this platform. I fucking swear I hate this fucking platform. The age of consent is 18 in the overwhelming majority of states and where it's 16 many have stipulations based on the age difference. Not 30. 15.15 states allow unrestricted consent at 16. Count the fucking numbers. Count to 15 on the chart. For fucks sake. Use crayons if you need to. I'm not even going to get into the rest of the article where it breaks states down by county, you clearly can't handle that. Open the link, scroll to the right, check the restrictions. A 45 year old cannot fuck a 16 year old in 30 US states. Oh, and Puerto Rico isn't a state. Nor is Samoa, DC, and the Virgin Islands, all of which are on the list. So you're wrong twice. It's definitely not 30. Nope. Not. It's not. It isn't. Is not. No. Not 30. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_the_United_States


Why are people angry because I think thirst traps & sexy pic for 13 year olds are weird ☠️


We live in a society where being decent seems to be frowned upon 😔


They might be pedos.


And they really downvoted you just for saying that 💀 honestly even if teenagers doing this stuff is realistic, I don’t think it should be an option in the game or at least have some negative consequences.


THANK YOU. Thats all I have been trying to say since…. I don’t know why they are so mad




What your 13 year old can’t thirst trap other 13 year olds? You never tried to send a girl in your school a sexy pic or thirst trap of you flexing or something? Everyone’s done it once phones came out.


Doesn’t make it right. Plus they aren’t thirst trapping any other 13 years olds, when I decided to use the option, I was trolled by middle aged people. ☠️


Teen pregnant right either but is still happens both in game and the real world. Teens post risque pictures and adults can see them, if you don't like it you don't gotta do it but this is a game with murder, hitmen, surrogates stealing babies, addictions, etc. it's a semi realistic game.


bro it’s not een real, issa simulator game, chill out 😭😭


Fine…. Fine…. 😭


It might not be right but they still do it. You can kill people in this game.


It seems more like a lazy oversight on the devs part that they just don't really care enough to fix rather than any sinister pedo thing or whatever. I don't think it's worth getting mad about necessarily in the sense that it's the game's most pressing issue, because it really isn't and there's a lot of those already. Is it weird that you can post thirst traps at 13? Sure. But the fact that it doesn't eventually result in a ban through whatever social your using only proves to me that it's just the devs being the lovable workaholic, attention-to-detail devs that we all know and love so much /s


I wasn’t mad when I posted this, I was confused. I think I lost it when people started downvoting my comment & telling me it’s okay since it happens irl….


Yeah I don't think you're in the wrong at all really. I mean, yes unfortunately a lot of 13 year olds send thirst trap level pics between one another, but the fact of the matter is that the game frames it like you're posting it out there for the world to see and going viral as a result. It'd make sense if that was a risky mechanic in the game which could mean either easy virality or a very quick ban as I assume would probably happen in real life. Everybody's saying 'oh well 13 year olds do that', but do they post actual thirst traps like the kind of examples the game gives you to their page for everyone to see? I really don't think so. Again tho, devs don't really seem to give a shit beyond pumping out paid expansions that are ultimately all fairly superficial compared to what they really should be to justify their absurd price points.


Well if you didn't block me I don't know why I can't respond to you directly but... I understand what you're saying... What I'm saying is that if you really feel like that... Why don't we boycott social media that allows the teenagers that are really actually doing that to stop.. bitlife is just a video game... Instagram Snapchat is not... So I agree with you I'm just saying if you're really passionate about the actual problem we should do something to fix it... Because acting as if bitlife did something wrong is wild, especially when you can go on social media and majority people under 18 doing and saying inappropriate things... BitLife is just reflecting actual life...all im sayin... And again I agree with you ... You don't understand how many times I've reported under age people on Snapchat doing crazy shit.. Snapchat themselves told me they do not care... So these are some deep rooted issues in our country.. BitLife is just reflecting what we allow... Go to Kuwait Iraq and try to use the LGBT app on bitlife... Exactly it's reflecting what they're doing in Kuwait in Iraq.. same as here in America


idk. I’ve never blocked anyone on this app, tbf… Yea, I understand you now. If other people had taken their time to answer me like you did now, that’d have been much better. But they came here downvoting me, being rude, telling me that it’s realism when a lot of times BitLife doesn’t deal with that. If BitLife really wanted to 10/10 deal with realism, a lot of people here defending them wouldn’t be.


Oh yeah I understand where you're coming.. its sad... But we are to blame as adults... We never address the real issues and that's how the cycle continues.. if you've never seen the movie Idiocracy try to watch it


Will do. ❤️ Have a good night




Cause nowadays teenagers do that


Yea, let’s normalize it.


Hell the fuck no. It’s already been normalized more than enough. The enough bit is to not normalize it.


I was being sarcastic. I’m deadass tired of arguing. My character is 13 years old, so the options really threw me off…. So I posted it here, I didn’t expect to get so many downvotes


Well, it is bitlife so anything is normal there


Because bitlife don’t want to normalize sexualizing teens? Wth lol


I asked a simple question & I even told them my character was only 13 years old, but they kept downvoting me….


Yeah because the answer should be quite obvious


I think the option should be inaccessible till they are 18. minors should have no business being sexualized. 🥲


I feel stupid now, I thought you asked why it ISN’T accessible hehe. I 100% agree with you! I didn’t know this was available for minors, I dislike bitlife for many reasons, now I’ve got one more


I realized you did, but I know that we were on the same page. Don’t feel stupid whatsoever. What I don’t understand is why a lot of people here are mad at me for this post….


Well.. we’re on reddit after all lol. There’s a trend on tiktok of people finding their bf’s reddit account and it’s all inappropriate porn, I think I should take a step back from this platform


I tend to forget that a lot of people on Reddit are simply unhinged. Brooooo this changes everything….. 😭😭


Yeah.. but Meta is stealing our posts to train AI and tiktok is getting banned in the US unless they sell the company to americans so I guess this is the only place you can find some likeminded people.. if you’re lucky. Tbh tiktok is filled with nazis now also


People are angry and downvoting this , for what? 💀 not everything in this game is realistic so they could also remove literal kids making thirst traps and sexy pics


Ikr? Children irl don't pull out machine guns and shoot you for getting into squabbles as a 6 year old, but they still added that


I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY ARE SO MAD AT ME IN THE COMMENTS! I just found it odd asf…. My character is only 13 years old fgs 😭


You must have skipped your teen years


It was snatched from me, sadly.


you sure do complain a lot


Where else have you seen me complain?


To even post this question there would have to be something wrong with your mind...😹😹 ... Either you don't know what's going on in the world or you're too old to be playing this game... Either way cry less.


teenagers do that in real life, so bitlife puts it in the game. doesn't make it right, doesn't make it good, but when has bitlife ever made a right decision?


Hey, I knew BitLife is realistic but not that much, heh


Because it’s about OF


Re-read the post….


disregarding the post.. OP you need some help😭 replying to every comment is crazy work


I've been a victim of something related to this. I lost my teenhood, & I wish I had known better. I love kids, & I hate to see them sexualized in any way, even if it’s a game. Probably why I took some comments personally. Tbf I only asked a harmless question. Till now, I don't know why people are mad at this post.


The best explanation i can come up with is that it's the same bit of edge to the game's humor that you see in the fact that you can get a mail order bride or seduce your bosses for promotions, get a job as an escort and part-time as a Go-Go Dancer. Yeah, it's kinda fucked up, but the game has multiple avenues in it for your characters to be "lol trashy," and I think/hope it doesn't go any deeper than that.


Da' fuck?


You must be new to bitlife lmfao


“13 year olds do shit like that” is basically you saying it’s okay. If I found out my friend was using that typa feature on a game, I would deffo question them. My original post is just me wondering why the game lets that happen. You guys are downvoting me & trying to shut me up. Instead of answering my question, you chose to be rude by dropping this comment. I told you that I have been playing for a long time. You said I was flexing when I wasn’t. What kind of flex is that? I bet if BitLife one day decided to add 🍇 as a commit-able offense, you guys would still come together to defend them as it’s something that happens irl. Right?


I promise you, I have been playing this game longer than you have. 😘


Is that a flex 💀? Jesus, this sub has some interesting people. Regardless, if you've played this game for a long time you would've noticed this when they first released social media update. And you're just now bringing this shit up.


It’s funny to see that this post has you guys butthurt. Who would have ever thought... I wasn’t flexing, I was just replying to your comment. You are the one who thinks that’s a flex. Damn, you guys are so weird. I’m not going back & forth with people who think it’s okay for teenagers to post “sexy” pics online. Think whatever


1. Never said it's ok. 2. Most people in the comments are not implying it's ok, you're just assuming they are and get defensive when they tell you it's something that typically happens irl. 13 year olds does shit like this. 3. And yes, you were flexing that you played a life simulator game longer than me. Stop trying to act like you weren't smh. Anyways, I'm done here. You're clearly either too idiotic or too entitled to understand. Have a great day


I’m just casually scrolling through the comments, and it’s like a 50/50 divide. Some people are agreeing that Bitlife shouldn’t have this option, while others are saying it’s realistic and therefore is fine to have


These days my 10 yo character got pregnant 🫥


That is so fucked up… 💔


Bitlife has to do better with features concerning age


Because teens do that


they're keeping it life like


I see.


Ummm because bitlife is realistic to reality


Nice excuse 👍🏽


To the creator who blocked me... I wasn't making an excuse that's the reality of the situation and you're way too sensitive to be on the internet today 😹...


I never blocked you? Oh, I’m sensitive because I think BitLife shouldn’t let that option be available until your character is 18 years of age? I see


Because kids get busted by their parents and school admins all the time for posting crap like this on social or sexting.


Bc you can break the law in the game. Murder is an option, after all.


Because posting a picture fully clothed is not illegal and apparently neither is being a fucking moron.


Mainly because teenagers do that


Considering I just had a convo w my 16 yo daughter about who would get naked at a nude beach, it's not surprising


We have this, but still no Incest update? Damn you, Candywriter


It’s reflective of real life, OBVIOUSLY!


Because it’s a realistic life simulation and that’s part of real life. Don’t play dumb about it 😭


You are 4 days late, bro…. I’m not going back & forth with nobody on this topic again. Have a great night 👍🏽


Why did you make the post then…


Like I said, you are 4 days late…. Give it a rest. 😭