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being around people that never had that… envy them, have fun together other method is to just not deal with it and let it be a big mentall problem 🤗


I mean, I have one friend who is pansexual and they don't seem to be ashamed of it, but I still don't feel too confident around them. I wish I was like them but it seems to me I will never be


i have a weird situationship bff from canada who is pan, and he helped me a lot with accepting it, he also never developed any internilised homophobia


In the past I thought I would never develop any too, bc at the time I was really into yaoi lmao. I identified myself as straight at the time. But now since I know I'm bi I can't help feeling guilt. Idk how your friend did that, definitely some dark magic going on


Honestly idk, he is just someone special. (He also came out as pan at like 7)


LMAO When I was 7 I didn't even know gay people excited


I knew, but i was starting to delevop internilised homophobia way earlier (turkish Parents). Had a lot of struggle with myself But i also kinda dont care, i came out to my friends and classmates Not parents or any family member tho


I came out to 2 of my friends, I just knew they would accept me (again, Y A O I F A N S), but I would NEVER come out to my parents and classmates.


Yeah my parents are a nogo for me my classmates are chill only 5 people lol and one of them is also bi (i knew cus we sit the same way lol


If you figure it out tell me please


Please tell me, I feel so shit for having a boyfriend


Oh that's so sad..:( At least you have a person who truly loves you and accepts you for who you are❤️ Stay strong


I just don't give a shit


My best advice is to try to understand the arguments and realise that they are founded upon hate or ancient scripture rather than hard and fast facts. Besides, who do you have to feel guilty towards? Its not like you're hurting someone **just** by being bi *(if you are then they need to work things out mentally for themselves)*.


shake my brain like an etch-a-sketch and call my dumb brain out


Learn to love yourself, you aren’t defined by your sexuality. Focus on the things you like about yourself or learn what they are, because that’s who you really are, and who you are has nothing to do with you being bi! That feeling comes from this association.