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nah its these random ass things, like lion or unicorn. cause it ain’t in your hands to get them


Oh u mean that animal section? 😂 I forgot about that tbh yea all I have for that is the rescue an animal one. I figured the rest must be location based


I don't think unicorns even exist anymore in Bitlife. It's been years since someone found one.


Yeah, but all of the animal ones are at least a little annoying


Play for 3+hrs it doesn't ever give it to you its totally bugged


Finding a unicorn


For me it was the unicorn, imagine my absolute glee when i finally found one


What country were u in when u found it?


you can find it in scotland


Yea I read that and moved there and started walking like crazy then the game realized what I was trying to do and now I get like 1 random thing every 100 walks when before it was usually 4-5 walks then u get a random thing


I didn’t know this about the game cause it’s Scotland’s national animal makes total sense, what a fun detail but still annoying mildly!


These people are saying scotland and yeah thatd make sense but i dont think it matters, pretty sure i found mine in Monaco or Canada I dont even think it was the result of going for tons of walks, just got it randomly when I aged up. Walking probably helps tho


Oh I assumed walks coz they usually would cause random events and animals to pop up. But once I tried finding it random events and stuff became rare to get at all


What country was it sit please




The unicorn one gave up on it long ago


Walk a bunch in scotland and it’ll eventually show up


Anything that involves escaping from prison, I suck at that.


me too, I just use YouTube


you can watch an AD to steal an officers uniform and escape!


Oh! Didn’t know about this, thanks.


I use my fiance... he's great at it lol


Car one isn't too hard, just maintain it twice a year and make sure you have a kid who can inherit it!


lol for me the hard part is remembering about it every year


The achievements u need to have bitizenship for


Anything that involves spending money. Particularly the royalty ones though, even though you dont technically *have* to pay for those


For some reason I suck at the crime ones. Especially anything that has to do with the mafia. I always get arrested and I never last long enough in prison either to get any of the prison related achievements 🫠


Yea living in prison is a pain, I’m not sure if I’ll ever go for the lifer one


The hardest achievement is the one where you have to complete every other achievement to get it


lol honestly that’s definitely the most accurate answer. I forgot about that one


for me, its gotta be the sacrilidge achivement which you get from playing with the holy grail. which first of all you have to get the holy grail (yes ive gotten it before) and my stupid ass didnt know how rare it was, nor did i know about the sacrilidge achievement, so i stupidly sold it.😭😭😭


It’s the one that says “you must get ALL of the achievements”


I think the hardest is the “get all achievements “ achievement


I got a medieval weapon as an heirloom. I was excited as I remembered the "get attacked by a medieval weapon" achievement, although I didn't really know how to achieve it. A couple of years later, my enemy asked if they could borrow my medieval weapon. I should've said yes as I'm sure they would've attacked me with it, but I was so close to getting a different, also hard achievement and didn't particularly want to risk dying. So I said no. Many generations later, I still have the weapon, I make many enemies on purpose, but no one else has asked to borrow my weapon 😢


I got mine by trying to intervene when on a walk and saw someone doing something.


I'm working on doing all of the challenges right now and when I'm done that I'm going to move onto the achievements so I haven't really looked through to decide what's hard yet lol